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Thread: Angry Warrior

  1. #1

    Default Angry Warrior

    Just garbed pach notes and boy am i saddened by this HUGE Nerf to hit this game

    i conciser my self to be honest and Forthright
    For Following reasons
    Faf Hunts gone
    Arop hunts gone
    Destabilizing the economies of the comp hunter
    a End to the true warriors in the game
    Epic hunts gone
    with the increased in death points severity by teir Nidia now looks like a good alturnitive Rather than learning the combat system

    openly addmited
    Confec school needed to be tweaked majority it was a worthless school
    you guys went from one extreme to the other now the true warriors will be less active
    you mUST
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    er....I didn't think it was that bad. I mean sure it's harsh but did you read any further then that? It details that confectioner foods are being changed so that this isn't quite so horrible. It says that 2 meals of your equivalent teir eaten in a tavern will get rid of a death point...I believe that's 8 foods total. Even one meal out of a tavern will reduce it by 25 percent. All the same I think you're overracting a tad and blowing this up worse then it is.
    Nayuaka and Nayukhuut. Freelance Helian lorekeepers of Chaos.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    how so learning a new battle field like the island where discord and them are found Hard Hard place to be for a Ancient Dragon as soon as i land there with in 5 seconds something is attacking me if i am lucky its only 2 or 3 things some times i have loaded in there with a death point cause i popped and was murdered by a abbom of pain or something like that

    I am a savvy warrior and I enjoy pushing my limits and the envelop off the table I cant do that now

    also comps there will be extremely hard to come by cause no one will want to risk it cause of the heightened Penalty

    Good faf hunt 3 points a anoince but livibal
    bad faf hunt 25 points and your out of the game for a weak or more with this system
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    You're not out for much time at all if you eat the food. That's what I'm trying to say. Yeah, if you do nothing you're screwed but if you go out and try to get rid of the points it's not that bad. It's not going to kill hunting. People will adapt.

    Also I'm really sorry and I'm not trying to flame but this needs to be said if I'm to respond to any of your points. Could you take a bit more care in your writing please as I having a hard time understanding you.

    As a disclaimer all the facts I'm pointing out are from my understanding of what I read in the patch notes. I could be completely wrong as it's late here and I do missread at times. From what I read however you can eat two full meals in a tavern and one death point is gone. There are timers on the food but still I don't think it would take more then 45min to get rid of a death point in a tavern. Yeah it's not as good as the currant way of eat an ambrosia and then you're good but as I said before, people will adapt.
    Nayuaka and Nayukhuut. Freelance Helian lorekeepers of Chaos.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    Correct me if im wrong but dont death points work by just stacking onto each other rather than adding on?
    For example if I die and get one death point (in this case it'll wear off in 24hrs), and 30mins later I die again, getting my second dp, doesnt that mean that my dp will wear off in 24 1/2 hrs? Or will I have to wait a total of 48 hrs? Its been so long since I've hunted I honestly dont remember.

    I find it hard that you can be kept out of combat for a week or more short of getting a deathpoint every 23 hrs. And then like Nayuaka says eat some food, and sit in a tavern for a short bit and you can get rid of them even faster. I honestly dont see this being as big of an issue as you fear lightning claw.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    What I am attempting to point out is, it is Way harsh and unfair to Dragons. For hunters like myself to haf to go out and ask a ped can u make me food. I am Lunus we don't like most peds, some are ok others are good pets, but the rest we tend to eat them instead of there goodies
    And what would Dragons eat! a ped bowl of soup would be like a drop of water to us.

    the Penalty’s need to be rethought I am a Big fan of the confec revamp I smile when I see new resources personally I was hoping for food to do 1 of 2 things 1 reduce death penalty and 2 give a added bonus to stats like hears a example

    Epion has eaten Rack of ribs +10 to health and armor - 5 to focus
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    Thank you Lightning Claw for taking the time to clear up that post. I apreciate it.

    I understand your point. Although any person who isn't a confectioner is really in the same boat for getting the food. I also understand that as a lunus it might be hard to roleplay but your clan leader, Valkoth, himself has admitted that we dragons need the lesser races help in this time of need. If it helps you could think of them as slaves, or perhaps of them doing their rightful duty in supplying the only true warriors of the Empire with the ability to go out and fight faster?

