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Thread: Billing Feedback

  1. #141

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Horizons CS View Post
    A La Carte Features: This is a tough one. We want to provide flexibility, but at the same time we don't want to see a drop in revenue. If 25% of players have two subscriptions because they want to have two plots and we change the pricing so that an additional plot is half of a normal subscription, we just reduced the amount of money we bring in each month. That's bad for Horizons because it means we have less money to add people to the team. We love the flexibility of a la carte, but want to be careful. We are considering changes to subscriptions as a way to increase revenue so we can bump up the development staff. It would be a serious disservice to Horizons if our changes ended up dropping revenue.
    The interesting thing about Piecemeal purchases: people tend to think they are spending less while actually spending more. It's exactly the same reason why an eBay seller starts out selling their old Xbox for 50cents with no reserve. Everyone goes "OMG THAT IS SO CHEAP", and bids. When they price exceeds what the Xbox is worth, people still keep bidding, because the process is addictive.

    An A La Carte Feature system works on the same principle. Smaller individual charges, larger final revenue.

  2. #142

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    Here is my deleima.
    Since the dawn of HZ I purchased a account as time went on my family started to like this game. I have atm 4 running comp's in this house. Time went on and before Tulga disapeared i had 3 accounts which combined used 6 key for the game to allow for the plots and toons needed for the family and 2 friends. I started paying for 6 month auto renewals back in 2005. at the price of $53.70. We all continued to play this game thru the server merge and bad patchings and server crash (s) only to live to see this new Billing price that will ( i'll leave this to your thoughts ) With the new billing in order to keep our 5 plots (did have a Lair but dropped it) and all the toons we have worked on your asking (hopefully) and not telling me that i must pay a new jacked up price to continue. The old way of paying was working just fine uptil the first of this year when EI some how dropped/deleted/lost 4 of my key's, leaving one account without an active keys on it.
    I'm hoping you can come up with something that can work with what i have biult up in this game, it would be a very sad day for to have to post my " Good bye " in the formus do to the change that is about to happen.

    That was the nicest way i could say anything.

  3. #143

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    I like Raisty's ideas. I, for one, like the subscriptions the way they are on the lower end. 1 account.. 1 plot, 10 consignment spaces, 1 login, 5 characters.

    I think that if you wanted to raise the fee for that by $2 a month.. I could deal with it. If you wanted to go higher and keep the step ups simpler.. just add something like 2 plots, 8 characters, 20 consignment slots and 2 logins and charge like $21.95. my reasoning on the money.. well, 2 regular accounts at $14.95 = $29.90. So, to find a middle ground to make it worth it to the players, I did a "get one a reg. price the other at 50%" kind of deal.

    All in all, I appreciate you making continued steps to make this game better for all of us. Seeing that it's been a rough road for all of us that have stuck around through the dark times, taking anything more away from us or being too agressive wouldn't be a very possitive change. I like what I am seeing from you all so far. I am excited and anxious to see what lies down the road.

    Finally, would there be any possibility of you recognizing the people that have stuck it out by giving their accounts a special rating? Something that would simply say "we appreciate you guys for sticking around'? That could be answered in another thread. Maybe give players gold, a free step up to more consignment slots, 8 characters.. 2 plots??? Also, I seriously think you should go and reconfigure all the empty towns and make the plots larger. There are no big plots left and NOBODY wants a 25x25 plot. Reconfigure them and make the plots bigger in the empty towns. Out of all the issues in the game I think the plot issues are the biggest. You run around Istaria through empty towns.. It would be so awesome to see them inhabited again. The only way I see that happening is by making the towns with all 25x25 plots bigger.

    Thank you

  4. #144

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    First I would like to “Thank � Rick Simmons and Virtrium, LLC. You have done something that many of us have wished for a long time we could do; get control of Horizons and try to fix it. I don’t think it needs to be fixed, Horizons hasn’t be maintained, updated etc. Horizons has not had the tender loving care it deserves or we deserve. I think we all understand that Horizons is a business and there is a cost to doing business. But as many have stated this just might be a little soon to discuss a price increase. Sorry but at this point you are asking for something for nothing, and not trying to be crud but “Don’t tell me about the pain, show me the baby�.

