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Thread: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

  1. #1

    Default Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    As the subject line says, this is NOT about politics in any shape, form, or manner.

    Have you guys noticed the extreme amount of Obama-related paraphernalia out there lately? There's posters, "collectible" magazines (I recall Time being one such magazine featuring a "collectible" Obama edition), I've seen Obama on sneakers, and now, today while at work, I was reading a tabloid (free of course, I wouldn't actually PAY for one) and I noticed a Michelle Obama doll... and I'm like "omg..."

    Just... okay, what's up with this?

    I understand that Obama is our duly-elected President of the United States, he's an important man, but dang...

    I don't remember there being Hillary Clinton or Laura Bush dolls, I don't recall there being Bill Clinton or either Georges in "Collectible" magazines, I don't recall Wal*Mart selling posters of Clinton or either Bush...

    So why is Obama all over everything? What's up with the Obama worship?

    I'm not saying this as a political debate, I don't want this to turn into a political debate, I'm just trying to figure out why THIS President is different than the last 5+ Presidents we've had in the past... I just... I don't get it.

    Either way, it is annoying me.

    Some people almost worship the man, almost as if he's the Second Coming or something, and that just.... Ugh.

    I think I'll stop here... lol.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    LOL, as bad as any big-screen movie star idol, isn't it?

    He's a hero to so many for breaking a barrier they thought was unbreakable by getting elected president - if you've never experienced a glass ceiling or a wall of bias against you because of race/sex/something you were born with and cannot change, you may not understand the incredible hope that comes when someone breaks through.

    He's also led a fundamental change in how the world views the US, worked & is still working through a s---load of problems left to him by previous issues and making a positive difference in it all.

    Plus, he is good looking (being eye candy never hurts) and proved he is really good at basketball (sinking baskets anyway) during his campaign with all those baskets he made. Good at sports is always a plus for folks to root for you.

    Do you really expect him to be adored any less than other famous superstars?

  3. #3
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    hey i like obama, even voted for him (admittedly, more so palin didn't get into the white house, but not all!) -
    but i just do not get the nobel peace prize thing - what is that about anyway?
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    Well, I agree with Awdz on this one - the man's not a hero for what he's doing in the office alone, but what he represents. His election speech, "Yes we can!" sums it up nicely. That very night he gave the people one of the best gifts he possibly could, he gave hope - and he didn't just give the old "silver lining" line, he told us WHY we should have hope, why we should be proud, why we should be thankful for being who we are, as Americans.

    The international community saw this as a huge change, that we wanted change, that we elected this man as a token of our need, our desire to do so. I'm no expert, but that's my take on their reaction, anyways.

    I'm proud to have my first voting experience go to this man. People worship him not necessarily for who he is, but also for what he means to do - that's why he won the Nobel Prize, Velveeta. Because of what his intent is, where his heart's at, however you want to say it. Despite the fact that I support him and what he does, I don't agree with this - such a prestigious award should be earned, not given on goodwill. It's like saying a person who sends $5 to a destitute country is just as likely to get such an award as the doctors, the peacekeepers, and the social workers down there working with these people everyday to make sure they can live passably.

    The reason why he's so...public? Is that the right word? Is because he's a frontier-man, he's the first of his kind - the media has their eyes on him to catch every slip and stumble he makes. It's such a fragile balance he walks, but it doesn't seem to me that he shies away from it - he actually stays in the spot-light. His actions are reminiscent of Kennedy, imo - he doesn't try to separate himself from the public, nor make himself appear larger then life. He's a person, who has a family, and is just as much human as the rest of us. People like that sensation and makes them think that Obama has their interests at heart.

    He's an icon of something more, I think, and not because he tries to be - but because he has the support of the people (for the most part) and they themselves idolize him. That, and people are always looking to make a few bucks eh?
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  5. #5

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    This world needs a new kind of polititians.
    New philosophies, new ideals, new hopes, new aims aso.

