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Thread: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

  1. #1

    Angry Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    Or at least painful to the point of not being worth it. I am talking for starters about the Parrot quest.

    First, how does it make any sort of sense to have a level 20- character be forced to travel to an area where you have the potential to encounter enemies as strong as level 70?

    Another quest is the fishing type quests offered by the fisherman near Kion. Those really should not be available to a dragon.

    There are other quests like this too, where your more or less forced to go to someplace very distant, and often, unexplored, to get what your looking for. Listing a recommended level for a particular quest would help for starters.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    You are right about the Parrot quest. Unfortunately it is a very old quest and hasn't been updated to keep with the times. I've marked it down to update it (or at least temporarily disable it) for the next patch.

    You are also correct about the Fisherman quests from Thanthor. I'll make sure they aren't available for Dragons.

    If you know of others, please let us know and we'll try and get them fixed as soon as we can.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  3. #3

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    Another main irritation about that parrot quest is it is a naka quest. A dragon cant complete it without help from a Naka. If your going to have quests like that, you should have quests where a Naka must rely on a dragon to complete as well.

    The Sslanis supply quest is just slightly questionable, given it asks you for Salt rock, which a player probably has not seen naturally before.

    Outside of that, the level 10 dragon ascension type quests at times seems excessively hard (Level 19 mob [Ferocious Gurok] for a level 10 quest [Hardened Scales I]?) Or do those quests scale to your level? I might be missing something here however.

    Outside of that, as a new player, another severe problem that I often run into are the bosses on the main roads just outside of Kion. Getting flattened by a level 15 named undead as soon as you leave NT is not fun. I can understand bosses a little off the main track, but this is silly. That one is not the only one either.

    Finally, I found myself frustrated at some of the quests given to you by the dragons on NT, such as forcing you to go gather Bronze when you already have the item required in your inventory.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    I agree with you on some of the quests that you've posted earlier. But the Hardened Scales quest, I'm going to have to disagree with you on. Ferocious Gruoks range in level from 11 to 20. If your character is only lvl 10, then you can work to pull the lower level ones. There are places where just the sows and younglings will spawn without the higher level "male gruoks".

    As for the boss mobs that wander the roads, I also have to disagree with you on whether they "should" or "should not" be there. In every MMO I've ever played there are those mobs, those places in the world that you simply know if you encounter them to soon, they're going to do a load of hurt on you... and then you come back 10 levels (or however many) later to exact your revenge. In fact, if memory serves me correctly, GUComics once did a panel that the text line was just that... "Revenge is a dish best served 10 levels later."

    I'll look at the Sslanis quest to see if a description of salt rock and it's point in the world could be better described. As Amon said, please let us know any others you encounter so that we can evaluate if they are in need of help.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    You are right about the Parrot quest. Unfortunately it is a very old quest and hasn't been updated to keep with the times. I've marked it down to update it (or at least temporarily disable it) for the next patch.
    PLEASE do NOT disable the quest just because one person is writing angry posts about it. Update it later, maybe, but don't hurt everyone that wants to do the quest now. So what if you have to go to a lvl 70+ area. That's what making friends is for.
    SiLang Drag 100, Dcra 100, Dlsh 100 100M Hoard Ancient Dragon of Flight of the Order Shard
    Parcasta Storm Disciple 44, ARM 88, BLK 100, CRP 25, ENC 23, FIT 88, GTH 80, JWL 40, MIN 80, MSN 82, OUT 100, SCH 100, TLR 10, WPN 88, WVR 21

  6. #6

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    The only Ferocious Guroks I found, where the quest pointed me to, were 16-19, with the sows being 14-15 (But they pull Grulets, meaning they are often harder then the Gurok males), and the Grulets (Which don't count, and pull with each other) at level 11-13. Quest specifically states that the Grulets don't count.

    The only boss in particular I have an issue with is the lvl 15 skeleton (Who is alone) near the quarry to the west of Kion. The others I have found placed rather reasonably, and often with other mobs of its type. (So you can expect them at least) Even the lvl 11 sand beetle boss inside Kion I think is well placed. Same with Tsunami in the crystal lakes, and Ingot with the bronze golems.


    About the parrot quest, the bottom line is, I want a quest that a person of X level can get, to be reasonably possible to complete at said level. This is my honest opinion as a new player.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    Quote Originally Posted by rtiger View Post

    About the parrot quest, the bottom line is, I want a quest that a person of X level can get, to be reasonably possible to complete at said level. This is my honest opinion as a new player.
    It's been a bit since I've done the quest, so I don't recall where you have to go for it... but unless you actually have to kill the monsters there, a bit of careful movement and analysis of the monsters, you should be able to do it, even with the 70+ monsters. I remember back in the early days, having to talk to Chardonnay. The quest line started at lvl 10. The Bone Golems surrounding him were in the 90s as I recall. You watched their movements, picked the right time, ran in, greeted as fast as you could, then died. heh Was fun.
    SiLang Drag 100, Dcra 100, Dlsh 100 100M Hoard Ancient Dragon of Flight of the Order Shard
    Parcasta Storm Disciple 44, ARM 88, BLK 100, CRP 25, ENC 23, FIT 88, GTH 80, JWL 40, MIN 80, MSN 82, OUT 100, SCH 100, TLR 10, WPN 88, WVR 21