    Now down to the nuts and bolts. As I read thru your proposal I guess I would consider a “Gifted Subscription� what we have today with a $2.00 price increase. Your proposed Ancient subscription is a nice proposal if you provided the appropriate options, this would save us several hundred dollars a year.

    Options what will they be? The ability to have or buy additional:
    1)Vault space?
    2)Plots or plot space?
    3)Character slots?
    4)Concurrent logins?
    5) Any other possible options, the sky’s the limit.

    As I read the Ancient Proposals I see several “?� When will these numbers be made available? As I read there were some questions about the “Ancient Sub� referring to “Do I have to be an Ancient Dragon to have this account?� is Ancient the right name for this subscription? Possibly Elder?

    I can’t speak for others but I would suspect that many of are in the same situation. We have our main accounts this is our everyday account. We have other accounts for whatever reason; in our case we took over 3 additional accounts for various reasons and 1 additional account to get a plot for additional storage.

    Character slots 3 – 5 slots per account is more than enough, although the ability to add slots would be nice. Personally I have my main in my case an Elf, I have my Dragon, I have my “I’m hiding from everyone in Istaria toon and I have a low level toon to play with my grandchildren. Not all of our accounts have 5 toons per account but as a rule the accounts that have additional toons have them for additional storage space. Space is an issue for players but is it truly an issue for the servers? I suspect not.

    To stop rambling and bottom line this, if $2.00 a month per account is enough to get things moving forward I’m for it. But remember many of us have been here a long time faithfully paid our subscription ever month and we haven’t seen anything for a very long time. You have talked about what you want to do to Horizons and for the community.

    Do you have a timeline?

    I believe first you want to fix billing, good plan

    What next?

    Make plots available?
    New Content, Mobs/Island/Continents to kill/explorer?
    Are we going to see T-6 resources and forms more readily available?
    Level increases as originally planned?

    Again thank you and I look forward to seeing the future improvements to Horizons.

  5. #145

    Default Re: Billing Feedback


    every day that goes by horizons is a day older. Unless you have millions now to revampe the game and re release it as HZ2 than your plans maybe to aggressive. Most people that are replying to this thread will gladly pay $14.95 a month. But the people here and in game now will not keep the game going financially. You have to consider that you need NEW and returning people to keep paying the light bill.

    Will the standard $14.95 a month MMO charge attract new people ? Will they feel they are getting equal value for other MMO's ? It will pretty hard when a game like LOTRO that is adding some very nice features this fall looks prettier and runs better. Remember I am talking about fresh blood not the die hard loyalists on this board.

    thats something you have to consider before any price rate change. At $12.95 a month Horizons looks like a decent deal for someone to try out HZ. The question then arises will an additional $2 a month make that much of an impact to risk not drawing in new players ? even the older ones.

    Cause I will say this under the old plan $108 for a year pre pay sub is a very good deal. $12.95 X 12 is not such.

    Either way at least you are listening. But if you may have to look at your current financial model and bring in line with the fact that HZ is 4 years old and competing in a market that is very competitive. Getting more competitive each and every day and is chalk full of premier titles and small niche games like Horizons.

    that all being said

    Honest consider the following and if its even possible

    $9.95 a month basic account.
    this has
    3 chars ( this is a nice round number imo. you can have a main biped a dragon and one additional char)
    10 consignment slots
    no plot

    Add the ability for a person to buy additional character slots at a per monthly charge. Say $2 a month per character.

    Then sell additional consignment slots. Lets say additional blocks of 5 at $2 a month.

    Want a plot ? your first plot costs you $1 a month. You can purchase additional plots at a $2 a month charge for a max of 3.

    You really do not need concurrent logins imo. One per account is fine.

    In my case I would consider

    $9.95 basic account
    $2 for an additional 5 consignment slots
    $5 a month for 3 plots

    thats $17 a month I would then buy an additional 2 accounts at $9.95 a month.

    Then give a percent off an accounts base price with their selected features for 3 6 and 12 month prepays
    Last edited by Tryagain; August 26th, 2007 at 04:22 PM.

  6. #146

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    Well, here's my 2 cents.

