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Thread: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

  1. #41
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    One other thing I'd like to see on the list, if possible. I know, it was originally not intended to be made, but the characters of the day ended up doing it. It's been one of those extreme rarities since the triple-tech allowance has been removed from game.

    Triple Teched Primal Vengeance chest scales.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  2. #42
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    Oh, and another one. This one could be an alchemist form or a scholar form. Something to change Unstable Essence of Blight into Essence of Blight.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  3. #43

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    Thank you all for your enthusiastic feedback. We'll now take it and rework the plan using some of what has been posted.

    Think its pretty clear that Valkor, SoG, and Reklar items won't be included in this. For the record, neither will Boar's Hide or DCOM.

    Items that have no functional use, that were entirely for events, such as the Silver Whistle, are truly gone and will not be returning. Other event items may or may not be returned. Still up in the air on this one.

    For the rest, at this time, we cannot say except that we will be evaluating each of them to determine if they should be included. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that Named Mobs (not just the Epics) have a reason to be hunted. And providing rare items that cannot be obtained through any other method is a way to accomplish this. Old, rare items are one type of thing to add, new items that mirror some of the functionality of old items are another. Totally new items are also possible as mentioned in the OP. New art or appearances are not, at this time, available.

    Please feel free to continue discussing this topic.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

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    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  4. #44

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    Have the items cost multiple shards please, but with a 100% drop rate, id happily go hunting for rare mobs if it's like that, but i hate loathe and detest it when there is only a certain type of rare mob (in this case named) that only have a rare chance to drop the item required, especially when there's multiple people hunting these. Five people searching for one named mob in an area with even a 10% shard drop rate. if extremely unlucky on an average drop rate that could be up to 46 kills if the others were extremely lucky and all got the shard they wanted on their first kill. and that's for 1 shard, and probably close to a full day of dedicated hunting in that -hopefully unlikely- scenario.
    Thenalth Venalueth (Order) Adult Lunus
    Kelthorath Insalik (Order) Hatchling
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  5. #45

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    An assortment of shoulder pets with a capacity bonus

  6. #46

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    YEAA Shoulder pets! *claws up!*
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  7. #47

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    Quote Originally Posted by Jorev1 View Post
    An assortment of shoulder pets with a capacity bonus
    yus!!! shoulder pets!!!!

    also, I found this thread somewhat misleading when I looked at the title and read its content, they aren't actually "collectibles", they're usefull items (mostly), now emblems and shoulder pets, those are collectibles in my eyes

  8. #48

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    overall the idea is good, except i say no to the rare weapons on vendors, if a palyer can just BUY the weapon or parts from a vender then there is really no point in bothering to hunt the epic mob that normally drops the item/parts anymore in my opinion.
    Second question about ambrosia if it can still be made will the formulas for the players that still HAVE them be able to make and sell them again

  9. #49

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    Quote Originally Posted by starlight View Post
    overall the idea is good, except i say no to the rare weapons on vendors, if a palyer can just BUY the weapon or parts from a vender then there is really no point in bothering to hunt the epic mob that normally drops the item/parts anymore in my opinion.
    I *think* from what I understand from what I've read, it isn't that they'll be able to buy with coin weapons/parts - but that they would have to still hunt the Mob to get the special currency (soul shards, whatever) that would then be able to trade in the special currency (from hunting XYZ mob, jus tlike now) for the parts/weapon/recipie they still need.

    So say instead of needing to kill Mob BoB for 6 unique shield parts, where part 1 drops two months in a row and you never end up getting part 5 or something like that. You'd still kill Mob BOB but he would drop "soul shards" and each of those six shield parts are on the vendor for say 6 soul shards each (just random number for example). So that way you would KNOW that eventually you'd have enough shards to buy all six pieces and put your weapon together. Vs. Never knowing if you would get the right part each time you killed the boss.

