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Thread: Talk to the team: Plots

  1. #1

    Default Talk to the team: Plots

    Decorative items on Plots
    Question: What are the top 5 decorative items you would like to see added to biped plots?

    Notes on this question:
    • Items suggested can not have "functionality" (storage, NPC's, etc). Your suggestions should be limited to items which are for decoration only.
    • Items suggested should be for biped plots only, not dragon lairs at this time.
    • Items could be seasonal or year round, but if they are seasonal a suggestion beyond "seasonal items" should be made.

    EDIT: Please read the rules governing posting on this specific forum prior to posting. Though they include all normal forum rules, there are additional rules for this particular forum. Posts will be deleted if they do not very clearly and strictly follow these rules.
    Last edited by Velea; August 24th, 2010 at 06:56 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    - hedges and trees with blossoms
    - campfires s/m/l
    - statues like: Istarian creatures/animals/ jackalopes/ pillars,
    - seasonals: trees with fruits/stars of all tiers and colors for X-mas
    - little creeks
    Last edited by LOVWYRM; August 24th, 2010 at 02:22 PM.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  3. #3
    Member Gengel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Originally from Palmyra, now "South Selen".

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    * too excited to type *

    1. Flowers! - Ferns, Hostas (leafy), Lilies, Black-eyed susan's
    2. [Statues - Little red hatted gnomes :)...
    3. Fauna - butterflies, ants, rabbits, deers...
    4. Lamp posts, mailboxes
    5. Ponds

    ~< Gengel >~
    Last edited by Velea; August 24th, 2010 at 02:41 PM. Reason: Top 5! And deleted colored font for readability

  4. #4

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    Laterns/Street lights, some sort of lighting source.
    Signage - No Trespassing, Private Property, Welcome
    Ponds/Creeks - and a walkbridge?
    Grass - I wish I could change the color of the ground so it wasnt dirt brown all around :)
    Shorter hedges or flowers that could be used to decorate edges of structures.
    Toven Dayye, Chaos

  5. #5

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    1. Flowers. I wanted a garden plot when I first started the game :)
    2. Ponds/Creeks. To go in my garden instead of putting down a blue walkway and pretending its water... Dosen't even have to be functional if it threatens terrain, it could be like the lava pools in Dralk we can walk on top of.
    3. Smaller trees. It is no secret that I hate trees that are higher than the roof of my tavern. When I built my "garden" I was limited to swamp trees and not much else.
    4. Deity Statues I always viewed the dragon shrines as religious, something to pray to. For some reason, the biped bind shrines just don't give that kind of feel. Maybe it's just me, but hey, seeing what the Istarians interpret their gods to look like is always a plus. :)
    5. Training dummies Archery targets, etc. Something appropriate to a few of the adventure schools.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    1. Statues(dragon prederred:P)
    ^.^ *Speed Demon of order..*

  7. #7

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    soooo happy!

    1.) I want to have different colored trees! Mainly pink and orangish ones.

    2.) Colorful plants: Flowers / mushrooms / tall grass (like flax is)

    3.) Lighting: wisp posts / small wisp garden lanterns (on the ground with something like a pagoda style roof to them)

    4.) Istarian themed lawn decorations in different sizes: player races / miniatures of statues in game, statues of interesting creatures as well!

    5.) Miniature garden fountains. Not just stone but also sandstone versions as well for people who like that style. Anything from something as simple as a bowl with floating flowers (stick this under yard decorations if its not a fountain... but it has water ) to something complex with miniature waterfalls from place to place. But please make it so they don't have to be the centerpiece of a large plot.
    Last edited by Velea; August 24th, 2010 at 06:56 PM. Reason: The list, just the list and only the list please

  8. #8

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    Oh Velea, <3 this question!

    1. Fountains with sculptures, a design for each crafting tier.
    2. Flowers & Fauna (could be statues as opposed to moving critters, but our own little line of ants or turtle on a log would be fun!)
    3. Ponds/streams - love the bridge idea! and need a place for the turtle ;-)
    4. Tile-sized areas of weather effects (rain, snow, fog)
    5. Houses with furniture inside (like the libraries have) - personally, I'd adore a klava maker of my own too.
    Last edited by Velea; August 24th, 2010 at 05:21 PM. Reason: 5 items only! ;)

  9. #9

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    Hmmm, I'll take a swing at this...

    1). Armor/weaponstands. Usually these would go inside of a building, but who is to say that we couldn't put up a small tent with these decorative items inside? Or just have the racks existing outside?

    2). Mannequins. These are similar to statues, only would almost look like real characters. Make it so that you have 6 choices for each race of mannequin, maybe? Cloth, Padded Cloth, Leather, Hide, Chain and Plate mail for each biped race?

    3). Sword-in-the-Stone. It'd be cool to have one of these sitting around on my plot...

    4). Gravestones/Tombstones. This would be a great Halloween item.

    5). Water Fountains, those kinds that Garfield is always trying to catch birds at.

