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Thread: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

  1. #1

    Default Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    Yes, well mabe the title is a bit demanding, but demand is all the power I have to do against this evil.

    I'm a level 100 dragon, with a decent if not spactacular hord level.
    Ok, first time in a while I decide I want to go out and have a bit of a challenge hunt by myself. Mabe at some place hard enough that I can find some nice crystals, a few hord items, and rare forms, and have fun doing it right?

    Wrong. EB. Think I can situate myself in a spot to take things on one on one without getting myself killed? No no matter where I go, things spawn in on top of me at the worst possible time.

    Same at the satyer islands.

    Can't plan tactics in this game because nothing blocks the monsters and you can't plan around their current positions because they can pop in anywhere. this has been a major major major flaw INTRODUCED into this game after the merge, and I WANT IT RESOLVED!

    *pants, regains his senses, and notices he's managed to set most of the countryside on fire*

    Sorry... I think I'm done.

    * snuffles curiously*
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  2. #2

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    Welcome to the tough side of the tracks. Eastern Deadlands are dangerous. Satyr Islands are dangerous. All this is known and many threads have tactics listed as to how to combat in this area. Do a search and I am sure you will find what you need.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    I'm well aware it's dangerous. That't why I go there. But the problem, you see, is there is no tactics to most anything related to pulling critters in this game other than mabe who to take down first and what order to use your abilities in. You can't plan much of anything because things spawn on top of you because of the proximity spawn, and you can't use any of the land features against monsters. Drives me nuts.

    I also know all this is known, or I wouldn't consider this a rant and it would be in a ticket or in suggestions.

    At least in WoW you can use dungeon corners, trees, and mountain terrain to your advantage, and you have a chance to recover before somthing else pops in on top of you. At least in WoW, you can see stuff coming from a distance on a patroll before its right there.

    Yes, please don't patronise me on this topic. I'm well aware of what you state, but I'm venting about one of my greatest dissapointments in HZ.

    * snuffles curiously*
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    I dislike the spawn system as well. *leaves it at that*
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  5. #5

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    It is often seems painfully obvious to me that while the crafting system is the jewl of horizons, and I ejoy it greately when I feel like crafting, that the adventure and combat portion of horizons is extreemly underdeveloped and underconsidered. It's allmost as if the possibility of a challenging, yet accomplishable adventure was nearly completely traded off to allow the game to do things craft wise that you don't see in any other game. I welcome this when I feel like crafting, but morn it in most cases when I feel like hunting. I don't think it's lack of skill on my part due to the fact that the things that get me killed are usually things that I have no or very little controll over and are flaws in game design.

    * snuffles curiously*
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  6. #6

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    I agree, even though Im not as high as you yet. It really sucks to find what seems a nice spot to pull to and be there for 15+ mins only to have the system suddenly realize that hey! this player plans on hanging around for a bit! and suddenly your nice spot is over run. Even worse is to need something and having to wait 10 mins or more for the system to decide you plan on being there and spawn the mobs you need.
    Why not make mobs spawn like resources do? When I fly into an area I normaly only have to wait maybe 10 seconds for resources to spawn if its an unusual laggy spot.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    I actually broke out the old WoW disks after posting this, realizing that I need both worlds to have the best of both worlds. It kind of too bad HZ can't manage this on it's own. This does not mean I intend to quit HZ alltogether. But sometimes I need a good fight, and I can't seem to get that in HZ unless I'm with some kind of accompanymant, and sometimes I just feel like hunting alone.

    * snuffles curiously*
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  8. #8

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    I noticed this as a new player. It's really frustrating to look for a spawn, run over the spawn because it hasn't loaded, turn back around (maybe you missed it?) Lo and behold! They all spawn at once! Getting you an effective dp.

    When I was hunting for a specific creature, I found out from older players that I really just needed to memorize where all the borders of the spawns are and just wait at the borders for them to load, then take my mark.

    ..Not very immersive nor encouraging for a new player.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shian View Post
    When I was hunting for a specific creature, I found out from older players that I really just needed to memorize where all the borders of the spawns are and just wait at the borders for them to load, then take my mark.
    This shouldn't be nessisary. I don't want to have to do this.