    If that explanation made sense. I think that's how they are talking about it working 'off a vendor'. And NOT just silver/gold outright buying it.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  10. #50

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    This is an interesting and exciting proposal for me. It's nice to be rewarded for taking on the harder monsters. I agree, however, that the shards have to be tradable. Some of us do hunt in groups, as we are supposed to, and trading is the best way to ensure the loot is distributed equitably among trustworthy friends, and for those who have all that they want for a given tier, they can sell theirs for profit, which is good, too.

  11. #51

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    I would love to see the return of some of the old tech and crystals or any old speical drop iteams from the past that dont drop anymore.

    That would be very cool to be able to complete my old crystals sets. :)
    Nothing But Love! That's what makes Dragons Fly!

  12. #52

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    There are a few other ways to sort the reward-hand-out.

    I've played/Beta tested More MMO games since -95. Then i have have fingers,toes and teeths togheter. And i've seen few good loot systems. And thankfuly Istaria is free from RMT's (Real world Money Traders) That monopolize the rare drop mobs. So now it only comes down to our own greed / time investment.

    One option that i personally liked. Comes from a rather fresh game called Warhammer online. Where they have so called "Public Quests" )PQ's. In each tier. Where everyone can go and take part of it. Include normal quests regarding it. for XP and quest giver loot. And also for participate in it, by killing the specific PQ mobs+Boss. After boss dead, a Randomizer rolls dice for each one who participated, Depending on how much damage/ healing you did to mobs, or healing done to everyone flagged and inside the PQ area. You get Dice roll bonus.

    The loot bags being rolled for are of different values. (also random) of like 4 different values. Goldbag > Purplebag > Greenbag > Whitebag. Where the white only give a randomized standard world loot item for the current tier. Where the gold give you a random rare for current tier /level on area.

    And these PQ's reset and start over after 5 minutes once all the loot have been rolled and handed out. Where you pick up ur bag from a spawned chest in middle of PQ area.

    This way, ppl for each tier / level area will have to co-operate for the rewards. And you can repeat doing them till there is no point. (XP/Reward-wise)

    I havent been in this game for very long, but to level 33, the few times i've met up with someone at same tier have been few. And you can also have several different PQ's within the same tier, wich has different difficulty and reward value on the rare's.

    This system would ofcourse force the devs to make a lot of new items, to have as rewards. Depending on how many PQ's and per tier.

    Thou i would just share some of my experiance to this.

    // Bae

  13. #53

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    I dont really like this idea. i guess i dont see how this is improving the game.. leave the loot system as is.. how bout fixing some stuff

    like lag - save money for server upgrades?
    or how bout that shoulder pet pheonix? - loyal player for 2 more years with out it
    how bout new spells? animations?
    customizations for all races?
    new monsters?

    things players have been begging for . for years.

    sorry this is a major rant. but if its not broken. dont fix it.

    -end rant.

  14. #54

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    Quote Originally Posted by AguaRush View Post
    I dont really like this idea. i guess i dont see how this is improving the game.. leave the loot system as is.. how bout fixing some stuff

    like lag - save money for server upgrades?
    or how bout that shoulder pet pheonix? - loyal player for 2 more years with out it
    how bout new spells? animations?
    customizations for all races?
    new monsters?

    things players have been begging for . for years.

    sorry this is a major rant. but if its not broken. dont fix it.

    -end rant.
    I was actually about to type out exactly this... I completely agree, any general improvement to the visual quality of the game. New Spells, new mobs, updated mob meshes, updated player meshes/animations. Anything to improve the experience in general vs the end game. If you can do anything at all to make the experience better for everyone, it'll be to make improvements to things everyone sees through their time playing. Spell effects for dragon spells for example look like they were copy pasted from the firework particle effects, and could use some juicing up. The switch from 2D to 3D coordinates was great, and improves the general experience. We need things like that.

    One idea would be to work out getting most of the rendering of assets done properly by the user's graphics card, vs putting so much processing onto the CPU. My client still gets choppy when I get near any biped settlement that is filled out, and it's not even that much geometry at all. I can play Assassin's Creed on this PC, and the towns have far more geometry during any given visible frame. Though I'd like to see animations improved first.

