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Thread: WoW players?

  1. #1

    Default WoW players?

    Hi everybody,

    I have been looking at this game closely for a long long time now. I have been watching since beta actually. I saw the rather than stellar review and decided to hold off. Since then I have been throughly impressed by the advancements made in the game. At the same time, I have been playing World of Warcraft and becoming increasingly upset with Blizzard's response to the community and I have been getting increasingly tired of the drawn out timesink that is the end game. I was wondering if there are any former WoW players out here in Istaria and what they think? If not, I was wondering if I could get some feedback from the members of the community. I greatly appreciate any responses I get and look forward to what you have to say. Thanks!

  2. #2


    Best thing is to test the game on your own with the 21 day trial:

    Ingame join the Help or New Player Channel for help.
    Cerjar de Viejalcazaba - Paladin
    Rahskha - Ranger
    Farandor - Ancient Helian Dragon

    ...Realm of Unity...

  3. #3

    Default Been there done that

    I have played Wow and I personally like Horizons much better. Horizion has a community that cant be beat. The people here help make this game. Also has a great crafting selection. Please try it i dont think you will be dissapointed.

  4. #4


    I currently play WoW, and haven't yet become disenchanted with it...Still, if you are just getting into HZ, there has never been a better time...the new player game has been greatly inmproved, and for the most part the community beats the living crap out of WoW's (You'll never see a 20 minute Chuck Norris discussion in HZ)
    Ssilmath Torshak, Paladin of the Lost, Shaman of the Damned, Master Armorsmith

    My other "crack would be cheaper" hobby

  5. #5
    Member peladon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Or somewhere else...


    Ssilmath Elder. Thy blade I still bear and will till it returns to thy hand. Let that dawn be one that greets me full soon, and let thy return come in company with the Dawn Maiden.

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save the Five do Feast

  6. #6


    Sephiranoth, friend, I thank you for your words and for the keeping of my blade...Perhaps someday soon I will reclaim it from you, and fight once more by your side, but first I must go on a long journey that will take me from both Istaria and Azeroth for many months...By the time I return, the Gods may have changed the world in such a way that an old grump my awaken from his home in South Gate and spread fear and laughter through Istaria again...But who can tell?
    Ssilmath Torshak, Paladin of the Lost, Shaman of the Damned, Master Armorsmith

    My other "crack would be cheaper" hobby

  7. #7
    Member peladon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Or somewhere else...


    To the JDoobs avatar, this thing I speak. Of the lands of WoW I know nothing. Of Istaria? If ye would know the True Flame of the Gifted and the gods also, seek ye the place called Back Bay in the lands of Order. Take path along the cliffs there and as ye pass each tree, look to the sea. What each finds there is different for each, but that ye will find, ye will find. And when ye have found it, seek the Annatar and ask of them what they will tell.

    To Ssilmath Elder, this I speak. That which I am, I am, and this ye know or ye have never heard a word of my speaking ( though that itself may be fair fortune to thee!). And when ye wake again to our lands, that which is thine awaits thee, and the least of those things be metal's false claw. Thy journey is as it must be, this I know. But know ye this. I stand. I wait. And if the very mountains must fall ere the thing I bear leaves my pack, then they will fall first.

    I am spoken. Let the winds blow as they must.

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save the Five do Feast.

  8. #8


    I play both WoW and Horizons and enjoy both. When I get annoyed with the shortcomings of one of the games, I'll play the other, which is often a refreshing change.

    I do not have time to invest in the high-end instances and dungeons in WoW, but I enjoy the loot and instance gratification of completing one of their quests. I think I've played every character class, both Alliance and Horde, to at least level 20 or 30.

    Horizons offers me the chance to build (and rebuild and relocate and rebuild) to my heart's content.

    So the short answer is, both worlds offer tons of fun and frustration. It just depends on your particular stress level.
    Landowyn of Order
    The Steelworks
    Specializing in a little bit of everything

  9. #9


    I also play both WoW and Horizons. The crafting in Horizons I like, and when I wanna go out and adventure, I play WoW. Depends on the mood, tho since my WoW characters are 60 and stuck in the end-game raid cycle, I find myself coming here to do something else more often. Is nice to have some content that isn't only dungeon farming, which is really WoW's biggest weakness.