    Ok. It sounds to me like you guys have a good idea starting there, but somethings I am a bit confused on, that happens within the istarian worlds. although the page has cleared some up. I have played a few games over the years that I have been gaming, and Istaria is the first where, the seperate shards, which btw, are entirely Identical worlds, but yet, Accounts are only allowed 1 single plot/lair on 1 single shard. They are not allowed a plot on Chaos and then a plot on Blight, even though these are totally seperate worlds, Identical in every way except for the fact that Blight is a Test server. Now, Every game I have EVER seen and/or played.. the seperate servers/worlds, are just that, Seperate. Now I realize Horizons is smaller than the typical, average MMORPG out there today. But they should still take into account that each shard is still an entirely seperate world, each with it's own set of players/economic systems and everything, and that each runs completely seperate of the other. Plus, I would think, as many updates/changes in the past, have also been to plots/lairs, that you'd encourage people to buy plots/lairs on said shard. whether they play there on a permanent basis or not. Because the Test server is to put the new stuff out to the playing public who play Horizons, whether they play on chaos, Order or Blight. Now, some of this I do realize, is because of the limited amounts, but come on folks.. for most part, its typically not THAT Limited. Especially on Blight. If you will look, I'd say a good 75% if not far more, fo the Lairs, not to mention plots, on blight are sitting empty. Thus meaning, any changes to lairs/plots, are only reaching a VERY small amount of players before going live. Is that fair to the greater majority of players who have lairs and plots? No. I do not feel, that a plot on blight or lair on blight, should "count" towards this limitation, while I will admit that It somewhat needs to be there in regards to Order vs Chaos Shards due to limitations.. but I think a player if they wished, should be able to have a lair/plot on Blight without having to suddenly worry bout, oh no, I have to sell either my chaos or order lair or sell my blight lair!!
    Now these different subs. They're a good idea, but I think need more ironing out for sure. I wouldn't want the price of the what is now, typical account to go up, not at this time, as it seems from what I've read, no one else would either. but at the same time, we do have to realize, you guys are short handed. And yeah, you do need to generate Revenue. But, I must agree with the majority, the way to do that, is get old players and new, to return to the game first. Not a price hike. It would make those who are still playing, a good share of them at least, to run, And that would not generate revenue. It's a tough situation for sure. Perhaps try a 1 dollar increase to the Gifted Sub, which would be if I remember correctly, upping it to 12.95? Srry, memory sucks, but I seem to recall the original cost being 11 something... I'm sure many will correct me on this lol. But anyways, I think You might want to go a route of.. taking the existing basic acct.. putting it at the lowest pricing, and then the Gifted acct being something slightly different, for the higher amount. Also, and this I think would just be my personal thing, while I like the idea of the Ancient sub, I don't like the Idea that it is only offered via 6 months or 1 yr payment. I am disabled and thus on a fixed Income. While I could be the only minority who plays HZ on a fixed income, I rather doubt it. And, it would be rather unfair, to handicap those who could not afford the large chunk price all at once, and thus essentially deny us the chance of the better, higher account with the greater benefits..... While I will admit the number of people over all playing that are on fixed incomes may well be in the minority, we should still be allowed the chance for those greater benefits, shouldn't we? I have played HZ going on 2 yrs now. I love it, I will not leave until the doors are shut for good. I do feel I want to pay for what I get, which I have not been doing due to all the EI screw up of late, but am ready to start paying once again when the billing is fully ironed out. I do however, love the idea of being able to possibly have more than 1 lair/plot per acct...
    Why you ask? Well.. and this is where most who know me say I am quite Crazy and Insane... I LOVE the building system in this game!! it's AWESOME!
    I have 1 lair currently which has all of the machine rooms at T5 lvl, as well as a goodly assortment of other things. I have a 2nd acct with a medium or large? biped acct is 50x50, and I have it filled and working on it currently... But.. I want to build a Grand Hall! Well.. to do that.. I'd need a 2nd lair... And once I start paying for my 2 accts on a full basis once again, I won't be able to afford a 3rd paid acct.. but if I can work it to where I could get another type of acct that would allow more than a single lair....? You bet.. Because I want to BUILD! I LOVE Lairshaping and Building!
    Come on Guys, I know you can balance regaining revenue to get more crew, with pricing. We all know,that there are those your going to upset no matter what you do, and there are those your going to make happy no matter what you do. Just find the best overall possible Balance you can and get it done Guys, so that you, we and everyone can move on to the next step and Horizons can grow once more!
    Ohh btw. While on the subject, I have two accts, but I've had to use two entirely seperate email accts to get these two accts, I was unable to do so any other way. Any assistance in getting that changed, which I'm gathering that all of this billing stuff would take care of this to some degree, I would like to put both accts under 1 email if possible. It would save a lot of hassle for me. Thank you
    Wind to thy Wings Istarians!

