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Thread: Goodbye :(

  1. #1

    Default Goodbye :(

    It is with great sadness that I am saying goodbye for now.

    Myself and my husband (Eldarath) need to cancel our subscriptions.

    I have suffered a great number of personal disappointments with aspects of Istaria (which I will politely refrain from 'getting into' here -use resources but don't abuse them is all I will say) yet I have maintained a sub for some time, clinging onto hope. And I would still cling even now, but for my finances. The truth is that the combo of those disappointments and my real life financial state has led to me taking my leave...
    I have invested a lot into Istaria, in terms of sub money of course, but in time, community building, attracting (many) new players, and many art assets. I am very sad to leave.

    I do hope that maybe someday I can come back. We shall see how things play out.

    I played Nambroth, Zhyree, Vesper (yes.. fizzzzsh) and Saralesa, so I apologize but these fine dragons must nap, for now.

    Big crunchy ancient dragoness of Order

  2. #2

    Default Re: Goodbye :(

    It hurts to see you leave.

    it was always good no know that you are there- though we rarely met.

    My good thoughts are with you,
    have a blessed life - I hope we meet again- somewhen- somewhere
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Goodbye :(

    Naaaaaaaaam! ;.;

    We are seriously going to miss you and your crazy antics, I do hope things go better for you in real life and you're able to come back soon. I'll still be here!

  4. #4

    Unhappy Re: Goodbye :(

    It is sad to see you go, Nambroth, even if we didn't met very often these months... I am sad you had disappointments and hope you'll get your money issues solved soon... I also hope you'll be back on Istaria, one day, and that we'll meet then *winghugs softly

  5. #5

    Default Re: Goodbye :(

    I've unfortunately saw this coming for a while now. >.> At least I can say I tried to stop a portion of it. xD Take care, Nam! CA will always welcome you back whenever you may return. <3 I guess I'm going to have to bug you via email much more now. :3
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  6. #6

    Default Re: Goodbye :(

    It was a good run we had, and there was lots of fun over the few years Nambroth and I played.

    Who knows, maybe we'll be back someday.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Goodbye :(

    *serves Nambroth an [Imperial Urn] full of klava for all her forms and Eldarath an [Imperial Urn] full of klava for each of his, presenting each with a towel and a curtsy, in hopes it will keep them well until their return*
    best wishes for your situation to improve!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Goodbye :(

    Though Im from chaos , i can say i will miss knowing that you both were around, i have always greatly enjoyed and admired your art work and you kind personality.

    God bless! take care and wind to your wings

  9. #9

    Default Re: Goodbye :(

    Oh.... I'm sorry to see you go, Nambroth!
    So long... and thanks for all the Fizzsh.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Goodbye :(

    Awww! D: Take care of yourselves Eldrath, and Nambroth! though I don`t think we ever met in game, I`ll still miss you two *huggles*, and God bless yous.
    Hope things get better and you can return someday ^^

  11. #11

    Default Re: Goodbye :(

    sorry to see you go nambroth, eldrath, you will be missed but do try to hurry back when you can. was fun rping with you. keep in touch!
    100/96/21 32.2 mill hoard Killer 87% socializer 47% explorer 40% achiever 40%

  12. #12

    Default Re: Goodbye :(

    Sorry, I have misread the post... sorry to see you, Eldarath, leave as well, even if I didn't meet you often... I hope both of you will get a better situation soon, and look forward to see you two again.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Goodbye :(

    Sorry to see long-term players leave for any reason.

    I certainly can relate to your OP. I'm sitting in a similar boat
    and must make a decision before my subs renew this Summer.
    I suspect the lynch-pin decision for everyone in this economy - $$.

    I hope you find Sun upon your face, Wind beneath your Wings,
    and Friends beside you wherever you go.


  14. #14

    Default Re: Goodbye :(



    *Sad grabby hands!* Shall miss seeing you around on the occasions to which we were logged at ze' same time. Hope to see you return sometime fhghgfh.
    I shall need to find an alternate way of pestering you other than just screaming 'FEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSZZHSHSHSHHSHFH' in chat channels.
    Good luck with everything and stuff, aye!

    Ghfgghg Nam! <3
    *Prepares to bomb your dA page with a hundred and two diagrammatic drawings of freshwater aquatic fauna*

    Slee Maogrin- Chaotic, spotty warmonger of Order~

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