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Thread: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

  1. #1

    Default Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Just an idea ofcourse but perhaps, to help keep the older players happier should any more main-city attunments happen in the future, you guys can add an NPC that will allow higher rating characters to attune to every place that requires attunement under these Tier revamps (That didn't require attuning beforehand, that is). By all rights, the high level characters would have already of been attuned to Brist/Sslanis/Chiconis/Dalimond had this revamp happened when they were leveling that tier.

    For example: The attunings in this delta were for the Tier II revamp, and to re-direct new players to Kion. However players ~40+ could perhaps have an NPC to go to in, say, Tazoon so they can attune to these places without the run around to do so. (Which, honestly, is all it's going to be for higher level players. More running around for stuff they shouldn't have to run around for, again because this would have been done back when their characters were tier II assuming they could have done it.)

    Some food for thought, in any case. :3

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    This would be nice.. it would save an annoying hour or two for the players who were already far above the content anyway. I've been hearing a lot of complaining, especially about Bristugo, in these few days since the patch went through. Though I'm not sure exactly how this could be done to prevent people who've gotten to the highest level of T2 (or whatever tier) since the patch from attuning everywhere without going there.

    I know that the Ancient Rite of Passage has a /played check.. maybe the auto-attuning NPC could check days since creation to see if the player was around before the patch as well as having a level requirement?


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    What is the problem with walking or flying to each town for one time?
    Why should the devs make all kind of "asking-for-bug" changes just so that the older players can keep to their crafting or whatever it is they want to do.
    The changes are made for everyone, newbies and oldies alike.

    Just enjoy the changes... Enjoy the new landscapes...
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  4. #4

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    i like running around exploring the changes but i can understand how others would not. i like the idea of an option for "oldtimers" to get the "attune everywhere you were before" as well as the option to run around for attuning.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonboy View Post
    What is the problem with walking or flying to each town for one time?
    Why should the devs make all kind of "asking-for-bug" changes just so that the older players can keep to their crafting or whatever it is they want to do.
    The changes are made for everyone, newbies and oldies alike.

    Just enjoy the changes... Enjoy the new landscapes...
    One can enjoy all the new landscapes without having to run through "miles" (in character terms) of the same roads...

    Coming from one of those ol'timers who remembers when you had to attune EVERYWHERE BUT main cities (Harro run, yes, I remember it well) - I am both confused, and yet not confused, as to why they are adding it BACK in. I see reasons for both. Or should I clarify, I see reasons for attuning player towns, but still not for main cities.

    I live in Chiconis, have for years, - I was immediately surprised I had to rebind to its portal *chuckles* - and didn't realize it until after I left (Hey why wouldn't the Chiconis portal be unavailable to to go attune elsewhere. Luckily, I'm bound there cuz I live there. But its still a bit odd..

    I think the quest idea for players who have leveled out of those areas is a good one. If the player wants to see new content - they're going to go to these areas anyway. Honestly I saw not much "new" to see flying the road to get to each city attunement (could have taken the shorter way but I was actually looking for new things...), rather than the cities themselves where the overhaul happened.

    Now being a flying dragon, this took me all of 10 minutes. But never in my entire Istarian life have I felt more greatful for the ability to fly. As I can certainly see how this is obnoxious for those stuck on two or four legs. Not so much the idea of attunement itself, but the idea of having to go back to places we've gotten to "easily" for years to reattune.

    I've never had to make a flat run from Dalimond to Chiconis - NEVER. Back in'da' more prevalent attunement days I didn't have to attuene to Chiconis to begin with (or Dralk, or Dalimond, or Kion, or Sslanis). I have no idea how difficult it may or may not be for a level 15-20 player sticking to the road.

    But it sure does look like a fair'piece to me. And wether you're 20 or 100 - running seems to me not the most fun activity in the world - esp. to places you've come to expect to be able to port to.

    So I'm all for out-leveled players being able to go to a central location and get the reattunement for places that have gone under the revamp - as we continue.

    You know its the small things that can add up to make or break the game - why add to a negative list if you don't have to?
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  6. #6
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    attunement to racial towns, especially for the particular race that belongs to that town - just seems strange to me.......
    and i totally agree with the running thing - boring to the max!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Now being a flying dragon, this took me all of 10 minutes. But never in my entire Istarian life have I felt more greatful for the ability to fly. As I can certainly see how this is obnoxious for those stuck on two or four legs.
    Oh, it's even 'better' when there's been major landscape changes and the map is far out of date. x3 As a biped, you kind of rely on that map to tell you where things are. When you run into a road that no longer exists, a cliff that was never there before, or hell even a massive piece of land being carved out by the ocean, it makes this running even more annoying.

