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Thread: WoW posts excerpts

  1. #21

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    ****I am feral since years, tank or DPS 95% of the time and I have a set good enough to main heal up to end of TK. Costed me some hundreds DKP too to get it as well.

    ****Finally, pre-TBC I specced feral and *main* tanked from Ragefire Chasm to Naxxramas.

    **** had to autoattack at Vael else I'd piss easily grab aggro, in RESIST GEAR, to fully potted, flasked, and rage pot prepped main tanks.

    To some of us... at least me that is, that is complete gibberish.

  2. #22

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    As someone who played a WoW pally to level 12, all i have to say is

    "Giberisssh to me too *hic*"

  3. #23

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    Communities may be a direct result of a given game's popularity, but a given game's popularity is usually a result of the same game's content.

    Horizons is not an EQ or a WoW clone. It offers different things from either game. Thus, the community will be different.

    If everyone in the world tried Horizons for two weeks, the people who favor WoW and EQ most likely will not stay in Horizons. Conversely, the ones who favor Horizons probably won't play EQ or WoW as much.

    Regardless of bug fixes and/or expansions, let's hope that Horizons keeps its own flavors.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dralk and in my lair, where else?

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    To some of us... at least me that is, that is complete gibberish
    Well, it was in response for those who tell I have little idea of WoW, which I criticize. If you head to

    you'll discover how I spared quite some effort. You may search in my posts history or in the sticked threads and find guides made by me from how to raid to how to play 2v2 arena, you'll find movies by me of how to tank in end game (pre-TBC) to Youtube clips on how to solo attunements like MC.

    Googling a bit you'll even find guides made by me in WoW payware guides sites (that is you pay to get docs on how to achieve things).

    Like in Horizons, where I stayed up the night (US work time is when it's deep night here) to IRC with the developers to fix some game bugs, the same effort I spent in WoW.

    All those descriptions of what I do etc. were given just to give out an idea that I am not that completely clueless on that game.

    Best game in the planet.

    I still love and prefer Horizons though.
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

  5. #25

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    I played two characters to max level in WoW. Always each time the journey to max level was LOADS OF FUN more so than in Horizons. Where the game fails is when you reach max level. Unlike WoW in this game the game just starts at max level as people can then freely craft and level other classes.

    But WoW is as well not a simple game. The dungeon encounters (NON RAID DUNGEONS) are extremely well done and some of them require you actually fire off more than a brain cell or two. The quoted above make complete sense to me because its just basic strategy in WoW. problem with HZ is there isn't any of that on the adventure side. I have seen multiclassed titans take on the games best mobs and kill them by the dozens in a single go. I have seen near same level rating mobs fall in great numbers to these same titans.

    HZ isn't a terrible game. It just doesn't compare to the newer titles. Vitrium has a bit of work to do yet.

  6. #26

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    I was bored in WoW by level 12. I liked EQ2 better - more things to do.

    I like HZ though cause it is a 50/50 crafter adven game, and to make life easier, crafting isn't a repetitive process of kicking yourself in soft body parts. It's slow but enjoyably so. Hell. I liked it before trophy hunters and all that other stuff.

    To me, WoW is a screaming arcade game, whereas HZ is chess. They don't really even compare.

  7. #27

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    I didn't play WoW, but I did play the newest WoWish-type clone, LOTRO.

    Adventuring was certainly better in that game than in HZ. THe problem with that game was that I felt railroaded. It was like having an obnoxious DM standing over me the entire time telling me exactly what I should be hunting, what road I should be taking, and what quests I should be doing. In the end, the lack of free choice in that game quickly bored me (10 days). It was kinda like playing a single player RPG where you are locked in a so-so storyline, but with 14 year old jerks on every side of you sending you obnoxious tells.

