this Journal is starting to get a bit dusty... need to de-dust my lair a bit more. well, i can't write very much in here, but i'll try.

i've been feeling tired lately. it's probably old age catching up to me... but Gifted doesn't age like normal people... i hope it's nothing. i've been spending most of my time sleeping, and doing things around my lair, enjoying the quiet of Scorpion Island. not many go around to this island.

i have been thinking more about my family lately... i barely have any left nowadays, thanks to certain events that ripped a few certain individuals from my life... so glad i still have Welun and Duragis. i hate the fact that i am almost alone family wise. i have also been wondering how long do Gifted usually live? do they even have a natural life span? how long will i live before i die of natural causes? not even the great wizards that conducted the spell of Life Everlasting could have prevented the natural life of individuals... at least i don't think. i will need to do more research on that subject...