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Thread: Rant About RP.

  1. #1

    Angry Rant About RP.

    This will probably come out passionate and rude, especially if you like to do the very thing about which I am going to rant. So don't read this if you are easily offended, please. I'll try my very berry best to avoid cursing because I don't want to be banned from the forum.

    I'll just start off and say I HATE when people twist their character to be something it literally cannot be. Within the constraints of the world in which we roleplay, that being Istaria, and its varied but set in stone lore, I hate when people create a character that cannot exist. I hate when a dragon decides its khutit form is going to be a teenage human chick with dragon horns and a tail, super duper kawaii, with scale panties. I hate when someone decides their dragon is going to embody the very elements and be constantly spewing lava and ash from every orifice. I hate when people make up cheap explanations as to why this happens - explanations which make no sense, such as that their character "spontaneously evolved" out of nowhere. I hate when people decide that their character is a breed of dragon that doesn't exist in Istaria, I hate when people decide that their character has X and Y and Z powers that don't exist in Istaria, and I hate when people mention things that DON'T EXIST IN ISTARIA, like Asia, and literally the word "Asian" when applied to things, like "Have you ever seen Asian lung dragons? They're so cool!" I hate when people come up with lame excuses for why this is possible, like that their character can magically travel through time and space to other worlds and dimensions. I hate when people bend the confines of a SET in STONE world to fit their stupid, disproportionate, impossible, and completely illogical character just because they want to. In private RP's, fine, do whatever you want - but DON'T bring that out to the public, and DON'T claim that your dragon can become a teenage human with dragon features, and DON'T claim that you're a super-powerful elemental "as strong as a raging Ancient" just because you decided your level 37 adult dragon randomly evolved into a Shadow Dragon/Demon/Lava Elemental/Obsidian Dragon at hatching BECAUSE THAT DOESN'T EXIST OR MAKE ANY SENSE.

    Okay. Rant over. No names named. Just delete this if you really need to. I'm extremely irritated with this going on, and it happens so much that it makes me want to just go to Chaos and stop RPing, because the godmoding and blatant disregard for physics or laws of nature or, hmm, the fact that this ISN'T an anime world and it ISN'T Earth but it is LOGICAL like Earth and generally follows Earth-like chemical laws...

    I just hate Mary Sue characters. I'm so full of rage and irritation right now, I'll probably edit or just delete this later, but I needed to get it off my chest how angry it makes me. I accept some bending of rules, but when you go so far as to claim to be ten times as powerful as you would otherwise be, and to be the "only female in your breed, so all the hot males are always chasing you" (BECAUSE THAT BREED DOESN'T EXIST AND YOU JUST MADE IT UP ON THE SPOT), and that breed happens to be a mix of ten different things that don't exist.... I need to stop now.

    U MAD? YES I AM!

    If you want your character to be powerful, you get to WORK FOR THAT, you get to WORK to get to level 100 and ascend to Ancienthood, you don't get to just DECIDE that you're extremely powerful because you are made of all the elements and are a super special secret breed that is a super special shadow-lava-demon dragon just because you typed those words. *rageface*
    Last edited by Velea; February 5th, 2012 at 11:57 AM. Reason: Moderated to conform to forum rules

  2. #2

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    I agree with your post as far as how frustrating it is to deal with non-cannon dragons, but honestly there does need to be room for some creativity in regards to lore breaking stuff.

    There's tons of creativity out there. Yes, some of it bugs me to no end as I don't believe in whatever trait this dragon is trying to convince me it has, but others I find okay. Others will find what I find okay not okay and so on forever till the end of time ultimately proving that no one person is ever correct or incorrect on what they can and can't do.

    Some of the most interesting dragons I've RPed with had special powers and TBH, when you're on your 9th dragon, it's VERY hard to create a character that's within Istarian lore that isn't like your other 8 characters.

    That level 33 character that didn't 'earn' anything? It's probably someone's 4th or 5th alt and thus their 4th or 5th time PAST level 100.

