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Thread: dragon world project 5

  1. #1

    Default dragon world project 5

    19735 23240

    this incredibly inconvenient project has:

    t1 storage.
    straight spiral
    t1 crystal shaper.

    this project is flight accessible only.. or if it isn't, the walking path there is pretty rough.
    the crystal nodes appear to be around the mountainside and in the deadlands.
    not only does that make it a bit of a pain and clearly exlcude hatchlings, it's nowhere near gems.. which does us absolutely no good.
    with the new change that requires a crystal shaper instead of a gemcutter to make lattices.. you need to drag cargo from gems to a crystal shaper. if you can't walk to this shaper.. it's useless.

  2. #2

    Default Re: dragon world project 5

    Have you actually tired walking it? The one on the titian lairs looks difficult but in reality it isn't.

    but as for it being useless.....ground disk in crsytalshaper.....make tri-cuts in your inventory, take to disk and drop in rinse and repeat til disk is full. get crystals go back and focus, make lattices.

    Just because it is useless (maybe) to the way you want to do things does not make it useless to the whole.

    And, BTW, it isn't THAT far from the gems.
    Imayo, Preceptor of Obsidian Order on Order

  3. #3

    Default Re: dragon world project 5

    Well, Tamaracaran just tried it and there IS a walk path going up that starts in Nuthala.
    Imayo, Preceptor of Obsidian Order on Order

  4. #4

    Default Re: dragon world project 5

    making tri-cuts from you inventory is a chore i don't want to do.
    this wouldn't even be an issue if they wouldn't have changed which machine the final combine for lattices requires. ><

  5. #5

    Default Re: dragon world project 5

    Complete 03/19/06.

  6. #6

    Default Re: dragon world project 5

    Quote Originally Posted by Deth
    Complete 03/19/06.

  7. #7

    Default Re: dragon world project 5

    Just would like to thank whom ever did about 80% of the work. I finish the other mine and just moved up to the next one. This one had all the corrdors already complete and just a little on the storage needing done and under half of the Crystalshaper done.

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