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Thread: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

  1. #1

    Default Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    Anyone here ever heard of the Age of Fire series by E. E. Knight? Without a doubt they're my all-time favorite books (seconded by Elizabeth Kerner's trilogy). The main characters are all dragons, though the series has got more than its fair share of humans, dwarves, and elves, as well as other hominid figures like blighters and demen. The best part is, it's not just another dragon-riding series, either (not that those are bad, but sure is nice to read about just dragons for a change! ). EEK does a great job of crafting a believable world with great characters, and it's often hard to put the books down once you get started. I HIGHLY refer this series to anyone and everyone, whether you like fantasy books or not (and most especially if you like dragons (which I would imagine most of us do; what's HZ best known for, after all?)). Check out a copy at your local library; or, even better, buy it - you won't be disappointed with your purchase! Plus, you'll help out a great author in a market that doesn't care much for dragon books as a whole. Help show him that there's people who like to read these kinds of books so he can keep writing them!

    And, no, I'm not just posting to advertise for the books, I just love them and want to spread the word.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    Hi Favoran, you can check out the other posts here regarding that book.

    There was a pretty lively discussion on it as I recall.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    I hope you were being sarcastic; I would consider "lively" to go over a page.

    I didn't know there was another thread out there, sorry.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    Not at all. I think books are great and if you get even a handful of people that have read the same book (barring big name bestsellers) it's a good thing.

    The replies on the thread I linked gave the series high marks. Thought you might enjoy reading through them

  5. #5
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    Quote Originally Posted by Favoran View Post
    Anyone here ever heard of the Age of Fire series by E. E. Knight? Without a doubt they're my all-time favorite books (seconded by Elizabeth Kerner's trilogy). The main characters are all dragons, though the series has got more than its fair share of humans, dwarves, and elves, as well as other hominid figures like blighters and demen. The best part is, it's not just another dragon-riding series, either (not that those are bad, but sure is nice to read about just dragons for a change! ). EEK does a great job of crafting a believable world with great characters, and it's often hard to put the books down once you get started. I HIGHLY refer this series to anyone and everyone, whether you like fantasy books or not (and most especially if you like dragons (which I would imagine most of us do; what's HZ best known for, after all?)). Check out a copy at your local library; or, even better, buy it - you won't be disappointed with your purchase! Plus, you'll help out a great author in a market that doesn't care much for dragon books as a whole. Help show him that there's people who like to read these kinds of books so he can keep writing them!

    And, no, I'm not just posting to advertise for the books, I just love them and want to spread the word.
    Ah, me. A tale of draku and of others... there be another the winds have whispered of such nature... and those winds that have whispered have spoken of a land most believable. Or at least... one in which some have faith, which be like unto belief... And no drake in the matter be ridden, save by ill will or fortune... .

    Did ye ever hear tell of the Thunder and Lightning? The Fool and the Fair? .

    I but jest Favoran elder... thy pardon for my words .

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

  6. #6

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    Quote Originally Posted by peladon View Post
    I but jest Favoran elder... thy pardon for my words .
    Not at all, Sephiranoth, your words are welcome anywhere and you know it.

    Hmm, okay, well thanks for the link then, Creme. Though it sure does get off-topic in a hurry. Not at all like any other part of this forum.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Newcastle Upon Tyne in England

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    I freaking LOVE those books; my favourite books by far. Currently re-reading the fourth book for the third time and eagrely anticipating the fifth... in 2011...
    Melanath- level 100 ADV/ 60 DCRA -
    Shas Mackard- Saris Berserker/Outfitter et al

    For Lunus, for Dralk! Death before Dishonour!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    2011? last i heard it (and from mr knight himself no less, over on his forums) the date was slated december '09

    Quote Originally Posted by eeknight
    Looks like the December 2009 release will be titled Dragon Rule.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    Yeah, he's been sending them out every December, as far as I've seen.

    Three times? I can't re-read a book that soon after reading it once. XD

  10. #10

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    Are they a seperate series unto themself, or are they like part of a bigger franchise? Kind of like when they release a dragonlance book, you know it is part of a specific series of books but set in the dragonlance universe.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    The four books out right now all have the same characters. The first three take place pretty much at the same time and the fourth comes right at the end of where the first three let off.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    Also, the first three can be taken as their own entities fairly safely, but the fourth (and probably the fifth and sixth as well) is going to be rather confusing to any who have not read the prior books.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    I'm pretty sure the fifth and sixth will follow in chronological order.

    And, while you can theoretically read the third book first without missing too much, I would'nt suggest it.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    The Truth series by Dawn Cook always puts a smile on my face... Always.

    Also... The Last Dragonlord by Joanne Bertin (plus a sequel) ... both relate to dragons that can take human form. Elizabeth Kerner's series is another one of those series I will always keep.


  15. #15

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    I'll look at those two books, Spirit, thanks. I'm always on the lookout for more dragon books to read.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    Naomi Novik's Temeraire series is worth taking a look at: Master and Commander / Sharpe meets Dragons. The first book is very good, a strength some of the later books perhaps dont quite match, but they're all very good reads. There's five books in the series so far, and the rights to make a movie of them has been optioned by Peter Jackson, no recent news on when it might come out though.

    If you take a look at her site you'll find the first chapter of each book available to read on her website by the way of a teaser: here's the first one.

    Just a head's up: for some reason the publisher decided to market the first book under two different titles, "His Majesty's Dragon" and "Termeraire" are the same book.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    The magical land of somewhere

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    I absolutely love that series! I have read every single one of his books for the Age of Fire series. Each time it took me under a week to finish each one. I was so caught up in them that I found it hard to put them down and I can't wait till the next one.

    Isharae of The Ancients - Pet Saris Druid to Dracanaa
    Katarae - Lost dragoness of Order

  18. #18

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    Oh thank you! I just finished Dragonstorm, and have been in a kind of limbo on deciding what I wanted to read next. Mabe this is it.

    * snuffles curiously*
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  19. #19

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    I want to read Dragonstorm! I've read Dragoncharm, but I had to buy a copy on first... and the second book is way too expensive for me.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Great Book Series - With Dragon Protagonists!

    It really is quite a rare book in the US. The first one in the series: Dragoncharm is how I found out about it in the first place, and it was right in the local library. My brother bought my copy of Dragonstorm from for my birthday.

    * snuffles curiously*
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