    Obama is the the first one to represent all that. I hope not the last one.
    I hope he has some influence on our old fashioned leaders in EU.
    He means a lot to us here in Germany.
    Take good care of him.
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    Worshipping is indeed not the right word, only after being ruled by a “Command & Conquer playing child� I can imagine that the American people, but also the whole world is happy to see a new, fresh, friendly and peace loving face.

    I can only hope that the American people (and not only those who favor the democratic party) will give him time to undo all the errors that have been made the last many years, because even though people might want it even he cannot do miracles. Changes take time… and time must be provided by the American people.
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    I suppose people are trying to keep alive the enthusiasm he inspired during his campaign, and--although I'm hardly qualified to comment--I think maybe that's not a bad thing.

    Even I, raised not to care about politics and having chosen to retain that attitude, was infected by that enthusiasm toward the end. Listening to his election speech on the bus, I held up my radio/mp3 player and moved it around to keep the signal. Watching YouTube videos of celebrations in the streets around the world, I felt happy, and that's a very rare thing.

    You know what? Obama came through for us. Change happened. There are now new sources of aid for students and the poor, and although supercynics would scoff at that, it matters. When life becomes a little more livable for some of society's bottom rungs, it matters. Keep in mind that even middle-class folk are always just one stroke of bad luck away from joining the lower class.
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  8. #8

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)


    *reads the replies here*

    I understand that people want a change, and that they are being hopeful and such, but a part of me thinks that we shouldn't be getting on our knees and looking up to -one- man in particular to come 'save us'...

    We need to get up and do some of the work that's needed ourselves, if we want the world to be a better place.

    I'm not saying Obama is a bad person, I'm just saying that we're turning him into some kind of savior, sitting back and watching him try to save everything, instead of getting out there and doing some of the things that need done ourselves.

    And then you got the people who are discontent with the government... any of you guys ever hear of the "Revolution" talk? I dunno if it is commonly found elsewhere, but here in Pennsylvania, I've heard that kind of stuff more than once, and when you think about it, it IS kinda scary that such a large number of people are talking like that...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    i'm not going into why i don't like our president, not because it's racist or anything (having a black man elected president proves our racism is over with), but because of my political views of the man. i don't like him. i don't like what he is prepared to do to this country (health care bill anyone?).

    people are relying on him to be the savior of our country. WE as a people need to do the work. not rely on ONE man. regardless of background. we need to do the work to right this country that the people in office (house, senate, and President) have done to this country. i hate the democratic congress, and the democratic-led Senate right now. i am trying to do my part in holding down a job, pay my taxes, and get a life started so i can make something of myself instead of relying on one man.

    i can go into so many things right now... but i will keep my politic opinions out of this. but yeah, relying on Obama to fix everything is a pipe dream. you have to rely on yourself and family/friends right now. not the executive branch.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    So much for the "NOT Politics!" discussion... ;-)
    (health care bill anyone?)
    YES. ABSOLUTELY. I volunteer with the local emergency squad in a rural area. It is heartbreaking to see the things folks just live with because being uninsured, they cannot afford to see a physician. At least our school (through the nurse's office) set up a program for all kids to have access to minimal medical care - physicals, dental, etc., with doctors and dentists serving the community. I think with the current state mandates, a significant number of those kids would not be able to attend school without that program.

    Then you get folks like my friend the diabetic who needed an insulin pump, got a job lined up and off medicaid, then the day he was supposed to start the job went into surgery due to an infection instead - and was out of commission so long that the job he had lined up is no longer available for him. However, medicaid does not want to pay for more medical stuff because he got out of the system. Who covers this crack in coverage?

    I could cite many examples. The point is, I've seen a LOT of need out there, and although the joke of a bill going through the senate now does nowhere near enough (thank you republicans for crying foul against something to help the non-rich), but at least it's a start.

    I agree it's ridiculous to put all your hopes on a single person, and Obama is worshipped more than is healthy. However, I think the initiatives he is leading and the teams he has working on them are making excellent progress for good. Far better than the previous administration that got the US into a war that should not have started and now needs to be cleaned up, and ran the country's deficit/economy into extreme levels. My impression is that they were too busy lining their own pockets and the pockets of their friends to care about Joe Public; rather, they took Joe Public and everyone else for as much as they could. I almost feel sorry for W taking office as figurehead for Cheney to work when he first started, except for where that unyielding cowboy took the country.

