When we hit the snowline for the first time, Thelras never knew what it was. And he played and bounded in it every step of the way till the blizzard valley. The storm was fierce, I had to cover him in a bearskin and keep hold of a rope for his safety.

I showed him what I really was, less of a human than a dragon. He wasn't sure what to make of it, but otherwise was very happy to have a home and a room to himself. The maidens altered my tent to accommodate the hatchling's size overnight. Suppose I slept well for the first time in a few days - it was just strange sleeping in a bedroll and tent.

Next morning he went exploring and eventually caught me in the library. It would seem he is about as interested in reading as selarth was. On the bright side, he's back to picture books appropriate to his age.

He wanted to go back to the snow. Told him he couldn't go past the bottom of the hill simply to prevent the local fauna finding an easy meal. He bolted out and I lazily followed to watch (just in case and all). I shook my head thinking he really hadn't listened to the part about the animals having teeth around here when he skidded down the hill... but he surprised me. He used his wings to stop, then ran up the hill again. Immediately... he skidded right back down!

He continued several more times and oddly... I started to feel happy just watching him. Is this happiness? A hatchling skidding down a hill?

He got me to do it once too... I had to ice half the hill as I am much larger than he -- and for the first time in a long time, I found myself having a good laugh.

Why have I never felt this way before? I wonder if someone is just going to come and ruin it for me later... they always do.