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Thread: Role Players United

  1. #1

    Default Role Players United

    Alright, it has been suggested by me and one other that we Role Players of Order meet up and talk about things. I would guess we should probably introduce ourselves a bit and get to know each other and move on from there to perhaps actually getting together in-game some time for some good RP's if/when possible. So that is what this thread will be for.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  2. #2

    Default Re: Role Players United

    I am up for that, too.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Role Players United

    I am soooo there!

    I am always looking for an rp and have a SLEW of characters I can fit into almost any situation.

    __________________________________________________ ______

    Sereamha - Ancient blue dragon, elderly beyond almost understanding, not much in the physical department but can animate her breath into temporary golems.

    Iyrevi - Ancient pink dragon. Sereamha's son, Ssiscor's son. Thanks to the blood of his father, he is gifted with bloodmagic. Missing his right foreleg. He works with gnomes to work on the prototype of his mechanical leg. A bit of a scholar and mad-scientist.

    Yukii - A life elemental, usually takes the form of an adult white dragon. She is almost pure energy, but can solidify herself if need be. Gentle and sensitive, she does not interact with people much, and tends to take the role of a Watcher.

    Arborinthian - The combined will of the plants of the world of Istara. Sensing the increasing threat of the blight, and the out of control treants, the spirit and will of nature formed itself into a physcial being.

    Sorietha - Born of the intense life energy from her mother and the tears of her werewolf father, this creature is not quite sure what she actually is. She appears as an ancient dragon, though with fur and a wolf-like face. She can be dangerous at times, due to her blood, but she is a good person.

    Cenorae - A dragon who's egg was taken by the skulks of Spiritus Swamps. The skulks put the egg through a number of rituals and intensely magic spells, hoping to force the hatchling that would come forth into serving them without question. The spells mutated the hatchling, who appears to be more of a serpent with small legs, than a dragon. Now an adult through the use of a sickening skulk ritual, the dragon is roughly 60ft long and is travelling the lands doing hunts for his tribe and trying to look after his daughter.

    Drysten - Adult black dragon with blue highlights. Son of the ice dragon Jarroc, and Dimmae. Taught combat by the blight dragon Selarth, Drysten is a force to be reckoned with. He was marred by being abandoned by his family, and thus can be bitter and standoffish with people at times. However, he has a good heart and desires the peace and safety of society.

    Hayai - Daughter of Cenorae and Zerelua, a small, very skinny and somewhat elongated hatchling who has a habit of buzzing a bit when she talks. She is very elusive, and can be known to break into random dancing.

    Niveus - An elf gifted with intensely powerful mind magic. Having the memories of thousands of people, he is prone to random insanity. Through unforunate events, he lost almost more than half his soul after breaking a bond he made with a dragon. Now, he feeds on dragon spirits to keep the void of his soul from destroying him.

    __________________________________________________ _ they are....I may have missed one...not sure ^^
    "State your case, but do it well. I do not suffer fools gladly." ~Sereamha Balla-dor

  4. #4

    Default Re: Role Players United

    This looks like a good way to get a few things rolling; I'll join.

    My characters:

    Starstilanxs - He is one who will do what ever it takes to protect innocent lives, even if it risked his very soul. He will never back down from a fight and will always stand up for what he believes in. Starstilanxs is an ancient red dragon, scarred mentally early on in his life by Selarth who killed him as a hatchling, this also lead to his sense of justic that he feels needs to be delt to those who cross the line. He is extremely friendly, if a bit blunt and very protective of those he cares about. Currently spending most of his time watching over New Trismus or helping his sons, Githinji and Magnumer.

    Nyiamel - This young albino drake was cast out from his home, a very highly Lunus mindset family who felt he was dragging his brothers and sisters down, and has forever since wandered around the lands in search of knowledge. He is a scholar, highly intelligent and was taught by Emeriss advanced primal techniques to better defend himself and those around him. Notable traits of his would be his small size and his 'pink' belly plates, they are very thin and quite soft; blood beneath them showing through which causes the pink coloration.

    Verinax - This young hatchling is a sly, devious, and highly intelligent drake. He has a twisted sense of humor and an attitude to match, though Verinax generally wishes to be left alone, avoiding most crowds due to his past encounters being none too pleasent with adults or even other hatchlings who attacked him for wanting his solitude. He can be social when faced with someone he sees as intelligent however...

    Lenithel - This Sslik is hands down insanity by definition. He will worship boots, beat up support pillars, and run away from foilage. He can occasionally be coherent, but its a rare commodity that last in a few brief outbursts. No one knows exactly why he is insane.. but no one honestly has asked or attempted to figure it out otherwise.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Role Players United

    *Deep breath in... ohdear O_O*

    Runos (Formal name: Run'osun): An absolutely ancient grey elder whose hide is etched and carved with runic augmentations of many flavors and has trained in martial combat. She is a well known and respected researcher of primal runic forms, and her abilities in using it are rarely matched by others. She takes a stance of being between lunus and helian ways, as just as well is a true neutral in alignment.

