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Thread: Silithus Zerr's Story.

  1. #1

    Default Silithus Zerr's Story.

    OOCly- I dug this up from lonnngg ago, when I was like, 17. I might continue it. Also, I think I was going for the approach of the reader reading from some sort of memory crystal.

    Prologue: The Dream

    Sheets of rain beat down upon the soiled landscape, as if the world itself weeped at the devastation. Trees, withered from the Blight, seemed to scream in silent agony as the wind rustled the blackened branchs. The only sound, a howl of a creature in pain.

    Blood, rain, beating heart.

    Death, blight, wailing night.

    Tear my flesh, rip me apart.

    Flay my mind, taking flight.

    Silithus wailed, gripping his head with both talons. The voice would not quiet no matter how much he tried to stop it. Sensing his despair, it seemed to take on a life of its own.

    Zerr cackles madly into the darkness, feeding itself off of the pain of its other half. Through fits of glee, its mad voice gibbered poem's of madness and hatred into Silithus's mind.

    Tears of blood dripped from his blue eyes, sparkling emerald with his sickness.

    Chapter 1: Begginings.

    Authors note: Silithus began as any other Dragon Hatchling begins, his hatching a warm time of safety and happiness. He never knew his original parents however, his egg being adopted by a single male Lunus dragon only known to Silithus as 'Father'. Times being as they are, this was not an uncommon ocurrence. Father, a Lunus elder and hermit, lived in his unassuming lair deep in the snowy wilderness east of Dralk. Precisely where, Silithus cannot recall.

    "Silithus." a deep, throaty voice murmured.

    Silithus sleepily opened one eye, the fuzzy image of his lazing father rapidly coming into focus.

    "Good. You are awake. Go earn your keep, hatchling." With that, Father rested his massive head on the floor of the lair and promptly continued his sleep.

    Silithus sighed. Rolling onto his stomach, he picked himself up from the floor, drowsy muscles protesting. His small talons clicked on the rock floor as he headed out of the lair.

    Birdsong and the mornings light greeted him, along with the chill mountain air. He spent a moment taking in the beuty of the landscape, lush green forests contrasting the glare of fresh snow. A nearby spring gurgled pleasently with the promise of fresh water, and possible food if the deer were watering. Grinning, Silithus quietly stalked catlike towards the spring, already anticipating the warm tang of fresh blood.

    With practiced ease, he approached the edge of the water hole, stopping as he neared the bowl shaped basin. An entire family of deer lapped contentedly, their brown fur coats gleaming with health and the promise of fresh meat. He stared across the small distance, the deer opposite of him seeming unaware of the threat. Tensing his muscles and digging talons into the rich earth beneath the snow, Silithus sprang like a trap. The entire family, startled by the sudden explosion of snow and earth, fled in every direction. With practiced skill, Silithus tore across the slick, wet rock, leaping forward to intercept the largest deer. Crimson dragon and earth-tan deer collided, the sound of bones snapping audible over the pounding of hooves. Finally collapsing under the weight, the massive buck fell to the ground thrashing. The struggle last only until Silithus snapped his jaws into the meat throat, spilling the deers lifeblood. Exulting in the kill and the feel of adrenaline, Silithus puffed out his chest and strode to the waters edge to wash himself. He dipped his snout into the cool, fresh water for a pre-wash drink, then dove in. The pool turned a murkish brown color rapidly as the hatchling thrashed and chirped in enjoyment, cleaning off all the muck and dirt he had been using as camoflauge.

    Emerging from the cool depths, Silithus admired the bright gleam of his scales. Head to toe, he examined every inch, preening the areas where scales had come loose or dirt had been wedged. He continued this behavior, until the deep voice of Father roared for food, startling all manner of wildlife into frenzy and collapsing a pine tree's accumulation of snow on Silithus.

    "About time. I see you brought something worthwhile this time." Fathers deep voice grated, narrowed eyes glowing like orange fire. Silithus dragged the heavy buck as best he could, its bulk scraping across the floor like sandpaper.

