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Thread: Quote Moved so as not to derail the other thread.

  1. #1

    Default Quote Moved so as not to derail the other thread.

    I didn't want to derail the other thread, but this sort of thing is just nasty and hurtful and I feel it needs an 'antidote' reply.

    Quote Originally Posted by zayin
    sorry to derail a thread but i am sorry to say can peaches please log out as forum mod and post her feelings on a seperate account? as it stands now i cannot put her on ignore.
    If you don't want to derail the thread then why did you make this post on it? Your post has nothing to do with the thread topic and Peaches had posted no personal opinions on the thread in which you posted this. Her only 2 posts on that thread were modding posts, which no user of these forums has the right to ignore.

    Quote Originally Posted by zayin
    sorry but that does sound harsh but honestly i could care less what "peaches" the player has to say since this is EI boards i will go with the mod part but i think its in her and everybody's best interest to keep things seperate.
    Since Peaches the player hasn't posted anything in that thread, what exactly are you trying to keep separate?

    Quote Originally Posted by zayin
    dunno what you said bkbanzi but i choose to keep it that way.and i should have the same right for any mod..
    No, you shouldn't. You have no right at all to ignore posts by the mods of any forum you sign up to. If you don't like their opinions on something then don't read them - posters names are clearly written next to their posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by zayin
    i will not make a political statement but ******** i feel sorry for you all. none the less i should not have to listen to the "peaches" view point if i do not want to.
    Why do you feel sorry for the rest of us? Beacuse we're able to differentiate between a 'modding' post and a 'personal opinion' post and you aren't?
    Beacuse we're mature enough to be able to read another person's opinion, regardless of their levels or rating in game, or them being a moderator of a forum, be it this or any other?

    Interesting criteria you have for choosing which posts are worth reading - if someone is a forum mod then you automatically don't want to read their opinion on anything? If she makes a post under the name "Fred" and you know it's Peaches, are you then going to put Fred on ignore, regardless of what he says, just because you know it's Peaches nom de plume?
    What other criteria do you have? Anyone below or above a certain rating or level isn't worth reading? Anyone whose posted something you didn't like on another forum? Anyone whom you disagree with on these forums? Or is just anyone in a position with the slightest bit of authority? Guess you'd better put anyone who's a Guild Leader on ignore too then. How about anyone who's a moderator on another forum?

    I can't decide whether you're trying to start a flame war, trying to derail the other thread, immature, or just downright mean. Or maybe just attention-seeking.
    Last edited by Rhyssa; September 16th, 2006 at 07:40 AM.
    I'm a biped. Even when I look like a dragon, I'm a biped.

  2. #2


    I am sick and tired of people attacking Peaches. For a long time now she has done nothing but the best for this game, and more than that the community. She has as much right to a opinion about this game as any of the rest of us here, and maybe even more so since she donates her time to help. It's disgusting that she can't post anything anymore without somebody popping in to attack her.

    Peaches please don't let these attacks get ya down, the community here loves what you do for them....but as is almost always the case here its the vocal minority that get noticed.
    100/100 Dragon
    140/186 rated Sslisk


  3. #3


    While I do not agree with the nastiness of those posts and didn't see any reason for them in that specific thread, I personally think it is a very good idea if a mod posts under 2 identities, one for mod, one for personal opinion.

    Several times readers have mistaken personal opinions of Peaches and hopes she expressed as indications that she had access to specific internal EII information.

    To use 2 identities would avoid confusion. I'm all for it.
    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

  4. #4


    I can see your point Snickel, but Im always amazed by those who think mods even influence anything in-game. 90% of forum moderators are generally volunteers who don't even have contact with the devs; they merely follow the forum rules and enforce them. I understand Peaches does have a line to them, which is probably why she gets so much grief. The other 10% of forum moderators are generally either actual devs, or the Website Admins for the company.

    All I have to say, is that if someone doesn't care what any other player thinks about the game (which is the impression I got from one of the quotes; either that or purposeful discrimination against Peaches) then why read a forum? That's what forums are for; other peoples opinions and suggestions.

    I just hope everything settles down soon; I've only been here since March but it seemed back then that everyone on here got on well with each other, but since the takeover there has been nothing but snipes and cheapshots. I just hope this is people taking their worries out about the takeover on others and that it'll settle back down soon.

  5. #5

    Default Here is the scoop

    I chose , when I came on board as admin, to not hide behind another poster name. And I have continued that practice up to now and will continue to do so, As with all our moderators, they too, have one posting and moderator name. We, as moderators, have the right to post on the boards, and be a part of the community. Henceforth, if you wish not to read my post or another moderators post, please feel free to skip by it,.

    Since this message and topic is rather important, I am not going to lock the thread. Just keep it civil please.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Peaches
    I chose , when I came on board as admin, to not hide behind another poster name. And I have continued that practice up to now and will continue to do so, As with all our moderators, they too, have one posting and moderator name. We, as moderators, have the right to post on the boards, and be a part of the community. Henceforth, if you wish not to read my post or another moderators post, please feel free to skip by it,.

    Since this message and topic is rather important, I am not going to lock the thread. Just keep it civil please.
    I think you didn't see my point, Peaches.

