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Thread: Suggestion: Object interaction

  1. #1
    Member Firedragon's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    Istaria / Spires Shadow

    Lightbulb Suggestion: Object interaction

    How hard would it be to apply code to an inanimate object (a chest, rock or a pile of dirt) so that when you select it and click a special button it would trigger an effect of some kind (a line of text in the chatwindow/spawning item into inventory or spawning a monster)?
    (I'm not saying it isn't hard, I'm just asking how hard it would be and can it be done?)

    Having inanimate objects you can select and interact with could make questing and exploring more interesting.

    Example: Mr Gnome wants you to go to Old Rachival to find his chest containing some papers he needs. You find the chest and click "interact", the papers pop into you inventory and a line of text in the chat tells you to return to Mr Gnome. But at the same time you opened the chest a bunch of Necroflies spawned and start attacking you.

    This could be expanded to objects having lootwindows, sockets you have to put a crystal into to trigger next step, random world spawn treasurechests with rare items, special trigger-effects/animations and so on.

    As it seems now most explorationquests have location triggers (walking to location z:x triggers next step) which is simple and easy, but quite dull when you think about it.

    Please add your thoughts.
    In the void.
    Unity: 100/100 Lunus

  2. #2


    The devs have once or twice made a mention of chests one can loot, but their ETA hasn't been given. I presume this code could be exploited in other interactive objects. And I agree, having a chest or shelf you need to interact with to find mr Gnome's papers would be vastly more immersive than a trigger spot you walk over (with no chest or shelf in sight).

    Dragon adventurer 100 | Dragon crafter 100 | Dragon lairshaper 84

  3. #3


    Every so often we see them working on chests, just friday I think David was again. I think they have the ability now, but requires them to be put in game.

  4. #4


    Nice infos.

    I agree with the OP that such interaction would make the quests more interesting. In every SRPG i played be4 i was a chest-maniac opening all of them - even if mobs sprung out sometimes .

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