    Azaraen: A friend of Runos summoned from another plane long ago, she has shown that something done in her old world rarely taught through tradition is welcomed by spirits of this world. She is a literal friend of nature, hates the aegis, and hates skulks for throwing their lot in with the aegis.

    Resh Stormclaw: A peppy little hatchling originally a daughter to Lanuta. Now she wanders around learning and trying to help everyone out.

    Azu: While she disagrees that she is an evil being (and consequently, doesn't understand why others hate and attack her), this arcane mage of a dragon spends much of her time hiding away from everyone else, researching spells in her utterly isolated and frozen lair. She thinks hatchlings and families are illogical and cringes at the thought of producing them. Often found keeping Selarth's company, she tends to be manipulative and takes pride in complex and sometimes twisted plots.

    Ashpath Seacaller: Essera's son, he is young and often silly, sometimes a little bit dense, but overall sweet and lovable.

    *.. exhalefaint. Thats all I can be arsed to write right now...*

  6. #6

    Default Re: Role Players United

    LungTien Temeraire : Born from a dragoness called Guntheria, Temeraire has lost her a few months after, under an undead assault around his lair. He would never return on the lair, and has forgotten his position.

    Alone and desperate, he begun to do primal studies, hoping to retrieve his mother. But as he was summoning dangerous magic, a magical entity appeared and, coming into his body, revealed itself to be able to control him when it wanted to. It seemed to look for the greatest magical knowledge, trying to drain it from the stronger dragon spellcasters.

    His life became cooler the day when he met a young white dragoness called Sombreneige. The two fell in love quickly, despite their young and different ages. A spiritist called Yukii has helped him to face the magical spirit, with her runes. Finally, he succeded to get the spirit out of him and make it vanish, helped by his mate.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Role Players United

    Awdz is a gnome who was born in Rachival. She had grown to about [the equivalent of about a 17 year old human] when the Withered Aegis invaded and was killed in the evacuation of the city. Her parents headed for the Observatory after she was killed but no one can say what became of them.

    Awdz awakened over 40 years later as a Gifted and has tried to locate her family. She was pathetically equipped and not very experienced when she met up with her cousin Gwillimena (killed at same time, approx equiv of 18 year old human). Gwillimena brought her into Scions of Istaria guild (later renamed Scions). Eventually, Gwillimena discovered the location of her mother (Awdz's Aunt Taunty) and retired to spend time with her, leaving Awdz in charge of the guild.

    Awdz has spent considerable time trying to track down her own parents, so far unsuccessfully. The search did lead to her father's research, which enabled Gangaf Tagley and Awdz to construct a new klava maker. Gangaf now understands the "Applied Cognitive Enhancements" technology it uses to learn and adapt to target scans for serving the perfect wake up drink; he may be incorporating that technology into his JJ180.

    Awdz's primary foci these days includes support of her guild family, destroying the Withered Aegis whenever she can, and rebuilding the land.

    Awdzy is a small green hatchling who likes to sniff things/people to learn about them. Apparently she has allergies because inevitably she winds up sneezing immediately afterward. She does not have much focus about anything but loves to glide. She does not remember anything about life before being Gifted.
    Last edited by awdz; December 27th, 2010 at 02:40 PM.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Role Players United

    I`m up for it!

    here`s my main characters, and a little info/boi on them ^^

    Reagle: he`s a friendly purple, and blue helian drake who`s family was torn by the great battle. However, as he grew, and learned, he met many other gifted who were in the same situation. Reagle grew quite independant, even had a family of his own! his original mate left him, on a mutual agreement, and he met his mate he has now. they had several hatchlings together, and a few step hatchlings. Once slightly blighted, but now cured.

    Falkor: A friendly, yet super sensative drake, with druidic powers. His egg was discovered by a dryad, and taken to the tree of life on dryad isle, cleansed of blight, and infused with the life giving abilities of the tree. He grew a feathered mane in place of dorsal spines as he practiced his druidic powers healing his friends, and family or wounds, and illnesses. He used to have a puppy dog like personality when he sees shinies, but now, a broken drake, his family he worked so hard to keep together torn, and tattered. sadly he`s gone quite emo, but if needed, he will wake to assist.

    Nightshade: A slightly blighted dragoness, who`s guardians were slain by and elf, and a human, she now strongly distrusts elves, and humans, and has ascended lunus... obviously.. XD But she`s kind hearted, and loves hatchlings.

    Cougar: A friendly saris cleric who loves spoiling hatchlings with shinies. He loves his mate, and would do anything for her. Loves catnip, and acts like a little kitten if offered it.