    Sylvanaestra, Ancient of Timeless 100 adventurer/100 Crafter/100 lairshaper

  7. #147

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    Hello Horizon CS,

    Things start to look serious (at least in words) for HZ, and I may consider returning. I'm even one of the fool that with all the billing confusion was paying my 3 subs to the previous owner.

    I probably will have to get 3 account, because I have interest in keeping 3 accounts to get my 2 plots and 1 lair.

    Actually I consider letting go my lair because of too few hours I have to play the game. I don't want to use all my play to only grind for lair building when byped needs 1/3 of resources and time to do it. And no nerphing the byped for them to grind is not an acceptable solition. I currently also hold 2 plots (if they haven't been re-process) of medium size (50x60) because of the storage requirement of resources and equipment I needed at the time. In my book the 24x24 are a waste of plot (just too small to put anything usefull). Large plot 100x100 are too fes and way too expensive and often way off beathing path (2-3 portal from main town and long runs to get there).

    Too me it sound like their is a storage access issue.

    1) I'll gladly will pay the 15$ if I had space to store my items (double storage in the housing).
    2) You may consider conbining the 24x24 to offer better plot in good area,
    3) or offer the 24x24 to the base acount.

    One of the access issue for multiple logon account, is people need to log 2 characters for transfer of items beetween toons, when toons are not in same guild. You can offer a better way to transfert items beetween characters (share storage). At a $15-$16 price range this 2 log-on issue is a stiff investemnent for a mall gain.

    I have issues with the ancient account with lowestpayment being for 6 month.

    Consignment restriction number of items should be removed. In my books we could have a better trading system if the players could offer their wears. If I could easily find (main town, shared sale list for connies in one region) what is being sold the economy could gain.

    I would say to concentrate you fees on number of plot (maybe total cubic feet) and number connection (single, dual or multiple).

    Have you consider:

    Basic ... 3 toons, 1 logon, 1 small plot
    gifted ... 5 toons, 1 logon, 1 plot up to large (90x90)
    ancient ... 5 toons, 1 logon, 1 plot no limit size

    offer add on
    - extra logon .. 1/2 price per
    - extra small plot .. 1/4 price
    - extra medium plot .. 1/2 price
    - extra large plot ..... 2/3 price

    you may also consider 3 moths package
    Nalrach, Healer & Guardian, Member of the "Iron Circle" guild
    Ramti, Friendly draggy trying to wake-up from long nap.

  8. #148

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    My fiancee and I have 7 accounts together and because we wanted to have 5 plots and 2 lairs.

    What you are suggesting is going to mean paying $14 USD more per month.

    Instead of having 50 consigner slots we'll have 10 which we both think would be really bad for the economy. If you would say guild consigners 10 public consigners unlimited then that would be more resonable because that would stimulate players to place items for sale.

    At this point you are asking $168(7x24) USD per year extra which is alot of money especially for a game which hasn't have any development nor support for over a year.

    I understand that you need to get revenue for the game but you also need to work toward growth of players and this is making it alot harder in my opinion.

    I really think that an a la carte option would be best as I know I'm not the only person with this much accounts.

    I like to have many plots but i don't require 35 character slots neather do i require more then 3 or 4 logins.

    Sure you have a point when you are talking about less revenue here but you are getting large sums of money from 1 client here and I think that is also something you need to think about.

  9. #149

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    Reading all this has made my head hurt, but I'll try to add my two coppers to the discussion. This will be short.

    1. You need to add some value before you start screwing around with pricing. You can promise me the moon, but when you deliver downtown Cleveland you better be prepared for my displeasure.

    2. I had an account with two keys, two plots and paid 2 times 35.85 every three months. At least for now, I'd like to see that stay the same. When you've wowed me with your wizardry, I might be willing to ante up some more. The ball is in your court, not mine. Do something with it.