    Panting with the effort, Silithus chirped in surprise when Father snapped his head forward, devouring the deer and barely missing the little one with each bone crushing snap. Apparently satisfied, Father muttered something and licked the hatchling.

    "Eh. Sorry for frightening you." Father's apology sounded forced, as if he found it difficult. Grinning happily, Silithus accepted the attention.

    The days seemed to blend toghether, Fathers only demand being the occasional meal, leaving Silithus to explore and learn. The more dangerous residents of the mountain left the lair's location free of their presence, fearing the wrath of the Elder.
    Lunus Ancient Dragon - 100 Adv. 100 Craft. 100 Lair. 49 CrystalShaper
    Feel free to add me on Facebook: [email protected]

  2. #2

    Default Re: Silithus Zerr's Story.

    Chapter 2: Quest of an Orphan.
    Silithus dreams...

    Darkness, everywhere. Silithus raises a foreclaw, noticing with alarm that his own body seems to blend with the Darkness. A feeling of resentment seems to suddenly fill the air, breaking him from his examination of the Darkness. Shifting his view constantly, he searches for the source. The feeling grows stronger, mixed emotions flowing like a tide in an empty ocean. He tries to reach out with his mind, tries to find the source of this suffering...

    And a single image greets him.

    The image of a young hatchling, a female, with the most penetrating eyes he had ever seen. Her scales glowed many different hues, shifting constantly. Somehow he knows she is his sister, and cries out with joy. Seemingly unaware, a single tear begins to swell in her eye.

    "Why!" She cries, the small droplet soared forward, pattering softly on his unseen scales. He tries to answer, but suddenly becomes aware of a searing pain. The droplet burned through his scales, igniting the darkness around him in a blaze of red hot anger, sadness, desperation. She continues to cry as his body is consumed by the tide of emotion.

    Silithus awakes with a start. The usual cacophony of Father's snoring mixed with the acoustics of the lair greeted him. Careful not to awake Father, he pads silently out of the lairs glittering depths and into the night. A single thought on his mind.


    He burned with the desire to find his kin, her hurt and desperation were kindling on the fire. Passing the spring, he carefully descended the frozen hillside leading to a path. Rocks dislodged under his unsteady legs, tumbling him forward. With a chirp of surprise, he tumbled downward, finally landing with a thump on the road.

    "Oh blimey!" A shocked gnome shouted in surprise. Silithus wondered why the gnome was floating upside down, then realized he was on his back.

    "You okay little fellow?" The gnome said, fidgeting with some sort of device attached to his belt. A bushy beard seemed to cover most of his face, shaking free snowflakes as he spoke.

    Thinking, Silithus tried to remember what Father had taught him about bipeds, and talking.

    "Splist, Sssrary." Frowning, Silithus rolled onto his belly.

    "Erm...I dont speak whatever dialect you are using...Do you know common?" The gnome seemed to think for a moment, eyes distant.

    "Ahah! I know something a youth like you could understand."The gnome said. Slowly reaching into the pack at his hip, and grinning hugely, he brought forth a large cookie. Silithus sniffed slightly, not moving. His eyes locked on the food.

    "You must be quite lost, young dragon. This place is very dangerous...Follow me to town, and I will give you the cookie, understand?" The gnome's voice sounded gruff, like a father disciplining his young. Moving slowly at first, then breaking into a quick walk, he waved the morsel of food.

    Silithus's stomach rumbled as his talons clicked on the roads pavement. Following the gnome from a safe distance, he trotted down the path through the pine forest.


    "Fizznit, you find the strangest of traveling companions, I swear!" The gnome named Fizznit muttered. He glanced backward every now and then, making sure the drake wasn't thinking of making him lunch. The creature seemed content to stay a ways behind him, sniffing slightly or suddenly turning to stare at something in the woods. Fizznit fidgeted with his latest invention, wondering if he would have to use it on any dangerous wildlife. Everything seemed quiet...To quiet. He stopped to study the surroundings.

    Pine tree. Snow. Road. Undead zombie. Rock. Water...

