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Thread: LungTien Temeraire's hatchday

  1. #1

    Default LungTien Temeraire's hatchday

    The little creature had decided to free himself from his shell.
    For days and days, he had heard and listened a deep and melodious voice speaking to him from the other side of the dark wall. The voice had described to him what was waiting for him on the other side…
    An immense world, beautiful but dangerous, inhabited by all kinds of creatures. The voice had talked about bipedal races, the Naka Duskael, that his race, the dragonkin, what was intended for the future.
    The voice had talked about the Withered Aegis, a great threat for every living beings. This frightening story almost refrained him from getting out of the warmth of his protective shell.
    But finally, he wanted to get out, and spread his little paws and neck to break the protective layer. Considering the wall’s resistance, he attempted to pierce it with his tiny claws. The shell wasn’t breaking down. He was more and more agitated, and after a while, the little creature felt weightless, though not long enough to have the time to react. The egg broke a bit by hitting the ground one second after. It didn’t took long for the little creature to enlarge the holes, and finally get free. Among the fragments, the young black dragon, slightly shaken, raised his head, squinting with his sapphire eyes. His mind focused towards a sort of bright and dancing thing, hanging above his dark body. He remembered the name of that thing after a few moments; a flame. The newly hatched dragon noticed the flame was bound to a rock wall by a thick piece of wood… shouldn’t it burn ? The hatchling tilted his head, before looking to his own body with wide open eyes. His scales were covered by a strange wet and sticky membrane. Disliking it, the determined hatchling managed to remove it. After that, he looked around to see where he was. The young dragon was sitting in a large room made of rocks. In the middle there was placed a big cut rock. He didn’t know how it had been shaped. The black hatchling though he had surely fallen from the top of that rock, and the top might have hosted his now-broken egg. The room’s roof was an incurved arch, and its height made the dragon feel tiny. He noticed the opening, in front of him, leading to the huge world. At least, he was thinking it. Nosing the shaped rock in the middle of the place, the hatchling could feel its warmth. Then, he decided to stand up. The little creature, discovering his shadow, staggered as he tried to do some steps and fell on his still thin limbs. Snorting, the black hatchling stood up again, looking at the ground to focus on his effort, when the rock begun to vibrate under heavy steps. Frightened, he saw a huge shadow, far bigger than his, recovering him and hiding the flame. The little dragon quickly raised his head with a « rawr ». His initial fear turned into full amazement when he saw a tall creature, towering in front of him, and when he realized she was looking like him, except her tall stature. His stupefaction ended when she lowered her black scaled head and glanced at him with large blue eyes, saying :
    -Glit’sita, young dragon.
    The young one recognized her at this moment : the voice who talked to him through the shell, the voice who told him so many things about the world.
    -…Mother ? , he asked rather awkardly.
    -You can call me Guntheria, my son, replied the tall dragoness with a gentle smile, before to lick kindly her hatchling to comfort him. This one felt more protected than he ever did. His belly’s gurgles led him quickly to other thoughs.
    -I’m hungry, he stated with an insisting tone.
    Chuckling deeply, Guntheria moved a blue-glowing forepaw, saying some words whose the power fascinated the little dragon. He was even more impressed to see a sort of lightning bolt appearing from his mother’s paw to strike at the ground in front of him, and be replaced by an animal with tusks and furr. Remembering it was a grulet, as his mother told him sometimes ago, his hunger took control of him, and the hatchling darted towards the tetanized animal, who was eyeing the dragoness, to pounce at him and try to kill it. But the little dragon, being born too early, revealed himself unable to pierce the grulet’s skin with his too little teeth and claws. After a confusing brawl, dotted by detemrined « Rawr » and panicked « Grouiiik », Guntheria ended it by piercing its body with a fast scratch. Then, she looked at her son, with an amused expression on her face.
    -Until now, I had no idea about how to call you, little one, but I think I have found one, now, who could suit you very well… You will be Temeraire » , she finished while gently nuzzling him with her nose.
    -Temeraire, considered this one during a while. « I like it » , he replied with a satisfied tone, before to lower his head towards the dead grulet to feed himself.

    -OoC- Well, that is my first story, I hope you have liked it. Feel free to tell me what you think of it.

  2. #2

    Default Re: LungTien Temeraire's hatchday

    Nice read :-)
    *shudders @ the membrane*
    Royall on Order / Royal_wind_unity, Royall on Chaos
    Dinsdag on EU-Evernight (LOTRO)

  3. #3

    Default Re: LungTien Temeraire's hatchday

    I wanted to say I've been helped by Sombreneige and Sereamha, to improve it a bit

  4. #4

    Default Re: LungTien Temeraire's hatchday

    Oh! Very good, Lungtien! I enjoyed it :>

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