    Actually that's not a bad RP idea right there and could be a great explanation to some of your woes- who is to say that at level 100, a dragon can be 'reborn' as a level 100, so that level 15 hatchling is 115 RP-wise and can get those super special powers.

    Without them, you can only do so many in-lore story arcs before you have nothing else to do. Let's see,
    Getting Lost or Running Away
    Affair or Bad Mate Choice
    Terrible Injury
    Have Children

    What am I missing? .... anyways the point is, there's like 6 or 7 plot devices that nearly every cannon dragon goes through and that in itself can be boring when you've rinsed and repeated 3 or 4 times and then you're all but forced to use that wacko non cannon stuff you hate so much to stay in the game or face being eternally bored.
    Last edited by Shian; February 5th, 2012 at 03:10 AM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Rant About RP.


    I can see how those kinds of characters can destroy immersion, though if it's not forbidden by the rules of conduct, it's probably not forbidden.

    Take a step back and ask what you're trying to achieve. If you want to get something off your chest, great. If you want to constrain others' RP style to bounds that make sense to you, then not so great -- to do so may be a greater social offense than coming up with 'unrealistic' characters.

    Try to remember that you're not obligated to acknowledge characters that annoy you. It's a lot easier to do and less painful than trying to change someone's impression of what's right and wrong on a subject that's mostly left open to interpretation.
    You can get anything you want in life -- just make a lot of noise and bite the right people.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    I am guilty of the "From a different dimension", but I don't shove it down people's throats.

    My dragon is a traditional AD&D dragon. He was a very powerful wizard (yes, dragon wizard, I know. rare as heck) who was messing around with Planar Portals one day and wound up in this weird world.

    Suddenly, his magic didn't work anymore and he had to re-learn how magic flows in this world. He was able to figure SOME of it out, but not all.

    Thankfully, though, AD&D Red Dragons were quite the physical powerhouses, even if they were mages. So, rather than to continue to be nearly powerless, he took the time to learn how to fight physically, and use whatever magic he could do as a backup. Hence why the character went down the path of the Lunus (especially considering the Lunus views of Naka to be closer to a D&D Red's views against anything non-dragon).

    He's not evil (there's backstory there too), but yet he doesn't really like Naka much at all. And he doesn't openly advertise what he is, as he thinks it is better to just smile and nod while he tries to blend in this strange world, while seeking a way back to his own world.

    He will likely never find it, but meh.

    In the meantime, since he simply abhors Necromancy (again, more backstory there), he fights the Aegis.

    Now is that such a bad character, that you (meaning konikitty) get "infuriated" by it?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    I sympathize, though it's more disheartening to me than rage-inducing. I've been really reluctant to enter Role-Play chat lately for the same reasons. It gets really tiresome always interacting with really out-there characters. I'm playing Istaria; I'd like to RP in something that at least resembles it.

    Honestly, I don't mind the extra-planar characters so much as I mind the ones that, to use Dhalin's words, "shove it down peoples' throats." I don't think it's really logical that these beings that don't actually belong are so open about their origins, especially considering that Istarians are getting a lot of trouble from other extra-planar visitors. x3 This goes doubly for people playing things that are supposedly evil or demonic. Why would you ever just talk about that openly in public?

    A lot of the time, my strategy ends up being that my character doesn't believe what the out-there characters claim to be. That sort of RP just gets old once I've done it ten times though.
    Last edited by Raptress; February 5th, 2012 at 03:39 AM.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  6. #6

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    1. OP: my sympathies. Mary Sues, god-moders, and people who don't want to use the setting they're in are absolutely frustrating. They're always there anytime you don't have someone with ultimate power to enforce the setting/lore-- but when they're coupled with a very tiny pool of available RPers, they get really hard to avoid.

    2. Shian: this is probably related to my unrelenting tendency to be subversively ordinary, but I've always considered a short list of tired out themes a double dog dare to breathe life back into them or else find something better to do. Granted, I'm also a weirdo who can't figure out how to make story arcs happen, and I find just RPing my characters under "normal" circumstances to be very entertaining as I'm fascinated by the mundane-- so maybe my opinion shouldn't be trusted. (But really, I'd write you a better story in a heartbeat. The things I can do with details!)