    Fizznit did a doubletake just as the defiled warrior lurched forward from the darkness. Stumbling backward, he tore his invention from the belt and point its tiny metallic muzzle forward. With a click, he triggered it just as the creature swung its massive sword. A single, extroadinarily bright beam of light shot forth, lancing the the walking corpse in one eye.

    "Rrrrarrghh" It roared, stumbling forward and tripping over Fizznit's small form. Both of its mangled hands cupped its face, its eyes blinded.


    Silithus rushed forward just as the zombie showed itself, but he was to far to help in time. The gnome pulled a seemingly insignificant nozzle from his belt just as the rotting form attacked, its tip spewing such bright light He had to shield himself with a wing. Dazed, He blinked quickly to clear the spot of brightness from his vision.

    "Get yer rottin hands offa me!" Shrieked the gnome, sounds of a struggle reaching Him.

    Silithus chirped in anger and leapt forward, closing the distance. The gnomes small body was pinned under the blinded and still dazed form of an old man, apparently undead. The corpse was trying to strangle the gnome, but found tugging on the gnomes beard more interesting. Silithus leaped onto its back, gnawing on its neck with tiny razor teeth.

    Lurching backward, the old corpse moaned in anger and tried reaching back to grip Silithus, only managing to trip over a rock and smack the hatchlings head on the hard pathway. Everything became fuzzy as Silithus blacked out, the only sound being the gnomes cursing about hair removal.



    ...Seemed to be the only thing Silithus could think. He slowly brought his heavy eyelids open to see where he was.

    "I think hes coming around." A gruff, deep voice like distant thunder. Silithus lay upon a collection of furs, a warm fire burning merrily in a nearby hearth. His head hurt atrociously, feeling slightly wet from dried blood.

    "Ah, very good then. That little fellow saved me beard he did. Literally." A familiar voice, it seemed to dance slightly the way only a gnomes voice could.

    "I would'nt say he is very small, taking up half me cabin, he is!" A louder, feminine voice with a thick accent, it made his headache worse.

    "Sshishtah.." Silithus hissed, his voice pleading. He moved slightly and disturbed a massive hound dog, the creature warily eyeing him from a corner of the cabin.

    "Don't worry fellow, your safe. Just relax and let your injuries heal."

    Silithus curled up again, laying the tip of his tail on his snout, drowzing almost instantly.


    Fizznit eyed Jagra and Rashar. The two half giants sat comfortably in massive pine chairs, downing food with such frenzy and lack of courtesy that He thought he would be sick. He related the tale of how he found the hatchling, the battle, then meeting the pair as they came down the road.

    "Well, we know of several lairs located in this vicinity. Perhaps we could give them a visit, no? There most be some very worried parents looking for little scaly friend." Rashar's deep voice sounded like a smiths bellows at work, his short and well trimmed beard full of crumbs.

    "Perhaps. I wondered the same thing as well, but the hatchling seems more interested in 'Sshishtah' then finding its way back. I have no clue what it wants, really." Fizznit replied, wincing slightly when Rashar downed an entire mug of mead. Jagra, only slightly more courteous, offered him a mug.

    "Erm, no thanks...As I was saying, I believe I should take him to Mahagra. There, only a simple portal to Chiconis and perhaps someone who can take care of him." Fizznit spoke as the plan formulated in his mind.

    "Ah yesh, good plan friend gnome. Dragons round here are far to reclusive to find, Chiconis however is very good choice." With that, Rashar gathered what seemed to be a blanket, and whiped his face and beard clean. Well, at least some manners.


    Silithus dreams...

    Back...the realm of Darkness flowed around him once more. He eagerly felt for the mind he had touched earlier, but found no trace. Sighing sadly, he floated in the limbo realm, waiting to wake up. Something was wrong, he felt.

    Suddenly, the tide of emotion flowed once again, but different. An image of a young mage, a human, appeared before Silithus. The mans face cloaked in a deep hood of green material, it and his robes glowing with azure runes. Silithus stepped backward, suddenly hitting a black wall that had not been there moments before.