    When first starting HZ I had the opposite problem. Instead of being told exactly what direction I should be running, what I should be thinking, etc, I was given zippo instructions. I was at a loss for what to do. Eventually I realized that (likely *not* by design) HZ is a sandbox game. You do whatever the heck you want to. What to run from Ice Island to Grayling to Aiya to Parsina? Why not. Go knock yourself out. Part of what makes HZ fun (and part of what makes it unsuitable for 14 year olds) is the sandbox quality of the game.

    Unfortunately a true sandbox game needs many possibilities. HZ has 2. Build a plot/lair, or multiclass until you drop. There isn't enough choice to make this a good sandbox game. But I like it better than anything else I have tried thus far. Though the bugs bug me a lot:P.

  8. #28

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    Quote Originally Posted by gopher65 View Post

    Unfortunately a true sandbox game needs many possibilities. HZ has 2. Build a plot/lair, or multiclass until you drop. There isn't enough choice to make this a good sandbox game. But I like it better than anything else I have tried thus far. Though the bugs bug me a lot:P.

    its called a grind and a grind does not sell unless it has some mighty big rewards at the end of it. Right now HZ has none for either the journey there or at the end. That has been the games biggest issue.

    What do you do after you have built your plot/lair and stomached all you could for adventure and crafting classes ?

    So yeah you are exactly correct HZ is a sandbox game. But if all I have is sand and no toys with which to play in the sand anyone is going to get bored.

    Why is HZ still even here ? Would you want to cancel your account after building up a plot or lair ? Always holding on that there will be something more worthwhile to do ? No and many people will pay $15 a month just to see. Thats what has kept HZ kicking all these years.

    Now before knickers get in a wad over what I just said. Vitrium has a chance and so far there isn't much to complain about with them. But time is always in short supply and they won't have very long to demonstrate they can do more with the game than TulgaAE ever could. Thats the nature of the MMO beast. I have more faith in Vitrium btw than I ever did in TulgaAE.

  9. #29

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunhilde View Post
    To me, WoW is a screaming arcade game, whereas HZ is chess. They don't really even compare.
    I think WoW can be that, but if you're not racing to 70 or spending all your time in instances, you can find some parts of the game that are really just amazing. This is especially true in Burning Crusade. Most of the quests you get are connected by a continuing storyline, or are related to another set of quest lines, all telling part of an overall story that spans an entire region.

    Blizzard also added some really interesting and innovative activities with Burning Crusade. Long time dragon players might remember comments about how "flight is just a mode of transportation"; well, Blizzard did not agree with that idea. One of the first quests available in Outland has you going out on a flying mount and bombing the daylights out of a demon-held area. Later on, when you have your own flying mount, you can take repeatable daily bombing run quests, sending you into enemy territory with demonic flak cannons trying to shoot you down.

    Sure, WoW is a beer & pretzels game, but there's nothing wrong with that.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  10. #30

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    I am more of a vodka girl

  11. #31

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    I prefer a nice Merlot, unless something gets me into a crabby mood. Then I agree w/Lunhilde all the way.

    Try the Ciroc stuff. Expensive, but smooooooth.


    "I feel like a fugitive from the Law of Averages."

  12. #32

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunhilde View Post
    I was bored in WoW by level 12. I liked EQ2 better - more things to do.

    I like HZ though cause it is a 50/50 crafter adven game, and to make life easier, crafting isn't a repetitive process of kicking yourself in soft body parts. It's slow but enjoyably so. Hell. I liked it before trophy hunters and all that other stuff.

    To me, WoW is a screaming arcade game, whereas HZ is chess. They don't really even compare.

    umm I am interested in the game again. But mainly for its potential and the lot of non thinking I have to do to play it.

    I am curious as to how HZ is a chess game ? You have to have content and sorry but I play chess and the game of chess has way more depth than HZ has now or ever will have.

    Now WoW is an apple and Horizons is a kiwi fruit... that needs no explaining

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dralk and in my lair, where else?