    To Tcei. The way deathpoints work now is that they're stacked. So 2 deathpoints at max teir would be 48 hours but still...with the new food adjustments it's not horrible. It just means that we'll all get to see more of each others ugly mugs while we sit around in taverns stuffing ourselves silly.
    Last edited by Nayuaka; February 15th, 2008 at 09:11 AM.
    Nayuaka and Nayukhuut. Freelance Helian lorekeepers of Chaos.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    Quote Originally Posted by Nayuaka View Post
    Thank you Lightning Claw for taking the time to clear up that post. I apreciate it.

    I understand your point. Although any person who isn't a confectioner is really in the same boat for getting the food. I also understand that as a lunus it might be hard to roleplay but your clan leader, Valkoth, himself has admitted that we dragons need the lesser races help in this time of need. If it helps you could think of them as slaves or perhaps of them doing their rightful duty in supplying the only true warriors of the Empire with the ability to go out and fight faster?

    To Tcei. The way deathpoints work now is that they're stacked. So 2 deathpoints at max teir would be 48 hours but still...with the new food adjustments it's not horrible. It just means that we'll all get to see more of each others ugly mugs while we sit around in taverns stuffing ourselves silly.
    and again that is the core of the post it takes you out of the Fun thing wich is Hunting i am a warrior i do not like being off the front lines when i truly hunt i average 3 points

    i feal warriors like my self should be self relent ,i can go to a npc and buy ambrosia for 50 s per and get a point removed, or craft for 8 hours. lets see i don't have a lair, no one wants to buy resources in this In game reseshion of the economy, i got the money to get ambrosia and go hunting again .

    what would u do ?

    and the Epic faf fights where if it is a bad one takes me out of the game for a month is outrageous. one epic fight went way honorably wrong and i got 26 Points in that one fight, and still did not kill it ! with the new system that means ... i payed for a month for a glorified chat tool where as Msn and email is free think about it

    yes i know its extreme example
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    Just so you know this has been know to be coming for almost 2 years now. This is not something new. It was planed way back before the sales. It has been talked about a lot back then.

    Tcei each death point will go away the set time after it was got. So if you have a 24 timer on them. The First would go away 24 hours after the first then the second would drop a half hour after the sec. I.E. they are each sperate timers they do not add to each other.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    oookk i dont like this idea anymore than you do lightning claw
    1. dont go flyin off the handle, everything is still the same kinda
    as for dragons needin the wisps on the isles, there are ample spots where they are aalone, if they dont feel like lookin or askin then its their problem

    im also or was rather,i am pure hunter still am most of the time ,kill now talk later..i dont quite get as many deaht points as you but a dp is a dp,

    you want to buy ambrosia for 50s thatll remove 8hrs of a death point, well you still can but people must make the food this time, just pay them for food or buy it off tavern peoples

    to every new change people will complain no matter what it is, you cant please every one an with new changes come new ways of playing...kinda like the spell changes>.> anywho theres no use in complaining seeing as this was preplanned as were the spells:P

    all i can say is rethink your hunting strategy and if you aoe then rethink the way you do it( i do it rather well on both dragon and ped)

  11. #11

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    Also as a RP way of saying it is you are not buying food from some one but are demanding tribute, can you help it their are all these little pest robbing your lair while your out gathering the tribute?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Under the blue sky, reading.

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    Quote Originally Posted by Deth View Post
    Also as a RP way of saying it is you are not buying food from some one but are demanding tribute, can you help it their are all these little pest robbing your lair while your out gathering the tribute?
    And risk the little buggers poisoning me? I think not. I will accept food from naka when my blood turns to ice.

    OOC: Maybe give dragons a way to get/make their own food? From what I understand, it isn't possible right now, but there are all those deer around...

  13. #13

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    When lairshaping went in, I remember someone mentioning that there might be a "kitchen" room added at some point, when dragon "barbeque" went in. With the EI interregnum, I don't know if this is still on the pony list or not.
    Exploring is a necessary skill, and its not like death is fatal. At least, not for the gifted.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    From when this was first brought up the spoke of Dragon cooks and they later said it was way way way down the list so much so as it most likely would never be seen. That may or may not be true. But think there are a lot more important things on the plate way before it.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    Quote Originally Posted by Hrough View Post
    when my blood turns to ice.
    Pardon me while I hijack the thread a moment...

    Very nice expression, Hrough! If you don't mind, I'm going to add it to the list of draconic phrases in the Lore forum.

    Thank you, carry on....
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    The Fortress of Solitude

    Default Re: Angry Warrior


    I die when I play my dragon only versus the big bad guys, when I get swarmed by stunning blights, a few t6 caster mobs, and when I flat out don't pay attention.

    is anyone really pleased the death penalty is going up and that death points take longer to work off? nope, even most confectioners arent pleased. I won't lie. however, I see the point in making it longer and to have more impact on hunting and crafting. Confectioners need to be useful...I'm nopt sure integral is a good idea...which it *may* come to...but at present, being considered a t6 rating on my biped and haveing a 100 dragon main....I'm not really that worried about.