    Deinonychus: A silly sslik who loves to help others, and hunt aegis. He can`t wait to become a part of the empire in fighting the withered aegis.

    Negadragoon: A mischievious hatchling alchemist who`s obsessed with gnomian technologies. He`s quite a little devil, and enjoys stealing money, and shinies from naka. Watch out for this one, he`ll rob you before you even notice your wallet`s missing. XD

    Ryzaak: An ex aegis lt, Ryzaak only yearns to be free of the blight, the aegis. he`s lived his whole life killing, and rotting the world, and was awakened from his rombie like state by a wonderfull dragoness Nyoshaa, he had hatchlings with her, Reagle, Nightshade, and RyshanKito. Sadly he was forced into exile, and slain during the great battle, only to return many cycles later, as a hatchling, his aegis bracelete still intact. Not gifted, but kind hearted, he now lives as not only a prisoner to the aegis, but as father to Reagle. However Reagle never fully forgave him for deserting the nest while the battle happened. Ryzaak still has dark tendancies, but if he could be freed from the aegis` grasp, there may still be hope.
    (btw, he was never realy undead, just a prisoner, and slave XD)

    that`s my main character other then some hatchlings, but I`m not gonna list em all lol

  9. #9

    Default My Turn: Zarla

    Here are my characters... This will take some doing.

    Zarla: She is the one everyone probably knows the best. Zarla is a Dragoness on the surface but she is complicated underneath. She was to be born a Sslik to Sslik parents but her and her Sister's Egg were eaten by Jungle Crawlers JUST before hatching. Their mother in a fit of utter pain and loss prayed for weeks to the Gods that her children be allowed to live and Drulkar and the Sleeper were among her prayers... In time the great Father of Dragons took pity on this poor Sslik and granted their wish fusing the Soul of the lost Sslik with the Spiritual Essence of a Dragoness and sending her as an Egg for her Father to find.

    Zarla grew up thinking she was a Dragon being raised by Sslik who she always considered her real parents and took after her father who was a proud but quiet and wise hunter. She was more than best friends with her Sister they were inseparable and have always worked together even as Zarla went the way of Physical fighter and Tsume went Primalist. Zarla learned a strict code of conduct and order and does not tolerate liars, Aegis, Tyrants, or those who do not stand up for the right.

    She can be extremely passionate and very loving. She has a lot of compassion to go around and was often the mother that many hatchies never had... However, she has had some problems in her life as well.

    Zarla's father fell to the Aegis and she lead Tsume to avenge his death only to get both killed. This crushed her Mother's heart and she died of loneliness as it took a long while for Zarla and Tsume to return to the world of the Living as the Gifted they were... This sort of set the stage for her "Adult" years even as a hatchie.

    As a Hatchie making her way in the world she fought along side Tsume to become an Adult. Her Father had always told her she would be a mighty Dragoness and help her people (the Sslik) defeat the Aegis... Well... She met with nothing but horror and pain as a Hatchie... Adults from all walks and factions hated her and treated her like garbage. She was sent to die so many times that she eventually became SO tolerant of pain she does not even notice it anymore. She has all but literally died in every way imaginable at this point. She watched Adult and Ancient Dragons do horrible things to Hatchies and became convinced that the older Dragons were horrible monsters to be avoided.

    In time she achieved her goal of becoming an adult but not before the grueling and horrible Lunus RoP crushed her spirit for the second time in her life... More wickedly the Mind Lasher part of it left her mind in shambles and controlled by the essence of the Ghost Dragon and the Lasher. Niveus the Elf was responsible for putting her back together in the head or she would long since have been lost to us.

    Later she tried to save some hatchies from a Feral Dragon and miscalculated her attack and died a pretty sudden and intense death. Suffice to say she ran into a tree very fast and the tree won exploding her all over. Her twin spirit got free of her body at this point and caused some drama until Azaraen helped it to remember what its body was like again and Zarla came back together.

    She has struggled with this twin spirit for a long time as it had not settled perfectly within her being and each side struggled for dominance. Her Dragon Soul was too powerful for her and only after giving some of it to Talika was she able to FINALLY become fused and one and no longer acts like two people in one shell.

    She tends to look different than most Dragons standing Bipedal with longer wings with membranes that extend to her hips. She flies using the Primal Wind and pressure control which is a major project she has worked on since Hatchie days. She looks different based on changes she made to her statue when becoming adult and it only worked without problems because of the fact that she WAS part Sslik in soul so that Bipedal stance was within her.

    She has become the Witness of all the Evil of the world and of late she has been extremely depressed and soul crushed... Seeing a world of Aegis enemies of all Life who are given free reign to do whatever they like to the Living and often helped by the Living. She has seen that the Good and those who fight the Evil are all but non existent and it has lead her to question how long it will be until the world will end.

