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Thread: Why I Still Play

  1. #1

    Default Why I Still Play

    I'm an active player of Horizons. I've been slammed on many another board as a "blind fanboi" and "immoral" (!) for continuing to play this game. So I thought I'd take a moment to explain why I continue to log in every single day that I can . . .

    First, a bit of demographics, just to explain my "world view" . . . I'm an old fart. I'll be 51 in a few months. And to put it in the vernacular of most polls--my education is Graduate School or better (Law School) and my annual family earnings are $125K plus.

    So here's the combination of things that keeps me logging in to Horizons.

    No PvP--That's important to me. I have no desire to measure my real life privates by virtually murdering other players. Nor do I have any desire to listen to testosterone-challenged players pump up their miserable real lives by trash-talking folks into PvP. I'm pretty confident in what I do in real life--I don't need an escapist GAME to make me feel better about myself.

    Multi-Classing--I can be what I want to be, just with one character. I don't have to roll 10 different characters so I can have one to melee, one to be a spellslinger, one to make armor, one to make weapons, and so on.

    Community--Without doubt, it's the best I've ever seen in any MMORPG. I started my MMORPG "career" with Ultima Online now some eight years ago. And I gathered from that game that griefing was the "norm" in any MMORPG. But after drifting from MMORPG to MMORPG after I cancelled my accounts on UO, I landed here. And found out how wrong I was. I daresay the player base here is higher educated, earns more annual income, and is more mature on average than any MMORPG out there.

    Yes, we have our jerks. Yes, we have our drama kings and queens. But by golly, I'd stand arm in arm with 99.9% of everyone logging into this game daily. And I'd be proud to do it.

    Yes, we have our problems. We have a code that in the words of a former chief developer is a "bowl of spaghetti." Yes, we have naysayers who have predicted (wished?) this game's demise since a couple days after launch.

    But ya know what? I'll be here til they pull the plug on the servers. Because there is nothing out there now that has half what this game has.
    Before you criticize anyone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then, when you criticize him, you'll be a mile away. And you'll have his shoes.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Tantalyr
    I'm an active player of Horizons. I've been slammed on many another board as a "blind fanboi" and "immoral" (!) for continuing to play this game. So I thought I'd take a moment to explain why I continue to log in every single day that I can . . .

    We do have that in commen eh?

    First, a bit of demographics, just to explain my "world view" . . . I'm an old fart. I'll be 51 in a few months. And to put it in the vernacular of most polls--my education is Graduate School or better (Law School) and my annual family earnings are $125K plus.

    Not quite in that bracket, but am happy in real life. Haha, am older than you NYUCK NYUCK!

    So here's the combination of things that keeps me logging in to Horizons.

    No PvP--That's important to me. I have no desire to measure my real life privates by virtually murdering other players. Nor do I have any desire to listen to testosterone-challenged players pump up their miserable real lives by trash-talking folks into PvP. I'm pretty confident in what I do in real life--I don't need an escapist GAME to make me feel better about myself.

    Multi-Classing--I can be what I want to be, just with one character. I don't have to roll 10 different characters so I can have one to melee, one to be a spellslinger, one to make armor, one to make weapons, and so on.

    Community--Without doubt, it's the best I've ever seen in any MMORPG. I started my MMORPG "career" with Ultima Online now some eight years ago. And I gathered from that game that griefing was the "norm" in any MMORPG. But after drifting from MMORPG to MMORPG after I cancelled my accounts on UO, I landed here. And found out how wrong I was. I daresay the player base here is higher educated, earns more annual income, and is more mature on average than any MMORPG out there.

    Couldnt have said that any better myself!

    Yes, we have our jerks. Yes, we have our drama kings and queens. But by golly, I'd stand arm in arm with 99.9% of everyone logging into this game daily. And I'd be proud to do it.

    Yes, we have our problems. We have a code that in the words of a former chief developer is a "bowl of spaghetti." Yes, we have naysayers who have predicted (wished?) this game's demise since a couple days after launch.