    "Do you know who I am, Wyrm?" The figure spoke, its voice deep and echoing. Something was familiar about it...He knew who this was.

    "Zerr..." The word sounded like a curse on Silithus's lips.

    Grinning, the spectre pulled back its hood. A perfectly healthy face smiled at Silithus.

    "Indeed. I hope you enjoyed our little dream conversations. I know I have, Silithus." His voice sounded mocking, but had a strange quality to it, almost surreal as it echoed off the dark walls surrounding them. Silithus lashed forward like a snake, sinking his jaws into...

    Nothing. The spectre had vanished.

    "Wake up ye louzy runt!" A high pitched feminine voice, remnants of a hangover evident. She towered over him, glaring.

    "Your all healed, scaly, so get out of me house!"

    Silithus scrambled in fright, his talons gashing chips of wood from the floor. The huge hound dog bellowed a loud wuff as Silithus dashed through the open door of the cabin, knocking down chairs and furniture in the process.

    "Woah!" The gnome shouted from just outside the doorway, trying to calm him. Birds chirped in surprise from a nearby bush, disturbing the branches as they took flight.

    "Hold on fellow, she is only bein cranky. Dont worry, Im going to take you to Chiconis!" Grinning, Fizznit patted the now panting Silithus on the snout. He did'nt know whether to trust these bipeds or not, but from what Father had told him, Chiconis was a good place. Rashar, as he had heard the other large biped be called, walked over from a nearby shed and presented a pack to him. The packs leather folds faced directly upward when placed on his back, allowing a great many different things to be stored within despite a dragons movement when walking. He sniffed slightly, wondering if he should be insulted or thankful for the pack.

    Pulling taught the last straps, the half-giant grinned as if all was right in the world.

    "My friend gnome, I present your noble steed." Rashar was turning red in the face, his eyes dancing. He finally laughed uproarisly when Silithus and Fizznit gave him equally indignant looks.

    "The first Lunus to see that would have me on a barbeque!" Despite this, the gnome grinned slightly. He gave thanks to the couple for all their hospitality, leaving a small amount of coin. Breathing in deep, Silithus savored the fresh mountain air as they made their way through the snow. Finally reaching the road once more, they made their way toward Mahagra.
    Lunus Ancient Dragon - 100 Adv. 100 Craft. 100 Lair. 49 CrystalShaper
    Feel free to add me on Facebook: [email protected]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Silithus Zerr's Story.

    Ooh, I always wanted to know what Silithus' backstory was. I heard he had a darker past, but I only ever knew the Silithus we have today. So, I am of course going to say I'd like to see more. XP

    "Pine tree. Snow. Road. Undead zombie. Rock. Water..." was really amusing, by the way.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  4. #4

    Default Re: Silithus Zerr's Story.

    *waits impatiently*

  5. #5

    Default Re: Silithus Zerr's Story.

    I really, really enjoyed listening to your story!

    *leans back, takes another urn of Awdz`s delicious, hot klava,
    waiting for Silithus to continue..*
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Silithus Zerr's Story.

    Wonderful story- can't wait for more

    Slee Maogrin- Chaotic, spotty warmonger of Order~

  7. #7

    Default Re: Silithus Zerr's Story.

    do continue soon! I am quite fascinated!

    Ri'ta'ra'thi Is'mi'nei: Season 100 ADV/100 CRA/100 BLK(former)/100 LSH/ 1.11 BILLION hoard
    Kytitia Pyrrithia: Unparalleled Rating 212 Saris Sorceror, Rating 234 Crafter

  8. #8

    Default Re: Silithus Zerr's Story.

    Working on chapter three- as well as another story that i think will be unique to modern istaria.
    Lunus Ancient Dragon - 100 Adv. 100 Craft. 100 Lair. 49 CrystalShaper
    Feel free to add me on Facebook: [email protected]

  9. #9

    Default Re: Silithus Zerr's Story.

    Delayed for a while. Quite busy.
    Lunus Ancient Dragon - 100 Adv. 100 Craft. 100 Lair. 49 CrystalShaper
    Feel free to add me on Facebook: [email protected]

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