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Thread: Plot?what is it?

  1. #1

    Default Plot?what is it?


    I am looking at possibly subscribing and I was wondering what is the Plot for


  2. #2

    Default Re: Plot?what is it?

    They are pieces of land varying in size and can be decorated for recreational use , look, or crafting. I just like making mine look good
    ^.^ *Speed Demon of order..*

  3. #3

    Default Re: Plot?what is it?

    structures on plots can be used for storage as well :-)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Plot?what is it?

    are they useful?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Plot?what is it?

    I consider plots extremely useful. My vault and backpack are full; guildhouses on plots give me lots of extra space to stick items that I only use once in a while or for special projects, like tech comps. And I have a vault right on my plot for easy access while far away from an imperial town.

    Silos allow bulk storage of crafting materials - cobalt in level 60's, for example, is best worked by gathering a ton of nickel ore into a silo and tons of cobalt ore into 2 other silos, then using the player-built crafting shop for the skill bonus to work all the material at once with as many temporary buffs as you have available. That way you get to use those temporary (consumable, like potions) effects much more effectively than for more than a small amount at a time.

    Player built shops on plots give skill bonuses for the machines in them - beginner shops +25, journeyman +50, expert +75. On order shard many folks have strategically located plots near resources built with the shops to work the resources and silos open to the public.

    Oh that's another thing about the plot storage, consigners & pawn brokers - you can set access for just yourself, for just your guild, for just your friends, or for everyone to get at the contents. It makes passing items between players sooo much more convenient when you don't have to be online at the same time - and less risky than putting it on a public connie and hoping they get there in time. Consigners are a great way to pass coin from one alt to another - the one in need of coin puts something on the connie for the amount of coin wanted from the other alt, then the other alt buys the item for the listed price.

    Anyway, for plots, my short answer to "are they useful?" is definitely yes. :-)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Plot?what is it?

    For a crafting character plots can be very usefull once you have built some storage silos and crafting workshops. The various "Tier" workshops provide bonus points to crafting skills while using the machines in them. Higher tiers give more skill bonus.

    They can also be quite usefull for Guilds as you can set the permissions on storage buildings to allow other guild member to have access. Also permissions can be set to allow anyone to have access. This is usefull for comunity projects where many can collect resources and "dump" them into a silo for others to then process into the building materials needed for the project .Higher tier silos have more storage capacity.

    There are some plots that may be close to resource fields and having a workshop built there can be of benifit to the whole community.

    For an adventure only character a plot of land could be used to provide aditional storage for equipment or for storing trophies that may be needed at a later date.

    Other usefull buildings are a consignment building , which allows you to sell items, it can be set to allow anyone to buy and sell , or set to buy and sell for guild members only.The higher tiers have lower consignment costs to sell items

    A Pawnbroker , this lets you sell items to an NPC , good for unwanted items to make a bit of coin. Can also be set to allow all , guild, or even self use only
    The higher tiers give more coin for an item.

    A Tavern , this building allows the consignment of foods and also provides a "buff" while in the tavern that gives a bonus to the effects of eating food.
    The higher Tiers give a better buff

    A Guild hall, this building provides some extra storage space and also has a "shrine" that you can set as your characters recall point.
    Higher tiers have more storage but also use up more space on the plot

    A Vault building, this building provides a Vaultkeeper NPC - allows anyone to access thier vault while close to the NPC.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Plot?what is it?

    Ah Awdz, you beat me to it.
    Also to note, Dragons can own a plot but cant be the classes to build the structures on them or they can own a Dragon lair and become a Laircrafter. Laircrafters build the various chambers and tunnels etc with crafting machines, storage silos and so on.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Plot?what is it?

    and some plots are only there to enjoy your or any visitors heart.

    Build with lots of love, they are a place to get together, do some rp or celebrate.

    Just walk aound and visit our plots- you will see
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Plot?what is it?

    I am debating whether to subscribe or not.

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