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Thread: Deuh! .. Question to web master

  1. #1

    Default Deuh! .. Question to web master

    I notice in the "the moderator" topic I cannot edit my text and in other I can. I taugth the only way that "edit and add" be not available is when a topic was lock by a moderator, which does not seem the case.

    I guess it's murphy playing tricks on me
    Nalrach, Healer & Guardian, Member of the "Iron Circle" guild
    Ramti, Friendly draggy trying to wake-up from long nap.

  2. #2


    Nalrach, if I'm not mistaken, there is a timer associated with the ability to edit your posts. After that timer expires, you no longer have the ability to edit.

    And before you ask, I don't know what the current timer amount is.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Dravatar
    Nalrach, if I'm not mistaken, there is a timer associated with the ability to edit your posts. After that timer expires, you no longer have the ability to edit.

    And before you ask, I don't know what the current timer amount is.
    Why was that added in? If somebody forgets one tiny little(important) thing, and don't catch it for a while, they have to double post? Isn't double posting against forum etiquette?
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  4. #4


    I don't know, Viz.

    I think that double posting means posting the same thing in several threads. That's how I've seen that interpretated before.

    There is no reason to completely copy a previous post to just add that "one tiny little(important) thing" in my opinion. You can always include an "Oh BTW" post in the thread and include quotes from your origianal post. That should clear up any confusion you're trying to correct.

  5. #5


    I think that's the case on a number of boards I frequent. It might have been on the old boards too, I don't recall specifically though.

    And I have no idea why, unless it adds resources to leave posts editable, perhaps it's similar to RAM versus HD space as an analogy.

    Could also be that if they're stored in a database, depending on the datatype, i.e., variable length char versus fixed length, they get moved from a temporary table into a larger table where they don't want the record size to change.

    I know in Oracle tables, because of the way that records are written into the table, you want to avoid having modifications to variable length character fields because the field that gets modified gets replaced with a pointer to another location in storage (hard disk space) where the field data is written. Each time this happens, the previous data gets replaced with these "pointers". That leads to a slowdown in the accessibility of the data, the records are fragmented into many different locations and it creates inefficiencies.

    Of course, all this is moot if that's not the reason. So purely a hypothesis on my part .

  6. #6


    By double posting I mean posting twice in the same thread without somebody else posting between you. In most forums I frequent(which I admit may not reflect the vast majority of forums, but keep with me) it's very frowned upon to post twice in a row in the same thread, anybody who does generally gets a warning and is asked to edit their previous post.
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  7. #7


    Perhaps I'm getting double and cross posting confused then.

    The point here is that currently, for these forums, there is a timer on the ability to edit. After that, you must post again.

    Perhaps a post in the Suggestions thread for the Board Administrators?

  8. #8


    I understand why they do it... this wya no one can "say" something then be berated... and all of a sudden change their post and acti nnocent without anyone knowing. That's what I assume they put it there to prevent.

    Now... i personally dislike this idea... It makes writing RP type things in the RP sections, long stories or what not, very difficult. Especially if I forget something and want to add it in there later.... an "oh btw post" won't work in that case. =/

  9. #9


    I noticed this shortly after the new boards went up, and if I remember rightly Ophelea or Dotcher advised that the timer to edit your posts is 1/2 hour.
    Before you criticize anyone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then, when you criticize him, you'll be a mile away. And you'll have his shoes.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Tantalyr
    ... if I remember rightly Ophelea or Dotcher advised that the timer to edit your posts is 1/2 hour.
    Could be quite possibly a new feature, because post I could edit last week, and the one I was comparing earlyer .. none I can edit now.

    To bad because since english is not my main language often I did edit my post because of spelling or way I phrase thing.
    Nalrach, Healer & Guardian, Member of the "Iron Circle" guild
    Ramti, Friendly draggy trying to wake-up from long nap.

  11. #11


    Yes, the edit time limti should be 30 minutes. It was when this forum was put up, and is in effect again, it appears. Back when EII pulled the forum for maintenance and removed some sections, the time limit got nulled and you could, for some days, edit any of your old posts no matter when it had been posted.

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