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Thread: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

  1. #41

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pharcellus View Post
    Doesn't matter. The current owner is just as responsible for the issues of the past. When you "buy" a company, you are buying not only the products and the operation, but also all the issues that go along with it.

    Now, Virtrium can just say "screw off; we don't owe you anything", and technically, they don't, but they ARE NOT saying that, but instead are trying to take on the issues of the past, as a responsible company should.

    Let me frase it this way the Unity players was not the customers of AE Tulga EI PME nor have they ever been the customers off Virt.

    The European shards was run by GN we were their Customers.

    If in doubt look at where our payment went to.

  2. #42

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    (came a bit late in here^^so: )

    *huggs Cobal, Antonath* well spoken- anyway

    @Tryagain- you`ll never understand: As Takora said: Read our posts
    (e.g. Vahrok`s)

    @Velea- brains recover when the kids are grown up- I can tell^^
    even the style of moderation turns from command to communication again

  3. #43

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mairynn Nalnair View Post
    Let me frase it this way the Unity players was not the customers of AE Tulga EI PME nor have they ever been the customers off Virt.

    The European shards was run by GN we were their Customers.

    If in doubt look at where our payment went to.
    Ah well again the "screw off and shut up" attitude form the NA players, never changes it seems.

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  4. #44

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Takora Drakan View Post
    Ah well again the "screw off and shut up" attitude form the NA players, never changes it seems.

    Played on earth since spring 2004
    was in the guild council of Angelic protectors

    And as I said before was never the customer off AE or Tulga

    I am the customer of Virt since i care more about the game than an old toon i havent played for a long time,.
    if you did the same you would do the same

    I was the customer of GN they closed down Unity and killed our Toons.

    Put the blame where it belongs.

  5. #45

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    While new owners are not responsible for having created the baggage, by buying it, they assume responsibility for dealing with it. I am very impressed with the positive approach Virtrium is taking to all of the baggage they purchased. Go team!!! :-)

  6. #46

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Takora Drakan View Post
    Ah well again the "screw off and shut up" attitude form the NA players, never changes it seems.
    Looks like this was a "screw off and shut up" attitude from another EU player and not an NA player.

  7. #47

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    So lesseee. They're supposed to educate artists who know absolutely nothing about databases so that they can help. Of course, while those who know enough to educate the others are teaching Beginning SQL they aren't working on the problem. Oh sure, a DBA could write a "how to"; but if he had enough of a handle on the problem to write that "how to" he could probably write a script that would do the whole thing automatically anyway.

    If they did do what Cobol is demanding, he would most likely find himself with a hopelessly corrupted character. Very likely the server his character was moved to would also end up hopelessly corrupted.

    In most places I've worked, the database is considered so critical to operation that, not only do they not allow newbies who don't know diddly about databases to learn on it, but they try to restrict access to a few chosen database administrators and require all programs to use stored procedures written by those database administrators. The thought of amateurs just learning SQL having access to their databases would be enough to give most IT honchos cold sweats.

    I really really hope they don't give in to such nonsense.

    It really is bad that the Unity players still can't play; but this proposal is not a solution. If they were stupid enough to do it not only would the Unity players STILL not be able to play, but very likely nobody else would be able to play either.

  8. #48

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Takora Drakan View Post
    Ah well again the "screw off and shut up" attitude form the NA players, never changes it seems.
    *points up* sick and tired of EU people being rude to NA people.

    I've been watching this topic from afar, but this comment angered me a little and I guess here are my two cents on the subject.

    Whining, screaming, and throwing tantrums are not going to make Unity up any faster, if it ever does. In fact if I was in Vi's shoes, I wouldn't rush on Unity if people were screaming at me, insulting me, the forum moderators, and other members. I would think, "Hey, if these whiny people leave we will have a better community who doesn't whine and asks us nicely about things.". If people are getting so upset over Unity, then I suggest getting another hobby. I know our characters mean alot to us, but they are just characters in a game.

    and I am not saying "screw off", I understand why you want your characters back, but you guys are just going at it the wrong way. Insulting the moderators, Virtrium and anyone else in this topic who you think is telling you to screw off is just going to embarrass you and make you look foolish.

    I don't me wrong, I want Unity to come back up, but I just don't want to get insulted by rude cranky people, I'm sure Vi doesn't either. I suggest being nicer to them since they control the situation.
    Last edited by Lunarya; December 10th, 2007 at 09:15 PM.
    Looking for a "dentist" to fix Lunarya's blue teeth

    Lunarya and Akenokoru on Chaos.
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  9. #49

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    I am so glad this thread is in rants...

    Honestly long has it been since Unity/GN went down the tubes? Pretty sure it's been well over a year now, and if not, pretty freaking close.