    I would far rather hold Obama in esteem.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    My impression is that they were too busy lining their own pockets and the pockets of their friends to care about Joe Public; rather, they took Joe Public and everyone else for as much as they could.
    This sums up the *majority* of politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike.

    A *large* portion of the Government is Corrupt. Very hideously so.

    people are relying on him to be the savior of our country. WE as a people need to do the work. not rely on ONE man. regardless of background. we need to do the work to right this country that the people in office (house, senate, and President) have done to this country.
    This is also truth.

    The problem is though... please excuse any "political"-ness of this next statement... but it is a rant and it needs to be said...

    My Coworker said it best:

    "I work my *beep* off, I have no Health Insurance. I work Minimum Wage at a Part-time job and I'm told I don't qualify for Medicare. I work my *beep* off, so that people that don't have a job, can have health insurance. That's nice. They sit on their *beep* and get health insurance, while I don't get any myself".

    He hit the nail right on the head. Welfare is a necessary system, but it is being abused IMO. Those who really need/deserve it, can't get it, and a lot of lazy bums who don't even try, get all they want. The system is just so messed up...

    But sadly, there's little we can do about it... we keep slaving away and paying the government our tax money, so that they can use it for all the wrong things. Politicians are wearing suits that cost more than I make in a month, they get private jets, limos, elaborate banquets, and God-Knows-What-Else.

    Meanwhile, people are starving on the streets while these heartless politicians blow millions in luxury lifestyles. If they'd put that money where it *really* belongs, then maybe our Education system, and our Health system wouldn't be so screwed up and broken...

    If you ask me, most of these politicians didn't earn a freaking penny of it. Not One Penny.

    What DO they do, that warrants the ridiculous amount of money they make, anyways? I can't think of anything, other than engage in outright corrupt practices.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    Health care for everyone is a must for a sane society.
    We can discuss about how much welfare is necessary and how it is missused.
    Often and everywhere.
    But not about healthcare.
    People who are sick without healthcare loose their dignity.
    I`ve seen things that hopefully would change minds of those who do not support a "healthcare for all" system.

    With your taxes you support so many things you do not agree with.
    And you can do nothing about it. So why not invest taxes in something that good?
    "healthcare bill anyone" works in Europe- not perfectly- but it works.
    Look in the eyes of someone who is sick to death (omg- the children),
    who has incredible pain, who is due to that or other reasons, not able to pay for health insurance- and tell me again, that you do not support that system.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    What makes me the most wtf that Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize, when he still plans to send more soldiers to Iraq :/ He should end the senseless war, and not continue it, honestly.

    But I never cared much for politics anyway on my side.

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  14. #14

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    I'll try to keep this non political which wont be easy for me, and only address why I think Obama has the worshipped status he does in my eyes.

    In a sentence, he has compassion( something I think all people wish they personally had more of), Integrity ( theres been lots of political debate on his ideas but his integrity still stands unquestioned in what hes doing), Inclusivness, this is where the hope comes from, that we all are one and therefore any one of us can succeed.

    All this on the heals of the most uninclusive government ever, that clearly lacked compassion and could never have any integrity as a fiscal conservative government that ran record breaking deficits.

    All Ill add to healthcare stuff is that I was born one mile from the American border, born one mile away id have been dead decades ago without Public Healthcare. Ive met plenty of Americans( some here in HZ) that have had their lifes destroyed by health problems. I dont want to break the bad news to anyone BUT we all have preexisting conditions, its only whether theyve been diagnosed. If you have them as teenager like I did in the US your sentenced to death or a life of poverty when no insurance company will cover you. Most of the developed world provides healthcare as a cornerstone of their society, that one of the supposed most intelligent and prosperous nations on the planet doesnt is a black eye for a country that seems determined to impose its will on others.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    Just read, that teens in Germany have a new keyword in their secret language.
    They say:" Hey man- thats totally Obama "

    I looked it up in the dictionary (yes we have a dictionary for teen language- crazy Germans^)


    "Obama" stands for good new ideas, innovative new ways.