    * snuffles curiously*
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    In a skylair, high above the clouds

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    I do agree that the spawn system sucks so hard that it could suck-start a F-22 Raptor.

    That said, It is not too hard to learn the spawn areas and cope with the system as is. Does it break immersion? Like a wrecking ball through a stained glass window. However, it CAN be mitigated, and you CAN adapt your hunting style to it.

    I have been hunting comps for the last few weeks for scales and other things. I've been jumped a few times, as it has been a couple of years since I played much, so I am re-remembering all my tactics. I die usually once an outing solo. More times if I am hunting in the ED.

    Anyway, if you wanna come hunt with me sometime I am out collecting comps, feel free to let me know. I have to work the Satyr Islands and Fire Island next.
    Erus Ex Universitas -- Erus Ex Istaria Guild Home

    1. Fix what is broken. -- 2. Finish what is not complete. -- 3. Start something new.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    Agreed, this spawn system sucks and needs to be fixed.

    Hopefully the new guys are planning on making meaningful changes instead of just nerfs.

    Personally, I don't see how they expect to draw people to an mmorpg that has a broken spawn system.

    (Great for crafting tho! I can harvest dozens of nodes before the game manages to spawn the golems, heh.)
    Vermithraxx Draconis, Spirit Shard 12/29/03, 1st Helian Adult 03/17/04 [Retired]
    Vermithraxis Draconis, Chaos Shard 06/28/07, Lunus Adult 07/18/07, 100/100/100 09/03/07
    Biped: HLR 100/SPRD 45/CNJ 44/MIN 100/TNK 100/ARM 100/SPL 100/WPN 90/JWL 100/OUT 69/BLK 58/GTH 76/ENC 53...

  12. #12

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    Immersion is my problem. I like to feel immersed when I play. I like to feel like I'm the dragon on the screen instead of the human behind the keyboard fighting a flawed system. Unfortunately when I have to work around game flaws as big as this, it spoils it completely for me.

    * snuffles curiously*
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  13. #13

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    I hear ya. The "Artificial Idiocy" in this game has always struck me as a kid's shoot-em-up instead of a real MMORPG. I'm just here for a sandbox crafting vacation <heh>.

    I know it's a pain to start over (or new) in any real MMO, but offhand suggestion for immersion: Everquest 2. Younger than Horizons, and about to roll into Tier 8. (New expansion just released.)

    I have to look at our housing issues (lair reclamation) and laugh. If this were a Sony game, a lair reclaim would have been done the moment they became aware of the issue. They've never had a problem keeping an eye to the future and continually expanding the game (which is now about 10x bigger than HZ, imo)

    Of course, if Sony thought this game had any potential, they would have snapped it up the way they did Vanguard and add it to their collection. Ah well.
    Vermithraxx Draconis, Spirit Shard 12/29/03, 1st Helian Adult 03/17/04 [Retired]
    Vermithraxis Draconis, Chaos Shard 06/28/07, Lunus Adult 07/18/07, 100/100/100 09/03/07
    Biped: HLR 100/SPRD 45/CNJ 44/MIN 100/TNK 100/ARM 100/SPL 100/WPN 90/JWL 100/OUT 69/BLK 58/GTH 76/ENC 53...

  14. #14

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    Quote Originally Posted by Vermithraxx View Post