    Most sane people in that time have either moved on, or already created a new Order/Chaos toon.

    It'll take as much time as it should be happy they are working on it at all.

    Considering all the griping, complaining, and other nasties coming from Unity players...I'd be more apt to say to hell with unity toons altogether, the toons are over a year old, unplayed, and several build's old. Billing is up and running, working for NA and other countries and anyone can use the NA shards.

    Haven't made a new toon yet...get busy!

    Sorry, sort of, if this sounds nasty and terse, but the invective coming from Unitarians is getting old, repetitive, and annoying.
    Spirit Brothers
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  10. #50
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaelefein View Post

    Sorry, sort of, if this sounds nasty and terse, but the invective coming from Unitarians is getting old, repetitive, and annoying.
    Yeah, yeah old blah blah, Europe isn't called the OLD continent for nothing you know.

    And for the grow up and move on bit. Every now and then there were made promisses by the owners of the game about the transfer, why shouldn't we think those promisses are worth something?

    Because they ALL are liers?

    To make a nice "throw ALL owners on one pile" remark. to complement the ALL NA players, ALL Unity players etc.

    Oh I shouldn't forget the "don't get me wrong" bit.

    I just HATE this kind of conversations. I really don't know why it has to come to this kind of accusations. If you don't like the so called "whining" please don't read these threads. Enjoy your game and your plot and stuff and you chars and your guild, all the things we lost and let it be.

    This is not only to Aaelefein (hope that was clear but to be on the safe side) but to all nice people who have made kind comments about Unity transfer update requests. This post also contains some sarcasme, for those who don't appreciate it, my appologies. It's not easy in a foreign language.
    Last edited by Sigi; December 10th, 2007 at 11:16 PM.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
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    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  11. #51

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigi View Post
    This is not only to Aaelefein (hope that was clear but to be on the safe side) but to all nice people who have made kind comments about Unity transfer update requests. This post also contains some sarcasme, for those who don't appreciate it, my appologies. It's not easy in a foreign language.
    I'm not against the transfer of characters from the old Unity DB. I am against the negativity being spewed by both Unitarians and Chaos/Order players.

    We've been told it is going to happen, and recently we've even been told that there were some legality issues involved. Everyone should know that if legal issues are involved...well...any time-frames, estimates, and plans can be tossed out the window. If coders were as adept in an opposite way as lawyers are at dragging things out...hell, we'd have Horizons 2 by now.
    Spirit Brothers
    Aaelefein - Foremost a Grand Master Crafter, also a Paladin/Healer/Druid/Mage/Spiritist
    Treyvan - Adult Dragon 100A/100DC/100LS/95CS
    Skandrannon - Growing and Expert Dragon Crafter

  12. #52

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigi View Post
    And for the grow up and move on bit. Every now and then there were made promisses by the owners of the game about the transfer, why shouldn't we think those promisses are worth something?

    Because they ALL are liers?
    Just because it is taking longer than everyone wants it to take does that mean they broke a promise?
    Looking for a "dentist" to fix Lunarya's blue teeth

    Lunarya and Akenokoru on Chaos.
    Help make Evarus grow!

  13. #53

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    And for the grow up and move on bit. Every now and then there were made promisses by the owners of the game about the transfer, why shouldn't we think those promisses are worth something?
    That's just the thing.. NO PROMISES WERE EVER MADE!

    Rick stated in the interview months back that we were "Looking into it". That "we are trying our best...", and "We are not going to make any promises until we are certain that this is feasable..."

    Even in the most recent update, again, no promises were made. We gave an update on the status of our progress, but we did not make any promises.

    What we DID SAY, and have said time and time again, was that we are trying our hardest to make this happen. We are running into difficulties that are beyond our control, and while we have accomplished a lot on our side, we are awaiting word on other things... and right now, to quote the article: "Much of what we're waiting on is out of our hands". We are hopeful that we can get the issues resolved, and start testing by the new year, but again.. we are hopeful... and hopeful does not constitute a promise.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Last edited by Menkure; December 11th, 2007 at 03:47 AM. Reason: fixed broken UBB tag

  14. #54
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    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    I've never been one to back up authority ever. Its not in my DNA;p In anycase... the mods and Vi have been a lot more lenient with this particular rant than I would be.

    Things are being done. Slowly? yeah...but at least they still care. Unity joining them as paying customers would make any business happy. So lets not tell them how to run thier business. Long story short... they arerumored to be planning lots of compesation which, in all technicallity no one but hte people who shut down unity owes you all...which btw was not Vi.

    Menkure is 100% right I love that interview and I just re-read it gives me hope. Angry commands would make someone like me drop the project to spite you.

    Be very glad I and players like me who were appalled by Cobalts rudeness, have no say in how unity gets transfered or if it does at all.