    But ya know what? I'll be here til they pull the plug on the servers. Because there is nothing out there now that has half what this game has.

    Yup Tantalyr, I be here til the lights are shut off.
    Last edited by Peaches; December 12th, 2006 at 09:40 AM.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Tantalyr

    No PvP--That's important to me. I have no desire to measure my real life privates by virtually murdering other players. Nor do I have any desire to listen to testosterone-challenged players pump up their miserable real lives by trash-talking folks into PvP. I'm pretty confident in what I do in real life--I don't need an escapist GAME to make me feel better about myself.
    just me, but when i hear someone say i dont like to pvp i dont instantly think he/shes a wuss. i like to pvp its fun even though i suck. if i play a game long enough i eventually get to be average to above average but it takes a lot of time.

    you seem to want lump pvpers into one category, no big deal that can be pretty easy with game communities.

    now, my real problem with your statement and why i responded. its cool that you dont need to show off e-nether region, make up for miserable life, or just plain need to kill other players to make your self feel good. why is it so important to you that everyone else knows it?

    you dont like pvp, leave it at that. perhaps people will call you a carebear or say u suck, what do you care?(refer to your quoted statement above if the answer slips your mind)

  4. #4


    *gives the old dwarf a big, regardful, violet hug*

    you`re not alone here with your opinions

  5. #5


    hey, that post reminds me on all the "I'll stay on unity"-Posts in the past..
    Not a good thing to see that happen on the NA-shards, too...

    But I'll stay here, too... just yesterday I again realised how much I care for sooo many individuals of our little community... It would really sadden me to leave anyone of them behind...
    I wanna be ancient. Why is there no ARoP for Saris?

  6. #6
    Member Sigi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Chaos (Unity (Ice))


    Quote Originally Posted by Garfonso
    hey, that post reminds me on all the "I'll stay on unity"-Posts in the past..
    You take the words out of my mouth or my thoughts out of my head.

    For the rest I agree with Tantalyr.

    Personally I do soooo hope to reach at least one class at lvl 100 (lol, I started april 2004, so you could say I had plenty of time...) before Unity stops.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  7. #7


    I have the opposite problem.

    For me is not why I still play, but about the HORROR I have to have to stop because of some dumb occurrance in real life caused by mis-management and the likes that makes the game close.

    It's gripping me, I want to play Horizons forever, yet I can't force myself to log in often (once I played 18 hours a day and I'd return doing it) because I have always that feeling that "why make an huge lair if Unity could close by 15 days forever")?

  8. #8
    Member Sigi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Chaos (Unity (Ice))


    Quote Originally Posted by vahrokh_the_ancient
    It's gripping me, I want to play Horizons forever, yet I can't force myself to log in often (once I played 18 hours a day and I'd return doing it) because I have always that feeling that "why make an huge lair if Unity could close by 15 days forever")?
    Oh, dear, don't go the why... if.. path.
    You could stop doing anything because why do xxx if you could get run over by a bus tomorrow, or the next hour. Do things for (and in) the now, not for the future because that future is never sure.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  9. #9


    Hola Tant

    I think criticising PvPers and grouping them all together lowers yourself to their level. And you are very prone to flexing your e-muscles (or muscle, hehe) - you just do it in a different way.

    I kind of agree with the rest of what you say, although again I see no need to group together every other game - especially as you haven't played a good lot of them. There are games out there with amazing communities, as good as this one - I had a great time at The Realm, Ryzom, smaller even like Lunatix Online - even AC2 had a good bunch. Strangely it seems the more doomed, the nicer they are - as all the naysayers and nere do wells have moved on to the next shiny thing

    I left because I thought the plug would be pulled and it would hurt, but now I figure "what the hell?" I'm happier here than elsewhere, so will probably stay to the bitter end to. Just don't expect me to start a Hz Refugees message board afterwards!