    3. Steelclaw: I suspect the frustration here stems from the fact that if you want to RP Istaria, just Istaria, you basically have no options. Telling other players "no you can't RP that!" is both a jerk move and doesn't work. If some people do the "quietly out of the way" other-ness like Dhalin mentioned, it's not perfect but you can find opportunities to have fun anyways. Unfortunately, most people sail straight past "unobtrusive" into "flame jets, neon signs, and a screaming guitar solo as they ramp the truck over a shark tank". At which point your best option is to pull a Raptress and ICly have your character refuse to believe anything that strange, but when the bulk of your interactions end up being a "no, a demon-vampire-blightbeast-netherstalker-demigod wouldn't be parading around in public bragging about how many people they ate this month" it gets tiring.

    4. Dhalin: I'm still mildly disappointed that you'd put the effort into making a non-Istaria character, but that's certainly not bad. I could see Thickle ICly interacting with that without any Raptressing (that's the term for it now, so says me) and/or me facepalming OOCly. By this server's standards, that's championship quality.

    5. *Hands Raptress a "Well I'd enter Role-Play chat except I can't even spectate without going 'WHAAAAT?!'" badge.*

    6. Full disclaimer: I've been considering ranting about this myself for... ages. Instead I've mostly been quietly bitter. Because I want to RP with people who at least ballpark the setting-- Dhalin-close or better-- AND I don't RP with people playing illogically openly-evil characters, sooooo that leaves... who? Apparently all the other people who are going to chime in with sympathy for the OP, although I don't know who they are yet and they don't know about me, so for now we are like so many ships passing in the dark.

    7. LungTien, yes I know you keep offering and I appreciate it! You're totally excused from this discussion. You rock, go be adorable in New Tris as your hatchie or something.

    10. And in case I didn't make it clear: I don't want to stop anybody's RP. You want to RP a werewolf-dragon with magical star powers? Go for it. The problem is that I want to RP this setting, and you don't. And RP tends to work best if we can stick to one general setting/universe-- unless you go for some kind of multi/crossover universe. Which you can do, but again, that's not Istaria. So RP whatever you want, but please do your RPing in the right setting.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thicklesip View Post
    ... without any Raptressing (that's the term for it now, so says me) ...
    *is honored.* xD


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  8. #8

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    To me it's a foregone conclusion that most of the "RP" community in this game amounts to a demented circus. I stay out of it, happily limiting myself to the company of a specific few. I am elitist and clique-ish and I see no problem with that at all.

    When I started roleplaying on Star Trek RPG forums in 2003, I was horrible. My main character epitomized "Mary Sue" in every way and my other characters were not much better. I clearly remember everything about that time: what I was thinking, how I felt, and how no one rejected or even really chastised me.

    By 2005 I had improved enough that when I started roleplaying in an MMO for the first time, I had no desire to play a character that wasn't totally normal and lore-abiding. This was a miracle. I have no idea how it happened despite the aforementioned clarity of my memory of this stuff. I guess I just matured naturally. I realized at some point, too, that the Star Trek RPG forums I had frequented had relatively low standards: all of them were fundamentally flawed in their separation, or lack thereof, between certain elements of IC and OOC (for example, character rank and player "rank"/responsibilities were almost always tied together).

    I detest the RP I did in my early days and resent the fact that no one had the generosity to try to correct my antics. I learned nothing from the Star Trek roleplayers by participating with them. It was only when I stopped actively roleplaying with them and retreated to more of an observational and administrative position that I began to improve.

    In my mind every concept has a value. Like a number, but not one I could solidify into a written number. The sum of a person's skills in a particular endeavor is a value. Values, necessarily, can be compared against each other. There is no way in my mind that one person's roleplay cannot be superior to others' and, at the same time, inferior to...other-others'. There is no way I cannot acknowledge that my RP is pretty high on the ladder and that there are few in Istaria whose RP is better.

