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Thread: Whats the funniest thing that has happened to you in Horizons?

  1. #21


    I've heard about that that still possible, or is it just a dream to kill off Nadia again? *remembers all the coin he's wasted on the less-than-appreciative wench*

    EDIT: I fergot how ta spell again!
    Maneso - The ONLY Half-Giant Dwarven Saris on Order (semi-retired)
    Keltchamn - The Glorious Goddess of Gold

  2. #22


    Not one of the funiest things, I cannt sum up all there , but a most recent one.....

    As some players know, most of the time I play with friends at home. One of them, (Disi) is not that smart and I've to tell him things over and over again. No much of a problem because he is a sweetie and you can have a good laugh with him.
    I made a chat channel "I-Am-Gay" and invited him. ^_^
    After I saw him join I left ofc ;-)
    The rest of the evening he was in that chat unable to find out how he should leave it :-). Even after rebootin' the pc he was still in it... :-P
    From now on he reads dialog (popups) better I hope.

    Further is the changed aggro funy because the ruxus are agressive as hell now and they follow you 'till Bristugo if you dont use sprint.
    Royall on Order / Royal_wind_unity, Royall on Chaos
    Dinsdag on EU-Evernight (LOTRO)

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