    Cobalt painted a very grotesque picture of what to expect when the transfer/merge/whatever its called occurs.

    I dont blame all for one's behavior but some will. I would hope you take that advice to heart. being added to a foreign environment is no fun and the inhabitants can make it worse.

    I likely wont notice who is from where or care in the long run but some will.

    I wouldnt wanna come off as rude or lacking gratitude when the time comes.

    Personally I empathized with unity and its plight quite a bit up to now, but its becoming apperent that rudeness and contempt are also on its way when the recovery is finished...thats really not cool><


  15. #55
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    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Id like to add something: I realize rants arent always nice...but the title was a command.

    I personally dont think anyone likes to be commanded even people providing a service, which is all this game is.

    Don't command your mail man, your garbage man, your police officer or your MMO provider. It often doesnt go well.

    Just a few words to live by.

  16. #56
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    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Now, see, why'd you have to go and stir all this up?

    You'll notice that since we got an update from VI, all we Unitarians have been nice, pleasant, happy people again.

    Once we're in game, you'll probably be complaining more about how gushingly fan-ish we are than any rudeness.

    I sometimes think those on the US shards forget just how long those from the EU have been without a game. We didn't just have the development freeze Order and Chaos got, we lost our whole shard, complete with all our characters. Perhaps Blight players can sympathise. Now, none of this is VI's fault, and we know they're doing their best to solve it, but you'll understand if we're a little anxious for news and get a little peeved when none is forthcomming.

    As for Cobalts (sic) rudeness, I consider it fairly rude to spell a person's name wrong - even on the internet. Can I go around making generalisations and insulting everyone who's done that, please?

    If Cobal's a little angry, it might have something to do with the amount of effort he's put into the game, and how much he wants to get back in.
    Remember all the work on the map-pack, after Pekka moved on? Cobal
    The white teeth-and-claws textures? Cobal
    The work on Horizon's horizons, to make the world look nicer? Cobal

    Oh, Cobal's a leader of my guild (A guild still largely populated by ex-Unity players), so feel free to ignore me.

    Heck, if you're still worried about those from Unity being a bunch of rude, contemptuous, ungrateful, demanding, etc, etc, idiots, then look at it this way: time differences mean you'll probably never have to talk to us.


  17. #57

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonath View Post
    You'll notice that since we got an update from VI, all we Unitarians have been nice, pleasant, happy people again.
    But there'll probably be more ranting, demanding, and ridiculous displays of persistent ignorance within the week.

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonath View Post
    If Cobal's a little angry, it might have something to do with the amount of effort he's put into the game, and how much he wants to get back in.
    Everyone who plays this sort of game ought to be prepared to lose everything that depends on the existence of / access to the database entries that comprise their character. Sometimes MMOs die, sometimes unexpected misfortunes like shard closure occur, and most often, people just get bored and leave of their own volition, thereby abandoning all that effort on a whim.

    Of course, many people don't actually bear in mind that preparation.
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  18. #58
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    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    But there'll probably be more ranting, demanding, and ridiculous displays of persistent ignorance within the week.
    Why? We've been given a time-frame now - "In the new year". No-one's expecting to hear anything more before then. And even then, it'll be polite reminders and inquiries - you know, the sort that were made for ages, but got forgotten about.

    And Unity players don't have a monopoly on persistent ignorance. I've seen plenty of posts by active players demonstrating the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    Everyone who plays this sort of game ought to be prepared to lose everything that depends on the existence of / access to the database entries that comprise their character. Sometimes MMOs die, sometimes unexpected misfortunes like shard closure occur, and most often, people just get bored and leave of their own volition, thereby abandoning all that effort on a whim.

    Of course, many people don't actually bear in mind that preparation.
    Who said anything about Cobal's character? I was referring to the work he's done making Horizons a better game for everyone. Anyone care to guess the percentage of players not using the map-pack when EI took over? I'm guessing pretty low. It's still in use now, despite being a bit out of date.


  19. #59
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aaelefein View Post
    I am against the negativity being spewed by both Unitarians and Chaos/Order players.
    We agree on that one

    I noticed by the reactions that my post was not clear but that was the core of it (at least it was my intention). Along with the disgust of made generalisations. All xxx and All yyy while it is mostly only a few or sometimes even only one.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  20. #60

    Default Re: Dev's, drop everything you are doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonath View Post
    Who said anything about Cobal's character? I was referring to the work he's done making Horizons a better game for everyone. Anyone care to guess the percentage of players not using the map-pack when EI took over? I'm guessing pretty low. It's still in use now, despite being a bit out of date.
    True; I apologise for misunderstanding the section of your post I responded to.

    Still, what I said does have some application to those who are very anxious about the retrieval of their characters.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

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