Quote Originally Posted by Khargu Wildeye
Yes, all attempts to cancel subscriptions return error, yet if I try to log into the account, it returns as closed. Credit Card continues to be billed. Trying one more time to go through the proper channels, before I have to dispute this thing with my CC company.

Belay my Last, I saw the contact number for Pay by Touch, and they fixed it for me and refunded the last two months charges. My apologies to EI Interactive, since Pay by Touch appears to be the one that erred.

Endeavor to persevere
Do you have a number for Pay by touch? I'm in the same spot as you. Have been billed for the past two months after trying to cancel. I keep emailing EI to no avail. Any post I've made on the subject has been quickly deleted. If it is PBT to blame, I want to make sure I have the right company, as a google search revealed some company that was working with biometric sensors for secure transactions.