  8. #8
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    Quote Originally Posted by walkerglassmire View Post
    It's been a bit since I've done the quest, so I don't recall where you have to go for it... but unless you actually have to kill the monsters there, a bit of careful movement and analysis of the monsters, you should be able to do it, even with the 70+ monsters. I remember back in the early days, having to talk to Chardonnay. The quest line started at lvl 10. The Bone Golems surrounding him were in the 90s as I recall. You watched their movements, picked the right time, ran in, greeted as fast as you could, then died. heh Was fun.
    Exactly. In the "old" days it wasn't as stricly tiered as now and it made it more fun, more exiting and it teached you to be on the look out for danger. It wasn't a walk in the park. Groups of hostile skeletons roamed the roads and you had to be carefull and ready to run for safety.
    Apearantly with this "safe"tiering you get complains like from the TS.

    The parrot quest is one of the funniest quest in game imo. If you can't finnish it right now what's the harm in waiting till you have a higher level and finish it then? Quests, as far as I know, only have a minimum requirement, not a maximum.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    I am not trying to fight everything on the way. What bothers me is how sheerly remote the tower of clerics is when traveling from Sslanis. I keep getting lost also, which makes it worse. I also understand where you are coming from, but the maple treants on the path you need to travel is more then a bit much.

    If I keep dying to hordes of things 6 levels below me, how can I hope to survive if I get swarmed by things 6 levels above me?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    Quote Originally Posted by walkerglassmire View Post
    PLEASE do NOT disable the quest just because one person is writing angry posts about it. Update it later, maybe, but don't hurt everyone that wants to do the quest now.
    Also echoing this. Thantos's quest is one of my absolute favorites as a dragon. His quest line is one of the first ones I do for every character I make. Who doesn't want their own bucket of dragon popcorn? XD

    He's one of my favorite NPCs and was a darn good reason to be happy that dragon gathering fish was put in.
    Last edited by Shian; September 9th, 2011 at 12:25 AM.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    Quote Originally Posted by Shian View Post
    Also echoing this. Thantos's quest is one of my absolute favorites as a dragon. His quest line is one of the first ones I do for every character I make. Who doesn't want their own bucket of dragon popcorn? XD

    He's one of my favorite NPCs and was a darn good reason to be happy that dragon gathering fish was put in.
    Dragons can fish?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    Yes with ingenuity.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    Quote Originally Posted by rtiger View Post
    What bothers me is how sheerly remote the tower of clerics is when traveling from Sslanis. I keep getting lost also, which makes it worse. I also understand where you are coming from, but the maple treants on the path you need to travel is more then a bit much.
    I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that you don't have to walk all the way. If you're attuned to Chiconis, then that is one of the closest portals to the Cleric's Tower. If not, then it's probably best you try and attune to important places a long the way (ie. Bristugo, Dalimond and Chiconis, as well as any Dalimond Penninsuala locations and Settlements).

    I'll also take a stab and say there are no Maple Treants anywhere near the Cleric's Tower (given it's a T2 area and Maple Treants are T4), unless you're really taking the scenic route (or I'm clearly mistaken as to the location you are refering to). Also, not having done the quest in some time, I'm wonder why you need to go there? I'm just wondering if there is another location for the resource or mob you're after.

    As for the dragon ability quests, I don't think they are all meant to be completed at the exact level you get them. Some will be harder than others since the rewards (ie. better abilites) are more useful than others. You'll probably realise that the Gold Rage quests are quite often much more difficult than the other quests.

    I hope the rest of your experiences have been enjoyable.
    Good luck
    --- iuvenilis --- [Officer of The Alliance]
    Demonslaying since July 2004

  14. #14

    Angry Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    If your not attuned to Chiconis, I wasn't. I asked the other dragons. I was told the safest way was to start in Feladan (Which a new player starts attuned to), go through historian hill to reach Chiconis. There is a chance of running into maple treants on that route. I was also told the other routes are far harder then that. Not to mention there are a fair number of other high level mobs surrounding that area.

    I did try the run from Kion to Bristugo, to Chiconis and Dalimond, but only ended up lost, then killed.

    I am not attuned to Dalimond.

    Regardless if traveling from Lower Bridgeview, or Feladan, the Tower of clerics is still hiking halfway across a continent that I have never set foot on before.

    The rest of my time has been anything but enjoyable. Not after I left NT. I got owned as soon as I stepped out of Kion to head to Parsina, and have been dispirited from that point on, as it has been just more of the same. (Not to mention there are no bosses on the roads in NT besides the Red Tusk. I wasn't at all expecting a boss so soon)

    The res delay does not help either. Sometimes I don't even see a mob on the map until I am within its attack range, or right on top of it.