    Anyone who has seen the heartlessness she has would be in a similar situation but... Despite all the horrible things that have happened to her and around her Zarla is trying to reclaim her life... She is rekindling her hope with the help of her mate Vyridiun, her Daughter Talika, her Sister Tsume, her dear friend Niveus, and her Guild perhaps. She wants to be happy and make the world a better place for all and while she is not sure how to do that she is going to fight as long as it takes to find a way to make a difference in the world even if it just happens by accident.

    That is Zarla... The Dragoness with a rough and tumble Super Womanish exterior but a big heart and more unfortunately a horrible beaten up emotional inner self... but... she will persevere.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  10. #10

    Default My Turn: Shinkuu

    Shinkuu Night: Shinkuu Night is quite literally a Revenant. She is the living Dead in her own right much like the Gifted could be said to be. She was once a rather talented Leopardess Smith living near Kion when a powerful upstart Lich among the Aegis taking the form of a tall Half-Giant with a blood red crystal in its skull forehead called Plage... Plage was learning to master the arts of Blightmancey as well as Spirit Magic and Shinkuu was one of his first real test subjects. He ripped a hole in her soul which at the time he figured killed her as her body went limp as all did when they died.

    However, Shinkuu only half died that day... He took with him the essence of her Life and she could no longer remember it only him killing her... She could NOT enter the Spirit Realm, rejected because she was not a whole Spirit she was forced back into the realm of the Living but now she was a creature of the Void to some extent... She had a hole in her Essence that craved energy, especially the energy of Blight.

    Shinkuu was reborn into the world as a tall Black Saris with Crimson eyes and an insatiable hunger for the Blighted and the Aegis... She could TASTE them... She could taste all energy and Blight tasted delicious... She became its hunter, its predator, seeking the ultimate Revenge of stealing Plage's Soul for her own. She eventually got Reaver Training and learned to control her Soul Sucking energy much more precisely and has slowly become a terrifying monster on some levels incorporating her Spiritual Knowledge and Study of Nihil into other talents like Smithing which she has reclaimed.

    She did not name herself but was given that name... She used to be Shinkuu Akagan... The Red Eyed Nothing when translated. She only took the last name Night upon becoming the mate of Shadina Night... One of the few people who understood her and that she actually has feelings for... Shadina Night a beautiful Black Gifted Saris means the world to Shinkuu and is perhaps the ONLY thing she cares about more than Vengeance.

    Despite all her flare and dire nature Shinkuu is still a good person deep down under all the Darkness... She abhors violence to children regardless of their species. She hates the Aegis and the Blighted and wants to eradicate every last one of them so that no more like her can ever be made. She has great sympathy for the troubles of Niveus who she considers to be a dear friend. She is torn often between just enjoying time with Shadina and continuing the unending war against the Aegis.

    Despite this however, Shinkuu is not the type to get mad... She gets even and fast. Push her and retaliation is swift and decisive. She sometimes will give a warning but once that warning is unheeded Death is her next option and it is a Death of the Soul. Shinkuu is not nice when she fights and will use any dirty trick she can and play by whatever rules give her victory. She is ruthless, relentless, fearless, and just plain vicious when provoked.

    However... In the end she is FAR from invincible and her weaknesses are really not even that hard to figure out or exploit as anyone is capable of doing so. I do not like to reveal it as she does not reveal it. However, she is NOT Gifted... and let us just say... There is a REASON she wears heavy armor and it is not for looks. However, killing her once may not be good enough to end her for good as Plage knows all too well, but a Soul that is falling apart can only lose so much of itself before it is nothing at all and every death takes a piece away.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  11. #11

    Default My Turn: The Rest

    Ampera Zapscale: The less seen Purple Sslik. This one is a Sslik Wizard with Drudic knowledge to boot. They realized they were gifted when one day fighting the Aegis they and their mate Ssurge were fried to death by a Blighted Bolt of lightning in the Lesser Aradoth Deadlands.

    This left its mark on the Zapscales as these days the Gifted pair have electromagnetic qualities about them. Ampera is the more extroverted of the two and avoids water like the Plague as it saps the Sslik's energy. Ampera operates largely on electromagnetic principles but does not really do much a Wizard/Druid could not aside from traveling as Energy as opposed to Matter. Ampera can move as Lightning but doing so sacrifices their ability to actually Recall which is bad if they are too drained from battle to actually travel this way. It is a draining way of moving and not something they can abuse a lot.

    Ampera is... Euphorically Nutso. They love to dance and party everywhere, consider Dragons to be Gods, and always look on the positive side of life. They may be very Negative in their charge but they have a very positive and energetic attitude. Ampera could dance and be nutty with the best of the Gnomes. They firmly believe they can teach the Aegis to dance!... Um I mean get rid of them, yeah that is the goal right? But dancing them to death would be pretty darned fun right!?

