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Thread: Pokemon: Please no more

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Delaware, USA that little state no one knows about XP

    Default Pokemon: Please no more

    First, I want to state that I am a Poke'mon fan and I have been since I was ten. I have games from each of the generations and I have dedicated many many hours to catching and raising those monsters. Heck, I even plan on getting the Gold and Silver remakes coming out this year.

    HOWEVER, I have a major problem: there's going to be a FIFTH generation of Poke'mon. This means that there are going to be FAR too many in my opinion. How the hell can I catch them all when there are bajillions of them? It took me AGES just to catch the 200 something on my Ruby version and fill that Poke'dex.

    Not only that, the Poke'mon designs have been taking a MAJOR downhill tumble. In my opinion, many of the fourth generation Poke'mon are downright STUPID! Honestly, the folks at Nintendo/Gamefreak are seriously scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas. How many times can they make some reiteration of Rattata or Pidgey? I'm sure by now that all the Poke'mon have some evolution of some sort even if they really didn't need one. Honestly, does anyone really care enough about Lickitung to give it an evolution; a HORRENDOUS looking evolution at that? The designs of the Poke'mon are looking more and more like some Digimon that got beat with an ugly stick and then thrown off a cliff and trampled upon. I'm certain that the fifth generation won't even really look like Poke'mon anymore so much as just a bunch of generic anime style monsters you see on Tamagachi or something (no disrespect to Tamagachi, just tryin' to prove a point! xP).

    I understand that I Poke'mon is one of Nintendo's major cash cows and they'll keep making Poke'mon games and such, but do they really need to add 100 more every generation? The original ones that are awesome are getting lost in a sea of crap! *tightly hugs Charizard* They don't need more, they need to make them better!

    That is all.
    Anariah, Callihan, Selarth, Osiron, Asandra, Azayan, and Zefani of the Order Shard
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  2. #2

    Default Re: Pokemon: Please no more

    they want to keeped you hooked i got out of that mess when i was 13 but every now and a gain when i am feeling very nostalgic and Very VERY BORD i might watch the first gen but ya
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Pokemon: Please no more

    Eh, there's good and bad every generation, really. For example, sure, there's Charizard, but there's also Ditto and Bellsprout in the first generation. It also seems that I've heard someone say "no more" and "they don't look like Pokémon anymore" every generation.

    Comparing them to Digimon isn't really fair either, as Digimon has hundreds more monsters than Pokémon does anyway (and has since for quite some time), and I think the Digimon monster designs are very, very different - more detailed, darker, etc. Don't insult Digimon by comparing Likitung's evolution to them. :P

    Personally, I'm looking forward to it. Diversity and choice are diversity and choice.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Fort Wayne IN, USA

    Default Re: Pokemon: Please no more


    No mention at all of Dratini, Dragonair, Flygon, Salamance, or Rayquaza?

    You know, some of the Dragon forms?
    Dragon Scroll; BLIGHT~Anam, Ahleah; CHAOS~Veruliyam, Ceruliyan, Jaguarundi, Spinel, Ssussurrouss, Chon; ORDER~Aucapoma, Susurrus

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pokemon: Please no more

    I have no clue about anything Pokemon.

    But yes, they are goign to run it into the ground until the "new pokemon" generation is you know gobs of dirt - catch that!

    So either ride along with it or decide when enough is enough and no longer give them your money for generations of "crap" that you feel isn't worth it.

    Such is the way of corporations when they get a hold of something they want to milk for every last penny. Eventually it gets ruined
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Pokemon: Please no more

    I have to agree with ya BrightCat, I too started playing back when I was around 9-10 years old. I loved the originals(and like you, yes the charizard rocks), but I admit the fourth generation did have some really, really crappy pokemon.

    My friend actually got me all the originals along with a few from the second and third so I didn't have to deal with the fourth very much.

    I am also planning to get the new games coming out--

    But yea, a fifth generation.. I don't think they can do much more and really this, shadow fox pokemon is kinda odd.. Kinda reminds me of some redone of Renamon.. and not a very good one either.

    I guess all they can do is continue to beat the horse till it is so dead it is a pile of blood and broken bones...
    Then they probably steal a phoenix feather from Square's stash to keep the dead horse alive and resurrect it.

    At least Bioware doesn't fail us.. since I can't say Eidos anymore since Square took them away. ; ;
    (Now they own both Kains!)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pokemon: Please no more

    Maybe should they make a final game, a MMORPG with every current pokemons...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Delaware, USA that little state no one knows about XP

    Default Re: Pokemon: Please no more

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptress View Post
    Eh, there's good and bad every generation, really. For example, sure, there's Charizard, but there's also Ditto and Bellsprout in the first generation. It also seems that I've heard someone say "no more" and "they don't look like Pokémon anymore" every generation.

