View Poll Results: Should dragons have deferent Adventurer Schools

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  • yes

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  • no

    3 25.00%
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Thread: Should dragons have deferent adventure schools?

  1. #1

    Default Should dragons have deferent adventure schools?

    I think dragons should have deferent adventure schools so they can utilize different elements all there is breath or fire breath of lightning (Lunis) and Breath of ice (don’t flame me for the misspelling ) (healian ) if you study dragons as a hobby you know that there are different classes of dragons elemental Fire Earth Wind Water Lightning Storm ect.. and there are a few other classes but I think peds should not have all the fun I mean after you’re a l.v.100 what then . Craft? Lunis race forbid.

    aney feed back would be great
    Last edited by lightning claw; April 11th, 2006 at 12:04 AM.

  2. #2


    Yes there should be more adv classes and crafting too.
    Nothing But Love! That's what makes Dragons Fly!

  3. #3


    Back in beta, I played a Dragon Druid. It was fun

    There was a huge uproar when the change was made just prior to release, so I don't think you're alone in wanting that.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Kerech
    Back in beta, I played a Dragon Druid. It was fun

    There was a huge uproar when the change was made just prior to release, so I don't think you're alone in wanting that.
    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, there was a big uproar about that, I remember, and many fans were dissapointed and quit after playing/hearing about the beta because of that. Say, I wonder, if EI were to give those classes back to dragons, wouldn't that re-attract many lost souls to the game?

    (Pokes all the developers in the ribs for emphasis.)

  5. #5


    They really can't right now... they can add new classes of course but changing the system around might be disasterous. Mainly because dragons have been so use to being one class and quite honestly.... that "one" class is freakin powerful if used correctly. I'd love to have more classes as it would give me more reason to go out and "xp" with friends.

    Someone mentioned extra crafting classes for dragons... One being a crystal shaper, a maker of weapon and armor crystals. Now that would be hawt!

    Just my thoughts...

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Chioxin
    .... that "one" class is freakin powerful if used correctly.
    If played correctly, it is too powerful and probably crossing the line into an exploit. I did a FRAPS movie last night of my L57 hatchling owning an L80 Tremendous Arbotus. Should have made it a few days ago when he was L52 doing the same thing. My jaw hit the floor when I saw I got over 18,000 XP for it. Also have taken down an L84 Dire Wolf when I was L53, I think. Though that was a close fight. Will be experimenting with other enemies to see how well he fares against them after I reach L60 and get a new set of scales on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chioxin
    Someone mentioned extra crafting classes for dragons... One being a crystal shaper, a maker of weapon and armor crystals. Now that would be hawt!
    As I understand it, and I could be wrong, that was going to be a second prestige crafting school for dragons, along with lairshaper, and one of the reasons that we don't get any xp when crafting crystals. Of course, who knows when, if ever, that is going to happen now.

  7. #7


    Dragon Reavers rocked! I think that is why they made "Esh" a reaver dragon for the ARoP. Everyone would be a dragon if they did this though.

    I think they need to be different. If they are multiclassed, they need to be unique dragon schools, for example:

    Firedrake - Specializing in breath weapons. some abilities for different levels might be as follows:

    Breath of Flame Burst II - V
    Gain ability to obtain opposing factions breath weapon (Ice/Lightning)
    Quest for an improved Burning Embers crystal
    -% to breath recycle/delay
    Breath Mastery
    Breath Accuracy II-V
    Increased Area of Effect for Breath attacks

    Graeldrake - Specializing in physical attacks/defense (melee)
    Armor Bonus (higher + / level)
    Strength Bonus (higher + / level)
    Additional 1-3 hits with Ravage (increases with level)
    Attack to-hit bonus
    Leviathan (formerly known as "Skald")
    100 ADV / 100 DCRA / 95 LSH Ancient Lunus Dragon (Order Shard)
    67 million Hoard...and rising!

    "I kill where I wish and none dare armor is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!" - Smaug the Mighty

  8. #8


    Yes ... their should be a marking difference beetween Lunus & Helian, but at same time a general path should aslo be made available for the ones that cannot choose beetween the magic of primal force and the brutal ways of the claws.
    Nalrach, Healer & Guardian, Member of the "Iron Circle" guild
    Ramti, Friendly draggy trying to wake-up from long nap.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Order Instance of Istaria

    Default yes.