    Ampera may demonstrate one odd trait which is the ability to sense and avoid danger almost accidentally... They are a bit of an Hapkido master of Chaos and use Electromagnetism to help push themselves out of harms way. Ampera also tends to come off as seeming very crazy and possibly unintelligent but the truth is sometimes subtly leaked that Amp is rather wise under the surface.

    Vespoidea: She is a Dryad who looks rather like a Wasp Woman and fancies herself as the Queen of all Wasps & Hornets. She is a staunch defender of nature and the natural order. She believes herself high royalty and insists she be treated that way. She has the general temper of a Hornet so be careful or you will be stung withce her Crossbow.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  12. #12
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: My Turn: The Rest

    I'll add in the both of us.

    C`gan Weyrsinger: blue Tagath's rider, once Obsidian Order's Prefector (guildleader) and Architect, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus. C`gan has been around several years, concentrating his energies on construction as a whole. His knowledge and expertise are highly sought after by those who wish to build or who wish to find the right plot or lair. Often, he has diverted from whatever adventuring he was doing to go scout out a new plot or lair for a questioning biped or dragon. His own plot, Obsidian Order Builders, can be found in the northern reach of Acul, open to all who need Acul's resources. C`gan is also a dragon healer and medic in the non-magical sense. His use of bandages, numbweed salve, fellis juice, and other herbal concoctions comes from being Tagath's rider, taught in the Weyr about how to care for injured dragons.

    Tagath: Tagath was Obsidian Order's scaly cerulean sandstone semi. In the months before Merger, Tagath would be found harvesting and cleaning the blighted sandstone which encroached on the original Mahagra plots (what is now Blizzard's Reach). It was uncommon for him not to travel with his sandstone cargo disk hauling resources as required. When the Battle of Merger occurred, it was Tagath who chose to engage in the combat as a hatchling, having already proven himself a stronger fighter than C`gan. He assisted in turning the tide at the Battle of Kion on Dawn shard, making it possible to overcome the Aegis army there. Tagath's share of the combat was 77 death points, but he learned additional tips and tricks to fighting that assisted him in passing his dragon quests. His ascension to adult was late by many standards after having made a promise to Denrath. Once the conditions to that promise were met (and permission given), Tagath ascended. His current fighting style is often pinpoint, seeking out one enemy at a time, dropping from the air, and destroying it, often faster than nearby forces can respond.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  13. #13

    Default Re: Role Players United

    As a preface, it would be advisable to read Shinkuu's posts about Shinkuu, Zarla, Ampera, and Vespoidea, as these characters are strongly associated with and often mentioned in those descriptions.

    Shadina Night

    The only daughter of a family that had risen to prominence in her hometown, she had been practically treated like a princess, and a beauty queen. She lived a sheltered and pristne life in this town near the center of Lesser Aradoth, until Lord Bar'Akath and his forces came, and wiped the town off the map, her included.. One would think her an unlikely hero, but she was reborn as a Gifted, and she took hard the lessons of the faithless ways her town had espoused.. She decided that it was they had turned their back on Merassat that the town was so utterly annihilated., so she decided to become a cleric, and soon after, she met Shinkuu Akagan, and fell for the cursed Saris. At Shinkuu's recommendation, she took up the mantle of Druid, and then Healer, using her skills to aid Shinkuu in battle, and to help as many people as she could.

    Shadina has also taken up a umber of crafts over the years, becoming somewhat locally renown for her fien armorsmithing, abilities, which she recently took to a higher level with SHinkuu's help by adding some extra personality to her armor sets. She is also reputed as an experimentative alchemist.

    As a person, shhe is caring,, but sharp-witted, and no-nonsense. She acknowledges the war, and certainly wishes to destroy the Aegis, but often finds that she is more concerned with the health, safety and happiness of the LIving. Her claws are as sharp as her embrace is loving, however, and the nasty end of a Druid's wrath awaits any who crosses her.


    Zarla's sister is comparitively quiet and introspective, though recent events have forced her to come out of her shell a bit, so to speak, not the least of which was her election to the post of Councillor of the Scions guild. As a hatching, she was curious and optimistic for a while, slowly ground down by the oppressive will of the elders of Chiconis and Dralk. Once, she looked up to them, but after soem particularly pointless and vicious training missions, she grew to despise them. Under her placid exterior, she was becoming angry and jaded, saving all of her affection for her sister, who was spending much more time in the spotlight and the public.

    Watching her sister suffer has caused Tsume great pain, and in recent times, she's stared to put aside her anger, to try to be more positive, to help her sister pull out of the deep pit of depression she'd fallen into. Though she finds it hard, she is trying to be more active, to cultivate relationships and help the cause of restoring respectability to dragonkind.