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    I think WoW can be that, but if you're not racing to 70 or spending all your time in instances, you can find some parts of the game that are really just amazing. This is especially true in Burning Crusade. Most of the quests you get are connected by a continuing storyline, or are related to another set of quest lines, all telling part of an overall story that spans an entire region
    WoW has a very nasty downside to this.
    You'll notice since the first TBC levels (i.e. Blood Elf enclave in Terokkar Forest) this lore plot expanding and getting more and more interesting till you love it and want to see "how it ends".

    But like for poker, to see you have to pay.

    In WoW you are given 30% of the lore while levelling up then that's it.
    Either you finish your "life" in endless reputation grinding done for itself, without real involvement in anything heroic lore, or you have to join the raiding guild.

    Not just "a" raiding guild like there are few (huge competition) on the server, but *the* raiding guild that will i.e. kill Illidan so that you see where all those many, many lore "prequels" you have seen while levelling up, will get you to.

    We are 3 bosses before Illidan, from SSC upwards I completed quite several purely "lore" quests including nice and long cinematics talking for long time about why, what, where and when.

    I am one of 28 people over 18,000 who have seen it on my server, and 1 out of 3+ servers even have a guild able to ever see that at all. You must pay 19 euros per character (35ish USD I think or so) just to jump to another server, losing all your friends at the same time.

    All the other players that could not dedicate prominent part of their time to defeat the many instances?

    Watch our movies like you watch football in TV. Distant, power-less. Dreaming thru the eyes of someone else. Not protagonist at all.

    Exactly the opposite of what a roleplay game should be about.
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

  14. #34

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    That summerises it all rather well with the quotes:

    "We are going to have so many failures it is going to be unbelievable,"
    "There is going to be a lot of corpses, rubble all over the place.
    "There is so much dumb money. Mass media is coming in and saying we want to be just like WoW."

    Despite it's faults, Horizons still stands out to me and I always enjoy going back there. Sometimes I don't even move after logging in and just chat for hours. I do, well... did now ... play WoW. Originally I was in a guild with some people from Unity, but as time moved on they basically 'completed' the game and I was alone online. Since then, and it did take Time, I met some really good people and joined a guild full of great people .. but same thing happens they reach end game and drift off. Thankfully I have them on msn. I was, and still am, a casual player and take a long time to reach any appreciable level.

    One of those WoW people tried Horizons, but it just didn't perform on their pc. It's a bit of a dog on my two more elderly pc's but I stick it out because I am prepared to do so. Perhaps if some performance improvements are in the pipeline I'll be able to lure a few over. As it stands I think Horizons required a certain mindset from the player. For me that was being a dragon nut ... well a gryphon nut primarily but best option and all that. To be able to roleplay as such is just such a world away from your usual boring biped and is something that I'd personally "crawl over broken glass with my flies unzipped" for. I have a considerable number of chat logs from Wind and Unity all well over 250kb, sometimes multiple files for one evening (relogging due to leaks), with some of the most hilarious, serious, engaging and sometimes downright wrong (in a good way) roleplay I've been a part of. Strange it was usually in Dragons channel, or guild chat ... for which I was in a dragon guild so similar thing. That race seemed to attract likeminded oddballs I guess...

    Trouble is there arn't enough oddballs in the world to make the mmorpg makers to see anything other than cashcows these days. (ToA noted, if it releases before I retire).

    Yours proud of being a dragon/gryphon nut;

    Last edited by Spirit; September 9th, 2007 at 11:45 AM. Reason: Typos and left something out.

  15. #35

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    What gets me about TBC, is that they made older content obsolete and useless.

    I was not able to get up to Raiding Level before TBC came out.

    I never killed Onyxia.
    I never killed Ragnaros.
    I've never stepped foot inside of Stratholme.
    I've never seen Blackrock Spire.
    I've never seen Naxx.
    I've never seen Sunken Temple.

    And I never will.

    Why? Because the very first green item that drops in Outlands will blow any Purple obtained by slaving away in Molten Core away like it was nothing. So, nobody has any will, want, or reason to do it other than "for fun". Problem is, most of the established guilds have done that content, hundreds of time, and it isn't fun to them anymore, and no newbie begging to see it just once is going to convince them otherwise.

