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Thread: The New Subscription Model

  1. #21

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    I would suggest a little more than 17 days to grandfather in as well. You need to take into consideration that there are folks on vacation, having computer problems and can't log in and other various reasons that would prevent them from grandfathering in before the time limit is up.
    Bite the Kitty!!

  2. #22

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunuke View Post
    This is going to mean I'm going from $65.70 to $77.70 which I personally think is a total ripoff and totally disrespectfull towards your loyal playerbase.

    I've been playing this game since december 15th 2003 and started on Ice, I stayed around all this time and now I'm being thanked by you guys for hanging around for this long.

    My fiancee and I have 7 accounts, 7 x $77.70 = $543.90, of this we will only use the plots and the lairs and not all of the logins.

    This really feels like a slap in the face.
    We thought we had all previous customers covered by creating the Grandfather Subscription - but now realized we excluded previous block subscriptions. We are discussing this now.

    Horizons CS

  3. #23

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    "We know we're not going to make everyone happy, but we think we have hit a very good middle ground with the new pricing structure. If you think we've brought new meaning to the term evil corporation, please send your comments to [email protected]"

    That just blows my mind..........

    You had the chance to keep billing as is and not upset anyone, but you decided to go with this plan KNOWING that it would upset some people and make them not want to re-sub.

    Bite the Kitty!!

  4. #24

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    Quote Originally Posted by Horizons CS View Post
    We thought we had all previous customers covered by creating the Grandfather Subscription - but now realized we excluded previous block subscriptions. We are discussing this now.

    Horizons CS

    But that option is only available for a very limited time.
    Bite the Kitty!!

  5. #25
    Member Kulamata's Avatar
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    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    Quote Originally Posted by Horizons CS View Post
    We are working with EI to transition the previous account information over to the new billing system. For now, if you had a previous paying account, it is comped an indefinite period of time.
    Horizons CS
    In an ideal world, the four months remaining on my six month renewal would result in a $45 or so transfer to Virtrium. It's possible that this may not happen... . I suppose that when more details emerge, I'll learn how to seamlessly extend that subscription. Nonetheless, that doesn't do Virtrium much good in the here and now, or even the real soon now. Will there be a donation button on the accounts site? Will it be possible to pre-extend the existing account?

    I thought you did a great job of coming up with a coherent plan given the broad range of opinions. Sorta slalomed through the eyes of multiple needles.

    No doubt the mileage of others will vary. .
    ____Kulamata Quality Armor___
    None Genuine without this Pawprint `',''

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  6. #26

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    Good enough for me.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  7. #27

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    Another thing that's really still not understandable and still hasn't been answered while I asked the question in the other tread.

    Why are you taking down the consigner slots?

    I see you're putting more characters on the gifted account. I don't want 7 characters, I want to be able to have a plot/lair as an A la cart option so my fiancee and I can play this game in an affordable way.

  8. #28

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    How does that saying go exactly?

    "You can please some people some of the time, you can please some people most of the time, but you can't please everyone all the time."

    Honestly, I expected month-to-month subs to go up a buck or two and would have been surprised if they had not. From my perspective, its not a matter of whether this is a top-of-the-line-game or well polished, fresh off the shelf. The game has been stagnant for well over a year, no arguing that...but. Along with that stagnation is the fact the billing was for all practical purposes a farce and non-existent and we, the players, certainly have no idea what kind of mess was handed over to the new owners, the condition of the equipment, how much of that equipment remains and in working order.

    The first thing they have got to be able to do is start getting income and at a minimum, making monthly payments for the game, rent on their offices, electric bills, etc...without any of that...the game disappears and once that happens, it will be a lot harder to ressurrect than just bringing it back from the brink of has been the case these past 12-14 months.

    I also saw lots of people complaining earlier that what they wanted was the ability to pay. Now guess's about to happen and all anyone can do is complain.

    Now I know some people are on limited budgets with little in the way of discretionary funds. I think the 'grandfathered' payment option is an excellent may or may not spend more (depending if they come up with a block arrangement) and for most of those...having the option for ala carte items is negligible.