    Why all the self-centered rambling, Xoshara? Simply because I thought it might be somewhat worthwhile to share a potentially unusual perspective on this topic. To admit what a terrible roleplayer I used to be and at the same time point out that that doesn't make me sympathetic to people who think it's a brilliant idea to play a half-dragon half-Saris character with feathery wings (in other words: "mighty dragon!" + "kawaii catgirl!" + ...random bird? angel?). Or that it's a brilliant idea to name their hatchling dragon Ragedog Miller (I made up that name--there are real character names in the current community that are actually much more ridiculous).
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  9. #9

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Konikitty, I understand your frustration, when characters don't totally fit with Istaria's existing lore. But this lore isn't much detailed and deep, so some people get a bit out of its existing lines. While it doesn't mean they can do space winged hamsters, stuff like that, don't forget that you don't have to acknowledge these characters in RP, and you aren't forced to have your character interact with them.

    Now, if a character's appearance or background is a bit too 'big', we can still try and start a talk with the related player, and keeping a soft, polite and respectful tone. Once, I did that with a player wanting to RP no less than a god, another time, a player was plannning to have his character come from a unknown society of millions of dragons. I talked with them softly and convinced them to change these parts in a more proper way, and it went well. Not everyone perfectly knows what is RP, including me at the beginning, but with friendly help and advices they can learn and become nice RPers.

    I was there when some ICly talked about asian lungs, and I though they may not know everything of RP. They still can be softly greeted and then, told that 'lung' isn't a known word in Istaria, not more than everything about Asia. My ancient is called LungTien, but I consider it as a name, away from usual definitions and translations. So, Konikitty, when it happens, take a deep breath and try solving the matter softly, or just let it be and don't acknowledge ICly the related characters, without disrespecting the player(s) OoCly.

    Nobody's ideas and views can please everyone, in RP like in everything else, and ones may not share one another's idea and view of Istaria. As I said before, tolerance is the key.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    To OP:

    I would like to take this time to give a brief summary of my own character as played on Istaria. There is a point to this.. please bear with me.

    Quote Originally Posted by History of Valareos
    A single egg, stolen from its nest, was brought to the Dark Elves of Neriak. Inside, the hatchling who would be known as Valareos, began his escape into the real world. His time as a dragon, however, was short lived as the dark magics of the elves changed him into one of them. He began to learn the art of Enchantment, in an attempt to reclaim what he knew was his He spent years in the land of Norrath, working for those who had stolen him. Even at a young age, he proved himself to be a leader, being in charge of a group known as the Protectors of Neriak, then being an officer in a the much more prestigious Dark Defiant Warriors. All his work however, was about to pay off, for he had found a spell to reclaim his lost soul.

    The spell took him away from Norrath to a place known as Istaria, and upon arriving, the spells the Dark Elves hd casted upon him were gone as well, faded away as the magics of one world took over from another. He was finally in his draconic form... although a bit strange. He always saw himself as a red, but here he was, a hatchling, with platinum scales and red underbelly, a mystery he could not explain. He grew within this world, happilly, becoming an adult and flying over the land. Yet, he still felt like there was more to know, more to learn. With his dual coloring, he yearned to find his parentage, to know who he truly was. With the help of a few mages, a portal was created with his own energies, linking to his place of origin. He expected to arrive back at Norrath, But this was not the case. This land, was a new land.

    A castle upon the sea line, ruled by an Orcan ruler named KIng Aqua was not the place he thought he would appear. Yet here he was, and still retaining his true draconic form... and surrounded by guards. He was quickly taken away to the dungeon, and left for three days before King Aqua himself arrived. The choice given: Be killed, or become a knight of Atlantean Keep. He could have fought his way out, but this idea intrigued him. a Dragon, as a knight of a kingdom. He accepted, and quickly had risen in ranks. Within just a few years, his ability on the battlefield both flying and on the ground with a sword proved to be without equal. His true test came when a rival kingdom stole the princess, and demanded what could not be given. Sir Valareos challenged them to a fight... they chose their champion, and they chose the rules.