    Comparing them to Digimon isn't really fair either, as Digimon has hundreds more monsters than Pokémon does anyway (and has since for quite some time), and I think the Digimon monster designs are very, very different - more detailed, darker, etc. Don't insult Digimon by comparing Likitung's evolution to them. :P

    Personally, I'm looking forward to it. Diversity and choice are diversity and choice.
    Firstly, I am an avid Digimon fan too. My intention wasn't really to compare the two so much as make a point. Plus there are -tons- of digimon that are duplicates. There are at least 5 different Agumons (ToyAgumon, SnowAgumon, Agumon X, the normal Agumon, etc.

    Anyways, yes, each generation of Poke'mon has their dumb ones, but I feel that there are more stupid designs with each generation. At least Ditto turns into the cool Poke'mon? xD

    And yes, tons of people have cried no more! each generation too. 4 generations is my limit I think. I'm thinking that Heart Gold is the last Poke'mon game I'll get (but I won't say for sure, who knows xD).
    Anariah, Callihan, Selarth, Osiron, Asandra, Azayan, and Zefani of the Order Shard
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  9. #9

    Default Re: Pokemon: Please no more

    I did pokemon like at the start, when they resembled somehow animals of sorts. But i stopped after my silver edition somehow explode and so deleted itself. xD

    But today the pokemons somehow look like undefinied things to me honestly, ugh.

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pokemon: Please no more

    At first, when I first heard of/saw pics of/etc pokemon, I thought it was a kinda cool concept with some of the more "cute" monsters and such.

    Then came the huge hype/craze/people imitating it/trying to RP it, and that "kinda cool" turned into "OMG, eeew... I hate this!"

    It joined the ranks right along with Yugioh in being the "overhyped thing I dislike only because of all of the crap I have to put up with because of it".

    I can't figure out what I hate more -- DBZ, Pokemon, or Yugioh.

    Well, ok. DBZ sucks the worse of the 3 -- I *hate* people RPing that kind of crap to be honest. I've seen it in more serious RP areas and it just... bleeh.

    So I suppose it is a race between Pokemon or Yugioh.

    And I don't "hate" anime either -- I truly don't. I used to enjoy Ranma 1/2, Hellsing, etc. It is just all of the hype and stuff, and everyone and their brother doing that stuff, I just get kinda sick of it after awhile.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Pokemon: Please no more

    ..DBZ RP?
    I am not sure how you can RP DBZ.. all that came to mind with that was..


    several minutes laters..


    a few hours later...

    "DAAAHH!!!" BOOOM!

    Oh, and lots of staring.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Pokemon: Please no more

    Quote Originally Posted by neva View Post
    ..DBZ RP?
    I am not sure how you can RP DBZ.. all that came to mind with that was..


    several minutes laters..


    a few hours later...

    "DAAAHH!!!" BOOOM!

    Oh, and lots of staring.
    LOL! OMG, that gave me a good laugh.

    Anyways, from what I've seen, peeps who try this stuff RP their characters flying around with no real cost/etc to flying (yaknow, people without wings flying?), people shooting fireballs out of their hands, but yet not needing time to cast a spell, people walking around on fire but yet said fire appears to serve no purpose other than looks, etc.

    It is mainly in a free-form RP area I go to (purely text-based, no stat systems at all). We have two rules there (I think we could use these rules in Istaria RP as well!):

    1). No C&E. What is C&E? "Cause and Effect". You can pose what you *attempt to do*, but you cannot pose the effect it has on your opponent. I can say "I throw a punch at your head." This gives you the ability to either take the hit, or dodge it, or block it, or barely graze you. I cannot, however, say "I punch you in the head and knock you on your butt". Obviously, those who start dodging/blocking everything are very quickly ignored and shunned. They usually wise up soon. In the magic version of this, I can pose something like "I cast a spell of paralysis at you. Should it work (or "unless you resist it"), your body would go numb and you'd be unable to move for 3-5 poses".

    2). Most Magic, are Spells and require Casting Time. Unless you're a well-known character and unless you're well-known for being a fair roleplayer, chances are, you're not permitted to pose the act of starting spellcasting, and the spell "going off" in the same pose. Where I come from, people have to stand still (or glide if flying) to start casting spells, and it takes a full pose for your opponent(s) to recognize/react to it/attempt to disrupt it. Getting hit while casting spells *usually* disrupts the spell, causing it to not fire, or something to go awry. Known good RPers can usually get away with it otherwise now and then if their character history/background/etc allows for it. Also, good RPers are known to pose extra little things that give people a chance to recognize what is being casted (maybe something like: "I start casting a spell. My hands radiate with a bright orange light, as you can see flames dancing between my hands while my fingers draw symbols in the air in your direction") for a fireball-type spell.

    Using those two rules, we've had a good amount of fair roleplay for the most part. There are always newcomers who come in and mess things up for an hour or two, but it quickly goes back to the good stuff after awhile.

    And before anybody asks... sadly, I cannot give you the address to this roleplaying place, as it exists inside of an area that... well, let's just say me posting the link to it would violate the rules of this forum. lol.
    Last edited by Dhalin; March 11th, 2010 at 12:48 AM.

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