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Thread: Rethinking banking buildings

  1. #1

    Default Rethinking banking buildings

    As it currently stands Istarian banks are not only huge but a horrible waste of valuable real estate what i propose is this use a t1/t2 connie like structure , make it with, lets say expert mats and use one of the gnomian bots as its teller(it would be an Imperial teller machine)( itm)
    to limit the impact on the servers the structure could only be placed on rci plot above a specified plot size. then we could recover the valuable land and add other important structures we desire to our plots.
    Given enough time and the proper temperament anything doable in game is possible
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  2. #2

    Default Re: Rethinking banking buildings

    ITM lol

    I would be happy just seeing alternate choices in buildings. For vaults and everything else that seems to come in only a single version (but vaults and guildhouses most especially since they are the boring ugly buildings). And yes, the higher tier vaults could be smaller, that sounds like a good idea. but make it look good Maybe something tazoon-ish, desert colors sand and gold (and with running water too, oasis kinda look, and vines growing around). A genie, or Vielo maybe could be the NPC. Maybe half the size of the current vault structure. And perhaps a bit taller, or with some ornamentation so that in a sea of buildings it's easier to spot. I hate flying out to mithrils anvil, filling up my disk, only to find I can't recall where the nearest vault is.. (and it can change when players leave and plots go poof). Perhaps being t6 it could also have a shrine.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Rethinking banking buildings

    I already have a ticket to rethink the vault buildings but it has been pretty far down on my priority list. I do have one major issue with no longer having the original building. Where would all the dragons land? That flat roof makes the perfect landing spot/perch.

    Guaran, having a shrine in one is an interesting idea. But being a bank, I'm sure they would charge a hefty fee for the service.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Rethinking banking buildings

    Quote Originally Posted by Solitaire View Post
    I already have a ticket to rethink the vault buildings but it has been pretty far down on my priority list. I do have one major issue with no longer having the original building. Where would all the dragons land? That flat roof makes the perfect landing spot/perch.
    Pfft.. everyone knows that the thatch roofs of taverns/houses are far more comfortable.

    (except, sadly yes, it's the only(?) flat roof in the game for good screenshots that don't clip your feet into the building )

  5. #5

    Default Re: Rethinking banking buildings

    I'm so confused - are we talking Imperial Banks in the center of town or plot-built vaults?

    One we already have, so I'm not sure how making the ones in Town smaller frees up real estate?

    And how does the size of your personal-plot vault physically effect anything server wise if you just build other buildings in its place?

    I'm..clearly very confused. Lol.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Rethinking banking buildings

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    I'm so confused - are we talking Imperial Banks in the center of town or plot-built vaults?

    One we already have, so I'm not sure how making the ones in Town smaller frees up real estate?

    And how does the size of your personal-plot vault physically effect anything server wise if you just build other buildings in its place?

    I'm..clearly very confused. Lol.
    Yes we are talking of player built vaults, which use up quite a bit of area on a personal plot. This limits the number of other buildings that can be built on that plot.

    It probably isn't much of a problem for an active settlement with many well maintained plots; however, if you and your best buddy are the only plot owners in a settlement it is hard to justify the amount of space given up to the vault.
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Rethinking banking buildings

    I have to agree that they are MASSIVE for seemingly no reason...They do not hold anymore goods or are in any way better than a normal Vault that I can tell yet one of those is just a corner in Kion and a little Silo in NT...So what gives?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Rethinking banking buildings

    Ahh okey (dragon - so my vault room is pretty

    Yea makes sense - no reason for such a building to take up tons of space. I don't thikn it makes any difference much to the "database/info" side of things, but abosolutely for the player lets free up some room on those plots!!
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Rethinking banking buildings

    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae View Post
    Ahh okey (dragon - so my vault room is pretty

    Yea makes sense - no reason for such a building to take up tons of space. I don't thikn it makes any difference much to the "database/info" side of things, but abosolutely for the player lets free up some room on those plots!!
    More room = more buildings on plot = more lag for everyone.

    Now maybe the vault buildings are too big, but it's a bad argument to say that making them smaller will not have any negative impact on shard/client performance at all.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Rethinking banking buildings

    I always assumed the space was needed for storage, as though there were actually walls full of vault there. I kind of wondered why the inside of the buildings were so empty when a couple of walls with shelves/doors would give it more the feel of a storage area, but *shrugs* as long as it is functional I'm OK with the look.

    That said, I agree that it would be nice to have them use a smaller footprint on the plot, but I understand the point about more lag with more buildings.

  11. #11
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rethinking banking buildings

    so do i, but a smaller vault footprint makes sense to me, just no need for player built vaults to be that big....
    we use the blight brist one as a conference room, sometimes, its so big...
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