    Like her sister, she has a split soul, and was able to alter herself to stand upright during her Rite. She hasn't had nearly the problems with her split soul that her sister had, and it has led them to conjecture that the draconic half of her soul came from the Sleeper, though this is uncomfirmed.

    By way of training, she is a Primalist, slowly growing in power as the years go on, though it has started to make her a bit envious of her sister's potent battle skills. She has been rebuked many times for underestimating herself and her contributions to the team, and she's started to put her envy aside as well, waiting on the promises of greater strength to come if she stays true to her Primalist path.


    Ampera's lover and protector, Ssurge is just as much the nutball that their mate is. They share their mate's electromagnetic properties to an extent, with fewer benefits and fewer downsides. One of Ssurge's odd properties is that they are blind, in the common sense, but instead can see electromagnetic fields and auras, which generally allows them to interact fairly normally, though they can miss some clues like colors and facial expressions. Ssurge is currently learning the wild arts fo the Chaos Warrior, protecting his mate with heavy armor, a wicked maul, and the potent energies they've both learned to harness. Ssurge is enthusiastic, fun-loving, and good-natured, a fine match for their mate.


    Aprocrita is the loyal lieutenant to her Queen, Vespoidea. She mirrors Vespoidea in many ways, in goals and attitudes. She reinforces Vespoidea's self-image of royalty, and demands that others show her Queen the proper respect. She is currently training as a Spearmean to have a proper stinger with which to defend Her Royal Majesty.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Role Players United

    I'll join in - I hope after the new year I can at least have one regular "date night" with my dragon online...

    Frith-Rae (yea she's it! - only one so forgive my long windedness lol)

    A quite Elder, if not Ancient in body, blood-red dragoness. Entirely Standard Istarian Dragon. No special powers, no special birth, no special parents or gifts. And as a representative of dragons she is "typical" in many "non istarian dragon" ways as well - prideful, intelligent, and protective.

    The only thing I guess technically "special" about her is she considers herself one of the first "Neutral" or "dual faction" dragons. Wether this is reality is insignificant, if you talk to her about it - that's what she believes . (And if I can ever get around to posting up her entire story, she had a vision of Drulkar to settle this as well lol)

    She's a very caring, outgoing, intellectual dragon. She loves teaching and instructing and lecturing. She'll take on any hatchling project, but she won't tolerate ignorance or stupidity - hatchling or dragon. No matter what age, she's not afraid to instruct those who are behaving undragonly. She won't enforce her rules or opinions on others though, she will share only if asked or if interest is shown. She does believe in the power of individual choice, and while she may not accept certain behaviors around herself, what others choose to do when not around her is their own business.

    She believes in the sanctity of dragon life. She belives in a clear code of dragon behavior and believes that while there are exceptions, they are rare. For example: Dragon do not fight other dragons. Dragons do not attack other dragons. Dragons do their best to work out their differences without violence (on each other), because she feels that in-fighting and violence is naka-duskeal behavior and demeaning to dragonkind. (She has other very firm beliefs about dragons and dragon conduct, this is just one..)

    As much as she loves teaching, she loves learning and gathering knowledge. At times having been referred to as "Professor Frith", she feels all knolwedge is useful and should also be shared. Seeing herself as a lifelong student - as much as she lectures hatchlings she is always open to learning more as well. She has compiled many documents/scrolls/books etc. and considers them the true gems of her hoarde - working on libraries in her lair to store them all. She carries one "giant" book with her, her "big book of dragon stuff" which she may bring out of her scalepack at any time to reference when instructing others . As one of the last members of Keir Chet K'Eilerten she also feels it is her duty to instruct and protect the dragon language to see that it does not die, and that those who use it use it correctly.

    Viewing all dragons as her brothers and sisters above all else, she is always protective of others. Never condoning the death or persecution of another dragon, regardless of how "evil" they may behave, she will go to any length to find other solutiosn and alternatives before believing that death/isolation is the only solution to problems. She truly believes that to know better, means to do better.

    She will protect any and all hatchlings with her life. Wether against Aegis, naka-duskeal, other dragons (one of the few exceptions to the non-dragon violence), or even other hatchlings. Because of her history of protection and taking others under her wing she has been called Auntie by hundreds of hatchlings through the years (and as they grew, adults and ancients as well).

    She has had two bonded mates. Both have fallen. The most recent mate, Allon, sleeps in their lair, almost stonelike. She will not be taking another. She has never had hatchlings of her own and does not want them. Preferring to be Auntie to all, but A'mea (mother) to none.

    Brief History (one day I'll post the whole thing from our forums I swear lol).

    Frith-Rae was born to a Lunus father and a Helian mother. She was raised (non-gifted) as a "typical" dragon, absorbing the teachings of her parents and living in a family. Happy and carefree and joyous was her previous life.