    Blarge. All gone. ::sighs::

    A long time ago, when AE still had this game and I was very enthusiastic about the future success of this game and its world, I was far more vocal than I am today. I would write seven and ten page manifestos about the state of the game and the dragon experience. Unfortunately, while I have some of my old essays, the one that would have helped at this point is lost to computer gremlins.

    I will, however, post this somewhat dated message.

    At current, dragons are all the same statistically. We have the same skills and abilities, and everyone knows what to expect from a dragon. I find the thought rather boorish, but as I said, this is not inherently wrong. In games like Dungeons and Dragons, the majestic creatures had but minor stat and ability differences between types, and only the strongest of them, reds and golds, truly stuck a head above the rest. Similarly in Horizons, we young hatchlings who are unable to own a lair, with no one to call parents, with only basic training begrudgingly given by masters, we are basically the same. We receive the same basic training from our teachers, and we have the same basic abilities due to our race. This makes dragons unique in that they only have one class, and divides them from bipeds drastically.

    Upon reaching adult stage, I believe that the change in play experience should change just as dramatically for the adult as it would a biped player trying a juvenile. To do this, I suggest not mere statistical upgrades, for such things are mere numbers, but to allow dragons to specialize as well, or unspecialize. Dragons should have unique classes that only they can join, prestige classes for adults who have experienced the world and dedicated themselves do different paths. "

    As the time, I believed that the dragon experience should be unique through all the forms and that we might be able to do this through one of two ways. Unfortunately, the staff and the game was plagued with countless issues and so my advice was rarely followed. How did they solve the problems facing dragons?



    ... They gave us gold rage, stopped hoard leak, and basically told us to shut our maws.

    Well, this isn't necessarily wrong. Hey, no more hoard leak, and I can one-shot things! And for most dragons, this was enough. I merely accepted that my vision of what a dragon should be was different than what the development team had in mind. These days, I timidly craft my days away, spending time with my close friends, and dream of a history I myself had to carve with my own two claws.

    I had two solutions for what I felt was this problem, one I knew might be looked at with skepticism, and one that would be a little more acceptable and easier to implement.

    The former was the concept of dragon forms. Based in lore as being created at the end of the age of gods and the beginning of the age of dragons, there is some lore at current to support it, beyond that of khutit; when dragons came to the Prime with Drulkar, we literally took the form of dragons - who knows what we might have been before then. These forms would be made accessable through epic quests even longer and more difficult than the Rite of Passage, each with a bevvy of special attacks learned through additional quests. One instance I recall was that of a form like khutit, but with wings. This warrior form intentionally weakened itself to train under even more adverse circumstances; it lowered their power, focus, and hit points, but increased their strength and dexterity. The special attacks were mostly elemental claw strikes. Some dragon-class abilities could not be used in this form, however; tail whip, for instance, because they did not have the size. Dragon's breath and flight at half effectiveness. The concept was to allow for the complex feel of multiclassing without changing the completely unique experience that the team wanted to have.

    The latter of the pair was sure to be more acceptable, not to mention easier to impliment, and that was classes. In beta, we did have rip-offs of biped classes. I was a bloodmage; that was a lot of fun. But I wanted dragons to be as unique from bipeds as possible, and that would require unique classes that could hopefully spring from the lore. Eldrich, a magic class, would have been common among the teachers at Draak before its destruction. It was a lorekeeper and history class who taught usage of the prime to myriad students of scale. It would allow for stronger primal attacks and abilities, stronger repeating spells, and so on. In addition, I also suggested the idea of faction-restricted classes, such as a lunus myrmidon that slowed attacks by X, but increased damage by Y: essentially, a two-hander skill. The helian was magic based and had alliterative names, like Drulkars Dehabilitating Dart, or something to that effect... I really wish I hadn't lost that essay.