    Its not a matter of 'hiding' behind a forum name -- on the contrary. Keeping mod posts and personal posts separate is a step towards clarification. Nothing keeps you from indicating that moderaator Peaches and the other nickname are one and the same person. Thats not what this is about.

    Just one example: If you post "You should not do this (insert a player or poster action here)" it is not clear whether that 'should' refers to an actual EII rule which you state in your function as moderator or just reflects your personal stand on this matter.

    I certainly want you to be part of this community, as the person you are and as a moderator. Heck, I even want you double in this community, how's that?
    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

  7. #7

    Default In that case,

    then posting the rule would take care of that problem.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by snickel
    Just one example: If you post "You should not do this (insert a player or poster action here)" it is not clear whether that 'should' refers to an actual EII rule which you state in your function as moderator or just reflects your personal stand on this matter.
    If "this" refers to an ingame action, then obviously it's a personal opinion. As has been stated time and again, Peaches and the other mods are players who volunteer their time to moderate these boards. If "this" refers to a board rule then she probably wouldn't say "You should not do this". She'd say "Doing 'this' is against forum rules". I think most users of these forums know the rules and a lot of them will even tell said poster that 'this' is against the rules even before Peaches gets a chance to do so.
    I'm a biped. Even when I look like a dragon, I'm a biped.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Peaches
    then posting the rule would take care of that problem.
    Personnally I'm probably missing the point, but the rules are exposed in .. and

    Their is also one been posted aboit writting info on exploit ...

    So to me, the basic guidance are all there, and don't see what all the fuss is about.
    Nalrach, Healer & Guardian, Member of the "Iron Circle" guild
    Ramti, Friendly draggy trying to wake-up from long nap.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Rhyssa
    If "this" refers to an ingame action, then obviously it's a personal opinion. As has been stated time and again, Peaches and the other mods are players who volunteer their time to moderate these boards. If "this" refers to a board rule then she probably wouldn't say "You should not do this". She'd say "Doing 'this' is against forum rules". I think most users of these forums know the rules and a lot of them will even tell said poster that 'this' is against the rules even before Peaches gets a chance to do so.
    We are thinking of different types of readers here. You present the reader who takes his/her time to check if what a moderator posts counts as a moderator action or as a personal opinion. But sometimes readers do not act that sophisticated - maybe because tempers run high at the moment.

    Why make it harder on the reader? Why risk the danger of misunderstanding and confusion? Why bring the probability of false alarms into something that could be clearly defined?

    Since the disadvantage of posting under 2 identities has not been made clear to me so far (and I do not speak about 'hiding behind another identity', why not have 'Peaches' and 'Peaches_here' for example) I fail to understand that attitude.

    Communication means that each side does his/her best to avoid misunderstandings. Yes, the recipient has a responsibility as well, but I think here is an instance when the sender could do better.
    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Rhyssa
    Interesting criteria you have for choosing which posts are worth reading - if someone is a forum mod then you automatically don't want to read their opinion on anything? If she makes a post under the name "Fred" and you know it's Peaches, are you then going to put Fred on ignore, regardless of what he says, just because you know it's Peaches nom de plume?
    What other criteria do you have? Anyone below or above a certain rating or level isn't worth reading? Anyone whose posted something you didn't like on another forum? Anyone whom you disagree with on these forums? Or is just anyone in a position with the slightest bit of authority? Guess you'd better put anyone who's a Guild Leader on ignore too then. How about anyone who's a moderator on another forum?
    with this being the case perhaps he has already put us all on ignore and this thread is entirely pointless I myself dont bother with the ignore butten becuase well i havent seen a good enough reason to do so
    and since this is kinda the point of this thread i will say that I dont always agree with what the thread mods say or do but they havent severly broken the forum so they must be doing something right
    Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Dragons For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketsup
    Ssafire-lvl 100 Cleric, 100 Bloodmage, 100 Mage, 100 Druid, 90 Monk, Saris
    Safiretalon-lvl 66 dragon adventurer, lvl 32 dragon crafter, lvl 14 dragon lairshaper.
    Guild: Dark Defenders
    Horizons player since: December 21st 2003

  12. #12


    Hard on the readers? harder to understand and be confused?

    Maybe I've been thinking too highly of folks around here....

  13. #13


    Its not all that hard to realize that Peaches is a player just like you and I.

    The only difference between her and I, or her and you, is that she was seen as being a good civil player, who handles situations well for the most part, and was entrusted with a moderator account on this messageboard.

    She is not an employee of any sort (that I know of?) of Tulga, or EI, and was 100% voluntary.

    Her opinions have the same amount of weight as my own opinions, and your opinions. Its not too terribly hard to figure out, and its not "confusing" IMO. Its kinda ilke those warning lables you see strapped all over everything. On a bag of microwave popcorn: "Caution: Bag and Contents are Hot"... naaah, you don't say!? I put something in the microwave for nearly Five minutes, and its Hot!? Wha? How can this be!?

    *rolls eyes* Common sense, people.... common sense. Please use it.


  14. #14


    Okay, this will be my last post in this thread and my last effort to try to get my point across.

    I'm talking about role-confusion.

    Try to think of the following situation: Your best friend is also your boss. Every time he talks to you he could do this either in the boss or in the friend role. Wouldn't it be a real help for you if (to use a silly example) he'd put a red hat on if he spoke to you in 'boss-role' and a green one if he spoke as a friend?
    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

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