    I figure even the casual player has a PC that can handle some more detailed content. Put my casual 4870 to work! :P

    Also you guys rock :D

  15. #55

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    -Continued from previous post because edit died while typing... -

    Also new sound effects for many actions would be awesome, a lot of stuff in the game has the same sound effects.

    I'll separate my ideas into sections/paragraphs, so they're easier to follow...


    One idea would be to work out getting most of the rendering of assets done properly by the user's graphics card, vs putting so much processing onto the CPU. My client still gets choppy when I get near any biped settlement that is filled out, and it's not even that much geometry at all. I can play Assassin's Creed on this PC, and the towns have far more geometry during any given visible frame. Though I'd like to see animations improved first.

    I figure even the casual player has a PC that can handle some more detailed content. Put my casual 4870 to work! :P


    Dragon Flying specialization quest lines....

    Something I've been bouncing around in my head as a possible addition for dragons who've put a lot of spec into casting, is mid-air casting/healing. I'm not sure if the 3D coordinates system effects the possibility of this or not, but I know even from the beginning if you fire any spell or attack at something that cannot otherwise shoot back, or path find, it'll run for the hills at a very fast speed. So no worries on dragon casters overlording mobs to avoid damage. Perhaps a fatigue feature even? I imagine a dragon casting and flying at the same time would definitely tire themselves out.

    For those who've put a good amount of points into TnC, they can get surprise/landing bonuses when engaging a mob from the sky after activating an ability. Lets take an imaginary one like "Pounce" for example, you land within 3 meters from your target, the target is stunned by your presence for 5 seconds, if you've not already alerted them. The reward is a little bit of camera shake and a hearty battle roar from your character, looking fierce, or something like that.... which leads me to my next big idea, but we'll get to that in a moment.

    Have it possible for both specializations to be mastered, but only effective when the stat points are allocated to a set amount. Have it in tiers, so for how many points you do have allocated, your spells or flying actions will hit harder, more effectively, and accurately. Say I put some points in both, but not necessarily favoring one or the other, I can get some of the effects from both, but perhaps I fatigue more quickly when air casting, or miss more often, or don't hit as hard. Or if I go for landing effects, they have a greater chance of missing, or perhaps even reversing on me. (Face plant landings do happen! :P )


    Custom character actions. What do I mean? Well, one of the biggest things about making your own character in a game like Istaria, is that you want to make them your own. You want them to feel like they have a place, or a personality in this world. Choosing from a list, much like in games like, Rock Band, for example. You could pick an 'attitude' for your character. Perhaps on completing a battle that attitude might effect the way your character celebrates. Maybe by jumping up and down and shouting, or perhaps your character is chivalrous and takes the solemn subtle bow in respect to their fallen foe, or a simple salute? Even the way your character moves, their body language could be effected by their 'attitude'. How your character attacks with their weapons could vary in some situations like heavy attacks, or special abilities. The way we all feel changes from day to day, maybe we could have you choose how you felt that day, and your character will reflect that. Anything to improve the overall animations and looks of the characters, and make them feel alive.


    Thats all I've got for now, I'll flesh these out with some edits if I can think of more. :P

    Also you guys rock :D

  16. #56

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    This is a great idea and can have better definition. I'm not into removing old content. It important to expand outwards instead of upwards to make total use of what is there. I'm going to spin it, and though this can be implemented for every tier, the focus here will be only on the elder game content:

    Soul Shards introduced and will drop from named mobs as well as high level mobs across Istaria. They are ultra ultra rare, various types and and not bind on pick up. Better chance on named mobs and boss mobs.

