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Thread: Rants

  1. #1

    Default Rants

    Please bring back the Rant area. Have several things to rant about and would like to voice them. Will not do that in this thread. Just making a suggestion.

  2. #2


    I second the motion. We need a place to vent. Right now, there isn't a place for it here. Maybe if there was a place, people could work whatever it is out of their systems and keep the rest of the forum clean.

    What is better? Chaos and negativity in one place that is designated for that, or having it spewed all over?

  3. #3
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Germany / Bavaria


    yes would be good

    the registration for new accounts is still deactivated, so only the small (and diminishing) number of users could rant

  4. #4

    Default Rants

    We don't need rants, there are plenty of boards outside the scope of these boards, that have rants. Even when we had rants, they still took place in the general boards.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Peaches
    there are plenty of boards outside the scope of these boards
    Perhaps then, you should link to them so those wishing to rant know where to go.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Peaches
    We don't need rants, there are plenty of boards outside the scope of these boards, that have rants. Even when we had rants, they still took place in the general boards.
    Peaches, I respect you but, I do believe there is a need for a rants. Somethings need to be voiced and be recognized as problems and a good venting everyonce in awhile is good for the well being.

  7. #7

    Default Just a note

    That was my own personal opinion only, I am a part of the community as a poster too.

  8. #8


    I respectfully disagree about having Rants return.

    For the most part, all they did was berate something over and over again ad nauseum. If something could be done about it, it would already be done. There is no sense in griping about things you can't have any effect on. You either put up with it and continue to play or leave. It's that simple.

    I don't mean to be rude about this, but to me, it has been proven many times over that the community can't follow the rules about posting over controversial issues related to the game. With everyone having differing levels of sensitivity about things and a reduced moderator staff to boot, it's just not worth it to risk another debacle like occurred before where the forums were shut down.

    If those that wish to Rant among themselves want to use PM's, go for it, or as Peaches suggests, use another forum.
    Flsssssh Rsssssst
    The appointed "Rhyming Rhapsodizer" of Blight
    Former Guild Leader of Blight's Conclave of Shadows

  9. #9


    Stepping off the moderator's chair for a minute and just being me, I tend to agree that we should have a Rants forum again.

    Though I wholeheartedly agree with FleshRoast that there is no sense in griping about things repeatedly ad nauseum, and also that it has been proven many times over that the community in general can't follow the rules about posting over controversial issues related to the game, yet by the very same token they've also proven that they have an inner drive to do it and to do it here where they feel the powers-that-be (or at least the folk who might understand what they are babbling about) may have a chance of seeing it. I can understand that.

    Steelclaw makes an excellent point that it is better to have the chaos and negativity in one place that is designated for that rather than having it spewed all over. When we did have a Rants forum, I never ever went there and I know I'm not the only person who avoided it. Folk like me were spared from seeing that type of thing by knowing where it would be found. And yes, people did post it occasionally in the wrong place, but it's an easy task to move it to the right one.

    I personally would want a special, separate Rants moderator (that is NOT ME) to handle the rules enforcement though. If a suitable, fair person with a good sense of humor and enough time to keep a tight lid on it could be found to handle moderation, I'd be very much in favor of seeing it return. If not, then no.
    Eileen Mavourneen, Fury of Feladan, Remembers Ilvoldi Evanar

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