Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
Was actually worth seeing in the theater in 2D (not 3D). And yes, its a very good movie with very high production values all-around.
I've never really paid much attention to IMax, 3D, etc.

My preferred method of watching movies, is sitting at my computer (yes, computer, not TV). The reasons for that are simple:

1). I have a $50 pair of headphones. Quite high quality. Every little whisper, I can hear with crystal clarity.

2). I sit not more than 12 inches away from a 27'' widescreen LCD monitor. Very clear and crisp image and I don't need to squint, ever (I have that eye condition, Myopia? Is that the one where you can't see far very well?). Wearing glasses for long periods of time = huge headache for me.

3). Nice, Comfy office chair. Chairs in the theater, yuck.

4). Popcorn, for almost free. 1 stick of butter? $0.25. A little salt? Practically free. One half Cup of unpopped popcorn? Less than a quarter. Makes a HUGE bowl (about twice as much as you get when you buy a large at the theater). Add a 24oz Mountain Dew to that, for about $.75 or so depending on how much you paid for the 6-pack. Total cost: less than $2. Try buying that at a theater and you pay $10 or more.

5). I can pause it when I go to the bathroom.

6). I don't have to worry about spilling my drink or my popcorn because I have a huge desk to set it on.

So, yeah... movies at home = awesome. Even without the 3D, or Imax.