    I take my time to enjoy the scenery and landscape around me when I'm hunting, or just idly running around. I spend none of it enjoying the landscape when I'm in 'bypass for the quickest route' mode, which is what happens when I'm doing this silly attunement running around stuff. Also with being a non-crafting focused biped, there's not much draw to the new content in the first place.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrion View Post
    I take my time to enjoy the scenery and landscape around me when I'm hunting, or just idly running around. I spend none of it enjoying the landscape when I'm in 'bypass for the quickest route' mode, which is what happens when I'm doing this silly attunement running around stuff. Also with being a non-crafting focused biped, there's not much draw to the new content in the first place.
    100 plus adventurer-focused quests aren't enjoyable?
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonboy View Post
    What is the problem with walking or flying to each town for one time?
    Why should the devs make all kind of "asking-for-bug" changes just so that the older players can keep to their crafting or whatever it is they want to do.
    The changes are made for everyone, newbies and oldies alike.

    Just enjoy the changes... Enjoy the new landscapes...
    That basically amounts to "So they added an annoying change; deal with it." :/

    Istaria is already full of lots of little annoyances just in random bugs, lag, port times, dealing with multiple plot structures, having things randomly stop working, etc. Running around to reattune to ports, especially ones that have been available since the game launched, like racial cities, is a chore more often than not. I would assume that any measures taken to reduce annoying things in this game would be of benefit to it in the long run.

    I don't know about everyone else, but when I was running/flying around to reattune places, my only goal was to reattune. I was not there to explore. I explore new changes, yes, but I like to do that on my own time rather than being forced to.

    And I've only gotten the attunements done on one character. I have at least seven more that are active characters, and fourteen total characters on my account. It adds up quickly.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  10. #10

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    100 plus adventurer-focused quests aren't enjoyable?
    Ones I've seen haven't, honestly. Just because, compared to what Dragons get out of quests, all I'm doing it for is a bit of experience and money. If not that, attunement. (This being compared to stuff like Drain Bolt, ARoP, Drulkar's Wrath, Dimensional Pocket, etc.)

    Now granted, I haven't tried many of the new quests, partly because I've just come to finding them pointless in the past but I still get the feeling I'll finish with just another quest under my belt without much to show for it. The Dark Cyclone quest is still my favorite so far.

    Many of the reasons why I quest for stuff is to get neat items, even if not useful. The newest Dragon quest that came from the re-vamp, in Chiconis, has an item drop that I would have loved to get on my biped. The spirit shard. (I'm collecting everything spirit/ethereal related on him) But alas I am unable to obtain any, as it's Dragon only and the shards attune.

    Now I'm not saying I'm disappointed with everything in the re-vamp, it's great to see some fresh mobs out there even if they are just T2 as well as some new scenery and to hear a new map is in the works. I would just love for some unique quests, like a quest for my Bloodmage to boost his Exsanguinate ability >.> 1 Gold Rage (if multicasted) per hour definitely puts it in with the "It could be a great ability, but ultimately falls frequently unused" category. But perhaps I'll make a thread (again) about my feelings on Bloodmage since that doesn't really fall under what I meant to bring up in this thread.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrion View Post
    Ones I've seen haven't, honestly. Just because, compared to what Dragons get out of quests, all I'm doing it for is a bit of experience and money. If not that, attunement. (This being compared to stuff like Drain Bolt, ARoP, Drulkar's Wrath, Dimensional Pocket, etc.)

    Now granted, I haven't tried many of the new quests, partly because I've just come to finding them pointless in the past but I still get the feeling I'll finish with just another quest under my belt without much to show for it. The Dark Cyclone quest is still my favorite so far.

    Many of the reasons why I quest for stuff is to get neat items, even if not useful. The newest Dragon quest that came from the re-vamp, in Chiconis, has an item drop that I would have loved to get on my biped. The spirit shard. (I'm collecting everything spirit/ethereal related on him) But alas I am unable to obtain any, as it's Dragon only and the shards attune.

    Now I'm not saying I'm disappointed with everything in the re-vamp, it's great to see some fresh mobs out there even if they are just T2 as well as some new scenery and to hear a new map is in the works. I would just love for some unique quests, like a quest for my Bloodmage to boost his Exsanguinate ability >.> 1 Gold Rage (if multicasted) per hour definitely puts it in with the "It could be a great ability, but ultimately falls frequently unused" category. But perhaps I'll make a thread (again) about my feelings on Bloodmage since that doesn't really fall under what I meant to bring up in this thread.
    Technically every quest added for Dralnok's Doom and Tier 2 is unique. They aren't like any others in the game, nor like any others that came before.