    She was killed as a hatchling by the Aegis during an invasion of Chiconis. To this day she does not know what happened to her "living" family. She only knows that they were all fighting, and she was overwhelmed. She woke up to "gifted" life and to her knowledge she is the only one of her "real" family to be reborn into Gifted life.

    She went on to pursue more knowledge among those gifted dragons she found herself with. She honored her Father by choosing the Lunus path of Fighting, but she honored her Mother by continuing to feed her brain as much as her claws, and continued to maintain a belief in an educated opinion above all else.

    She was adopted as a hatchling by the Patriarch Shadowclaw, where she then gained an adopted sister A'sasha. This was a significant decision for her, as she had to be sure she was not betraying her original family by taking on another.

    As she moved closer to Ascension she began to fear rejection by Valkoth and Drulkar because she was not "True Lunus." She feared that her belief in the usefulness of the Naka-duskeal (even if lesser, they are necessary and have a purpose) would keep her from ultimately Ascending into adulthood. She felt her more "Helian" beliefs, regardless of her dedication to tooth and claw and Father, would mean she would not be allowed to ascend. A length discussion with Valkoth and a vision-dream from Drulkar reassured the young female, and she was able to successfully ascend into adulthood.

    Where she then made it her mission to be a beacon of reason and compromise among all dragon factions - for above all else, they were all dragons together - and should not let petty naka-duskeal-like arguments keep them from working together to perserve their world and their race.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  15. #15

    Default @Frith

    Well if ever you DO get online, hopefully we can meet each other and do some RP. Do not forget Moyo Lake Channel.

    *reads the description* I can say Zarla would be floored by her view of the world, especially dragons, and would guess that she really was a super ancient who came from a time long since dead and gone who had been living under a pleasant rock for quite a few years.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  16. #16

    Default Re: Role Players United

    Sure, I'll bite. Maybe it'll give me a reason to get in game more.


    Kandrin - A huge silver Dragon of the Ancient variety, she is blind and very much the cynic. She moves around a bit more after learning how to "see" by sensing the primal energies in the environment around her. Her tail is spiked and dorsal side is covered in large, semi-flat spines. Typically follows the Lunus teachings, but has since lost her love of combat. Bound to a human by Yukii to keep her in the living world.

    Lykopis - a human woman with feral origins, she was raised by elves before the Aegis attacked the city of Tazoon. While she survived, her adoptive parents did not, and she finished maturing on the streets. Intelligent, despite being illiterate, she trained as a monk and a healer before taking up the mantle of a reaver and chaos warrior in defense of the Silver's adoptive hatchlings. Though she dislikes Dragons as a whole, she is drawn to them due to a number of past events and circumstances. Bound to Kandrin by Yukii to act as an anchor. Currently MIA, though Kandrin will hint at possessing knowledge of her whereabouts, or at least know how to get ahold of her.

    Zeroun - one of two brothers adopted by Kandrin. Magickally inclined and serpentine in appearance, he tends to talk with a hiss or lips due to his forked tongue. His favorite fighting tactic is constricting an opponent and then melting their face with primal bolts. Doesn't tend to get along well with other hatchlings, though Lykopis has theorized it's more of a personallity and intelligence flaw than anything else. Very possessive of his family, especially his sister, and heartbroken that his brother remains missing.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Role Players United

    Quote Originally Posted by ScaleIron View Post
    Kandrin - A huge silver Dragon of the Ancient variety, she is blind and very much the cynic. She moves around a bit more after learning how to "see" by sensing the primal energies in the environment around her. Her tail is spiked and dorsal side is covered in large, semi-flat spines. Typically follows the Lunus teachings, but has since lost her love of combat. Bound to a human by Yukii to keep her in the living world.
    I miss Knadrin... She was great and Zarla really looked up to her while she was around. Maybe if you did not have to go she would have become really good friends. If you come back I am sure it could still happen.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  18. #18

    Default Re: Role Players United

    I will join in. The time for 'secrecy' as to my alts is long past; the population is so low that I doubt I will get bothered by things like free art requests and the like anymore. Please... just remember, I log in to have fun and briefly leave some stress behind, and I appreciate my kind art admirers... but 'tis neither the time nor the place.

    Anyhow, rather than bombard you with too much here, I will link to my character's profiles on the roleplay wiki, if that is okay!

    Nambroth, my 'main', started on Chaos and moved her to Order after I had been playing there for a while on my alts. She's pretty much as normal as a dragon that has crossed from one realm to another can get. She has a bit of 'old auntie' in her, in a good-natured and sometimes slightly mischievous way. She IS pretty old. Assuming that dragons can possibly find a way to cross realms (how else can I explain a character transfer? XD) she is as 'in lore' as I can possibly make her.