    Maybe I'm naive, gullible or overly optimistic, and some would say at forty I should know better, but I am more than willing to take a chance on these guys and the new owners. When they announce that the billing site is up and running...I'll be there grabbing a couple grandfather subs. I still have a dream of owning and building a large uber plot of my own.

    That should about cover things for now.

    Spirit Brothers
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  9. #29

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunuke View Post
    Why are you taking down the consigner slots?
    The number of consigner slots goes UP by 50% on the Gifted plan vs. the existing subscription rate.

    Having a plot has always required an active subscription. You're not being asked to do anything more than you under the old subscription plan.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
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  10. #30

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    Paladin, what they refer to is they will be giving people until (probably not set in stone) September 15th, 2007 to decide if they want the Grandfather option. After the "end date (which could change)" any player using their billing page will have to choose a new option of payment (no grandfather)

    It looks good, unfortunately you can't please everyone, and the "caster oil still tastes bad, no matter how you look at it, and now the bottle costs 14.95"

    I am sorry that those in this post are upset by thinking our input was a wasted effort, and that the price tag was never going to change...

    My only beef, and it has been addressed and is "being looked into" was those who had been paying "Block" (and I swear it was mentioned by many, including me several times, the price difference between what I was paying "block" vs. their new pricing structure)

    Here was the breakdown when they had block pricing:
    If you bought "block"
    3 months was 11.95 per month
    6 months was 10.95 per month
    12 months was 9.95 per month

    Then the sale came and if you jumped on it, you got 3, 6, and 12 month blocks for 8.95 per month!

    Now if I want to buy a block of time... there are no "grandfather block purchases"

    Those who pay the "Gifted 6 month" for block time will get billed 2 dollars a month more (12 dollars more for 6 months). What do you get for the 12 dollars?

    2 extra character slots
    5 extra consignment slots
    unknown in-game fluff if done before plot reclamation.

    Seeings how the A La Carte system allows you to get 5 more character slots for 5 dollars (you are getting 2, so 2 dollars) and 10 consignment slots is another 5 dollars (you are getting 1/2 extra so 2.50) so for paying 2 dollars a month for a 6 month block subscription, you are actually saving 2.50 cents for what it would have cost you A La Carte. *whew*

    But... if you don't need 5 more consignment slots, OR 2 extra character slots, then there is no other option but grandfathering month to month at 12.95 per month for what you have now. (you spend 2 extra dollars and get NOTHING) or you can up for 6 months and the 2 dollars gets you 2 more character slots, and 5 consignment slots.

    Because there are no grandfather block accounts, you will take a 2 dollar hit no matter how you look at it... however...

    I am on the 8.95 per month 1 year block. it will be costing me 4 dollars more per month if I want a gifted 12 month subscription. I save 50 cents vs. someone who was on the "non-sale" block purchases.

    For my 4 dollars a month, I get the same as someone who was paying the same block time, but they only have to pay 2 dollars a month.

    this math is causing me brain tumors.... need to stop... must ... take ... advil ...
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
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  11. #31

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    There is one thing that is confusing me so very much. If I take the grandfathered, then I have to file a ticket, to merge both accounts. But, I will be charged for two accounts, and thats fine, but do I keep both my plots when the merge takes place? Would I be better off, getting the gifted one, so that I can keep the accounts separate to keep each plot on each account? And have dual log in? Or, conversely, would I be able to do a dual log in, if my second account is merged with my first account? This stuff is confuzzling.

  12. #32

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    peaches, We have a merged account already...

    If you have 2 subs under 1 account:

    You can concurrently log in 2 characters (any 2 from the 10) and play them together.

    If you have 2 separate subs under 2 accounts, you can only log 1 character from a set of 5 slots... if the 2 characters are on the same account, they cannot log in together.

    The drawback of this, if you have kids, or share the account with others, they can then log in as your character and do sneaky things if you have them all under the same account.
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
    Flatspin: Ancient Lunus Dragon 100 / Craft 100 / Lairshaping 100

  13. #33
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    I'm in a quandry as well.