    Not that it would actually be a challenge for Outlands Blues Wearing Lv70 players, anyways.

    WoW phailed with TBC, IMO. Utterly failed.

    The content in Outlands is fun, innovating, but at what cost? The "Old Worlds" content is now completely obsolete and nowadays, Lv40+ is "a race to get to Hellfire Peninsula" because even the normal mobs give nearly 2x the XP any Azeroth Mob the same level would.

    Why would Anyone want to do Azeroth Mobs 56+? Once you get Lv55 or so, its "Go find a Warlock or Mage to bring me to Shatt, and Azeroth no longer exists to me!"

    It is a sad, sad day when an MMORPG ditches current content, making it obsolete and unwanted, in favor of shuffling all of the players over to their new lands.

  16. #36

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    And to comment about PvP vs PvE and such:

    PvP: It is horribly unbalanced in WoW. I mean, Horribly Unbalanced. Blizzard, while not even wanting to put any effort into Balance, officially said that One-on-One PvP was never meant to be balanced at all. Problem is, Hunters and Warlocks can murderate nearly anything else. They have very few weaknesses to speak of, except for maybe 1 class that stands any sort of chance whatsoever at all. It wouldn't be so bad, if this was true for all classes, but some classes struggle to kill Anything, like, Warriors. I can't rightly think of too many characters that a Warrior can really kill, and kill consistently, 1 on 1.

    And PvP servers? Ha! There's no honor there whatsoever at all. None. When a Lv60+ player walks around looking for Lv25 players to kill, there's something wrong there. The Lv25 player has no chance whatsoever at all (he dies in one hit, period). And sometimes the Lv60+ player will stand over the player's corpse, wait for him to resurrect, and kill him again. And again. And again. And Again. And -again-. And AGAIN. This is absolute griefing but yet Blizzard, being lazy as usual, sees absolutely nothing wrong with it, and says outright that "It is a PvP server. Deal with it." An Obvious Griefing tactic, which some people would do for hours on end, completely destroying a person's ability to even attempt to enjoy the game, and they just let it go and shrug at it. And the kicker? The Lv60+ player gains nothing from doing so, other than the twisted satisfaction of laughing at some poor miserable person who can't even try to fight back.

    WoW indeed has attracted some of the dirtiest, lowest slime humanity has to offer. But this is good, because those slime-covered people are playing WoW, and would not be interested in a more Honest, Player-friendly, Social game such as Horizons.

    Let Blizzard take Humanity's Garbage, I'm glad to see that Horizons is mostly filled with Honest, Kind, and Social players. I've seen more generosity here than I have ever seen in Final Fantasy XI, or WoW combined. People here will make you stuff just because you asked them to. Most ask you to provide the resources, but hey. In WoW, or especially FFXI, you can't be sure that someone isn't going to take your goods and run, or they will oftentimes demand money for their time, and the sum of money is usually ridiculous, for using up less than 5 minutes of their time.

    I still have issues with getting used to the kind of generosity I see here. A few days ago, I met a very kind dragon on Order has his T4 Library open to the public. He allows total perfect strangers to just waltz in, and take Jman, Expert, whatever forms or techs are in his library for their own use, and asks for nothing in return.

    You'll rarely see that kind of generosity anywhere else.

  17. #37

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    Horizon has survived through some horrible times because it is different than WoW. The day Horizon starts to compete with WoW on WoW's terms, is the day Horizon dies.

    In a market where everyone is apparently struggling to repeat WoW's succes, by making WoW clones, it is important that Horizon stays true to the things that make it unique, so that it will never be 'just another mmo'.
    It will never give it a huge subscription base, but neither will going the WoW way do. One can only hope that staying true to the uniqueness that is Horizon will create a loyal playerbase big enough to keep the game alive for many years to come.