    But, aside from the story and lore in each quest, the quests in Tier 2 and Dralnok's Doom give lots of item rewards at the end of each chain (in Tier 2 alone there's at least one ability, quite a few tech-kits, and some socketable crystals as well as emblems - not just from title quests).

    And there are other quest chains out there now, such as the Ranger quests in Feladan, the Storm Disciple quests, and the Aughundell Crater quests. All of which were added in the last year.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  12. #12

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrion View Post
    Many of the reasons why I quest for stuff is to get neat items, even if not useful. The newest Dragon quest that came from the re-vamp, in Chiconis, has an item drop that I would have loved to get on my biped. The spirit shard. (I'm collecting everything spirit/ethereal related on him) But alas I am unable to obtain any, as it's Dragon only and the shards attune.
    I'll trade you my spirit shard for the GECK I didn't get to acquire because they changed it when I had 4/5 ghost vapors

    As for what's in here, there's a Wagon Wheel (new art!) an unusable mining pick, Perishable rations... I haven't got to even half of them yet, but I've been doing them on blight so I know which ones give me (worthless) xp and I can therefore, keep the item and which ones give me a cool new item upon turn in.

    Have you even done any of the quests?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    If you like it or not. It's clear to me why these attunements are implemented.

    The devs worked hard on the revamp and in such trying to get us all interested to go look and attune.

    Of course it's not something you have to do.

    If you do not want to get attuned that is all fine.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Akrion View Post
    Ones I've seen haven't, honestly. Just because, compared to what Dragons get out of quests, all I'm doing it for is a bit of experience and money. If not that, attunement. (This being compared to stuff like Drain Bolt, ARoP, Drulkar's Wrath, Dimensional Pocket, etc.)

    Now granted, I haven't tried many of the new quests, partly because I've just come to finding them pointless in the past but I still get the feeling I'll finish with just another quest under my belt without much to show for it. The Dark Cyclone quest is still my favorite so far.

    Many of the reasons why I quest for stuff is to get neat items, even if not useful. The newest Dragon quest that came from the re-vamp, in Chiconis, has an item drop that I would have loved to get on my biped. The spirit shard. (I'm collecting everything spirit/ethereal related on him) But alas I am unable to obtain any, as it's Dragon only and the shards attune.

    Now I'm not saying I'm disappointed with everything in the re-vamp, it's great to see some fresh mobs out there even if they are just T2 as well as some new scenery and to hear a new map is in the works. I would just love for some unique quests, like a quest for my Bloodmage to boost his Exsanguinate ability >.> 1 Gold Rage (if multicasted) per hour definitely puts it in with the "It could be a great ability, but ultimately falls frequently unused" category. But perhaps I'll make a thread (again) about my feelings on Bloodmage since that doesn't really fall under what I meant to bring up in this thread.
    I do understand where you are coming from, Akrion. Before Dralnok's Doom, many quests didn't give items or useful things as rewards. We've been trying hard to rectify that. From DD forward you can get useful abilities, tech-kits, socketable items, fluff, and much more. I encourag eyou to check out quests in both Tier 2 and the Delgarath regions.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunuke View Post
    Of course it's not something you have to do.

    If you do not want to get attuned that is all fine.
    Bristugo springs to mind as an absolutely necessary attunement. Chiconis and Dalimond are up there too.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  16. #16

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shian View Post
    I'll trade you my spirit shard for the GECK I didn't get to acquire because they changed it when I had 4/5 ghost vapors

    As for what's in here, there's a Wagon Wheel (new art!) an unusable mining pick, Perishable rations... I haven't got to even half of them yet, but I've been doing them on blight so I know which ones give me (worthless) xp and I can therefore, keep the item and which ones give me a cool new item upon turn in.

    Have you even done any of the quests?
    I'm working on one of the Tier II Revamp quests and got stuck at a spot on one of them because it's bugged, Vaela sent me the items I needed to continue.

    As for what you listed, I'm not so much interested in getting every possible random item I can find, I'm not collecting, I'm looking for specific items for Akrion.