    3. Don't change anything for the sake of change. It never works. Ease yourself into it.

    4. I hate the idea of value-added or "a la carte" pricing. I'm retired and living on a fixed income. Having to pay extra bucks for features just doesn't cut it for me. Just my personal opinion there.

    You've given me a reason to renew my sub when the billing system is straightened out. Don't follow it up by giving me a reason to leave again.
    Landowyn of Order
    The Steelworks
    Specializing in a little bit of everything

  10. #150

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Horizons CS
    Blight: Blight characters do not count towards your total character count.
    Is theh plot in bligth will count against limit or will I be allow same mount plot in Bligth that I'm allow on the gaming server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Horizons CS
    Military Program: We fully support the men and women of the United States military and will continue to show our support through this program.
    Personnally I think this policy is dicrimatory toward other country that participate for war effort, UN mission or are oblideged to finish conflic the US refuse to complete (like in Afganistan). I sugges a basic account to all that can prove they currently serving in any military. In my book sould be only serving under a UN agreement but that another convo. To be fair to all serviceman, a basic account to all.

    just my two copper view.
    Nalrach, Healer & Guardian, Member of the "Iron Circle" guild
    Ramti, Friendly draggy trying to wake-up from long nap.

  11. #151

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    skirnirwell usually i post only about once a year or so the rest of the time i send as a feedback or a ticket. i have been asked to post here today.
    Like all of us i am a customer. Yes HZ must have profitability or no game. So i ask myself what am i willing to pay for?
    To me this is the bottom like as a customer. What do i want to spend my hard earned cash on? I have seen many variations here, most to one degree or another i agree with.
    This is my variation for small time additons to a monthly fee.
    1. Beginning accounts should have 3 char slots, no land, but 5 cons is a must. A new player Must be able to sell things for coin. Making cash in game nowadays is hard enough and for a new player even more difficult.

    *2. I believe that the middle accounts called gifted? should remain the same BUT lots of additonal charges for extras. People are unique. One set of extras for one will NOT make another happy. What i am willing to pay for surely someone else would NOT. ie i need only ONE cons slot, could not care less for more etc.
    so what would I pay extra for? lots of things..... far more than what i saw mentioned at 1 am this morning.

    a. lots more bank storage OR more items storage OR wt storage (I would be willing to pay extra for stackables haveing NO wt at all. (i __Hate__ as a player and a builder to Have to expend effort amd TIME to build a structure just to hold to hold my stuff. This really places a limiting factor on how pretty i can make my plot and what i can aford in room to do at minimum. I would prefer to LIVE out of my bank like a newbie and i am WILLING topay for it! so MY plot can be far more than whati am limited to now!!

    b. another plot possible added to this one (only a plot mind you no more additional loggins are needed for Me.

    c. I would pay for tradeable novian capability so that I could make novians, SELL to nonbuilders who don't want to waste time having someone build for days or even weeks. Lets face it RL can be a pain in everyone rumpus. (This technology is Already in game, we used it after merge, and all novians Were tradeable and we had a blast bartering)

    d. I would be happy to pay for npc structures like a guard by my plot entrance or for that matter pay for being able to build it.

    e. I would PAY for the capability of NOT losing materials when i rebuild then i can change things wheenever i please and NOT lose time. TIME is VERY limiting for mein this game.

    f. I would PAY for item guaranteed replacement no questions asked. the AI should be able to track all things made and unmade and should save at intervals. Dont ask me to go thru technical commputer hoops with logs, pictures and technical stuff. i am NOT going learn a new trade at my age, and i am NOT going tp make this hobby/game/fun time of mine a 2nd job. I am just too blasted tired already!! *smiles warmly*

    g. i would pay to swap chars between accounts...i do not mind doing a fee for that one.

    What i DON'T want to buy extra is easy.

    a. NO additional loggins.

    b. NO extra cons slots.

    c. NO extra char (UNLESS i want to swap chars between accounts...i do not mind doing a fee for that one).

    *d. NO extra charge for a larger plot if i am stuck as the GH holder.
    * lots of things needs to be discussedaobut guild pltos but that is another issue.

    e. NO shoulder pal i could care less
    .................................................. .
    SIDE note:

    The bottom line here is about customizing MY account and i am willing to PAY for it. i am NOT willing to pay inadvance for time lines and time frames Not met, promisees Not kept, and things Not fixed i just do not think that is Fair. In most products i buy i get the product first and pay second.
    BIG things on a monthly basis i willing to pay for.