  18. #38

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    Quote Originally Posted by Caelin View Post
    Horizon has survived through some horrible times because it is different than WoW. The day Horizon starts to compete with WoW on WoW's terms, is the day Horizon dies.

    In a market where everyone is apparently struggling to repeat WoW's succes, by making WoW clones, it is important that Horizon stays true to the things that make it unique, so that it will never be 'just another mmo'.
    It will never give it a huge subscription base, but neither will going the WoW way do. One can only hope that staying true to the uniqueness that is Horizon will create a loyal playerbase big enough to keep the game alive for many years to come.

    I can't help but to agree here. If you like WoW, hey, that's your preference, and your choice. WoW has a certain style to it, and if you like it, WoW is the place to go, as they have the largest company, best support, etc.

    That is why most WoW-Clones fail. They try to emulate what WoW does, and just a bit of different graphics, different storyline, and different maps are just not enough to bring people in, when they offer inferior support, inferior client software, inferior development, etc. And who, exactly, is going to compete with a mega-mammoth such as Blizzard?

    IMO, it is kinda stupid to emulate WoW. WoW has already filled its niche, and anyone who tries to get a piece of that pie is going to be met with dissappointment.

    The only way an MMORPG can survive in this world, is by being *unique*. FFXI is still surviving. Why is that? Because it has things no other MMORPG has, and it is certainly not a WoW Clone. Horizons is still surviving. Why? Because it does not try to emulate WoW.

    Last I heard, Vanguard was going downhill, and fast, and people used to preach that like it was the bee's knees.

    LOTRO, I haven't been hearing much about lately either. Now that the initial hype has died off, I don't hear many people talking about it.

    So, let's please not forget what makes this game unique. Emulating some parts of WoW is okay, but let us not lose our uniqueness in the process. Every good game out there has copied *something* from *someone*, but yet retained enough originality to keep it going.

  19. #39

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    My 2 coppers is WoW and HZ are very different games. I personally feel both fail when it comes to the "end game". Grinding endlessly for equipment in WoW and grinding adventure levels as a biped can get old pretty fast. I wish Wow and HZ both would have created some form of Alternate Advancement. In hz, i know several bipeds and all dragons lvl 100 earn nothing for the 10s of millions of xp they have aquired in adventuring. Not every HZ biped wants 10 plus adventure classes.

    After I hit the level cap I would like my xp to go toward some goal.

    After thought: Anyone here play on the Hellscream Server in WoW?
    Vengeance 100/100/41 Lunus Dragon on Chaos
    79 Million Hoard
    Moregoth the Hunter 278 rating
    28 level 100 adventure classes

  20. #40

    Default Re: WoW posts excerpts

    I've read so much here that I agree with, and has also helped me realize a few more reasons why I like hz so much. I never made it to max lvl in wow, in fact my highest there was only 52 when I quit. Quite simply I got bored and I realized that all I'd have left is to hope I could be available for endless raids on the sameplaces over and over and over... The high end of that game is no diffrent than the high end of EQ. Simply an area I'd never get to experience due to time constraints, this leaves many zones unreachable for me.
    Another thing is while you may be fed bit and peices of lore and the main storyline as you lvl up you never get to really be involved in it unless you become an uber raider, even then its very static (and repetive). There's no since that we, the players are really effecting anything. No matter how many times Alliance raids Crossraods or Horde raids Astranaaar(gh), the "damage" is only temporary. No matter how many times you go thru and kill x or y it never changes or even effects the game in any way. Sure you can eventualy kill and then farm Illidian, but there's no sence that you really changed anything.
    In Hz we can build and see the world change around us by our actions. We can free area's from the WA, or loose them to their armies. We can build towns with all the needed shops for an area. It doesnt matter if you're a new player only a few lvls strong or an ancient dragon or maxed multiclassed bi-ped you can contribute to the world and what happens can really matter. This is somehting you really dont see that often in other games, and when they do its typicaly geared only towards the high lvl players.

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