    Currently, he holds an Ethereal Trinket, Ethereal Bauble, Ethereal Charm, Ethereal Locket, Ethereal Tablet and Ethereal Figurine. He also holds a lesser spirit orb, a soul fragment, an ethereal shard, a Bloodskulk Bloodmage scroll, a Sslik ghost vapor, he's almost got a full equip of the Akhanis jewelry set (necklace, 2 earrings and 1 ring, just need 1 more ring) he's got the Bloodthorn staff, and is collecting tier 5 blighted armor/jewelry to push his spirit magic as high as possible (just below 1800 currently I think). If it's blood magic or spirit magic related, I do whatever I can to get it on Akrion. Hence why the soul shards taunt me. x3

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    I do understand where you are coming from, Akrion. Before Dralnok's Doom, many quests didn't give items or useful things as rewards. We've been trying hard to rectify that. From DD forward you can get useful abilities, tech-kits, socketable items, fluff, and much more. I encourag eyou to check out quests in both Tier 2 and the Delgarath regions.
    Yeah, I know, the DD release was rather nice to see. My point here isn't really about the Dralnok's Doom release either. It was just intended as a possible way to help avoid annoying the players of high level characters having to do a bunch of runarounds to re-attune places, especially somewhere as essential as Bristugo, by giving them the ability to go somewhere like Tazoon and have an NPC they can talk to so that they can do the re-attuning in one spot.

    If any of the old players are interested in the new tier 2 quests, they'll seek them out regardless of if they're required to run there or not. Heck I personally think that the annoyance of having to re-attune high level characters might make more people focused on just running and attuning than looking around once they get there, which could increase the likelyhood of them missing it.

    Again, I'm just speaking from personal experience and obviously can't speak for others, but when I returned to the game re-attuning to Dalimond, Brist, Chiconis and Sslanis were my first priority. I then went out to re-attune to the settlements. I had completely missed the new quest in the Dalimond tavern when I first ran through there, it was only after I was done attuning that I went back to search around. (Something I would have done regardless of having to run there to attune).

  17. #17

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    I for one hope there is no "attune me everywhere cause I'm an old player" npc.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Honestly, and I may be wrong, though I would expect this explanation if this is the case - I figured that we all had to redo the attunements because the world got revamped and they put the attuenements in for new players - but because of the "reset" or whatever way the engine works they couldn't retro-do it for older players. So its more of an "we really couldnt avoid wiping your attunements, sorry".

    Though if that is true I dont know why they haven't said that already - lol.

    And Guaran - give us some explanation man! Come on . And we're not saying "everywhere" - we're saying credit for attunements already done. I don't expect to be auto-attuned to places I never attuned in the first place, or new places that didn't exist (big towns or player towns). I don't think that's what people are asking.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Attunements were not wiped, at least I'm pretty sure. I think I was still attuned to South March even after the patch. The reason everywhere else needed "re"-attuning is because no one was actually "attuned" there in the first place. The ports were just available by default.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Idea for attunings like the ones added in the latest delta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptress View Post
    That basically amounts to "So they added an annoying change; deal with it." :/

    Istaria is already full of lots of little annoyances just in random bugs, lag, port times, dealing with multiple plot structures, having things randomly stop working, etc. Running around to reattune to ports, especially ones that have been available since the game launched, like racial cities, is a chore more often than not. I would assume that any measures taken to reduce annoying things in this game would be of benefit to it in the long run.

    I don't know about everyone else, but when I was running/flying around to reattune places, my only goal was to reattune. I was not there to explore. I explore new changes, yes, but I like to do that on my own time rather than being forced to.

    And I've only gotten the attunements done on one character. I have at least seven more that are active characters, and fourteen total characters on my account. It adds up quickly.
    Do you think you are the only one with multiple characters? I have got 7 characters on Chaos those would be 1 Ancient, 3 Hatchlings and 3 bipeds.
    While currently only 1 hatchling and 2 bipeds are active at this moment next to my “I have it so easy re-attuning� Ancient Dragon do you hear me complain?

    I chose to make the Harro and Morning Light attunement the old fashioned way, by running from Aughundell and you know what? I survived and learned to be really good on the lookout for mobs.
    The same goes for the Draak attunement I did it as well as a hatchling (*sighs* at lvl 30 because that was appearently the minimal level requirement) and again you know what? I survived the whole solo trip from Harro, passed the Treants, through ED and to Draak safely without ever dying once.

    For all those in favor of wanting a Attunement NPC I would love to hear a different reason then “been there, done that� or “it takes to long to redo all the attunements�.
    Most places I have attuned to in a distant past be it Wind or Unity after that I haven’t been to in ages or at least since I have started playing on Chaos, who knows how many changes have been made to those locations without me ever seeing and I dare say that there will also be many locations many of you also haven’t been in a long time.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

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