    1. give me a GM IN game to help me when i NEED it and i will pay 17 dollars a month plus the extras.

    2. Keep or a castle on a plot and i will pay 20 dollars a month Plus the other stuff.

    3. Give me a water based game with boats underwater plots, a water race and monster ti fight on the high seas and i will pay 25 dollars a month plus the extras.

    4. Give me a floating castle i can own and keep and i will pay 30 dollars a month plus the extras AND extra if the blasted thing wants to float around all over. *grins*...will pay extra for a gnomish ballon to get to it or build my on portal ON it.

    4. Give me a isle for my guild with a ludvig the mad type castle on it with docks for boats. and a portal/ pad and i will pay 40 dollars a month plus the extras.

    5. etc


    1. i am willing to pay for any expansion of ANY type for ALL my accounts.

    2. i am willing to pay for a person to talk to if needed.

    3. i am willing to pay for a lot of differnt things. time costs money , developement cost money, and personnel costs are the biggest of all.
    but i ask ONE question in finale, as WE discuss, as customers about what we are willing to pay and what we are not. i STILL think WE, as paying loyal customers, should get those WONDERFUL freebies every year you keep your account. the longer you keep it they BETTER, cooler,and more unique they are....i know people that continue to play UO for ONE reason they want to see what they gonna get THIS years then trade , barter, and show it off by golly. We have endured a lot fot the sake of HZ, for the sake of others no longer here for the sake of promises NOT kept. I am willing to even PAy for this as well, just for the fun of it. besides i still want my reimbursment for my whistle form and reed form i worked 7 weeks to pay a player (that i cannot even remember his name now) for to get THEN have it go Poof in my bank. *weeps wails in a dorf manner* sniffs blows nose--wonders if he needs to be MORE dramatic*



  12. #152

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Nalrach View Post
    Personnally I think this policy is dicrimatory toward other country that participate for war effort, UN mission or are oblideged to finish conflic the US refuse to complete (like in Afganistan). I sugges a basic account to all that can prove they currently serving in any military. In my book sould be only serving under a UN agreement but that another convo. To be fair to all serviceman, a basic account to all.

    just my two copper view.
    So we all have to pay more money while they are still keeping something like a militairy program which currently is only for US militairy and something that doesn't bring in revenue.

  13. #153

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    as I said before, I shall support HZ - if that means to have 2 ancient subs. OK.
    Not to have bigger plots or more privileges or be somewhat better than others.
    That might become a problem, I`m afraid. I´m not sure if I like the idea that some could have "more fun" (eg bigger plots) only because they can afford.
    It´s too much of RL. We shall all be able to start at the same point, and only cleverness and luck and... shall lead to success.
    Furthermore I know a lot of players who can hardly afford to play at all. Last thing we need here is envy and bitterness.

    sry clumsiness of language and if I repeat what is said before:
    My mother died 2 days ago,
    and I do not have the time or sense to read all posts atm.

    And I´ll accept nearly everything, as long as I get my dragon back.

  14. #154

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    I don't agree with many of the people that are talking about plot size limits based on how much money you have to give IRL. I can't believe, that after everything this community has been through, built, suffered, and been, people are suggesting that real life money means more than allowing a veteran to keep a large plot they've owned since the dawn of Istarian time.

    It's quite shameful, really. And with that shame, I will wait to see the official announcements regarding these issues, and pray that some reason and common sense prevail.

  15. #155

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    haven' t read everything - but here is my two coppah...

    1-Beginner one is fine, though they should be able to take advantage of the connie system at least in a limited frame - so they can see what all aspects of the game and such is like. I've never agreed with how WoW does it, limiting trials to the extreme - as it cuts into the fun part of the game. And I don't see how anyone will want to pay five bucks more just to use the connie, if they have no interest in crafting - two bucks maybe...MAYBE...big maybe. Let beginners on the connie - they need to see how everything works and how it can benefit them.