  10. #10
    Member Sigi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Chaos (Unity (Ice))

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    Definitaly flowers! or flowery bushes or trees
    Mushrooms, the colourfull big ones already found in the wild.
    Streams you can lay out like roads
    Little ponds and those rocks we already have but then with water streaming down.
    Birds please please

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    ponds- if we can get one to fit dragons that would great!
    sign post that can have custom messages on them
    more banners please like a smiley face one :)

  12. #12

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    1. Furniture for the houses, beds, chairs, wardrobes, bookcases, shelfs, cupboards, desks, tables...
    2. A statue of the plotowner, at least a set of statues of the different races
    3. Racial fluff statues like gears for gnomes, scratching post for saris, hammer for dwarves, large mushrooms for dryads... whatever
    4. Castle like towers, there really should be buildable towers in different sizes you can climb up to watch the landscape around, in different highs and material: tier I (sandstone) will be the lowest, tier VI (travertine) really high and gorgeous.
    5. There are already some walls (sandstone, slate) and for the castle like towers there should be some castle like walls :)
    Terao (Gnome, Grand Master Crafter, Order [Unity])|Draigourn (Ancient, Master Lairshaper, Lunus, Order)|Echentrial (Ancient, Lunus, Order)

  13. #13

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    -Water structures such as ponds or streams

    -I would love more tree/hedge sizes. I've wanted my plot to be more green, especially in small spaces where nothing else fits.

    - I'll vote for a mini fountain. I'd love to have one on my plot, but even the small fountain is a bit too large to fit for me.

    - I don't know if it's possible, but it would be nice to have some sort of ground covering so that the ground under a plot isn't plain brown. Maybe grass, flowers or folage can help cover that up.

    - Also thinking about those who live in non-grass areas, such as sandy or snowy... Maybe summer-themed mini-sandcastles for the Saris? We already have the snowmen for the snowy areas!

    Edited -- Sorry!

  14. #14

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    Update on "rules" for this particular thread....

    Do not request furniture. It is something which can not be done within the scope of this project, as are ponds/streams/creeks that are build-able on plots.

    And remember, be specific. "More banners" isn't specific. "Banners that represent each of the races of Istaria" (as an example) is specific. ;)

  15. #15
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    1. Customizable banners (guild emblems, for instance). I designed one for Obsidian Order (seen in my signature) and have an accepted one for Order's WorldProjects Team (seen at They use the basic, medieval heraldic rules and are easily doable without significant cloth simulation, sort of like a painted shield. They don't HAVE to be made out of cloth and could hang on a wall.

    2. Mini fountains in tiers, basically stone and a little essence to keep them powered. Maybe 2mx2m, standing 1m high, with a little birdbath top. Hopefully the fountain colors would be derived from the base stone used as well.

    3. Seating nooks. These would be maybe 3mx3m, at 1/2m tall wooden benches in an L for people to come in and sit, much like the benches within the gazebos.

    4. Campfires, with or without cauldrons over them. See New Trismus.

    5. Wall extensions. I've found building several types of walls that there's always a gap somewhere. Either a wall section is too long or too short. These extensions would be 1m length using the same width and height dimensions and texturing as their particular wall types. It's just enough to nudge into the gap and seal it off.

    (You asked for specific, Velea. I hope these qualify.)
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  16. #16

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    1) Wider variety of fortifications: Such as walls, possibly towers, archways. Maybe with different heights (e.g. Stone Wall: Short, Stone wall: Tall) but of course that would at the very least double the number of models, so perhaps not the best idea.

    2) Foliage: Trees, bushes, hedges, flowers, anything. Mainly, it would be nice to have a larger range of themes (e.g. Swamp, Feladan, etc.) in said foliage than just simply a larger range of foliage.

    3) 'Gathering' locations: Like the gazebos; perhaps stone circles, platforms, camp fires, etc. Structures that can provide more neat locations where people could specifically hang out at.

    4) Statues: Various statues of the races; Dragons, Humans, Sslik, etc. Possibly statues of various monsters; Kwellens, Abominations, Myloc, Werewolves, etc.

    5) Banners: This isn't as much a request for additions as it is a request to bump the placement count up to atleast 2. It would be nice to place 2 banners on either side of a door that are the same, for the sake of symmetry.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    1. Flowers - iris, peony, hibiscus, poppies, lilies, roses, daisies, tulips, daffodils, delphinium - these could be the size of paving tiles to fit together to make beds or individual clumps. Trellised climbers that would fit up against walls and buildings - clemetis, roses, trumpet flowers, passion flowers, bouganvilla.
    Flowering shrubs - roses, azaleas, forsythia, hydrangea, rose of sharon,
    Flowering trees - dogwood, magnolia, weeping cherry, crab apple, purple leaf plum.

    2. New pavers - grass green short, green long, short flower covered, leaf covered, snow, gravel, wood, sand, bricks in different patterns and colours - sized like paving tiles.

