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Thread: Newbie questions

  1. #41

    Default Re: Newbie questions

    That is correct Kesqui.
    Crystals only drop from WA and Chests. In addition, Pallid crystals in particular are T2, and thus would drop from WA in T2 range, see my post above.

    If you have gotten crystals off of an animal type mob at any level, then it's a bug, and needs to have treasure adjusted. I can't find any animals that use the crystals treasure table.

  2. #42

    Default Re: Newbie questions

    Thanks everyone for clear answers. I would be completely lost without forum folks. Have to grow untill lvl.45-48 and then go for Pallids
    Yet another nooobish question concerning item (tool, weapon, shield) socketing. Yesterday I reached weaponsmith level 40. I thought (at least read it somewhere) that I would be able to add additional socket to any item. Took my own iron mining pick (socketed) and tried to drag "Tool socketing" thing on it. Did not work. Tried to produce adding two sockets - but once again I am not allowed to.
    Was it me that misunderstood something or is it a game error?

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Newbie questions

    The number of techs you can apply is based upon the tier of the item itself. An iron pick will only ever take one tech. You'll need a steel one if you want two.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  4. #44

    Default Re: Newbie questions

    Techs also require extra reasources, all of the socketing techs use teir 1 reasources like dim essence orbs, bronze bars and cedar wood boards, without the needed reasources you can not use techs. weapon socketing you need to apply the tech BEFORE creating the item, socketing can not be done on a already made weapon or tool.
    2nd you can carry 2 types of weapons like weapon + shield for your normal attacks, and a maul to use with your special attacks to make the most damage from the special attack just by hot keying your maul to a free hot key. As for the weapon +shield you can edit a empty hot key (right click the empty hot key an choose edit) upper left corner change type of action to equip item, then drag can drop your weapon and then shield into the bar directly to the right of the equip command and then choose a icon if you like and then save

  5. #45

    Default Re: Newbie questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Gimbold View Post
    Question 2: i
    NE from Chiconis is a smelter/anvil (25036/22230) with a iron field just above it (24836/22176) once your disk is full you can just drop down the hill to the smelter.Take the road South from Chiconis and follow it round and back up.
    It is nowhere to be found. Chiconis is almost under siege of Ruxus hordes - either ruxus or a way to nowhere. Absolutely no "road S of Chickonis" leading to any ore.
    *Rhetorically: why did they create maps so complex no one would be ever be capable of understanding without lots of external help?

  6. #46

    Default Re: Newbie questions

    Sorry for double-post, but since deleting old posts is not allowed...
    I was owned by lvl.60-90 monsters. At my combat lvl.33 it was impossible to hold longer than some seconds. Died, lost cargo disk. Unlucky enough, I thought, went second time - and second time was owned. Once again, few seconds and I am a corpse.
    Went third time, with all caution I could have. Passed through some vodka/rum/other alcoholic monsters, got close to my own disk...and almost got killed. I was fortunate enough to run away and cast recall.
    The question is: how to get rid off that old disk? I don't want it, it's easier to carft oir buy.

  7. #47

    Default Re: Newbie questions

    The iron ore is *northwest* of Chiconis, though one of the roads that leads to it swings to the south before looping around to the north again. There is a faster route to that ore:

    Port to Chiconis.
    From the teleporter pad, run towards the portal.
    From the portal, run towards the bridge that leads onto the floating island.
    To the right of the bridge, there's a slope leading up and north. Climb this.
    You will see a cave with two blue torches. Stop in front of it, facing it.
    Turn left and follow the road past the dragon lair.
    The road curves to the right after the lair; keep following it to the top of the hill (above the cave with the blue torches).
    From the top of the hill, you will see another dragon lair straight ahead and a gap in the hills to the right. If you are on Chaos, the lair straight ahead is mine, and there is a T5 smelter on the first level.
    Head down the hill and go through the gap in the hills to the right.
    Turn left and stick to the left-hand wall.
    You should start seeing Iron nodes along this path.

    There is an anvil down the side of the mountain and to the north at the human smelter.

    Have you downloaded Katscratch's Map Pack? This might help you find things if you'd like an easier set of reference points.

    I am not surprised that level 60+ monsters wiped your level-30 player character out; there are very few monster types that can be beaten by a player of half their level, and it takes quite a bit of preparation to do so. Where did you get yourself to that you were being faced by that sort of level?

    You'll have to go and find your old disk - if you are on Chaos, look for me (Kesqui_unity) and I'll come with you to pick it up if you like. Unfortunately if you've got one equipped, that's your equipped disk and you can't equip and use another one until you've gotten rid of that one.
    - Kesqui - Formerly of Ice, now of Chaos, lair in Liak
    First Rebirth 12-12-2003 / Ascended to Ancient 12-12-2010

  8. #48

    Default Re: Newbie questions

    Quote Originally Posted by anonimas View Post
    Sorry for double-post, but since deleting old posts is not allowed...
    I was owned by lvl.60-90 monsters. At my combat lvl.33 it was impossible to hold longer than some seconds. Died, lost cargo disk. Unlucky enough, I thought, went second time - and second time was owned. Once again, few seconds and I am a corpse.
    Went third time, with all caution I could have. Passed through some vodka/rum/other alcoholic monsters, got close to my own disk...and almost got killed. I was fortunate enough to run away and cast recall.
    The question is: how to get rid off that old disk? I don't want it, it's easier to carft oir buy.
    The alcohol golems are in the Bitter Pickle near Aughundell... I think you were a little off target for Chiconis! I assume you were after ore in the Aug mines and wound up taking a wrong turn.

    Several options exist for you:

    1) If you can get a higher level character to assist you, they can guide you along the safest route to recover your disk and protect you from the golems. Someone that can rez in case it is needed would be ideal for that.

    2) If you're good with maps and a quick runner, you can try getting close via hillsides and making a made dash for it when the mobs thin from the spot. I recommend a hotkey for attaching (equipping) your disk when you're close if you try this method.

    3) You can file a support ticket begging the devs for help. They're pretty good about helping folks out of hopeless endeavors. My all-time favorite lost disk story was from someone on autorun that went deep into the ocean dragging his disk and drowned. He recalled but was stuck without a disk for a long time. Eventually the devs made your disk automatically detach when you enter water deep enough to drown in so that no one would do that again.

    4) I have never tried so I do not know if you can delete your disk or the contents of your disk from a distance (or even if it's equipped). I think that if you do get to it, you could delete the ore in it, unequip it and hopefully get out again OK.

    If you're on Order, ask me and I'll see what I can do to help you. I wish you luck and hope you can get to crafting more easily again soon!

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