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Thread: Rant About RP.

  1. #61

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    I'd loved to have seen it like that. I bet you have a lot of awesome stories... I feel like the new kid on the block going O_O at the seniors as they dispense how awesome their high school was before -I- got there.

    Just as an analogy.

    I'm totally not calling you old.

    I can remenisce about vanilla Warcraft and the original Runescape xD The latter of which was, uh.... very.... very 'wanting' in RP.


  2. #62

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Hi, I wanted to throw in my 2 copper on this topic. Having been on Order for a few years, an extended absence included. I truly enjoyed lurking and reading RP when it was done with a bit of expertise. It really is a story unfolding before your very eyes. A story as vivid as any of today's cinematic so called masterpieces. My objection and often times has me changing channels as fast as I do in RL when a program come on that I despise, is the kissy, huggy spittle dripping sugary sweet drivel that is sometimes used as an excuse for RP. If I was forced into this type of RP I think my dragon would request another long sleep rather than leave the Order server.

    Another example of RP elitism, was the running off of Seph. and this was due in part to him staying in RP char in all chats...weird for a RP server...yes?

    I love that Ssilmath stays in char, he did shock me by pm'ing me out of char.

    My point is if there is no room on this server for different RP styles then it should not be called a RP server but something that in the name itself mandates what type and how much or little RP can be used.

  3. #63

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    It is sad Sepiranoth left but in this shard, ones has perfectly right to choose between staying always IC in public and useing OoC in public. Staying IC everytime isn't weird for a RP server.
    There is place for different RP styles in this shard's public RP, and I don't think it would work long if everyone was RPing the same way in a single style : p

  4. #64

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    It is sad Sepiranoth left but in this shard, ones has perfectly right to choose between staying always IC in public and useing OoC in public. Staying IC everytime isn't weird for a RP server.
    There is place for different RP styles in this shard's public RP, and I don't think it would work long if everyone was RPing the same way in a single style : p
    I believe that it was less that Sephiranoth was IC everywhere that was the problem, and more that he would take absolutely everything as IC. It was impossible to check with a couple players OOCly about something without having Sephiranoth respond to it in an IC manner. An example is logging into RP and asking the channel OOCly who's active in the area so you can make a better detailed enterance post (rather than having your character enter completely blind and oblivious to who's also in the area). I don't have a problem with being IC everywhere, but I do have a problem with simply assuming everything is IC (such as simply being in a channel implies your character is actually there, or absolutely everything the player says is said by the character).
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  5. #65

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Then you could still take the OoC things in tells if you prefer, or just not read Sephiranoth's replies.

  6. #66

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    Then you could still take the OoC things in tells if you prefer, or just not read Sephiranoth's replies.
    You can go ahead and /tell the 35 people in a channel to ask if their character is IC or not, I'm just going to ask in the channel. :P Personally, I just had Akrion assume Sephiranoth was crazy and talking to himself, but my point for why people might have gotten tired of it still stands.
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  7. #67

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    That was why he left? some asked him to stop and change?

  8. #68

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by LungTien Temeraire View Post
    That was why he left? some asked him to stop and change?
    I never said that anybody asked him to change, nor did I provide any reasons for him leaving, where did those questions even come from? :B
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  9. #69

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    I wondered, having read people might have gotten tired of seeing him take everything IC. Those questions came from here.

  10. #70
    Join Date
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    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    If someone flatout told him to stop or change, I wasn't there to see it. I will agree though that there is a difference between simply being IC all the time and taking things meant as OOC in an IC manner. It's incredibly irritating when someone is doing that on purpose, because what someone says OOC can sometimes be the opposite of what the actual character might say. That's even besides such actions messing with currently happening RP. It's impossible for me to try to RP with someone who is responding IC to OOC remarks.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  11. #71

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptress View Post
    If someone flatout told him to stop or change, I wasn't there to see it. I will agree though that there is a difference between simply being IC all the time and taking things meant as OOC in an IC manner. It's incredibly irritating when someone is doing that on purpose, because what someone says OOC can sometimes be the opposite of what the actual character might say. That's even besides such actions messing with currently happening RP. It's impossible for me to try to RP with someone who is responding IC to OOC remarks.
    You got a point.

  12. #72

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    My point was that someone who was RP'ing was made to feel unwelcome RP'ing on a RP server. What I see is that everyone here has their own idea of what is or is not RP or is or is not their style of RP.

    Can't we all just get along?

  13. #73
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    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Things annotated as OOC are expressly meant to not be RP. It's very hard to RP with someone that is responding in RP that something you said OOC was something said in RP, by your character. At best, you can only just ignore what was said in reference to something OOC. I'm sorry that he felt unwelcomed, but what he was doing was essentially putting words in characters' mouth that they were never meant to have said. That puts people off, and I don't think that someone expressing that someone else's actions are bothering them is wrong in and of itself.

