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Thread: Talk in the Online Channels

  1. #21

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    There's nothing in particularity wrong with furries per say, I just find the PMs I sometimes get really annoying. I suppose it's partially my own fault for choosing a forum name like this one, but darn it I like this name and I'm not going to give it up!

    Hey Ophelea, is doing any sort of work with Vi? QA or advertising or community management like you did with TG? Or is Rick wanting to get his feet on the ground before he starts doing anything like that?

  2. #22

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    Quote Originally Posted by gopher65 View Post
    There's nothing in particularity wrong with furries per say, I just find the PMs I sometimes get really annoying. I suppose it's partially my own fault for choosing a forum name like this one, but darn it I like this name and I'm not going to give it up!

    Hey Ophelea, is doing any sort of work with Vi? QA or advertising or community management like you did with TG? Or is Rick wanting to get his feet on the ground before he starts doing anything like that?
    None whatsoever.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    Quote Originally Posted by Menkure View Post
    Not all "furries" are uhm Ahem *cough* bad...
    Rather than continuing the can of worms, I'll just say I agree with Menkure. Oh, and by the way... *sneaks up behind Menkure and steals the kitty smilies for her own use*

  4. #24

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    Interesting, never heard of fandom, so looked it up in google search:
    That should come with a warning! ("Don't try this at home") Some furry art, photos and stories are NOT safe for work or fragile minds!

    Please take this activity to private conversations, as not everyone wants to see this.
    Aww... but I can't watch then!

    Seriously though, I don't think it's all that big of a deal. Oh, and remember, a PG rated film can have brief nudity. All of a sudden, hugging, kissing, and nuzzling doesn't seem that bad.

  5. #25

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    Jasmeen and Xoshara, you took my comment off the deep end. No where did I say that all roleplaying = people need to get a life. The only type of roleplay I was pertaining to was explicit roleplay that happens repeatedly in any public channel. I would be a hypocrit if I said all roleplayers need a life.
    Last edited by Soars; September 27th, 2007 at 02:48 AM.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    heh.. I wonder what some folks thought of some of the conversations we used to have in Guild Chat back about 2 years ago... That and what we discussed in Ventrilo and such... That was such a good time when there were like 15-20 folks just carrying on and on.. until some, less mature (age wise), folks logged in and we had to tone it down a tad..
    Elated that HZ is no longer in the hands of the Infidels.

    Now.. I may have to split my time between 2 games... CS:S and HZ...

  7. #27

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    No picking on fuzzies! They're cool people!

    I'm curious what is "to far" ... I know I whine about crafting and digging and what nots, which usually leads to me being portrayed as muddy cause well... Digging lots does that to you! ... And so lately a few people have decided to take to cleaning me to the extreme! There's this gnome with a hose... *Growl* Then this dragon with brushes that make you "mud resistant" *whimpers* So of course I put up a fight! I likes being sand stone coated! Though it never goes off the deep end of "too much information" in my opinion.

    However, the one thing I will agree with is that... it's perhaps a little much and hogging the channel space. All it takes is a tell though and I'd stopped, if it happened to be me. Though I suspect it isn't =/ I left dragon and market a week ago for other reasons, and now only reside in 3 guild channels.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    "Too far" really does depend a lot on the person viewing it. If you have objections to what's going on in the channel, take a step back, breathe a little, decide if what's going on in the channel is really that bad (I don't play on Order, though I assume the chat standards are going to be about the same), and if it still bothers you, send a private tell to the people involved asking them to tone it down and maybe explain why it bothers you. Don't ask them to stop, as that will likely irritate them.

    If they don't stop and it IS something offensive, send a ticket. If it's not that offensive, just put them on /ignore.

    I know there have been many times where the bouncing, pouncing, and general cuddling in Dragon have really irritated me on Chaos. My solution is to simply leave the channel if it gets to be too much...and when I feel like being pouncy, I try not to be over the top about it.

    Of course, probably the most offensive thing I've seen in there is the word "dwaggie." *shudders* And hearing that from grown dragons, no less.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    for me i see no probs in all of this hugging and kissing and loving in normal channels after all its just harmless fun and it happen in just about every game you play nowadays.

    anyway - *hugs and kisses* to all.
    Tror Rockplate-Unity-hoping to wake up on chaos/order.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    Some of us don't like to be hugged and kissed by every stranger we run across though. And there are a few people that like to hug the whole channel. >.<

  11. #31

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    Cooties = not good

  12. #32

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    Oh my! Cooties now? Oh my!

