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Thread: Doomy atmosphere...

  1. #1

    Default Doomy atmosphere...

    Okay, I am a pessimist. I came from AC2 - nuff said. I've not been very long in this game and when I heard about what's actually going on on Unity, I was sure this server's life span isn't expected to be long. But I didn't think it would hit this fast...

    Okay, I've made quite a few very pessimistic posts myself already but I really don't *want* Unity to die. Heck, I am still playing there.

    But a few minutes ago it really started getting to me.

    - it has been 1,5 or 2,5 weeks now without character creation.

    - last patch failed.

    - today the first EU player reported on IRC that he did his payment but it wasn't accepted by GN. He lost his money but he can't play. He can't change payment method either. Of course, support isn't reachable via email. Looks like GN staff also stopped posting on their own forums.

    - today, one of my two guild mates asked me and the other guild mate for our email addresses - because he doesn't think we have much more time left before out lights are being switched off. He has always very optimistic ("people have been saying for two years that Unity's about to die but we are still here"). He is a famous builder on Unity - the 7 weeks I have been in game I have never seen him doing anything but build for other people or his own plot - but today he announced that he will stop taking any bigger jobs.

    All this added together really took the fun out of my gaming experience. 1 or 2 days ago I was talking to someone about Unity's future. He said I shouldn't let this all get to me as much. Every game dies sooner or later. Even WoW won't last forever. "Just have fun now, while it lasts". True - and an admirable attitude. But impossible for me right now. Yes, I am not closely as much tied to my character as most of you people are, since you have put way more work into yours.
    But I just can't get myself toplay right now. Or tomorrow, maybe. I don't know why I should put another disk worth of 75 sandstone keystone into my T2 silos if I can't be given the guarantee that these silos will be finished one day. Or even put to good use after being finished.
    I can't continue hunting the meat blights at the spot where I logged out an hour ago. Even though I am close to be a level 47 Berzerker. Because I don't know if it matters. It dies sooner or later... ok. But what if it dies in 2 weeks? Because if it does, I will cancel my account now. I have paid until 1st of May or so, but I will not continue if it dies on May 2nd. If I didn't care about my accomplishments, I would play a shooter or an adventure.

    Since TG never ever comments on Unity's state, I am 99% sure that there are legal reasons to that. Legal reasons open a lot of ground for speculation.
    But I want certainty about what happens to Proxopid deSuiz the Gifted after GN throws in the towel. Since I will only be granted certainty when this happens, I will not be seen online as much from now on. I think. I am a pessimist, and I believe in a complete character wipe on Unity. But I am a pessimist and I also love to be proven wrong. A lot. Really.

    TG - if you read this: Please save Unity's character database. Let Gn have their way with us (since you obviously can't stop them due to legal reasons), but when they are finished fulfilling their sick urges on us, please buy our characters back. Give us a new shard under your control or give us a new home on one of your shards. Even though many people will leave if they lose their plot. Do it for your rep. Even though it means nothing.

    I know you won't, I know it's the money, but every pessimist has a small optimist inside him.

    No blame on you TG - the only mistake you made in this case has two letters. And it's not you.

    edit: minor typos.
    Last edited by Proxopid; April 3rd, 2006 at 08:37 PM.

  2. #2


    Despite all the doom and gloom going on - I don't think our server will die just yet.

    Quote from GN's Unity forum:

    "Just to add a positive footnote to my previous message regarding not being able to log on....this bug now seems to have been fixed, as of today i have been able to log on ok, the first time in a week. It shows, that although silent, work is going on to fix matters. Thankyou whoever was responsible. Oh! and that problem with my payment? After another, unrelated, payment was not made last week it would seem that my credit card company may well be at fault and will be getting a call from me"

  3. #3


    GN does seem to have adopted a very 'relaxed' attitude. So relaxed that I believe that they have actually p*ssed themselves.

    I will admit that I have downloaded the US client, as Tulga have a much better attitude and approach to Horizons.


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