    So Tant, still defending Bush? ;p

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Sigi
    Oh, dear, don't go the why... if.. path.
    You could stop doing anything because why do xxx if you could get run over by a bus tomorrow, or the next hour. Do things for (and in) the now, not for the future because that future is never sure.
    But if I was hearing about a mad bus driver who was running people over or had my cards read and they said I would get run over by a bus tomrrow or I saw the bus barreling down on me as I approched the road I would think twice about crossing that road.

    Same here some of us have seen the "bus" and no we do not know for sure if it will hit us or not but we still worry that it may hit us.

    Also along those line sSome are out ther trying to push someone into the road, I think few then most want to belive, and some of us are yelling at the people who are stepping into the road with out looking, but those people look on us that are trying to warn as the same as those that pushed them so ignore us too. But heres hoping someone can talk to the Bus driver and wake him up so he can see where he is headed and can avoid the coming crash.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by algenon
    So Tant, still defending Bush? ;p
    Hrm, umm, on a few things anyway . . . .

    (Best to take this to another board where I can eat "Rightful Crow")
    Before you criticize anyone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then, when you criticize him, you'll be a mile away. And you'll have his shoes.

  12. #12


    Horizons is the first online game I ever played -- but since the person I live with plays lots of other games I get at least second hand experience with EVE, WOW, EQ1 and 2, Ryzom, Lineage II,.... well, I'll stick with horizons. Because I just love to see dragons, I like to craft and see structures pop into being, and I like to craft as many things as possible, therefore crafter-multiclassing is a boon for me.

    As for pvp -- its not for me. But I have seen that a good community and pvp can indeed happen in the same game, see for example EVE.

    The reason why I don't like pvp is that I'm a sucker for justice and a horribly bad loser. If someone griefed me I would indeed spend hours -- nay days or weeks to hunt that miserable creature who had done me wrong. I couldn't help it, I just know myself. And life is too short for such nonsense. So I avoid pvp games like the devil avoids holy water.
    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

  13. #13


    Same Hear i am a Full year and a few months but never the less i wont log Epion on Untill i can Pay becaus i do not want to chance some of the intreaging bugs and Epion i made it a point to help out all New players all they need to do is ask for assistance and i an right over there Heads ']
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by lightning claw
    (...) i made it a point to help out all New players all they need to do is ask for assistance and i an right over there Heads ']
    Right over their heads, hmm? And what about your signature 'watch where you step, death from above' heh....

    But I hope your account trouble gets sorted out ASAP and Epion can haunt the game again.
    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

  15. #15


    /agree with Tant Even though some of us don't have the time to log in right now, we keep our subs active out of loyalty for a game we've come to view as one of the best. For a community that has become family, and for elements that don't exsist in other games and probably never will. This game is better for it's lack of pvp. My sub will be active until such time as Istaria ceases to exsist. Ahura

  16. #16

    Default Right On!!

    Play something else?.. NEVER!!

    Folks come back all the time even if its just to say Hi... We're here.. and the lights are on.
    As a Cleric of Harden I am duty bound to teach you his ways.
    or kill you trying!

  17. #17


    plant a tree, build a house, make a child..... and play HZ

    Nobody knows when things will end, nor how.

    Until then: LIVE -open-eyed, concious and fearless.

  18. #18


    I'd say I'll be here till the lights go off. that was always my intent as I love this game. Unfortunatly I think the more realistic outcome is that Oma, Keyara and I will be here until the 18th since we can't renew our subs or creat a new account and as soon as our tickets are forwarded to billing we get no response. Anyway...I love this game and I will always follow it wether I can play or not.
    Nayuaka and Nayukhuut. Freelance Helian lorekeepers of Chaos.

  19. #19


    You post that in every thread, hm? *g*
    I wanna be ancient. Why is there no ARoP for Saris?

  20. #20


    Hehe. Well it's true. I'm hoping that EI will see ONE of them and help. :P

    Anyway to more of the reasons I still play is my lair. I got it into my head a year ago that I would get to 100 lairshaper eventually and finish that stupid T5 hall and I will do it. Although I think it might kill me.
    Nayuaka and Nayukhuut. Freelance Helian lorekeepers of Chaos.

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