    This was concidered laughable by the rival kingdom, but they accepted, and did everything they could to pit the battle against Valareos. In the end, Valareos and the opposing champion fought to a standstill, both fighters falling after giving a near fatal blow to eachother. Out of respect, the rival kingdom returned the princess, and Valareos was promoted to Knight Protectorate, and given the title of Lord. His actions, however, also caught the eye of another, who, unknown to Valareos, was watching.

    Not long after, the king and his royal host seemed to disappear, leaving the castle feeling like a ghost town. Intent to continue his job, he sealed off the castle to protect from looters, and opened up the watchtower, keeping an eye with the remaining knights on the lands. Time passed, and those who used to seek out Atlantean Keep were seeing Lord Valareos as the true ruler. Valareos did nothing to change that view, it made dealing with neighboring kingdoms easier. King Aqua did return one day, and in a fit of rage, stripped Valareos of his status and sent him away. He had no where to go, having built a bit of a life for himself. This was when fate seemed to smile... Eliphas Runesword, a platinum dragon appeared with news that shocked him. Valareos was the missing child of the clutch of Teiwaz Runesword and Terilanna the Red, and Eliphas was there to take him home.

    Finally, his home, and to find his lineage was that of a god! Son of Tiewaz Runesword, Grandson of Eliphas Runesword, Great-Grandson of Bahamut. Or, this was the story told. He felt more alive than he had in a long time, and blindly followed the rules of the Runesword, after all, was he not in line to inherit the leadership of the clan? He was being caught, however, in a circle of deciet created by that which followed the ideas of "good" to the point where it was an evil act. In this time, he became close to the teachings of Tiamat, and more and more drifted aways from the ideals of "Ultimate Good". It came to a head when the Dark Rune, described as the Shadow of Eliphas, appeared. Valareos took the view that to get rid of Dark Rune, then Eliphas must die. He was stripped of his position in the clan soon after his attempt.

    Running from the Clan, Valareos took back his original name of Draconrouge and sought refuge in a nearby kingdom, hoping to escape his father's wrath. This led him to the Kingdom of Caladar, where once more, he rose quickly in the ranks. He was always watching his tail, however, and looking for oppertunities. When an assassination against the rulers was carried out, Valareos quickly killed the offender, and took over leadership of the kingdom. The kingdom was his, now, and he began to defend against the armies of the Runeswords that were to come against him. His first task was to the Temple of Tiamat, offering the platinum side of his soul for protection. This offering was gladly taken, the soul used to make an orb of Platinum dragon control, which exists still somewhere deep in the confines of the old City of Caladar, which was burned to the ground at the final battle.

    On top of the ruins of Caladar, Valareos built a new kingdom: the Kingdom of Drecanis. His vision is for a kingdom ruled by dragons, a place where all dragon kind, no matter their color, can live in peace. This invitation has been extended to dragon kin, dragonriders, and any who are willing to swear allegance to Drecanis. In Drecanis however, the dragons are the ruling class, all others must work their way to earn the respect of dragonkind. Valareos, as Elder of Drecanis, carries the Sword of Drecanis, which uses the elements of Good, Neutral, and Evil to represent all Dragons. This is the end of the history, but the beginning of the future.
    Ok, so what was the point of that exposition? 2 points:

    1: To OP-Not every character that is non-standard non-canon is obnoxious, over powered, god mode characters as you seem to describe. Some of us take our rp seriously and give ourselves self imposed limits on what we can or can not do in a world, even if our character is from another. Please take this in consideration when you rant about "non-canon" players

    2: To those the OP Refer to- I'm NOT on your side! If you want to play a non-canon character not conforming to Lore, get OFF of the order server! Order is, and rightfully so, supposed to be an RP server based off of Istarian Lore! If you want to RP anything else, make a character on Chaos. Yes That's right, you can RP on Chaos! and no one will care you dont conform to Istarian Lore! Lord knows we need more enthusiastic rpers wanting to have a bit of freedom of RP over here!