    Zhyree, my first Order character. Life hasn't been kind to her so she's ms. crankyface most of the time, but she holds to a strong personal sense of honor and while she has a temper to her she isn't fast to use tooth or claw. Cranky and distrustful but not aggressive type. There's a bit of weirdness to her but I've tried to hold her as close to the lore as I could.

    Vesper, yes... Her. I play the Vesper. She is Really Weird, but in a mental sort of way, and again I do my best to keep her within lore. She sure does like fish you guys. She is a very, very genuine spirit, meaning that she is sincere at all times, has no trickery about her, and is painfully honest. She loves nearly everyone unless they have done something terrible in her presence. It seems nearly impossible to make her angry. Fizzzzzsh.

    I have a few other alts but they are rarely played (for now) so I won't bother posting them here.

    Big crunchy ancient dragoness of Order

  19. #19

    Default Re: @Frith

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinkuu View Post
    Well if ever you DO get online, hopefully we can meet each other and do some RP. Do not forget Moyo Lake Channel.

    *reads the description* I can say Zarla would be floored by her view of the world, especially dragons, and would guess that she really was a super ancient who came from a time long since dead and gone who had been living under a pleasant rock for quite a few years.
    Aw thank you, I mean bout the desire to RP. I shall not forget that channel!

    And yes, Frith gets rather "mean" (for her) and insistent if hatchlings or dragons start getting violent/aggressive around her. Its interesting, how the evolution of Istaria Dragonkind "values" have changed over the course of the game. When I started, I'd say most dragons I ever knew believed the same and there was rarely ever dragon on dragon violence - unless someone was blighted (we defended ourlseves, tied them down, and cured them ), or someone went crazy (fixed'em), and/or hatchlings got too rough.

    They all got shaken by their necks and behaved! Adn Frith isn't above some neck shaking of adults either..tsk tsk.

    Actually tha'ts rambling - I posted this because I realized the other night, watching Streisand's interview on Larry King (repeat).

    Frith-Rae is Barbara Streisand as a dragon ...*roflmao*

    (oh and edited cuz I had to now add - Nambroth can I has free art? )
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Role Players United

    ^^; Frith, i DO wish you would come on more often. I miss you!
    And nambroth, you're vesper? holy crap, lol. had NO idea.

    anywho, t i have so many freaking characters there's no way i can remember them all. So il just post my most oft-used chars for now, maybe come back and do more later :3

    Essera Seacaller: (My main)
    A small aquatic dragon, with a big heart. She's loving and kind, and does her best to maintain an optimistic outlook... but life's been cruel to her, and she's grown somewhat bitter... though her basic personality remains mostly intact, even if she has lost the playfulness of her youth. Her large family is shattered, most of her siblings dead or missing; her mother is gone, as are her sister and her mate, and several of her hatchlings.

    She will defend what few friends and family she has left with vicious determination, though this is rarely put to the test.

    Asua Firecaller:
    Daughter of Shaol Firecaller and Tarkaras Nethercry, this young hatchling has never gotten over the loss of her parents, and likely never will. This hatchling's most remarkable trait is her metal-like flesh. You know the saying; you are what you eat. And in her case it's true, literally. Ever since she was born she has been insistent on a strict diet of metals, rocks, and gems. This, and certain anomalies in her body, have contributed to a slow transformation into a creature made entirely of living metal. She weighs a good two or three times the wieght of most other hatchlings, and is extremely dangerous in physical combat despite her inexperiance.

    Asua's combat style is that of a berserker, with a combination of physical attacks and geomancy. She is blind, but she can sense certain things through the earth... so she's not totally unaware.

    However, her mental developement is stunted severely. Many of her old friends have gone on and ascended, and she is still about as emotionally unstable as a week-old newborn.

    Eidolen Teiganne:
    Eidolen is in his mid-fifties, and still a hatchling. He does not plan to ascend in the foreseeable future. He's a foreigner, come from a land far overseas that was wiped out by the undead. Technically it was a scourge of a different origin, and the land is not blighted... but black magic nevertheless permeates the wasteland he once called home, making it uninhabitable. He is from a noble family, and thus his education was as good as it comes. He's a scholar and a gifted Runecaster.

    Of course, being from such a position as he was in life, he can be fairly arrogant at times... but he's mostly stopped behaving as though he is better than everybody else. Mostly.
    His morals are pretty loose, and he firmly believes the other living races to be inferior. Anything without conscious thought is worthless in his eyes and fair game to all manner of magical and scientific experiments.

    Despite being a hatchling, he does have a mate. Eidolen is... bisexual, mated to an adult male by the name of Nyiamel. He rarely gets to see him, though, as both drakes are frequently detained by their research.

    Hmm. I seem to have written some rather disorganized descriptions. Oh well... i don't really care, it's late XD
    Last edited by Essra; January 3rd, 2011 at 02:14 AM.

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