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Thread: Launcher is .NET v1.1?

  1. #1

    Default Launcher is .NET v1.1?

    Perhaps not a bug, more of a question... any reason why the patcher is still .NET v1.1? Any Vista/Win7 clients "vanilla" installs don't include .NET v1.1, .NET 2.0 I think.

    I didn't have .NET 1.1 installed on my test rig, and I had to open up a CLR debugger to find out the underlying error was "Could not find System.Windows.Forms". I used .NET Reflector to check the references, and versions all have 1.05xxxx (.NET V1.1 I believe?). Anything stopping a quick Visual Studio "target .NET 2.0 Framework" ? Might catch some others out too... or maybe it's just me

  2. #2

    Question Re: Launcher is .NET v1.1?

    I was under the impression that all .Net installations include all previous versions in the install. so if you install 2.0, you get all of the 1.x framework files too. is this not the case?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Launcher is .NET v1.1?

    "in theory" a .NET app compiled with an earlier version of .NET will work in later versions, unless there is a breaking change between 1.1 -> 2.0 that is being used. So while previous versions aren't included (i.e. 2.0 install doesn't also install 1.1) a 1.1 app should run under a 2.0 installation even if 1.1 is not installed. Depends if there is anything tricky happening with the code.

    Interestingly, I have had problems installing thw v1.1 Service Pack, so it is possibly that which is the issue. I ended up completely removing .NET 1.1 and reinstalling and that seemed to do the trick *shrugs*

    Probably just my install is hosed!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Launcher is .NET v1.1?

    Right. Previous versions are *not* included in the newest release. However, each new release is suppose to be fully backward compatible, provided that there are no bugs in the app:P. And provided that you didn't include a workaround for a bug that existed in a previous version of .net but doesn't exist in the new version.

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