    ALL of my characters are one one account, one very nice 10-character account. Now, to do this the way I want to, I'm going to have to set one subscription this weekend (planned anyway) and one in November (hopefully I've done the months right for that one). Will both those cover my 9 characters in the one account, or am I going to have 5 with a 4-character overflow, plus an empty account? And how does this work for Tagath and C`gan playing on at the same time?
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  14. #34

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    I think this was a good compromise in the billing system. (Believe me, if I didn't think it was, you'd be hearing about it loud and clear!)

    I have a couple of questions though...

    1) Will an extra plot/lair ever be added to the a la carte system?
    2) When do you think you'll have an idea as to the pricing on grandfathered block subs?
    3) If I already have two subs on one account...I can still do that, right? I'm assuming this is this case, but I think some might be a wee bit confused about it.

    Thanks for listening to our feedback, by the way. It was very much appreciated. *happy kitty* (Menkure, where can I get those cute kitty smilies?)

  15. #35

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model


    1) Could the grandfathered offer please be extended to last at least a month? (To October 1st would be better). Some of us are only paid once a month *cough* me *cough* and need more time to plan than just a couple weeks? I think you'll also need more than just a couple weeks for news to spread and existing customers to decide to come back.

    2) If I go month to month on a grandfathered account, am I guarenteed that I'll only pay $12.95 a month so long as I keep the account open?

    3) If so, what's the benefit to me (someone with a grandfathered account), to paying in one lump sum up front?

    4) And I've never understood the difference between having two accounts versus one with multiple subscriptions. My husband, son and I all want to play. That's three people. Do we need three accounts if we all want to play at the same time?

  16. #36

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    well brave move Vitrium.

    You do realize you will be expected now to perform on par with the other MMO's that charge $14.95.

    But if you are willing to try than no one can fault that really.

    Good luck !!!

  17. #37

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    Well... It looks like a reasonable compromise. Theres a low-rate plan for people getting started (why pay for a plot slot when you can't build one or buy one?) and a few ways to get the 'old' 12.95 rate.

    Great for the player who paid by the month, they have no change. Not so great for the players who budgeted for the long term, discounted (block) plans. I'm going to see what (if any) the grandfathered block rates look like before I think about what I can and can't afford. I suggest that everyone in the same position do so as well.

  18. #38

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    (This is a separate post for a reason!)

    Will Blight characters still be "freebies"? (That is, not take up a character slot.)

    Is it possible to set up some sort of plot promotion on Blight?
    A few ideas:
    - One free Blight plot per paid account (not per subscription).
    - An automated mechanism to receive a temporary comp account for the purpose of testing plots on Blight.

  19. #39

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    I can't believe you folks would increase subscription prices for a four-year-old game that was on it's last legs. I was looking around to see if it was April 1. Horizons is deficient in many services that other titles provide, and yet you ask for more money. That is just insane.

    I used to have 4 subs paid in 3-month increments. That will not be happening and it doesn't even look like it's possible, so I will probably get 1 grandfathered account and wait a bit to see what happens. That's a loss to Horizons owners of around 42 bucks a month from my end.

    To me, this is a completely foolish move. If anything, the price should have been reduced to encourage more people to sign up and get hooked. I am flabbergasted. I predict you are going to wind up getting some of the loyal following to sign up at these prices, but you're not gonna get much in the way of new subs.
    Last edited by Landowyn; August 30th, 2007 at 01:36 AM. Reason: forgot something
    Landowyn of Order
    The Steelworks
    Specializing in a little bit of everything

  20. #40

    Default Re: The New Subscription Model

    Well, after reading over your decisions, I feel that this thread is as good as any to post mine.

    It's clear to me that you really didn't listen even though you claim that you did, but I'll not harp on that.

    I want to say, to everyone on Order, a very fond farewell. I can not afford $15/mo this game right now and even if I could, this game isn't worth $15 in it's current state. There's really no use to sit here and"wait and see" because this was the sign I was looking for, the time has come for me to leave for good.

    No sense in pay $13/mo temporarily either since I don't agree with the consigner BS, and can't really put my faith in it anymore.

    I wish everyone who stays good luck(you'll definitely need it), have fun in Istaria. To my guild(they know who they are)I'll be with you in spirit, always. To my sis(she knows who she is)with you in spirit as well. To everyone in Obsidian Order, /hugs. To anyone I forgot, many apologies and a fond farewell to you all.

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