    2-Gifted SHOULD NOT BE MORE THAN IT IS NOW!! People ALREADY have their plots - I shouldn't have to pay an extra two bucks a month to keep it!! One of the few things keeping me to the game is the idea that if I ultimately quit I"d lose the work I'd done - and now you tell me "oh if you don't pay extra yes you'll lose your work". Pardon my language but @W*$) that - not cool to reward your LOYAL customers!!

    I say what others have said - have the regular sub price your typical sub now - 12.95 like it is now - one plot, five or 7 character limits, regular connie limit like it use to be, REGULAR vault allotments like it is NOW (if you quested for it already you shoudln't have to pay more for it!!). But then add extra fees for those who want more - more characters, even MORE vault space than the *(current* limit, more plots per character, etc. That I see no problem with - you pay for EXTRAS.

    We should not be paying more for what is now STANDARD!! That is a big mistake I think and basically gives a big middle finger to the people over the lsat few years who have hung in with this game. If anything they shoudl qualify for a reduced "loyalty" fee or something.

    Now, perhaps in six months to a year when you've proven your track record as bringing things to the forefront, updating the system, getting rid of the bugs etc - THEN you can ask for a few more bucks a month and probably get it.

    Now? No.

    Heck it took two days of tweaking my fiance's system just so he could run the client directly d/led from the site so he could see if he wanted to play - when you're asking for stuff like this from peopel who don't know very much about the game - you shouldn't be charging extra.

    Also I'd like to add that I think Guild Plots should be opted out of ANY extra fees - period. T hey should not count towards a regular subs' one plot limit - as to me guild plots are a seperate entity and noone should have to give up their "private account" inclusions for the guild's desires/needs etc. Also noone should have to pay 5 10 or 20 bucks extra in order for their entire guild to have their plot. Or certainly to KEEP the guild plots that have been worked up now and are vital parts of their respective communities.

    Guild plots should be "freebies" to those in the guild. However, I can certainly see not allowing the "Beginner" subs even the ability to get a private plot on guild property.

    Many guilds put in many hours for the guild plots already built up in game. Many guilds (esp. dragon ones) were awaiting the addition of further dragon-guild-lair plots when EI came in. None of them should be punished because EI dropped the ball and now you'd like more money.

    Don't charge extra for what many already have worked so hard for.
    Last edited by Frith-Rae; August 26th, 2007 at 05:39 PM. Reason: addition
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  16. #156

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    OK, after thinking about it......
    I have no problem paying $14.95 to keep my account the way it is. 5 characters 1 plot and don't give a darn about connie slots cause they're useless anyway.

    It would really be sweet if I could buy a second plot and would actually pay a dollar or so more for a second plot as long as the SAME character can own it.
    100 Adventure/Crafter following the path of Helian

    Expert Lairshaper
    Grand hall complete.

  17. #157
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    The Fortress of Solitude

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    I'm a simple man.

    I played for a long time. Since about ~a week after beta/ after it shelves however that worked.

    I like what ya got now. I'll own 2 accounts and 10 characters with however many consigner slots that allows. I;ll have a plot and a lair. I'll pay whatever Id be paying at the moment. Up to 20 dollars per account, (prefferably less) but you guys want you money as much as I want mine so we all know what I'm trying say there.

    That being said. Shoulder pets arent important to me. The treant one has game effects other than sitting there taking up my shoulder slot. ( that interests me) So I spose if I could pay some extra cash and get a nifty stat enhancing critter to sit on me well, that might be cool, but its no priority for me.

    Id be willing to pay for stuff like that. I dont wanna pay for more vault space.

    Consider this too pragmatic if you will, but I think horizons billing should of course be as simple as possible help as many as possible even if it has to hurt a few. if i'm one of those few? Well it'll suck, but it will more than likely help most after these views are taken in.

    That being said the more simple the billing is kept with as many options possible is what everyone ideally wants. Good luck with that. Before I start rambling free thought into this I'm gonna wrap up fast.....

    The old way of paying for accounts wasnt broken.( 15 bucks for 5 toons and a plot/lair) Keep it simple. I for one am staying regardless as long as the price doesnt shoot above what I mentioned.

    Like i said I'm easy to please, but keep it easy for us and for you

    Frith-Rae makes good points also. Paying more for what I got atm would be uncool but i'd deal as long as it wasnt too much and I could justify it. I've been a loyal supporter and wanna do all I can to help.