    I know it's a pain to start over (or new) in any real MMO, but offhand suggestion for immersion: Everquest 2. Younger than Horizons, and about to roll into Tier 8. (New expansion just released.)
    I wouldn't even metion EQ2. Why? 'cause that game has more people working on it than any other MMO company. They have Devs strictly for sound effects, one for music, another just as a "lore keeper" can't remeber any of the other oddball ones, but add an entire team just for Intl. relations to the mix...
    Quote Originally Posted by Vermithraxx View Post
    I have to look at our housing issues (lair reclamation) and laugh. If this were a Sony game, a lair reclaim would have been done the moment they became aware of the issue. They've never had a problem keeping an eye to the future and continually expanding the game (which is now about 10x bigger than HZ, imo)
    Can I laugh too? Ahahaha! *cough* Galaxies *cough* Some other game it took 4 years to do.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vermithraxx View Post
    Of course, if Sony thought this game had any potential, they would have snapped it up the way they did Vanguard and add it to their collection. Ah well.
    And I'm **** well glad they didn't. Sony has a nice habit of slurping up other games just to put skeleton dev crews on them to kill the game so that the only game to play from that pool is EQ2. How many MxO players do you know?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    Yeah... I imagine if HZ had a team (and a wallet) as big as the teams working on games like EQII and WoW it would be a little better than it is:P. Although... look at Vanguard. A big team and tonnes of money aren't necessarily a recipe for success I guess.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    Only way they can fix it is to get new servers. This was done primarily because TulgaAE at the time of the transition to Tulga could not afford what they had running under verio. This spawning system is a result of servers that they could afford. Given that unless what ever engine is the result of that decision is fixed or replaced or even new servers for HZ this is never going to be eliminated completely.

    However yeah it does suck. One of the fun things about an MMO is the ability to hunt your mobs and try varying ways of pulling them. Thats half the fun in developing a strategy and trying new ones. The spawn system as it is completely removes this aspect from Horizons play. Its also an aspect that will always cause HZ to lose its longevity factor for any new player. We have all been spoiled by adventuring systems that work and are fun.

    HZ's could be better... a lot better.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    Quote Originally Posted by gopher65 View Post
    Yeah... I imagine if HZ had a team (and a wallet) as big as the teams working on games like EQII and WoW it would be a little better than it is:P. Although... look at Vanguard. A big team and tonnes of money aren't necessarily a recipe for success I guess.
    vanguard .... had its issues. it still does. But really the only pressing major issue left for that game is its performance problems. They rival those in Horizons. Actually I think HZ performs better system wise than vanguard.

    But gameplay wise... in the adventuring aspect. VG blows HZ completely away. But HZ is here to fill the crafting niche in the market not the adventuring imo.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    Aye. This is the ONLY MMORPG game I've ever played that allows monsters to run THROUGH houses, walls, trees, rocks, et cetera. EXTREMELY LAZY on Artifact's part.

    I remember having to get used to fighting blights in the ED 'cause at any time there'd be a bunch of blights IN the freaking walls.

    Lazy, lazy, lazy!!!

    ^ That is what it's turned into, not what it was hyped to be, and I hope to God it doesn't stay like this or HZ is doomed. No MMORPG, in my opinion, can survive with a crap adventuring system.
    Last edited by Casyle; November 19th, 2007 at 04:13 AM.
    Casius, first lvl 100 Dragon.

    Achiever 66.67%, Explorer 53.33%, Socializer 46.67% Killer 33.33%

  19. #19

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tryagain View Post
    Only way they can fix it is to get new servers. This was done primarily because TulgaAE at the time of the transition to Tulga could not afford what they had running under verio. This spawning system is a result of servers that they could afford. Given that unless what ever engine is the result of that decision is fixed or replaced or even new servers for HZ this is never going to be eliminated completely.
    IMO, if that's what thy need to do then that's what they need to do, it shouldn't even be in question. I don't know if they even realize how much of a difference in game quality a consistant spawn system would make at this point. I'm highly suprised that they even consider the current player localization spawn sistem is even acceptable. But aparently so. I wonder if Vitrium will realize this and upgrade or not.

    * snuffles curiously*
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  20. #20

    Default Re: Blasted spawn system is ****NO**** fun. FIX IT NOW!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shian View Post
    I wouldn't even metion EQ2. Why? 'cause that game has more people working on it than any other MMO company. They have Devs strictly for sound effects, one for music, another just as a "lore keeper" can't remeber any of the other oddball ones, but add an entire team just for Intl. relations to the mix...
    This is just the problem, we have yet to find a company to put this much effort into HZ. I have yet to see even as much $$ and blood poored into HZ as WoW or EQ2 has had yet. I'm convinced that the ideals behond HZ would overshadow either of those games if there was.

    * snuffles curiously*
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