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Thread: PvP in Istaria?

  1. #1

    Default PvP in Istaria?

    I don't really know where else to write this.
    I have heard some rumors that Horizons will be going all PvP all the time. Iv'e also seen some very good ideas on how to handle PvP.

    Here is another idea:
    Players default to be in a state of non PvP just like they are today. I am suggesting they have to go talk to a NPC who flips the player's state to PvP. This allows the player to cast spells and attack other PvP players anywhere any time. It also keeps those who don't want to participate in PvP, out of that type of action. Because non PvP characters can't be targeted in combat.

    Another NPC could change a PvP character to a non PvP one.

    This will prevent someone who just wants to play the game or craft or what ever, from being ambushed.

  2. #2


    Oh really.
    You just described one of the best ways to introduce griefing into the game.
    Person A is a non PVP. Person B a griefer.
    B harrasses A enormously, until the point A is fed up a goes to your NPC to switch to PVP to learn B a lesson. However B coward as he is ammasses some more PK/Griefers and A is killed on the spot.
    A gets his guild into this to learn B a lesson. However B rapidly switches back to Non Pvp. And continues his taunting.
    Rinse repeat.
    Many more scenarios can be thought of.
    Yep we could have griefers in game now. But the community that has grown on the shards, is more mature in this matters and will quickly report such griefers. However the number of griefers flocking to Horizons will be to much to report all. And since we are with so few, banning a lot of players will be refreigned from as they to pay the bill.

    Due to the lack of PvP (except the Arena) Horizons has one of the best communities around. Introduce Pvp and I am certain: 1. Hormone crazed teen PK/Grievers will find Horizons irresistable to come and haunt our shards.
    2. Everything will be catered to make Pvp balanced leaving no time for the devs to do anything else for the majority of the players. Who came here partly due to the lack of PvP.
    There is already enough stuff to fix the next 2 years for EI. Don't add things on the platter that a majority of the players clearly does not wish and isn't interested in.

    Horizons is build as a PVE environment. Don't add PvP. A world has to be designed with that in mind, not adapt everything afterwards to it.


  3. #3
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobro
    I don't really know where else to write this.
    I have heard some rumors that Horizons will be going all PvP all the time.
    If everybody would STOP listening to rumors or STOP reacting to rumors the world would be such a better place.

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  4. #4
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    Let put it this way, the only way I heard PvP was gonna get introduced was in a arena they where gonna make that people who wanted to bash one another brains could there, away from everyone else.

    I dislike PvP highly, I never understood why everyone got such a great joy from running for there lives from a guy who is 20 levels higher. -_-

    That and at least with an Arena its the players choice to chop one anothers heads off(bite in my case), instead of flying in the air and going, "Holly Neil! That guy nearly took my tail off when I was hunting, wtf!?"

  5. #5


    If they had a flag, (several games have had PvP flags in the past) and some idiot is bugging you to turn it on, put him on /ignore. End of problem.

    If they DID have a flag (and there's no reason to think they're even considering it -- wild rumors don't count) they'd have to put in safeguards. This has been well known in other games. EQ's safeguard was the flag could not be removed. Once you turned it on you were +PvP for the life of your character. After a few months you NEVER saw someone with that flag on.

    AC allowed you to turn it off. Their safeguard was that you couldn't have killed anyone for something like six hours beforehand and you could only do it in an altar in some remote dungeon WAY out in the middle of nowhere (which, considering it was AC, was saying something). There were griefers there -- the griefing I heard about was someone would guard that altar. The only way to get to the altar would be to kill him, thus resetting the timer and making sure you couldn't go non-PvP. PvP was more popular there and I for one was never bothered by it. At the time I was playing, a couple guilds were really into PvP and the rest of us (the non-PvP folks) just ignored them. It seemed to work out well.

    EQ of course had dueling which I found somewhat more annoying. I'd occasionally get pestered by people to duel. If I didn't know them I'd just say no and that was usually the end of it. Some friends liked to duel and some could be persistent. I ended up dueling a few times but it was never a big issue. One guy used it to show me the effect of some uber item he had, figuring experiencing it was better then describing it I guess. Of course I first had to beat him senseless (even though I was 10 levels below him with equipment that was junk by his standards, I don't think he was expecting that) by taking advantage of their ridiculous combat system. That was so I wouldn't have to deal with that kind of crap from him in the future because I'm really not into PvP.

    However, I never had any serious problem with PvP on non-PvP servers even though I'm really not into PvP. The most I'd worry about would be race/class balancing for PvP which would mess up non-PvP gameplay.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    It has already been stated that there will not be PvP introduced in Istaria (other then the existing arena). Largely due to the facts that EI would have to balance all combat classes, which would highly upset more people then they would attract because of the changes to their favorite classes. So, no need to try to start rumors. The vast majority of players want NO pvp at all, then the Arena went live with the disclaimer that there would be no class balancing vs each other, and it was for fun for those who wished to participate in PVP. The few PvPers out there, you have the arena. No need to spread rumors for changes regarding PvP.
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