    I am a Roleplaying Dragon on Chaos and I approve this message
    Last edited by Valareos; February 5th, 2012 at 09:19 AM.
    Horizons Crafting Calculator Update Team Member
    Code Name: Webdragon
    SysAdmin, Head Developer

  11. #11

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    I understand you too, Raptress, like everyone, you have the right to not acknowledge some characters not fitting with your views, and to enter public or private RP as you want. But from what I know, some characters with which you interact with yours aren't 100% istarian neither, having furry manes, mammalian ears,...). Don't get me wrong, I am fine with it, and will be as long as people with or with 'not 100%' istarian characters tolerate others in this situation, whether they want to interact ICly or not.

    After, these differences don't allow godmoding, and I agree with the idea they shouldn't be so much open with their origins.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    To me it's a foregone conclusion that most of the "RP" community in this game amounts to a demented circus. I stay out of it, happily limiting myself to the company of a specific few. I am elitist and clique-ish and I see no problem with that at all.
    This is your opinion of most of the RP community.

    To not share others' views of Istaria and RP doesn't mean we can't stay polite, soft and respectful. If some don't want to interact with that part of the community, better to try and help in friendly way, or just stay outside, rather than just complain or criticize. I'm not pointing at specific people here, just talking as a whole.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    When I started roleplaying on Star Trek RPG forums in 2003, I was horrible. My main character epitomized "Mary Sue" in every way and my other characters were not much better. I clearly remember everything about that time: what I was thinking, how I felt, and how no one rejected or even really chastised me.
    I admit I was a bad RPer too, not knowing RP enough to do it properly at the beginning... it led to bad experiences with some players and I regret having bothered some players. Now I think I have become, with time and experience, at least a proper RPer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    I detest the RP I did in my early days and resent the fact that no one had the generosity to try to correct my antics. I learned nothing from the Star Trek roleplayers by participating with them. It was only when I stopped actively roleplaying with them and retreated to more of an observational and administrative position that I began to improve.
    There are still better ways to help a new RPer learning to RP, between the two extremes that are total silence and full demand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    In my mind every concept has a value. Like a number, but not one I could solidify into a written number. The sum of a person's skills in a particular endeavor is a value. Values, necessarily, can be compared against each other. There is no way in my mind that one person's roleplay cannot be superior to others' and, at the same time, inferior to...other-others'. There is no way I cannot acknowledge that my RP is pretty high on the ladder and that there are few in Istaria whose RP is better.
    I personally don't like the idea of superior/inferior RPs, while it is based on opinions and tastes, not facts. We may like, for example, a book that is far from a bestseller, and we may not really like a book who has been sold by millions and millions, just because it isn't the style we prefer (s-f, romance,....). And disliking a RP character or style doesn't mean we don't have to try and be nice and respectful with the related player.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    Why all the self-centered rambling, Xoshara? Simply because I thought it might be somewhat worthwhile to share a potentially unusual perspective on this topic. To admit what a terrible roleplayer I used to be and at the same time point out that that doesn't make me sympathetic to people who think it's a brilliant idea to play a half-dragon half-Saris character with feathery wings (in other words: "mighty dragon!" + "kawaii catgirl!" + ...random bird? angel?). Or that it's a brilliant idea to name their hatchling dragon Ragedog Miller (I made up that name--there are real character names in the current community that are actually much more ridiculous).
    RP skills aren't the primary thing I look at to judge a person OoCly in Istaria, personally. I may not share one's RP views, it doesn't mean the player, OoCly, can't show he/she is a nice person. Skilled RPers can still try and help new/less skilled ones to RP better, or just stay away, without being OoCly condescending and cold. Again, I am not pointing on anyone here, just talking as a whole and expressing my thoughs.