    When you find something you can't beat, you turn around, and get stronger. Here I was after having beaten the strongest mobs I could find on NT, only to get owned as soon as I reached a new area. Staying in NT would not have gotten me very far.

    The available quests are what often killed me in the first place. I can't even tell what order I should take the quests in if there are like 10 available.

    Running through level 25-35 mobs as a level 12 character just doesn't sit well with me at all. Much less having to attack level 11-15 mobs as instructed by the quests. It has simply been too hard and too many deaths.
    Last edited by rtiger; September 9th, 2011 at 03:38 PM.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    Well I'm glad a new player finds this new attunement stuff frustrating too. I understand how it is supposed to encourage exploration, but most of the time, you are trying to do a quest. I spent most my time yesterday trying to get to the Island of Ice. Didn't even get a chance to kill the beetles I was sent for.

    The rest of my time has been anything but enjoyable. Not after I left NT. I got owned as soon as I stepped out of Kion to head to Parsina, and have been dispirited from that point on, as it has been just more of the same. (Not to mention there are no bosses on the roads in NT besides the Red Tusk. I wasn't at all expecting a boss so soon)
    Yes, the bosses of Kion are famous. They are also deliberately a few levels higher than you to jolt you from the norm from other MMO's that roads are generally a safe thing. Oh what a joy it is to come back later and beat their faces in

    Anyways, what equipment do you have? Could be just that you need a bit more armor.

    The run to Bris is the hardest, but you get 'checkpoints' along the way. Have you attuned to lower bridgeview? Once you get Brist the rest are a little easier.

    The run to Chic is not that difficult. Pay attention to your health and when you start getting hit, (you will often get hit before you see the mob) use sprint. Treants are melee orientated mobs and if you are farther away from them, they can't hurt you.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    How do people get lost??
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  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    Quote Originally Posted by Shian View Post
    Well I'm glad a new player finds this new attunement stuff frustrating too. I understand how it is supposed to encourage exploration, but most of the time, you are trying to do a quest. I spent most my time yesterday trying to get to the Island of Ice. Didn't even get a chance to kill the beetles I was sent for.
    This... After being away for some time I return to find my good old Island of Ice destination removed, I can simply fly across the water and find that attunement NPC, but this new system is forcing bipeds to run from Morning Light through Island of Fire to the in between island which attunes you... This was majorly annoying for me as dragon, for a biped it must be even more irritating… Just like all the other useless attunements we have been having these last few months.

    @rtiger – I understand your pain… I am not sure about who told you to attune to Chiconis from Feledan, but for a new player that is the worst possible route to take.
    I understand that the most common route - Kion, Lower Bridgeview, Bristugo, Dalimond, Chiconis in that order is annoyingly long, BUT it is only T1 and T2 area, however which is relatively safe as long as you stay on the road and have sprint ready as a precaution. Please hear me when I am saying that ALL major or community towns that are important and which you will visit often are linked to the “road” system. So the road is your friend no matter where you end up, going cross country is done at your own risk. An additional piece of advice I can give you… When heading in unfamiliar surroundings, try to keep your map “m” open at all times.
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  18. #18

    Default Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    Seems like new quests, in which older players also haven't experienced, being given to new players r gonna b troublesome, how ever there r a few good points about istaria new players need to take note on.

    istaria is a very user friendly community. especially if on chaos shard *not to offend other shards ik some epic ppl on order and blight :3* just type /who and a letter or /who and click search to see a wide range of players that r online, and send them a tell using /t and the players name. if you ask nicely enough that older more experienced player can either come help you or give u advice or pointers on how to proceed on a quest area our route. (doing this will solve your problems of having to go to a lvl 70 area when your only a lvl 10)

    believe me a question on istaria thats not asked wont b answered. i try to help in any way i can considering i'm now an experienced player *granted schools kept me away but i'm on every so often to keep up with the times*. so please if u'r on chaos and you happen to see KisaMoon is online and you need help ask me or feel free to ask others! i love to b asked questions cuz i love to help.

    so when i get time perhaps i will round up my next hatchie to b adult and take the steps of the newer quests my self so i will b better armed, that way you guys can at least know some one will b willing to help u. not only that but while doign the quests i can look for any others ones that r either unreasonable for a dragon glitched or alil to frustrating to a newer player. seems like a deal to me :3.
    Last edited by Velea; September 15th, 2011 at 10:57 AM.

  19. #19

    Red face Re: Quest: IMPOSSIBLE/Useless

    I suppose your right. Eventually was told to go to abandoned island to look for salt rock, though the easier answer is go to the isle of wisps for salt rock (Which I found a week later.) Admittedly, the bosses on the roads do keep you on your toes. I suppose prior MMO games where you didn't expect to run into any particular trouble on the road spoiled me a little. (Unless your playing a PvP game, which I hate.)

    Parrot quest is still a pain though, no matter how you slice it, and especially as a dragon. Then again, I am not used to always asking for help. The secondary aspect is that there are times I see less then a dozen players online at any given time, making finding help hard to begin with.

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