    Gosh Dern, I only hug those that I know well, and gosh dern, I don't have cooties!


  13. #33

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    ohhh comon people.... seriously..

    the only talk that is important right now is a VISTA fix!!

    hehe.... just kidding (uhh but not really)

    Anywho... ive known Hob for a long time and although i havent been in game for quite some time... ive known him to be pretty tolerant of people and what they say... so my only conclusion can be that someone must have said something pretty irritating

    this being said... he could have
    A)took it up with the person... perhaps caused an episode that would have resulted in negative feelings all the way around


    B)do what he did here and hope that without singling someone out or causing an issue that directly hurt someone, that the parties involved might read this and understand on their own without the need for a confrontation

    hugs kisses etc. thats ok... but if its more... take it private.... use your brain... there are kids that play the game

    guild chat dont apply here.... this is public channels

    If you ran up to me and hugged or kissed me in real life outa the blue and i didnt know you (at least not like a brother etc.) you would probably get a knuckle sandwich or at least a very very dirty look from my wife!!
    Last edited by Flindar; September 27th, 2007 at 09:54 PM.

  14. #34
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    i once got taken to task by a 14 year old for talking about sheriff carter's butt in group chat.......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  15. #35

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    I have no problems with hugging and kissing chat as long as it's pg13 rated. If I don't like what I am reading.. I look at another tab. No big deal. The only thing I am concerned about is for the kids that play this game. As a parent I take a proactive approach to what I let my kids see. That includes playing games online. I think we all should keep it in mind that kids could be online and type carefully out of respect for kids. I don't hold the players of the game accountable for the chat in channels.. that is my job as a parent. A job I take seriously. One of the greatest things about this game for me is that I am able to play with adults with children and have other parents looking out for the kids. I met and hung around with a couple of couples with kids and we took turns taking the eachothers kids out and helping them and "baby sitting". I've never seen this in other games. That is one of the things about this game I love so much.

    So, regardless of the person on the other end of the screen.. be respectful of them.. they could be a child.. a person that has just broken up with a bf/gf.. a divorce.. etc. Think about what you say and how it effects everyone else. and please don't take the approach of "this is a game.. deal with it.." There's just no respect in it... lord knows we all could show a little more respect.. in a game and in real life. Just take a moment to think about what you are typing. Life is so much better when people get along and respect eachother. I also don't think this complaint meeds to be dictated. this world id becoming more and more strict to the point that we have so little freedom. Even though we can choose certain things in our life.... there is a lot that we are doing that is taking freedom away from ourselves. one small law at a time... So, instead of pushing anything to the brink of drastic measures.. just take a second to think about what we type and call it good.

  16. #36
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    Quote Originally Posted by Shirewood View Post
    I have no problems with hugging and kissing chat as long as it's pg13 rated. If I don't like what I am reading.. I look at another tab. No big deal. The only thing I am concerned about is for the kids that play this game. As a parent I take a proactive approach to what I let my kids see. That includes playing games online. I think we all should keep it in mind that kids could be online and type carefully out of respect for kids. I don't hold the players of the game accountable for the chat in channels.. that is my job as a parent. A job I take seriously. One of the greatest things about this game for me is that I am able to play with adults with children and have other parents looking out for the kids. I met and hung around with a couple of couples with kids and we took turns taking the eachothers kids out and helping them and "baby sitting". I've never seen this in other games. That is one of the things about this game I love so much.

