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Thread: Nadia Discussion

  1. #21

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    My view on it would be no,

    I generally have to farm all my comps as any time I have to get comps with this population ammount they are few and far between. Increase the playebase double, sure. Readd the drops that no longer drop.... or remove that which use them. Right now, a crutch she may be, but it's more a crutch for those who cant go get the comps themselves and no one has any to sell. It's extreeeemly expensive, however expensive is better then going without if it's something you need.

    If you feel Nadia needs removed, try to get the playerbase up so this market style will work >_>

    As for Nadia on blight.. When I want to test out scale setups I generally go there and make them before going farming on live.... saves alot of time making scales I dont like..

    Basically... Nadia is that player that you know has the comps you need, but is soooo greedy you refuse to go get it from them untill you exhaust all other means to aquire them or you have so much coin that you no longer care about price >_>

    Last edited by Soraii; January 6th, 2009 at 05:11 PM.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    I am like Soraii... Nadia removal needs to happen, but... she's also a stress reliever of sorts.

    Farm Farm Farm (comp drop) Farm Farm Farm (nothing) Farm Farm Farm (nothing) ... repeat until frustration level = last comp purchased from Nadia removes the frustration.

    As stated in both threads... some comps are just impossible to get many of unless you are uber ped or take a team in and wipe the spawn rates off of Satyr Isles.

    Suggestion: Move some of the tier V Withered Aegis off of those islands and stick them in ED or somewhere they aren't so tightly packed that half the island doesn't aggro when you injure one.
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
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  3. #23

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    I vote to remove her. I usualy i do only hunt pretty much and i gather alot of comps that just sit in my vault. But for an idea can ya for like a week make her and uber boss that we can just beat down and maybe get some rediculous amount of comps out of?? (comps not needed really like t1 or t2 ) but itd still be quite fun
    ^.^ *Speed Demon of order..*

  4. #24
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    personally, i would rather see nadia stay.
    I mostly do rush jobs and without nadia as a sure fire place to get quick resources, i will not be able to apply techs.

    besides, we got rid of her family and the wisps disappeared...what will happen if nadia gets booted?
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  5. #25

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    Nadia was removed from game once, however, that did go down the wrong path, unfortunately, and that which killed her got out of hand. I haven't read the whole post here, but I'll put my two cents worth in anyway...
    1. Nadia was inordinately expensive
    2. Some comps are no longer drops and can only be purchased off Nadia (unless that has changed since last I played)
    3. I like the idea of gypsies having comps that can't be found other ways, but perhaps quests for reward rather than funds would be another option.
    4. Can't think of something else off the top of my head, but wanted to put in another number *grins impishly*
    Bring me my Broadsword, and clear understanding.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    I use Nadia as a "oh, I'm one component short..." get-out-of-jail-free card... especially if I can't trade with someone. I am is Australia as well, so I usually log on when most people are asleep, makes for a pretty quiet Chaos shard.

    That said, 95% of the time I can still find someone that has the components handy. What would really be good is some way to be able to advertise for components needed so other players could respond and provide the ingredients. I know this has been said lots of times before, but an in-game "Wanted" facility would be of huge benefit. But I'd say this requires some substantial coding and changes to the existing system, probably won't happen overnight! Hmmm but having said that, I have an idea... I'll post it and let people have a hack.

    My vote is to keep her, but maybe that's because I'm used to the hideously expensive service she provides... perhaps I'm getting lazy in my old age!

  7. #27

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    I never use Nadia. Coin may be worthless for doing much in the endgame, but I still don't have enough to trade for random components. I'd much rather go hunting for my own.