    I also agree that paying RL money for the fast track to advancement in any fashion, though good for business, is wrong. "Any fashion" is over generalized, allow me to explain. Paying for coin,more space via vault, or items with real world money.
    Last edited by Silverblaze; August 26th, 2007 at 05:52 PM. Reason: I over generalize.

  18. #158

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    Thank you first of all for asking for our opinions and getting feedback .

    Basic Subscription: I think this looks good except that 3 consignment slots should be added. This will give 30 spots for new/returning people to sell some things with.

    Gifted Subscription: 14.95 is my preferred max for monthly. I admit I will likely just pay month to month with the auto renew if there is no discount for 6 months to a year. I Prefer to pay in chunks with an auto renew at a slight discount.

    Ancient Subscription: 1 big plot if there will be enough for each ancient sub, 15 characters, 25 consignment, fun shoulder buddy; I have no need for this subscription, but I am comfortable with others paying more with upper limits like this.

    I Don't like extra vault space as a real money thing. This should be done ingame, with ingame money please, or through quests. I feel if this is tied to real world money it is no different than skills/items/etc .

  19. #159

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    I personally agree with Horizons CS in that the plans need to be kept simple and few. Here are my ideas:

    1 Month Basic Subscription - $9.95
    Automatic renewal each month
    Comes with 3 character slots and 1 concurrent login and 3 consigner slots

    1 Month Gifted Subscription - $14.95
    Automatic renewal each month
    Comes with standard plot, 10 consignment slots, 5 character slots, 1 concurrent login

    6 Month Gifted Subscription - $79.95
    Automatic renewal (would be preferred but I would understand if not it is not possible)
    Comes with standard plot, 10 consignment slots, 5 character slots, 1 concurrent login

    12 Month Gifted Subscription - $159.95
    Automatic renewal (would be preferred but I would understand if it is not possible)
    Comes with standard plot, 10 consignment slots, 5 character slots, 1 concurrent login

    6 Month Ancient Subscription - $179.95
    Automatic renewal (would be preferred but I would understand if it is not possible)
    Comes with the option to purchase a much larger plot with in-game currency (perhaps a plot inside the Western Blight area that has been off-limits; maybe even eventually being able to construct a keep or tower), 20 consignment slots, 10 character slots, 1 concurrent login, special hatchling shoulder buddy, special title that can be worn.

    12 Month Ancient Subscription - $259.95
    Automatic renewal (would be preferred but I would understand if it is not possible)
    Comes with the option to purchase a much large plot with in-game currency (perhaps a plot inside the Western Blight area that has been off-limits; maybe even eventually being able to construct a keep or tower), 20 consignment slots, 10 character slots, 1 concurrent login, special hatchling shoulder buddy, special title that can be worn.

    Personally I don't want to see vault space being part of the equation as in my mind that is similar to buying items, abilities or skills. I really think that the ancient subscriptions would be scooped up if you could have the option to use in game currency to purchase a larger plot in a nice area that could eventually hold something special like a keep or tower.

    I also agree that in order for Horizons to continue to develop at a decent pace the company needs to be provided with decent revenue. The 14.95 rate is not excessive especially if the team lays out their plans shortly into the new billing process. I think many players would return and be quite excited if the company announced new development plans like the expansion that Tulga was working on.

    PS I would love to see the poor Welger race finally make its debut. I really think it was one of the most creative and original fantasy races that the team toyed around with in the early days.

  20. #160

    Default Re: Billing Feedback

    I also worry about raising prices at this point in the game. I imagine this is being discussed now since the new billing system is being created and has to be able to handle any future subscription models. I realize it would probably be more work, but I would suggest that the new billing system be made to support both the existing system and a proposed future system. Then keep the existing system (only now actually working) with the same prices for a time, while critical bug fixes and other issues are addressed. This would sooth fears of many in the community, continue to rekindle interest from old/returning players and help soften the blow if/when any new subscription model is introduced that may include higher costs.

    If/when a new subscription model is introduced, I would point the developers to the ideas that Steelclaw has discussed in his posts - I agree with everything he has talked about. Also, I fully agree with the idea of keeping real-world wealth separate from in-world wealth.
    "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good dipped in chocolate!" - Can't remember who

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