    Anyway, whether or not EI's vision for Horizons and its dragons is the same as mine remains to be seen. And that is a rather long winged way of saying yes.' But I felt like digging up the past again, for old time's sake. I really can't help but think of it every time this concept pops up onto the boards.
    Last edited by Kaerisk; October 4th, 2006 at 07:19 AM.
    Maekrux Vythulhar, the Blue Phoenix

  10. #10

    Post Ha!!! i thought this post was dead

    I have been working on a short 15-20 page stories trying to pass the time with out a computer . The Right of Thunder is the first of 7 schools that I have created, but as normal with mmos player made quests are rarely seen in game, but it would have opened tuglas ideas of dungeons and expanded the terrain a Lot more so new t 6 mobs could be installed. I figured it would be a mute point to submit these quests until Ei learns how to start the Geneses engine and patch the current mobs. With the way i kill i think the mobs decided that they would not respawn

    Evilly grinning * I beat the withered ages *Rofllol *
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Should dragons have deferent adventure schools?

    I would agree that Dragons should have more adventure schools, there comes a certain point where there is nothing really to aim for or achieve, then you lose all the fun from the game.

    I am Dragon, hear me RAWR!!!!!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Should dragons have deferent adventure schools?

    WOW i forgot this thread though it was dead. cool to see some one dig in the posts and read the forms
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  13. #13
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Should dragons have deferent adventure schools?

    heehee i think draggys should be able to have different advent and crafting skewls.

    personally, i want druid, so my hatchies name (mourningwood) will make sense on more than one level......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Should dragons have deferent adventure schools?

    How long was that poll open, looks to me like it was designed to close once the answer that was favorable was attained.

    I myself do not think classes/schools are hte way to go.

    There should be alternate advance ment, quests or the like. The school that is dragon is not set up to gain more schools. They would be mostly redundant.

    I'm very much into dragons and I play one as my main, but dragons having or requiring schools makes little to no sense to me.

    If as many schools are added a there are for bipeds, bipeds would quite literaaly become obsolete aside from a few rare items that could make them a cut above...maybe.

    That my opinion and it clearly isnt a popular one.

    If you want classes, go play a biped, if you want a jack of all trades that, I maintain if played well, *can* even beat most high rating bipeds in the arena play a dragon and hope for more content.
    Ignem Infernum - Abi in malum rem.
    Ixatchitxl the Defiler - Fafnir who? I was here first!
    Think! Its not illegal...yet.
    Adventuring: aka Genocide, Graverobbing, and Temple Desecration.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Should dragons have deferent adventure schools?

    i would -love- to see dragon adventure schools, but i don't think they should be as numerous or the same as biped schools. They should also only open up on a level basis. i don't have any thought out, but it would be nice to see a couple specialized schools focused on either melee or spellcasting open up upon completion of RoP, and then a few more on ARoP. but before that can happen spell lines need ot be reworked. there was a thread soemwhere in the suggestion forum that had a detailed plan for specialized combat schools, and i think the ones proposed there would be quite nice.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Should dragons have deferent adventure schools?

    If they do dragon school, it should be adult or ancient only, and be specializations rather than whole new schools. Helian primal mage, Helian tooth and claw warrior, Lunus primal mage, and Lunus tooth and claw warrior should all be a bit different from each other. Maybe also Helian or Lunus healer, but I'd lump that under mage most likely.
    Exploring is a necessary skill, and its not like death is fatal. At least, not for the gifted.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Should dragons have deferent adventure schools?

    my thoughts exactly. what would really be appropriate would be specialized spell schools for Helian, and specialized Melee schools (including a tank class) for Lunus.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Should dragons have deferent adventure schools?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shur View Post
    my thoughts exactly. what would really be appropriate would be specialized spell schools for Helian, and specialized Melee schools (including a tank class) for Lunus.
    I like Oakleif's idea better. I wouldn't want to be locked into a specific playstyle due to what is (in my mind, at least) a roleplaying choice.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Should dragons have deferent adventure schools?

    Here's my thoughts on the differences...

    Helian casters - AOE and single target spells, buffs affecting spellcasting stats and skills (self and others), and heals.
    Helian melee - AOE and single target melee abilities, buffs affecting melee stats and skills (self and others), and heals.
    Lunus casters - single target spells, buffs affecting primal skill only.
    Lunus melee - single target melee abilities, buffs affecting t&c only.

    This follows the pattern of Helian dragons being more AOE-oriented and group friendly, and Lunus being single-target damage machines.
    Exploring is a necessary skill, and its not like death is fatal. At least, not for the gifted.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Should dragons have deferent adventure schools?

    I can't be an anti-social Helian?

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