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Thread: Revival of Istaria

  1. #21

    Default Re: Revival of Istaria

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhalin View Post
    Dunno about spreading the word or a "revival of the game", but I was pondering on coming back and playing some myself.

    I've been maintaining two subs, but I haven't logged in, in like 3 months, 'cept for a couple minutes today.

    Been pondering on working my biped again, but I just remembered why I quit on her: It was taking her too long to kill stuff, and was trying to find a way I could level at a reasonable pace, but yet not be too squishy.

    I wanted to take her Cleric to 80+ for Gift V spells. But yet, it takes too long to kill crap as a cleric. Healer gets good Augmentation skills, but kill speed would be even worse, surely. And they only get 9 armor use, not 10 (which means I won't be able to wear Mithril Platemail) so I gotta level Warrior... which turns out to be quite a squishy class, only having 2 heals.

    So.... meh.

    Not sure what I'd really do if I did log in. Farming trophies with my dragon just doesn't sound too appetizing to me...
    *chuckles* What you describe as "too squishy" sounds to me like the challenge of each class. I can relate to wanting the "reasonable pace" to be faster than I originally brought my first character up, but the game still requires each class to face the challenges originally designed. You can mix/match the too fast with trophies and the too slow with too squishy; hopefully that will bring you a reasonable pace that you find fun.

    You speak as though you expect to be doing it all solo. I recommend seeking out other folks using /who and sending them tells to find out if they'd hunt with you (be prepared for a lot of "how about later" or "no" to get the prized "yes, now's OK"). This game is wonderful at fostering cooperative interaction. I wish you luck and hope to see you in game.

  2. #22
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Revival of Istaria

    Quote Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
    Have you helped Istaria today? It's a question we should be asking ourselves if we want Istaria to grow into the future. The larger the player base, the more potential income there is to allow the faces behind Istaria to grow and better develop the game. Common sense, right? It's time to ask yourself what you can do to help spread the word about Istaria.

    Need some ideas to get you started?

    -Facebook: While Istaria has it's own facebook fan page, drop some advertisements of your own in your own facebook pages and share with others. do this

    -MySpace: Like Facebook, advertise! Post pictures, write blurbs, and share! i have an account, i think, i haven't been on it in at least 6 months, i prefer fb

    -Twitter: Tweet about Istaria! Just finish your RoP? Maybe you just hit level 100? Tweet about your successes. see above, altho i like twatting better than myspace

    -YouTube: Show everyone some Istaria demos! i have no idea how to make vids, sadly, plus no time to do them at the moment

    -DeviantArt: Can you draw? Draw some things Istarian related. Can't draw? Do a screenshot dump! What a better way to show Istaria off than to show others just what it looks like. No drawing skills necessary! i am no artist, believe me! expecially compared to everyone else

    -Gaming Sites: Drop the Istaria advertisements in every gaming website you can find. Put it in your forum signatures where you can! this i can do...

    -Dragon/Furry/Fandom websites: While some of us may cringe at the thought of doing this, often times, websites that focus on these genres always have members who are looking for a game just like Istaria. Let them know about it! i am a cringer.....

    -Istaria Fansites: Some of us are website developers, or maybe know a thing or two about it. Whatever your level of expertise, build/design a website to showcase Istaria. Maybe you can be a screenshot hub, or an up-to-date help guide, or maybe even a lore Chronicler. Whatever you choose to focus on, go for it! no time for this either....

    So, we've got a range of ways to advertise, from a few sentences to large projects. Be active and let's help make Istaria grow!

    Don't forget about this, offered by Istaria, as a way of thanking paid land holders for advertising. I keep hoping for incentives for other account types, but just keeping Istaria alive is a good enough incentive in my book.

    Do your part to help!
    there you go....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  3. #23
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Revival of Istaria

    to the peeps who find no reason for blogging, etc...
    here is what worx for me, altho you have to want the extra plot as incentive....
    i started my blog because i wanted another plot but couldn't afford another sub. in order to do my part by blogging, i decided to blog about making a new alt and doing all the beginner stuff. then i decided to blog about crafting (construction, as i am building the plot), then xanthia started posting her comix - and they became very popular, and i started blogging vel's quests, and shard events, and saturday night arena bouts......

    believe me, if you want the reward, there is so much possible material that you will never run out of stuff to post. i actually have a backlog of possible blog material - even if i don't log on to the game for a year, i could still fulfill the 'spread the word' requirements....

    but you have to want to get that reward, otherwise, what is the point?
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  4. #24

    Default I do help

    I do not use any of those social networking sites because I find them repulsive. I do not need more "Fake Friends". I also cannot draw for my life.

    I do have Youtube and I have considered doing SOMETHING with Istaria but it is hard to figure out what... There is not much to record that is in any way fun to watch. I do not want to just show some grinding or other. I could do a tour of my Lair when it is open or a flyby of some stuff that I think is worth seeing as Zarla maybe. However, I cannot just record the game only the screen via my camcorder which hurts.

    However, I do tell people about Istaria and I throw up a lot of pictures on Photobucket of Istaria and my characters. I edit the screenshots to make them look very nice and pick a lot of fun poses. I use those in my journals as well which go up on Yahoo Groups.

    Most importantly I keep telling friends about the game and encouraging them to check it out and if they play to come join me.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  5. #25

    Default Re: I do help

    Velveeta & Shinkuu:
    Any sort of effort made, no matter what it is, is still an effort to get the word out. Keep up the good work.

  6. #26

    Default I do it!

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    to the peeps who find no reason for blogging, etc...
    here is what worx for me, altho you have to want the extra plot as incentive....
    i started my blog because i wanted another plot but couldn't afford another sub. in order to do my part by blogging, i decided to blog about making a new alt and doing all the beginner stuff. then i decided to blog about crafting (construction, as i am building the plot), then xanthia started posting her comix - and they became very popular, and i started blogging vel's quests, and shard events, and saturday night arena bouts......

    believe me, if you want the reward, there is so much possible material that you will never run out of stuff to post. i actually have a backlog of possible blog material - even if i don't log on to the game for a year, i could still fulfill the 'spread the word' requirements....

    but you have to want to get that reward, otherwise, what is the point?
    See my journals in the Order/Roleplay section lol. I do those on the Yahoo Site for our guild Awdz made and then repost them here. I add in fun pictures and everything. Another one from Shinkuu will be coming. Though amazingly I do not do the "Spread the Word" thing itself atm so I guess they are getting free advertising from me but whatever...

    I do advertise a bit on my FA page but I need to do that more... I am not scared of the Furry/Dragon fandom LOL. I am more scared of the Elven Fandom.
    "Nothing Is Never Not... everything is never."-Vacuus, Lord of Nothing

  7. #27

    Default Re: I do it!

    I've noticed an increase of screenies advertising Istaria so a big THANK YOU to you who are doing something to help across the net! Make sure to add as many tags to your photos/posts as you can such as the following: Istaria, Dragon, MMORPG, Game, Fantasy, that anyone using those words in their searches can stumble across Istaria.

    Aside from that, a lot of us are enjoying looking at/reading all the new stuff popping up!

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