    People need to remember too, that asking others to be accommodating of their ideas is not a one-way street. There has to be give and take.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  14. #74

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptress View Post
    Things annotated as OOC are expressly meant to not be RP. It's very hard to RP with someone that is responding in RP that something you said OOC was something said in RP, by your character. At best, you can only just ignore what was said in reference to something OOC. I'm sorry that he felt unwelcomed, but what he was doing was essentially putting words in characters' mouth that they were never meant to have said. That puts people off, and I don't think that someone expressing that someone else's actions are bothering them is wrong in and of itself.

    People need to remember too, that asking others to be accommodating of their ideas is not a one-way street. There has to be give and take.
    I'm not trying to be obtuse but, is the Dragon channel RP? or not unless labeled as RP?

    From what I understood at the time, Dragon channel was RP 24/7. The dragon channel was where Seph stayed in char and was given a hard time.

    Players that stay in character in market channel are opening themselves up be ridiculed and made to feel unwelcome if they stay in their RP character?


    Players who are in character on a RP server in a designated RP channel can also be made to feel unwelcome as well, if depending on the context of what was going on at the time?


    Think I will just keep out of the channels, way safer.

  15. #75

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    People who are intolerant to how others play will always BE intolerant no matter what one thinks the room is "suppose" to be for.

    People who let intolerant people be the boss have only themselves to blame.

    Dragon has always been a BOTH channel (RP and NONRP - IC and OOC) and one is normally expected to differentiate between the two if they are talking in the channel. (Dragon was created originally for purely OOC interactions, the acceptance of RP in the channel was always just that - acceptance. RP friendly..if you will. But its original purpose was OOC discussion).

    So the way it worked when it worked best - people who were IC were allowed to stay in IC and they didnt get snarky if someone made an OOC comments without brakets. People who were OOC stayed OOC and the IC people didnt snark, they just paid attention. The really nice OOC people used brakets whenever there was an IC thing playing out.

    People Being Nice and Respectful.

    When its at its worst - one team or the other tries to overtake the channel and make anyone doing anything else unwelcome by constantly snarking and correcting everyone. Ths is when the channel becomes dead and peole on the server start dropping off and getting sick of everyone.

    When really, if they just abided by basic politeness - all are welcome.

    But no, Dragon was never meant as a pure IC/RP channel - if anyone was trying to make it so they were putting THEIR expectations on what was always before an OOC channel (a place where dragons could ask game questinos of other dragonsto be able to figure out how to play and where to find stuff and such as that).

    Kinda like Marketplace was never meant as a pure RP channel either. New Player, Dragon Chat, Marketlplace - all are/were ooc accepting because their purpose was to assist and help.
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  16. #76
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mimir View Post
    I'm not trying to be obtuse but, is the Dragon channel RP? or not unless labeled as RP?

    From what I understood at the time, Dragon channel was RP 24/7. The dragon channel was where Seph stayed in char and was given a hard time.

    Players that stay in character in market channel are opening themselves up be ridiculed and made to feel unwelcome if they stay in their RP character?


    Players who are in character on a RP server in a designated RP channel can also be made to feel unwelcome as well, if depending on the context of what was going on at the time?


    Think I will just keep out of the channels, way safer.
    Wait, what? When did I ever say that ridiculing someone was okay? It isn't. Everyone is welcome to RP in whatever manner they wish, but everyone else is also welcome to not engage with someone's particular style of RP if it clashes with their own. I also think there is nothing wrong with telling someone that what they're doing is bothering you. That is not the same as mocking them for it.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  17. #77

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    I'd also like to point out that RP servers don't imply "As long as it's RP it's alright"; It implies that you can find other like-minded players who RP the game world you're playing on. It also implies that RP is taken more seriously and because of that RP servers are typically more critical on RP.

    Using the argument of "My point was that someone who was RP'ing was made to feel unwelcome RP'ing on a RP server." suggests that I could, for example, go to an RP server on WoW and should be welcomed by everybody even if I RP as a pony piloting a space ship simply because I'm RPing on an RP server (when in reality it just means I would likely be more unwelcome than I would be on a non-RP server).
    Avatar is of my character Akrion, snipped from Hrae's Hoard of Creatures by the excellent moss loving artist Nambroth. <3

  18. #78

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    (Sephiranoth IS Sephiranoth.
    There is no IC or OOC- there is only him and his wisdom and love.
    He plays in a class only a very few can compare with, here in Istaria.
    I shall always love and adore him for what he presented me with.
    And what I learned from him- not only about rp.
    *bows low to Sephiranoth-missing him and wishing to hear his voice again*)
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  19. #79

    Question Re: Rant About RP.

    Hmm, I don't know if it had been tried, but, while Sephiranoth took everything ICly, whether it was OoC or IC, what about doing a similar thing with him and consider his IC replies to OoC posts as OoC? so it might solve the issue when it occurs?

  20. #80

    Default Re: Rant About RP.

    Likely because most people feel they shouldn't have to constantly maneuver around another's play-style. It can be frustrating and tiring.

    There is nothing wrong with Sephiranoth or anyone being in a permanent IC state if that's how they decide they want to play, but they shouldn't impose themself on someone who is blatantly OOC or hasn't even said anything in the channel yet. If what someone says is marked in brackets or otherwise clearly OOC, don't respond. Save your statements for someone who you KNOW is IC and will be happy to receive them.

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