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Thread: Istarian Imponderables...

  1. #1

    Default Istarian Imponderables...

    Post in meant in jest, usually questions asked from my character's perspective of the crazy world that is Istaria. Based on the "Imponderables" book series. Surely there are more clever people than I that can add thier own questions?

    -Why are there massive Yew Trees on Dralk?

    -Does anyone find it strange that Ice Pygmies sometimes drop two heads?

    -Why do "small wallets" look quite a bit larger than "Large

    -For that matter, how come I can hoard items in flight, but not use money bags?

    -Is there a reason deer hang out with wisps?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    What will happen to dryads when the gnomes invent blenders?

    What will happen to gnomes when dragons invent bigger blenders?

    My questions are terrible on multiple levels compared to yours. xD Good thread; I look forward to reading other replies.
    Last edited by Vaz; June 17th, 2009 at 05:15 PM.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  3. #3
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    if a dev takes out a thornwood tree and no one sees it, is it really gone?

    how many devs can dance on the tip of an istarian army knife?
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    How much wood would a woodcutter cut if a woodcutter would cut wood?
    Dragon Scroll; BLIGHT~Anam, Ahleah; CHAOS~Veruliyam, Ceruliyan, Jaguarundi, Spinel, Ssussurrouss, Chon; ORDER~Aucapoma, Susurrus

  5. #5

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    What are those squirrels really up to?

    Why do mobs still attack when they are facing the other way?

    How come I can fall from impossible heights and survive without a scratch, yet a couple of angry beetles have me quaking in fear?

    Why is the Withered Aegis' favorite color "Blight Green"? Don't they know that color is soooo "Last Lamentation"?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    Why do i not fall out of the sky when i am 99 % over burden?

    Why do saris never shed?

    why do people think khrutits are constantly naked..?

    Why does it only rain ash around just your character in dralk?

    Why is the floating isle floating..?

    why cant you drown in the New Trismus pond but i drown every where else?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    Quote Originally Posted by AguaRush View Post
    why cant you drown in the New Trismus pond but i drown every where else?
    I can answer that one! All new players are given the Beginner Buoyancy Vest form when they visit NT.

  8. #8
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    Quote Originally Posted by AguaRush View Post
    Why do saris never shed?

    They do, in private, when nobody is looking ...

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    How many heads did Bolger have?

    Why is fishing as challenging as most hunts? (I do go after the deep ones)

  10. #10

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    Why can Sslik move in ice regions as easy as in the desert?

    For what have the undead war machines everywhere when they don't use it?

    What is the purpose of the mysterious island south of Draak?

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  11. #11

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    Quote Originally Posted by Takora Drakan View Post
    What is the purpose of the mysterious island south of Draak?
    Oh, that's the lair of Capt. Nemo and the Nautilus.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  12. #12

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    Some of these are great! I was looking more for the "My character is questioning game mechanics" responses.

    -How does the water get in my bucket when only the flat bottom of it is connecting with the well?

    -Why is a biped's recall roar just as loud as a dragon's? (I still don't get this one. When I started playing, I thought is was my dragon's roar when I recalled.. until I heard that a biped's is the same thing o.O)

  13. #13

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    Why does the bucket get full with milk and eggs when I BEAT the poor animal with it?

    You can fall from mountains without breaking anything, but you can drown in a little pond?

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  14. #14

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    -How can I pick up multiple heads from pygmies?

    -Why do named beetles often give two or more eyes?

    -Why can have wings that can support them in flight, yet their legs don't seem to support them for a simple jump?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    Golems have a tendancy to guard thier resources and attack any that try to gather them.

    So why is it, when we're trying to kill the anchors that's polluting said resources, the golems are more content to whomp on us than the menacing blight creatures running amok in thier field?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    They are piles of rock shian, what do you expect from them?

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  17. #17

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    -Has an enchanter tried making an orb out of Flame Essence? It would make a neat anti-snowball. (use on dragon only)

    -If an enchanter tried combining Flame Essence and Storm Essence, what happens? It might make a neat weapon....

  18. #18
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shian
    -If an enchanter tried combining Flame Essence and Storm Essence, what happens? It might make a neat weapon....
    Personally, I think if you were to combine the two of them, you'll get one of three things:
    1. Water (I have yet to see a storm not put out a fire)
    2. Steam
    3. Nothing (mutual annihilation).
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  19. #19

    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

  20. #20
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Istarian Imponderables...

    LOL so true

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