    About the names, they are fine if they aren't frowned upon by most of the community, and also if, while they wouldn't be much fitting for RP, have been given to their characters by people who don't plan to RP with them. Names are also a matter of tastes, though I don't think a player having chosen "xbrvttmpsrdt bncssdrtphkd", sort of (yes I have seen one with this name twice), was planning to bring a character with that kind of name in RP : p .
    Last edited by LungTien Temeraire; February 5th, 2012 at 10:22 AM.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Valareos View Post
    2: To those the OP Refer to- I'm NOT on your side! If you want to play a non-canon character not conforming to Lore, get OFF of the order server! Order is, and rightfully so, supposed to be an RP server based off of Istarian Lore! If you want to RP anything else, make a character on Chaos. Yes That's right, you can RP on Chaos! and no one will care you dont conform to Istarian Lore! Lord knows we need more enthusiastic rpers wanting to have a bit of freedom of RP over here!
    So, you are telling to half, if not 2/3 of the Order shard's RPers, to leave it? Lore on Istaria isn't detailed and lenghty enough to cover everything, and many RPers, experienced and older ones as well as new ones, have not totally in-lore characters. It is fine as long as people with characters more or less in-lore don't try and deny others the right to do the same, and as long as they haven(y issues with most of the RP community and they haven't space giant chicken or godlike,... characters. Order shard is already less populated than Chaos. Trying to chase people away from a server to bring them in another isn't right.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    no excuse..but maybe an explanation:

    What I feel is that we have a lot of VERY young new players in Istaria..
    Some of them ( I know them and love to play with them, rp too) mature
    and knowledge seekers, others..uhh..not so mature.

    I mean the following very friendly and NOT cynically:
    Let them play in their kindergarden, whatever they want to play.
    And look for rp with folks of your kind
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    4. Dhalin: I'm still mildly disappointed that you'd put the effort into making a non-Istaria character, but that's certainly not bad. I could see Thickle ICly interacting with that without any Raptressing (that's the term for it now, so says me) and/or me facepalming OOCly. By this server's standards, that's championship quality.
    I came to Istaria with my Online GF, she said "hey I found this awesome game you can *play as a dragon*! Come play, make sure you roll on the Order shard!"

    Well, Order turned out to be the Roleplay server. So here, I'm sitting looking at the screen while making my character, I'm thinking to myself "Eh, if I end up RPing with anybody I need a character and a backstory, right?" So I start sifting through some of the game's general lore, but to be honest, at the time I didn't have time to read novels of it (I'm quite sure there's lots I still haven't heard of yet floating out there somewhere).

    Rather than end up with some character that was made when the player didn't know half the lore, I went this route instead. The character would have an actual IC reason to not know the world history and if pressed about it, he would just give an amnesia response or something as to why he didn't know (insert important piece of lore here).

    But now that I know some peeps on Order, I'm not about to server move my character (especially not when I've got a lair too) just because I created his backstory back when I didn't know much of the lore behind the game and didn't really have time to read all the novels of lore, lol.

    That might sound lazy, but then at the time, I had lots of hours at work and when I was home, I tended to want to get right into a game instead of doing lots of pre-reading, and if I'm going to RP, I want to RP -right- instead of making a character with lots of fallacies because I didn't know the lore well enough.

    That, and this character has existed in other games and settings too, this isn't a character I made just for Istaria -- this is some sort of side-story or perhaps a dream he has one night; he exists in another text-based RP area as a different name.

    I've been RPing as this character in that text-based area for nearly 10 years now, so he's got plenty of backstory, personality, etc. They just don't necessarily fit in with Istaria, but then like I said, other than a few personality quirks you wouldn't likely Know that if I hadn't told you upfront OOCly.

    The reason why you call it "championship quality" is likely because I come from (or, rather, frequent) a text-based RP place. Pure Text, no fancy game behind it. Everyone there was there purely for the RP and that's all there is to do in that place. RP. Your average newbie who tries Istaria? They're probably more interested in the game and its mechanics than they are the RP; it is probably a side-thing to them.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    as long as they haven(y issues
    "as long as they haven't any issues"*