    {Helian Dragon} -------- {Order Shard} -------- {My Photo Album}

  10. #10


    Yes, to Kuwait...I leave early next month, barring an unforeseeable cancelation

    Anyways, back on topic...

    If you expect the WoW system of quests for leveling, you won't find that here for the most part...You will find a lot of mobs to fight and grind on, and with the chat channels you will be able to communicate easily even while out in the field...And the crafting beats WoW's crafting without a doubt...I still remember with anger the first time I found out I couldn't dye or custom tech the leather I was making...
    Last edited by Ssilmath; April 12th, 2006 at 01:58 PM.
    Ssilmath Torshak, Paladin of the Lost, Shaman of the Damned, Master Armorsmith

    My other "crack would be cheaper" hobby

  11. #11

    Default WoW VS HZ

    Personally, i play both. WoW has my attention currently, but when i need to just relax and play for the fun of it, i switch to HZ and work on my lair. Of Course, im a loot and pvp junkie, so my opinion may or may not reflect the views of the horizons, nor WoW crews

  12. #12



    I currently play both games. I enjoy both. Here are some things you will notice if you try Horizons:

    1. WOW uses a slot-based inventory management system. Horizons uses weight/bulk/stacks system that allows you a great deal more options for expanding your inventory capacity.

    2. WOW uses a system where you can write XML mods to modify the UI to your taste. You don't need that in Horizons - the interface is modifiable right out of the box. You can pick up any element of the UI, move it around, adjust it's properties right there on your desktop with very little effort required.

    3. WOW is positively HUGE. They have millions of players all trying to cram into a few hundred servers - lotsa mob camping and fierce competition for in game resources. Horizons has... 3 servers: Normal play, RP server, and a European 'server' (*snort*). There are a lot fewer players here... mostly because of a rather difficult first year. However as a result you'll find the community smaller, but much closer knit.

    4. I doubt I need to talk much about the crafting system. The crafting system in WOW is WEAK and PATHETIC next to the crafting system in Horizons. You'll find a completely different paradigm in crafting in the Horizons game engine. After playing WOW it may be hard to understand a game where almost EVERY item in the game... is player made. Ultimate Sword of Snazziness? Player made. Unlike a system of simply skilling up, you gain crafting levels in Horizons, just like levelling up. There are tons of crafting schools to choose from and you can try them all!

    5. Multiclassing and Prestige Schools - Horions you don't have to roll a new alt to try another class or craft. You can have a single character (excluding dragons) try any adventure or craft school that tickles your fancy. And your not limited to select classes with your chosen race. Be anything you wish. Anything that interests you... just go out and DO it.

    6. Dragons. Instead of killing the dragon... BE the dragon. 'Nuff said, I think.

    Okay, I'm stopping now. This is sounding less like a WOW/HZ comparison post and more like a sales pitch. I'll be quiet now. *hides in a hole*
    Last edited by Tigris; April 12th, 2006 at 04:17 PM.

  13. #13


    While it's pretty simplistic, there are some things I like about the crafting system in WOW. Often, in order to gain a single skill point, I would spend a great deal of time gathering the components for a single weapon or piece of armor (as a blacksmith). That, to me, felt more realistic than banging out 5,000 essence structurers and then deconning them to gain a level.
    Landowyn of Order
    The Steelworks
    Specializing in a little bit of everything

  14. #14


    Hiya Ssilmath,

    Hey, keep yer powder dry over there in Kuwait. Wait sec, it's a friggin problem with wet powder :/ Be safe my friend.
    Mortal Danger is an effective antidote for fixed ideas... Erwin Rommel

    Dulce Bellum Inexpertis

    Dog: The other white meat

    Order Server

    Heavily multiclassed Human Hunter, 'overpowered' to the nth degree of beejeezusness and damned proud of it. Nerf me, go ahead make my day

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by gopher65
    Yeah, I think everyone thinks that part of the HZ crafting system doesn't make sense. It also leads to people not being able to sell items very often cause you can simply bang out 10000 of them in an afternoon. It is very confusing why they chose to go that way instead of creating a system where you made a small number (or one) of items for large amounts of XP (and taking just as long per experience point as it currently does).
    There were also some nice quests involved in the blacksmith profession (don't know about others) which rewarded you with trinkets you could equip, and I thought that was kind of nice. One of them allowed you to choose between being an armorsmith or weaponsmith.
    Landowyn of Order
    The Steelworks
    Specializing in a little bit of everything

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