    So, regardless of the person on the other end of the screen.. be respectful of them.. they could be a child.. a person that has just broken up with a bf/gf.. a divorce.. etc. Think about what you say and how it effects everyone else. and please don't take the approach of "this is a game.. deal with it.." There's just no respect in it... lord knows we all could show a little more respect.. in a game and in real life. Just take a moment to think about what you are typing. Life is so much better when people get along and respect eachother. I also don't think this complaint meeds to be dictated. this world id becoming more and more strict to the point that we have so little freedom. Even though we can choose certain things in our life.... there is a lot that we are doing that is taking freedom away from ourselves. one small law at a time... So, instead of pushing anything to the brink of drastic measures.. just take a second to think about what we type and call it good.

    i hate to reply to this post, because i know i will end up looking like an azzhole, but....
    shire, i admire you for taking a proactive role in your kids life. i am not a mother, never even wanted to be, but thru no fault of my own, i am a *** mother (don't ask me, i told them it was a bad idea...), including a goddaughter from literally the moment of birth. so while i may not have the 24/7 responsibility, i have been actively involved in forming young minds.
    and let me say that my godkids have heard every filthy word, every nasty thought of hate and peevishness, every bad day and crappy relationship i have had for most if not all of their lives.
    kids are smarter than we think, and they grow up real fast these days. i have my values, and i have tried to teach them to my godkids. one of these values is - there are no bad words, just bad thoughts. you can't even take a kid to a pg13 movie anymore if you want to shield them from 'bad words' - the f-word is permissible these days, and topless women and sex scenes are common.
    please, by all means, continue to monitor your kids activities. i see no need to allow your kids to watch **** or talk like a sailor. but i do know that if you instill your values in your children, they will live by them. the experience will not remove those values, nor will 'protecting' them from the reality of the world make those values any stronger.

    i prolly haven't explained my thoughts as well as i wanted, but i hope you understand that i am not advocating inserting as many curse words in your chats as you can. i am just letting you know that in my experience, experience is the only way to solidify values - life will come fast enough, and it is better to be prepared than to not be prepared.
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  17. #37

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    Hoberton I think I know what you mean. I do not listen to dragon chat much anymore for the same particular reason. It is not so much as the hugs that and the kisses its all the talk about nuzzels and licks and pounces and tackles and rolling threw the muds the conversations go on like that forever over and over and over and could be taken a little offensive. I myself am quilty of one thing I do like to give my crafter a Big hugs with a thank you! But its not intended to be a sexual thing... But the other chat I have to agree with you, and its just not on order either, I loged on yesterday and two dragons one adult and one hatchling in newbie town where having an open in general chat licking and tackle contests and nuzzels and playful (we will call it playful) conversation that was down right sicking to me I turned off that chat. I quess Hoberton we are a rare and just dont like all that mushy stuff.

  18. #38

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    Wow, strange.. wierd thread. The question seems to be is it OK/acceptable to give out hugs and kisses and other assorted greetings in public channels when a person logs in or is logging out.. Really thats what it boils down to. Then there is the "what is acceptable and what is crossing the line"...

    I hate to break it to you hugging lovey-dovey folks but if you even have to ask the question "is it crossing a line" why in the hell are you doing it in a public channel instead of a tell/guild chat or private channel. Seriously. In any many player game of today it is not concidered appropriate to use public channels to talk to your friends as if no one else is there. Morespecifically it's not fair to everyone else in the game to have to listen to what "you" (general you) consider fine roleplaying while everyone else on the server is gagging.

    Really what it gets right down to is peopel want attention. They want everyone to know that they are "cool" and so-and-so is their friend and they have been around x many years and they can do what they want in public channels. Fact is no one wants to listen to a bunch of lame, borderline adult comentary vaguely disguiesed as roleplay when they are playing a game.

    Why would you even think of carrying on personal convos in a public channel? Seems a little bit over the top to me. Does it make you feel any better to know that you are annoying 50-100 people by making them read your rediculous hugs as you enter every single channel you are on? That's not roleplay. That's just silly. I'm not anti hug. You wanna hug someone do it. Hugging is healthy. Making overboard, public displays of affection in a public gaming channel, sometimes with overt sexual connotations is simply a cry for help.

    My 2 cents.

  19. #39

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    It doesn't sound mushy though, it just sounds playful is all. =/

    I ask in the same line... So what if someone posed something along hte lines as "Chest down and his rear in the air, he growls fiercely!" and then of course some "emote" depicted fight takes place? That's ok? Or not ok too? =P

    For the most part I want to see if those of you talking about this would complain about the above example too.

  20. #40

    Default Re: Talk in the Online Channels

    Why is this in General forum?
    Looks as though you are talking about issue in Order?

    So what are the roleplay rules?
    All alone in the dark

    Unity..Brainbasher(MorrBasher on Chaos)

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