  17. #17

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    So, you are telling to half, if not 2/3 of the Order shard's RPers, to leave it? Lore on Istaria isn't detailed and lenghty enough to cover everything, and many RPers, experienced and older ones as well as new ones, have not totally in-lore characters. It is fine as long as people with characters more or less in-lore don't try and deny others the right to do the same, and as long as they haven(y issues with most of the RP community and they haven't space giant chicken or godlike,... characters. Order shard is already less populated than Chaos. Trying to chase people away from a server to bring them in another isn't right.
    You seem to misunderstand. There is the Lore, but there is gaps in the lore. Any character that uses the Lore as a basis for their character and is creative in filling in blanks is just fine. Order does have room for creativity, but my comments were directed at those to whom the OP was mentioning, characters who are so far out side the accepted standard as to be illogical, unexplainable, or impossible given the intent of Order as to cause grief among other players. If people have to make a choice to IGNORE your character because it is outside the minimum standard set by VI for that server, then yes, they should seriously consider moving to chaos

    So lets review this shall we? this is a simplification of the RULES of the RP servers

    1: Names can not be phrases, Copywrited, and Must fit in with the fantasy/Medieval Theme. So an example gave as a dragon named Ragedog Miller may not be acceptable, but naming the same dragon Harnpong Maelir would be (Harnpong meaning Ragedog in the Drecanis dialect of Draconic)

    2: When in public channels, always speak in character. Too many are using the brackets (( )) in public chat for OOC. Istarian law is clear on this.. take it to private

    3: The communication in public chat channels while on the role-playing shard must be appropriate to the high fantasy atmosphere found in the Istaria roleplaying world Exact, word to word phrasing.. Your character communicating in public channels MUST be appropriate to the Istarian RP world, which is determined by the lore! Privately, do what you want. Publicly? you MUST conform to lore when it is possible to do so. I was removed from Order long ago for this VERY reason, though I was playing a character who i was claiming came from Norrath as a continuation of a character I started in EQ and moved to Istaria when I first started playing Horizons, even though it was character history, and in Rp explained I was bound by the laws of the universe I was in.

    In summary, My comments were directed at those the OP was complaining about, and my reasonings for this is outlined in Istaria's RP Policy. It is thus acceptable to play in any form you wish on order, as long as details which are not compatable with istarian lore or do not seek to explain things not covered in the lore are kept to private RP
    Horizons Crafting Calculator Update Team Member
    Code Name: Webdragon
    SysAdmin, Head Developer

  18. #18

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Wait a moment... these rules are old and not really known nor followed by many Order RPers, and starting to go with them would force many many RPers, some of which are RPing in this shard for years, to move out because they aren't fully in-lore. And, since I started playing Istaria, since end of 2008, I haven't ever seen anyone bothered by (OoC chatting) in public channels. Some are only IC, but they chose to do so and noone tried to enforce IC talk only, on public channels.

    And, as I said, if a character is too much out of Istaria, whatever the reason, we can still try and talk with them respectfully and softly to try and find with them a way to make the character a bit more in line, without trying to enforce and command anything.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    Wait a moment... these rules are old and not really known nor followed by many Order RPers
    And that, my friend, is why you are having so much trouble on order. The rules never needed changing/updating because they were good, solid rules that are STILL in use. In fact, they are listed quite clearly on the community main site under Roleplay policy. If they are not known nor followed by those who are on a RP server, it proves my point that your issues there are a result of years of turning a blind eye to the QUALITY of the RP in favor of QUANITY.
    Horizons Crafting Calculator Update Team Member
    Code Name: Webdragon
    SysAdmin, Head Developer

  20. #20

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Valareos View Post
    And that, my friend, is why you are having so much trouble on order. The rules never needed changing/updating because they were good, solid rules that are STILL in use. In fact, they are listed quite clearly on the community main site under Roleplay policy. If they are not known nor followed by those who are on a RP server, it proves my point that your issues there are a result of years of turning a blind eye to the QUALITY of the RP in favor of QUANITY.
    I'd accept to get under these rules yes, but the question is, how many others would do the same? is removing half if not 2/3 of the RPers' characters from the shard's RP due to not being under these rules, the good solution? or is it to show tolerance and just choose to interact or not, ICly, with other players' characters?

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