    Or, better yet, lairshape in exchange for them. *nudges Shian*

    So I really have no opinion on the matter... It wouldn't hurt me to see her go or to let her be. Though I might give in and buy a wind golem vapor from her... I HATE hunting those.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    If you remove her, as devs, you must address the issue of certain comps that are only obtainable through her. I.E. the flame bone splinters for the lava banner. I want to know I can get the fuel to make it run. It becomes a well tailored snot rag if you remove her.
    Last edited by Vengeance; January 6th, 2009 at 10:31 PM. Reason: missed the other thread on the splinters
    Vengeance 100/100/41 Lunus Dragon on Chaos
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  9. #29
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    Amon said that those comps would be available through other means.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    Yeah, I agree.. Nadia can be removed, as long as the drop rates will be changed.
    I myself don't buy comps from her often at all (Just sometimes when I'm missing only a comp or two.. I'd rather buy them than go hunting them. )
    But her prices are so ridiculous that most of the time I'll go hunt them by myself. Feels more rewarding afterwards, too

    Racia Trejan & Trica - Helians of Chaos
    Salama Lizran - Lunus of Unity --> Chaos (alive but retired)

  11. #31

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    I think I can agree with the general consensus...remove Nadia, but only when other things have been fixed FIRST, not...remove her now and then say, well we are working on it! That has been an answer to too many things in the past.

    Player base needs to increase significantly to have any chance of supply the quantity of needed comps. One other thing to remember about Nadia vs the other consinger NPCs...her liftings don't revert back to the vault. There should be a way for the Comp-specific Sir Aiden to have either a much longer listing time and or until player removes it. And it would be nice if prices could be changed without needing to remove and relist.

    Comp drops NEED to be fixed. 50 Dead Wind Golems: 0 Comps and trophies, that's broke imo. I can say the same for a good number of beasties. When you take into consideration a new teir of armor, jewelry, and or spells can require up to 20-30 of a single comp...1 drop per 50 or more kills doesn't cut it.

    One other thing I don't agree with either...with how borked the economy is and with the high prices, I certainly don't understand how one can consider Nadia's prices as an artifical price cap.

    Oh, and while on on the soapbox...aren't there enough other things that need work that are more important that messing with Nadia (again)???? There are still so many glitches, bugs, hang-ups, etc...messing with her imo is a waste of effort and time at this moment in the development game.

    I would say more, but then I'd be moved to a rant channel.
    Spirit Brothers
    Aaelefein - Foremost a Grand Master Crafter, also a Paladin/Healer/Druid/Mage/Spiritist
    Treyvan - Adult Dragon 100A/100DC/100LS/95CS
    Skandrannon - Growing and Expert Dragon Crafter

  12. #32

    Default Re: Nadia and Tech Comps

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post there anything else that would stop the removal of Nadia?
    The uproar from players when the underlying problems (ie, drop rate and sufficient player base) haven't been fixed.

    Fix first, then remove Nadia...not the other way around.
    Spirit Brothers
    Aaelefein - Foremost a Grand Master Crafter, also a Paladin/Healer/Druid/Mage/Spiritist
    Treyvan - Adult Dragon 100A/100DC/100LS/95CS
    Skandrannon - Growing and Expert Dragon Crafter

  13. #33

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    I hate to say it, but yeah, we're probably better off without Nadia. But, maybe, not quite yet.

    I know some people still go to Nadia for their tech comp fix, and that would inconvenience them. My question to those who continue to 'use' her is: "Why do you go to Nadia instead of hunting techs yourself or asking someone else to get them for you?".

    My answer to the above: While I hunt what I need most of the time, I have purchased some comps from Nadia, but that's because I find it easier (and much less frustrating) to earn the coin to buy the comps than it is to hunt them.

    If that is the only reason that others use Nadia, I suppose the next step is to find out what can be done to make the experience of gathering comps less painful.

    Note, however, that I didn't say change the drop rates. That would definitely make the experience less painful, but, having an increased supply would definitely ruin their value. Instead, what about changing the comp requirements (comp and count) for each tech so that the total investment (time) required to apply the tech is reasonable? (And what is reasonable?)

  14. #34

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    My question to those who continue to 'use' her is: "Why do you go to Nadia instead of hunting techs yourself or asking someone else to get them for you?".
    The short answer?

