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Thread: trouble with patcher

  1. #1

    Default trouble with patcher

    today i tryed logging back in to the game and when the patcher comes up it trys to download and i get, cant download.../master_file_list_checksum, now this has happened in the past and if i only check full scan it works, but not today. why is it that everything worked a few hrs ago now i get this?anyone have any ideas?

  2. #2

    Default Re: trouble with patcher

    There's a checkbox that says ".NET Patcher" on the character's launch page on Try unchecking that box and launching. It will use a different protocol to fetch the files. If this works and the .NET patcher does not, then something is preventing FTP transactions. Report back with your results and go from there.

  3. #3

    Default Re: trouble with patcher

    nope didnt work did something happen today to cause this?, cuz it was fine earlier

  4. #4

    Default Re: trouble with patcher

    Huh. Nothing I know of was changed, and I was able to retrieve the master_file_list just fine.

    Can you retrieve this file?
    http://BasicUser:[email protected]_file_list

    If you can, then we know the problem has to do with the patcher and/or some piece of software on your system, as opposed to a network fault.

  5. #5

    Default Re: trouble with patcher

    Someone on Chaos was complaining about having issues Thursday or Friday evening as well.

    Said the game kept trying to patch and getting stuck during the patching process. Also said that the deletion list was huge and when he was finally able to enter game some hours later, all his settings were gone.

  6. #6

    Default Re: trouble with patcher

    That was me... on Fri or sat, cannot remember, the patcher "stuck" when getting list. Walked off and 30 minutes later was still stuck. Had to shut down via task manager. About the third attempt it went through, deleting all my interface settings, cashe files. Basically came out tlike a fresh instal of the game. When it happened I noticed the istaria web pages were having issues, loading one out of three attempts or so. All other pages loaded fine, and speedtest verified no hiccups on my end. Might of been a fluke, but something fored the patcher to set itself off, had same settings for 2 years.

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