    I will say it seems to punish those who accomplished more than others in the adventuring aspect of the game.

    A word to lightning claw...warriors don't rush into combat to just to die over and over again. (RL you only get 1 life[dep[ending upon religion])...most MMORPG's have an experience penalty system ( dying makes you lose a % of your experience that you must regain.) Some you must run back nekkid and loot your corpse...(some you do both) this is still rather mild. Death actually means something now.

    I just hope the foods measure up. I hope they arent too hard to make and therefore expensive to buy. From a draconic standpoint on a non Rp server....making dragons rely on bipeds even more is kinda lame...somethign to think about. from a roleplyaing perspective its even worse. In a game where half of the fun for most is playing a dragon, this does need to be taken into account. i'm betting it has, so I'm not worried....much.
    Ignem Infernum - Abi in malum rem.
    Ixatchitxl the Defiler - Fafnir who? I was here first!
    Think! Its not illegal...yet.
    Adventuring: aka Genocide, Graverobbing, and Temple Desecration.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    I'm a bit confused by the relationship between death penalty and death point.

    How will the death penalty be impacted by death points, and if the death point timer is capped @ 24 hours (which could be a single death for a T5 player), is the death penalty still 0 for the first death point? If the timer is capped @ 24 hours, is a 2nd death point what triggers the death penalty? Is the hit to stats on the 2nd death point 75% for 5 minutes or is it 25% up to a maximum of 75% based on x # of death points? How will multiple death points be applied/removed if the cap is 24 hours?

    Oops, I probably should have posted this in the confectioner thread

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Cambridgeshire, UK

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    If I recall correctly (and I may not, it's been a while since I hunted), the death penalty gets longer for each death point you get. So it may only be 5 minutes for the first one, but 10 for the second one etc.. but it's NOT a matter of hours. So having death points does affect death penalty, but it's really not as bad as people seem to be thinking it is.

    Mind you,before I get flamed, I also hunt as little as possible, being a builder/crafter at heart, so I am probably not the best person to comment!
    Bobda Bilda (Chaos) - - what takes up most of my spare time now..

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Under the blue sky, reading.

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingOtter View Post
    Pardon me while I hijack the thread a moment...

    Very nice expression, Hrough! If you don't mind, I'm going to add it to the list of draconic phrases in the Lore forum.

    Thank you, carry on....
    Aw, I'm tickled that you like it. XD

    Been here under two months and my grouchy hide is already coining phrases. *snicker*

    And for the note - I don't mind the harsher death penalities, but the having to depend on bipeds thing is rather annoying, especially for a roleplayer such as myself.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Angry Warrior

    Quote Originally Posted by rizo/nawkia View Post
    oookk i dont like this idea anymore than you do lightning claw
    1. dont go flyin off the handle, everything is still the same kinda
    as for dragons needin the wisps on the isles, there are ample spots where they are aalone, if they dont feel like lookin or askin then its their problem

    im also or was rather,i am pure hunter still am most of the time ,kill now talk later..i dont quite get as many deaht points as you but a dp is a dp,

    you want to buy ambrosia for 50s thatll remove 8hrs of a death point, well you still can but people must make the food this time, just pay them for food or buy it off tavern peoples

    to every new change people will complain no matter what it is, you cant please every one an with new changes come new ways of playing...kinda like the spell changes>.> anywho theres no use in complaining seeing as this was preplanned as were the spells:P

    all i can say is rethink your hunting strategy and if you aoe then rethink the way you do it( i do it rather well on both dragon and ped)
    this is what i eat most of the time marrows Blighted hounds faf if i get the "Wiled hair " up a certain part of the body i just now started to hunt at the stary Islands and got a few points just loading in there its safer to fly in !

    I DO NOT GO Rushing in to battle (Sprint is not even hot keyed with me )Dragon reach spike scales Incandescent gazing winds beat the hell out of target crap he brought Friends X_X

    Huge dragon on a small Island = many death points it Will effect comps that come from certain areas it will jack there price up for a set of scails i like armor with techs of 1 defense attribute str and t and c i was toying with the idea of dex instead str but meh i don't know

    when i got back form the islands i could buy ambrosia VII sit in a tavern and get 2 point removed thats a average for 4-6 hours of hunting per day btw
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

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