    3. Garden benches, picnic tables, tables and chairs for outdoor use - stone, wood, metal

    4. Lanterns - there are many already in use around Istaria, buildable ones in player cities, tall ones in Kion on the road up to Lady Kendra's house. Make differnet sizes and materials. Short, medium, tall. Wood, stone, metal bases and poles.

    5. Statues - bronze racial statues are in Tazoon. Stone or bronze garden gnomes, frogs, rabbits, turtles. Birdhouses, birdfeeders, birdbaths, gazing balls, beehives.

    Thaalia of Order

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Between Here and There

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    1) Flowers: in pots, on trees and shrubs, on hedge wall pieces
    2) Fountains in a greater range of sizes and colors
    3) Trees in a greater range of sizes and colors
    4) Baskets in a greater variety of colors
    5) Mushrooms: big ones, little ones, all different shapes and colors
    Last edited by Velea; August 25th, 2010 at 10:24 AM. Reason: Five!
    I ate the purple berries... they taste like burning.

  19. #19

    Default My 5

    1. Brazier (AKA Large Standing Torch that would light at night)
    2. Campfire Pit that lights up at night with a bonfire.
    3. Clocktower
    4. Racial Statues Male & Female where applicable
    5. Racial Banners/Flags (Having some picture related to them on it)

  20. #20

    Default Re: Talk to the team: Plots

    Many Thanks to Velea for asking. (And for additional backline support)

    Okay, here's my wish list for Plots - it's tons of work and I'll try to stop at 5. :) :) :)

    #1- More Tiered Racial Housing. We need more inclusive housing for
    the other races; Elves, Gnomes, Sslik, Saris, Satyrs, Dwarves, Fiends, Half-Giants,
    ( I realize this does not fit your limitations about storage, but it IS my #1 wish for Plots) :)

    #2- Would LOVE to see Tiered Walls for Players. Sizes: 1M, 2M, 5M, 10M, 20M
    (Each Tier would include that Tier and the previous Tier materials.)
    *Basically match the building materials to the outer wall appearances.
    Maybe even mix in some Metal fitting to match?

    *Tier 1 - Saris / Gnomish Walls... (Sandstone/Bronze)
    *Tier 2 - Dwarven walls (Sandstone and Slate, Bronze and Iron)
    *Tier 3 - Half-Giant walls (Slate and Granite, Iron and Steel)
    *Tier 4 - Fiend Walls (?) (Granite and Obsidian, Steel and Cobalt)
    *Tier 5 - Elven Walls (Obsidian and Marble, Cobalt and Mithril)
    *Tier 6 - ??? (Marble and Mithril, Travertine and Adamantium)
    **This would be Strictly for the INSANE builders. Induce biped version of "Lairzzzzz" :P

    Make one texture per wall type(?), but add 2 Meters in HT per Tier after T1 ?

    #3- Bring back some of the lost Racial Buildings.
    - Saris Adventure Center - Sans NPCs maybe replace with Training Dummies.
    **Could include the Weapons racks like displayed in Dalimond.
    - Human Trade Center - this was always empty, maybe put the base trades
    equipment in? (Outfitter - Loom, Blacksmith - Anvil, Scholar - Desk, Racked
    Bolts of Fabrics like the Fashion Designer has?)

    #4- Banners:

    - Craft School Banners (to let players know which shops are built on your plot)
    Can use the current Symbols and appearances from current School signs.
    - Adventure School Banners. (Same as above)
    - Event Banners, like the Myloc Queen banner. (Show which Quest-lines have
    been completed by the Owner)

    #5- Further Plot fluff:

    - Statues of all the Istarian Races, like the ones in Tazoon's Plaza of the Gifted.
    - Istarian Deity Statues... Oh please, please, please...Pretty please?
    - Climbable Towers or personal lighthouses (Is Lighting too burdensome on server?)
    *Maybe have these without lighting?
    - Lamp Posts, Garden Lanterns.
    - Banner posts with Hanging lanterns.
    - Sundials (Sm, Med, Lg ? )
    - birdbaths (Sm, Med, Lg)
    - Variations of stone gateways (Like the Saris Archway)
    - Large stone Urns
    - Stone basins W/fountain or water spouts or Waterfalls
    - Dragon Fountain, like the one in Tazoon
    - Pergola style Arches W/Ivy on top&sides (Like the Wooden Archways)
    - Trellis Arches w/stone benches (for those hidey spots the romantic love)
    - Sm, Med, Lg Pagodas
    - Stone Columns or Pillars (Think Fiend Pillar with a different look?)
    - Stone Pillars with Statures on top. One for each Biped Race? (fiend Pillar different top)
    - Those wall sections/Gates(?) at the edge of Kion
    - Gravel walkways

    Ugh, *dazed look* I think I just got attacked by Fluff-Zilla! :)

    I'd "give it a stab" if I had Art-design software and knew what is used by Virt to alter Artwork
    - tons of Ideas and time but no software or knowledge on Virt's methods. I couldn't
    do Freehand art to save my life and can only draw a straight line with help from a
    Computer. (Fact! - Used Auto-Cad to prove)

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