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Thread: Books, Collections, Public Libraries

  1. #1

    Default Books, Collections, Public Libraries

    id like to suggest adding books to the game; books which can be bought, looted, collected, and read by the owner as well as by others. i think players would enjoy trying to complete book collections (there is a collector slumbering in every player). and they would enjoy reading their contents, which can basically deal with everything, but would be a nice source to learn existing and upcoming lore (knowing lore and history makes players feel at home in a game world). and books would be "neutral" items/loot, with no stat boni, neither and favoring crafters or adventurers only nor a specific class, their implementation thus would not lead to the usual "x got that, now give me this" debate.

    1. how to aquire books
    a) some basic and common books, the contents of which should be common knowledge among the gifted, could be store bought, the sellers being perhaps imperial librarians opening their business in tazoon and some of the player towns. or a hermit living somewhere in the wild might sell rarer books.
    b) the rarer and more precious examples could be looted from intelligent mobs (e.g. "research of the blight" could be loot from a withered aegis spell caster, "history of the blood skulks" could be looted from blood skulks etc).
    c) quests (darkstaff tells you: "as a reward for helping me i want you to have this book. treasure it! it contains valuable blabla...")

    2. book collections
    everyone likes to collect something. the reward of having collected a series of books is simply the knowledge of the full story. book titles can be clear enough about what has to be collected ("flora and fauna of the middling lands, volume VII"). might encourage trade among the players with looted books.

    3. appearance and contents of books
    bulk 1, not stackable, with a nice little booklike icon. the blue popup window might give a more detailed description similar to the one of dragon hoardables along with subtitles, author, number of volumes if collection.
    the contents itself might be implemented using the standard npc interaction dialogue with highlighted keywords. thus if chosing "use/read book" from the icon's context menu it might open the "speech window" showing something like (text in [] being highlighted text links):

    On the Settlements of Lesser Aradoth

    [Chapter/Page 1] - Kion
    [Chapter/Page 2] - Sslanis
    [Chapter/Page 3] - Parsinia
    [Chapter/Page 4] - ...

    Selecting a page leads to the following text, e.g.:

    Chapter I - Kion

    On the northern tip of Lesser Aradoth there... blabla. ... While Sslanis will be discussed in detail in [chapter II] we can say that... blablabla. ... which shall now end our description of Kion [Return to Contents].

    4. storage of books
    with libraries now implemented, add books to the items placable in libraries. with some additional work you could add another option to library storage - a "read only" option, where a visitor to the library can view the books (not necessarily the formula stored), and read all the tales without being allowed to move, remove or otherwise modify the library storage (comparable to the situation in which you can view the contents of your vault, but cannot interact with it since you are out of range. merely the above "read book" option should be allowed).
    so players could create public libraries, giving them the opportunity to show around their treasures, and at the same time giving other players the opportunity to benefit from these places of collected in-game lore and knowledge.


    p.s. i nearly forgot to ask for elven buildings, which i always do ;)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Books, Collections, Public Libraries

    I really like this idea.
    Imayo, Preceptor of Obsidian Order on Order

  3. #3

    Default Re: Books, Collections, Public Libraries

    I honestly only read the first couple lines of your post, but I like it! I remember reading every book in the library in Myst. Loved that stuff.
    Explorer 80%
    Killer 46%
    Achiever 40%
    Socializer 33%

  4. #4

    Default Re: Books, Collections, Public Libraries

    i must say i love this idea [:)]

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  5. #5

    Default Re: Books, Collections, Public Libraries

    I live the idea a lot, but sorta envision it working a bit differently.
    Lets say you make, buy or loot a T1-6 Binding (this is the base item and determines max number of pages you can store). Since TG is capable of applying techs after an item is created each page or story could be a tech you put on that book. Each town could sell a history of themselves, as well as stories and lore from around the world, and you keep applying pages and adding more and more stories.

    The only difficulty I think would be reading the book after in a controlled maner, but to me this way seems a much nicer and neater way to collect things, without killing our stack limits even more.

  6. #6


    Nice idea, Con. Books can really help set the mood for the game world.

    I would especially like to be able to collect the editions in a set, then make a completed item akin to a Bitter Pickle Bottle Cap Collection. Then stick the whole thing into my library as one item.

    Allowing other players to browse your stacks would be an excellent edition to this system. Perhaps that could be incorporated into the new furniture whenever that comes out.

    I would also love to see other types of collections. All tier I trophies makes one set for instance. Another collectible set could be tier II dragon hoardables. Perhaps they could be required components in the construction of new household decorations.
    Hlano Nitro, Chaos

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mia's Edge - Chaos


    Great idea, hope the dev's give it some serious thought. I would love to have a collection of books, esp if you can read them or get game lore from them.
    Segorian_Bounty - Elder Adult Dragon - Chaos
    Mearis - Saris - All around biped crafter - Chaos
    ....Toooo many alts to list them all

  8. #8


    Oooo a grand idea! And might I offer a bit of a suggestion to tack onto this idea... Might the dev gods hold contest for short story writing and those who win or are deemed worthy enough have their "short story" entered into a book and added to the world to be found! That would please me greatly!

  9. #9


    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

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