    Example, recently leveling into being able to use T5 Nature Spells and my druid was finally able to wear Essence Leather Armor. Here's the comp list for armor, 2 mithril health rings, and 10 spells: ()= My rating as to difficulity, 5 being the hardest and practically impossible

    26: Mithril golem Fragments(5) & Bloodskulk Fins(4)
    16: Blue Vexator Fringes(5)
    14: Peridot Golem Chips(4), Thunder Ogre Jawbones(5), Yew Treant Knots(3)
    12: Purple Trantula Venom(3), Wind Golem Vapor(5), Giant Fire Beetle Mandible (3), Zombie Werewolf Skulls(5), Bloodsnout Grouk Snouts(5), Fiery Dire wolf Fangs (2)
    10: Purple Spider Venom(4), Emerald Golem Chip(4)
    6: Veteren Skeleton Sternum(5), Veteren Ghost Vapor(5), Zombie Ogre Toes(4)
    2: Grey Necrofly Wing(2)

    Except for maybe the Grey Necrofly Wings, Zombie Ogre Toes (not sure if they are still glitched), G. Fire Beetle Mandibles, and the Fiery Dire Wolf Fangs, I can earn the gold to buy all these comps in about 3-4 days with a whole LOT LESS frustration, annoyance, and screaming than I could hunting the stuff.

    In all the times I have tried, I have never looted a Wind Golem Vapor or Thunder Ogre I have no idea how long that might take. When one is lucky to see one or two mithril golem frags in an hour...that's 2-3 days right there...assuming all you do is hunt them specifically and nothing else while logging in.

    Guess the point I am trying to make, games should be fun, but wracking your brains, cussign your heart out and beathing the crap out of whatever is handy when you've killed your umpteenth mob and have nothing but quite literally junk to show for it...that is NOT FUN.

    Yes, maybe there is a bit of instant gratification here...I finally earned my levels and I want to use the best possible. On the other hand, when one has to dedicate hours per day and for just that list above, what might take weeks to even a couple months...Yeah, Nadia's prices might take a big chunk of change out of my pocket, but it keeps me sane, happy, and a continuing player.

    I also know there are players out there that had/have comp lists that make mine small and cheap by comparison. If you are wondering, those above comps (minues the couple I already had) cost me about 18g. I also know that my and many other's source of income will eventually be nerfed as well. Of all the people, I feel sorry most for those that want to craft more than fight, but pawnbrokers are a totally different subject.
    Spirit Brothers
    Aaelefein - Foremost a Grand Master Crafter, also a Paladin/Healer/Druid/Mage/Spiritist
    Treyvan - Adult Dragon 100A/100DC/100LS/95CS
    Skandrannon - Growing and Expert Dragon Crafter

  15. #35

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    Most of the drop rates on comps are a TON better than previously. And for those pre-merge, the drop rates we have even on rares are like Christmas and New Years rolled into 1 (anyone else remember zombie fingers/mage quest?)

    I say get rid of Nadia, put in the missing comps OR only sell the missing comps on her or some other NPC.

    Yes Nadia is a convenience.

    In a way, I think the comp drop rates are overall good, a few are skimpy, but some are painful. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, it would definitely stimulate the confectioner industry which I think is a good thing. Plus, I don't think that all comp drop rates need to be equal. It adds an element of striving that I think Nadia has taken away.

  16. #36
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    What Aaelefein said. While I expect that he and I have as much teched crafting gear as we need (we are both Grand Master Crafters), it is most assuredly easier to earn coin than to hunt certain tech comps (unless the coin making is further nerfed) and if coin is not useful to purchase the tech comps - be it from an NPC or from what players are willing to hunt and sell - then we simply do without tech comps and consequently without new teched gear.. The game is supposed to be fun (at least often enough to keep us here). Please make adjustments with care, our numbers have become a bit sparse ...


  17. #37

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    Here's a suggestion for you... dont remove Nadia.. alter her... have her provide kill quests for different tiers to obtain tier tokens which can then be used to purchase the comps? Not limiting you to your tier though. You could do any tier quest as each tier comp would use that specific tier token... Make you have to work for them?

    I would almost want to suggest making these component tier tokens attuned.. but not sure that's a major thing....


  18. #38

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    Poor Nadia. *nuzzles Nadia* Niea d'na have to listen to these beings. They mean niea no harm. ( sorry back to seriousness, I have nothing really to say here yet since I very rarely even use her. )

    * snuffles curiously*
    [Visit The Order Underground]

  19. #39

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    Hmm, questing for components... Sounds like a nice idea. I think it might not be as straightforward as it seems though... You don't want to make it too easy, right?

  20. #40

    Default Re: Nadia Discussion

    Well at least you would know how long it will take to get the comps you need


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