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Thread: Can someone please talk to us?

  1. #61


    I would like to see this thread closed and perhaps re-opened. It seems to me to be both negative and counter productive at this point. Though I totally understand the resentments and hostilities as I share many of the same feelings's not doing anyone any good at all to vent them here.
    Though it does sound like Awdz has scored some mighty fine bud there..I think I have found my new best friend !

    We are all either part of the problem or part of the solution. Which side do you want to be on?

    I know if I'm not part of the solution..I'm going to at least get out of the way so I'm not part of the problem.

    Vanguard Faction
    "We suck less than the rest !"
    "Beauty fades...Dumb is forever"
    "Don't pee on my leg and then tell me it's raining"

  2. #62


    we are not part of the problem nor are we the solution
    DONT blame the the players either current or previous for the stae of affairs.
    The blame lies squarely on the shoulders of ei/pme and the incompetent way they have so far run the games mechanics.
    All I have seen so far is finger pointing at the previous team and players from the head honchos when its been the dicky implentation of a billing system to begin with , WHICH is still borked and the lack of any dev team to correct problems when they rear their heads.
    Public relations goes A LONG WAY to head off upset customers as does appollogies for mistakes , something which this regime has not done.
    Then to cap it off players supporting this mob ping off accusations at former players for the drama , WHICH is OUT OF PLAYERS HANDS.
    Who do you blame for an incorrectly balanced tyre ... yourself or the yokel that fitted it ?

  3. #63


    Amen, Theros. Speak it, Brother!

  4. #64

    Default Sadly i have to agree with Thant ...

    Present and past has shown that we - the players that keep Horizons running with our money - can either curse or praise the one's being in command at Horizons - it doesn't really show effect.

    We had hard times with Tulga, been incredibly patient more than once. But in the past months neither the fanbois nor the naysayers could get any real reaction out of them - they were like ostriches, heads in the sand.

    And it seems that EII / PME are a even bigger herd of Ostriches ...

    In germany we say: "You could make a headstand and wiggle your toes - they would still ignore you."

  5. #65


    *edited ..misread an earlier post *
    * waves hi *

    Vanguard Faction
    "We suck less than the rest !"
    "Beauty fades...Dumb is forever"
    "Don't pee on my leg and then tell me it's raining"

  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by GM_Gizmo
    We've been working hard in the background and are doing our best to keep things moving forward... there will be more information soon, and I'm sorry that there hasn't been more communication. I'll let you guys know more as soon as I am able. Again, we are sorry for the lack of communication recently, that will be remedied.
    Why aren't you able to let us know more yet? It's been a month. You're sorry for the lack of communication but nothing has been done to remedy the situation as promised. If you were truly sorry then surely more effort would have been made to remedy the situation given a month has passed?

  7. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by GM_Gizmo
    We've been working hard in the background and are doing our best to keep things moving forward... there will be more information soon, and I'm sorry that there hasn't been more communication. I'll let you guys know more as soon as I am able. Again, we are sorry for the lack of communication recently, that will be remedied.

    soon, relative to the life expectancy of our sun ?

    Food is food, just give us something to chew on that removes DP's

  8. #68


    It is called stringing people along, and it works for most people, hence they keep trying it

  9. #69


    no it isnt. All small games are like this. its a math ratio issue pure and simple
    I like this "all small games are like this" Horizons community, I'd almost would give my left nut to log in in Unity again and meet the old timers there.

    *laugh!* You gotta be kidding, communications in Horizons?!? That's just crazy talk, man! They haven't done it in 4+ years, why start now?
    It was something weird like having to use IRC but they did communicate. I even had "online live debug sessions" with some of their personnel, David Bowman would often hang out for some minutes a day and talk.

  10. #70
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island


    I'll argue the point as well. Under Tulga, shards could have members request holding a developer chat in a public place in Istaria to bounce ideas back and forth.

    Those would be welcome again, I'm sure.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  11. #71


    payroll and its associated expenses are the single largest expense for any company out there including PME.

    Savage Eden has under 2000 people playing it. Probably the same here. I am relatively sure that both SE and HZ are PME's only source of revenue. Which means they havent enough to pay developers to work on horizons and barely enough to keep it running and someone to do maintenance on it.

    PME hasent said anything because they cant deny the pure mathematics of this all.

    Horizons isnt turning out to be the low cost revenue generating title they believed it was. So unlesss someone steps forward and invests millions more into just fixing the game they won't and cannot do a thing with HZ.

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