    Looking at our politics here atm I agree.
    Can we borrow your President pls?^^
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    Had another discussion with a co-worker a couple days ago.

    He was both Anti-Obama and Anti-McCain. He wanted Nader, lol. Well, I dunno much about Nader, as we both agreed he will never win, as long as political parties exist, but anyways...

    It isn't that I dislike the guy himself. The things he says, the things he wants to do are noble enough. There's no evidence that he's cheated on his wife (unlike the last two presidents...), etc. The guy himself can be likable.

    What has always put me off, though, is that everyone (generalization, I know) is looking to him to fix everything. He is just one man, just like everyone else. He's got some serious balls to stand behind that podium and try to fight for what's right, but the sheer reality of it is, there's 300-some people in that building who honestly don't care.

    One Man vs 300+?

    For most of his ideas and visions to work, the commonfolk of America have to collectively grow a pair... preferrably a brass pair... and tell these useless politicians where they can shove their pork, their corruption, and their power trips.

    But until that happens... I fear Obama won't get much of anything done. He will certainly try, though. Everyone's putting their hopes on his shoulders alone, instead of standing up and helping him do something about these corrupt people in the government.

    Until we do that, it isn't going to get much better. Even now, they continue to squabble and bicker like petty little children over the healthcare reform. I won't post my own views on this, but... I think about now, Obama's doing the classic facepalm, and shaking his head, wondering why they can't stop acting like children and actually get this stuff done.

    Sadly, the measures placed into the Constitution by our Forefathers is actually our enemy here. One person can't rule the whole government. This was done to prevent corruption. Now that the corruption is so wide-spread through the rest of the government, the tables have turned -- one clean man can't rule over the corruption that is the rest of the government. The only thing that could be done, is that the _voters_ would have to band together in large numbers and vote the corrupt people out of office.

    Sadly, that will never happen...

  17. #17
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    with you 100% on the above, dhal!!!
    everyone seems to think obama is ****** or something, come to save america from its past sins.
    obama's just this guy, you know?
    i fear that all the unreasonable expectations peeps have placed on the poor man will taint his presidency forever, much like the rose colored glasses that americans still view jfk thru........

    hey i like obama, and i think he has done reasonably well in his first year (at least as good as the ones before him), but do i think he is america's, no i don't at all.....
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  18. #18

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    lol, ratings after the 1st year have gone down since he was first elected. what a surprise that he turned out to be only a very capable person, not a demi-god after all, eh?

    i still think he's a billion percent better than the previous one, so i adore what lovwyrm posted. :-D

  19. #19

    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    The problem with America is we have so many stupid people.

    I've actually gone to a few dozens of these "tea parties" here...all I can say is my god, so many stupid people in one place. Most couldn't define socialism which wasn't surprising. But, almost all couldn't define conservatism lol. Wtf they are supposely about that. They have a very narrow sense of existance. Rush is Right. Hannity America. Glenn Beck Knows Best. There were a few idiots with guns in holsters. Cheap guns lol mine are way better. Yet they talk and talk...

    The crap scares me.

    These people believe it or not, have a great influence on our agendas. Now note, that there are interllectual conservatives out there which I would never offend. I couldn't find one in sight.

    I wouldn't trust these peolpe to wash my car.

    On Obama...he has good intentions however he can't do much if the opposing party are willing to side with them "tea baggers". He is much better than the last president, but that's like saying a texan blonde in a hot summer night is better than a warm a fuzzy evening under the sheets expose' with **** Cheney.

  20. #20
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Obama Worshipping (NOT Politics!)

    this is my america, and i am proud to say so, and i have done so in several other countries, including a couple where it was not the best idea to admit such a thing.....we ain't perfect, but we are the best i have been to!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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