    Upon collecting 20 shards of the same type, the player can turn them in to an NPC and receive a reward specific to that type:

    1) Soul Shard Of Socketing x 20 = Scroll of Socketing - upon use (like dye application) will add 5 sockets to a weapon, piece of armor or jewelry in the game, including for example, the Valkor & SoG stuff. (Note that for Armor and Jewelry, only applicable to pieces that can be socketed, including Shields)

    2) Soul Shard Of Health x 20 = Crystal Of Health - Add 200 HP

    Crystal of Power - Adds 100 Power

    Crystal Of Flame - Adds 100 Flame

    Crystal of 2HS...Spirit...Bow...Nature...

    Etc...You get the idea. Expand on this. As you can see ,this here isn't new. Similar coded stuff are already in the game.

    So if Bob the Dragon want a nifty, eldergame content of a claw, he can gather a group to beat down Valkor - collect the pieces - have a crafter make Blood Talon...and then collect these Soul Shards and turn them in for the socket scroll, and crystals to go with.

    He might want the same for the SoG claw, or armor and whatever else these are applicable to, dragonwise. This is just one example on one item for one specific race. Lots of reasons to go kill stuff.

    Basically, we took the old endgame content and enhanced them. The content involves both adventure & crafting, as well as group and solo play and may help Istaria's economy, while bypassing the negatives like camping, etc.

    This obviously isn't for the faint of heart. It's the elder game and such requires that desire shall be met with a sense of perseverance and drive, persistance and patience, and a whole lot of fun.

    I know...lots of people will whine and complain how that's too difficult and blah blah etc...but hey it's new content. Something to do.
    Last edited by Phillip; September 11th, 2011 at 12:32 AM.

  17. #57
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    The purpose of this system isn't entirely clear. Is it to reduce frustration of the players who are having trouble getting the last piece(s) of equipment they need? Is it to introduce a more flexible system of rewards? Is it to introduce an easier way for the developers to add new rewards?

    So, the question is what types of items would you like to see on these vendors? And, if you like the idea of this system at all.
    Q. Would this replace existing epic loot on mobs such as Valkor and Reklar?
    A. Yes, it would. Valkor and Reklar parts would then be sold by the Vendors.
    I dislike the system, because it reduces the 'chrome'. Rewards become generic soul crystals, rather than specific things. The rewards are a kind of money used to buy what you are really after. You are taking richness and making it bland.

    If you are trying to solve the problem of people not being able to get the last part or two that they need, (Valkor or Reklar parts) try this:

    Put in a quest that requires the possession of some of the needed parts. Reward the quest with a token that can be exchanged for the part of the player's choice, so they can get that last part they need. This fixes the problem without introducing blandness or 'money' farming.

    Q. What sort of new spells or techniques?
    A. Tier 6 Spells, Dragon Gift Spells, Enhance Tradeskills, Rare Kicker Techniques, Shock of Ice/Fire/etc, Cleanse greater than Tier 3, etc.
    New stuff is always welcome. But put it in as drops off a boss instead of a vendor item. Exchanging money for stuff is less compelling and interesting than questing for it, except for getting that last part of a set.

    Q. How rare will the Soul Shards be?
    A. Rare, but not impossibly rare. The odds of getting a Soul Shard from a Named Mob will be greater on the more difficult of the Named Mobs.
    I think that introducing another kind of 'money' is a terrible idea. So kill the idea of Soul Shards, except as a quest reward to enable poeple to get that last particular drop in a set.

  18. #58

    Default Re: Talk to the Team: Rare Collectibles

    As it stands, most named mobs don't drop anything other than what the regular mobs drop. I don't care what you put on them, just make it worth having to take the time to kill them when they come rolling through to mess up your day.

    Here's my take on the epic mobs... Most days we aren't out there hunting them. Even on the days when we go out in a pack and lay waste to whatever is roaming around, there's very little reason for me to go other than to support my fellow players. Of course I'm not against that at all but every once in a while it would be nice for me to be able to roll for something that might add up to be useful to me. I don't think the shards are a bad idea. I agree that shards add a "generic coin" feel to the prizes, but I think I'd rather have that than no reason to roll for loot at all.

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