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Thread: Thinking about unsubbing.

  1. #1

    Default Thinking about unsubbing.

    ....I dunno, just, once I got past all the crashes and glitches and other issues... it occured to me... the system is broke.

    There is a difference between a difficult, highly challenging game.... and a shattered bunch of scripting all Frankensteined into a mediocre working pile. There's just too much wrong with the game that keeps me from wanting to pay for it.

    Which means I will likely stay on a free account, but there's no way I want to keep paying just for a couple of benefits when said benefits are purely for vanity purposes. I enjoy the community more than I enjoy the game. I love RPing with you guys, it's great fun. But I can do that without paying for the game.

    So... yeh, I think I'll be cutting off my subscription... it just isn't worth paying for... and the makers of the game obviously do not care about fixing it up or anything, they seem more than willing to let it die out. No doubt everyone playing the game with a subscription, no matter how diehard, are just cleaning the lint out of some guy's back pocket and putting in change like a parking meter. The devs wouldn't care if someone ran it over, because... they have other methods for making a living. It's just my personal opinion that they don't care for the game anymore, and it really shows when playing through it. So, if they don't care, why should I?

    I have a few things to sort out, RP-wise... where my dragon characters will go, and all that. It's a little sad, but... I do not want to pay 15 bucks a month just to roleplay.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Thinking about unsubbing.

    I am sad to hear your technical issues haven't been solved, Kryodrache... *hugs "I still hope they will be, soon.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Thinking about unsubbing.

    Oh, it's not just the tech issues... it's the game itself! There are serious scripting issues that make the game less of a game and more of an ordeal trying to find the fun in it.


  4. #4
    Member Sigi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Chaos (Unity (Ice))

    Default Re: Thinking about unsubbing.

    This is really more something for the rant part of the forum.
    It is totally unclear for me what you are talking about except that you don't want to pay for this game.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Thinking about unsubbing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigi View Post
    This is really more something for the rant part of the forum.
    It is totally unclear for me what you are talking about except that you don't want to pay for this game.
    Well... it's not in the rants because, frankly... it isn't a rant. I didn't feel like explaining everything reasoning for my urge to unsub, because it'd just feel like a waste of time. I merely felt like informing my buddies that I'll most likely not be around as a dragon, anymore.

    I'm talking about the game as a whole. Gameplay, tech issues. Everything combined. That's why, nothing fancy.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Thinking about unsubbing.

    I understand, Kryodrache. I understand and empathize very much.

    Glad you'll stay with us on a free account at least. On one hand, Virtrium relies entirely on our attachment to our characters and our plots/lairs in order to stay afloat. On the other hand, I have been through the "I can't stand to pay these people anymore" phase and eventually emerged on the other side: "I don't care to let their behavior dictate whether and how I enjoy the game and my friends who are still playing."
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  7. #7

    Default Re: Thinking about unsubbing.

    sad to hear, but understand and i agree with the things you have said.
    the client issues / game engine / servers/
    bottom line is the game is dated, and needs some serious work.
    while i like to believe the devs are working on these issues.
    I'm sure it takes more time then we can see the real immediate results.
    glad you are staying with a free account,
    love your art on the draggy arts.
    never had the chance to rp with you
    though i am a mostly a chaos player.. or inactive.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Thinking about unsubbing.

    I my ears it sounds rude, if you say devs do not care.
    And that is simply not true.

    I do not understand any of your complaints.
    Game runs smoothly here without any probs.
    Content and community keep me busy and make me stay.

    What I understand is, that another generation of players has other imaginations of how a game should be.

    Hope you will find something that fits more
    whatever you do: Have fun
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Thinking about unsubbing.

    Istaria currently is in the very best shape I ever experienced it, both from a client stability and usability point of view and from a game content and mechanices point of view.

    And I started to play shortly after "the merge", back on unity... I made a pause for the last two years, but the rest of the seven years my oldest chars are now old, I played quite regularly.

    Sure, time flies and other companies are making other MMORPGs which they invest much money into and get much money out again.

    But in the time, I played Horizons/Istaria it died... how often? This horse is dead. It will never rise as money cow for any company, so there won't be anybody that will ever invest much money into this game again. And you sure can't blame anybody not to invest money... the people at Vitrium are very surely doing the best they can with the resource they have. If you know some of the old players, you could try to get stories about the other, earlier companies that owned the game and how few they achieved with a not so aged game and even more personnel.

    If you don't like to invest money into the game, sure, that's your right to decide. If you are having issues, with the game, that's sad. But you can't say that they don't care. I am sure that most of the devs that are still with Vitrium could be making more money, if they worked for another company with one of the big mainstream MMOs. Many of them are here a long time and went through much of the rough stuff and they founded Vitrium and bought back Horizons from that awful gangsters that wanted to milk the last out of the community and let the game die a slow death...

    Vitrium and what they do to the game is the best that is available for Istaria and that won't change in the future. If that is not enough for somebody, you'd better leave, as sad as that is.
    I wanna be ancient. Why is there no ARoP for Saris?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Thinking about unsubbing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xoshara View Post
    I understand, Kryodrache. I understand and empathize very much.

    Glad you'll stay with us on a free account at least. On one hand, Virtrium relies entirely on our attachment to our characters and our plots/lairs in order to stay afloat. On the other hand, I have been through the "I can't stand to pay these people anymore" phase and eventually emerged on the other side: "I don't care to let their behavior dictate whether and how I enjoy the game and my friends who are still playing."
    The part of the quote that I made bold is and has been for years my position. I am currently too attached to my characters and their lairs to completely stop paying for my multiple accounts... Yet when I do log into the game I cannot seem to keep playing for more then 30 minutes per month average before getting the old feeling of "What the hell am I doing here?"...

    It is the same when you are always annoyed at the job. You go on a deserving holliday and when you return back to work the same annoyance you had hoped to lose returns with a vengeance the moment you step through the door.

    While the game has improved vastly over the last few years somehow events from the past still influence my future in this game.
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  11. #11

    Default Re: Thinking about unsubbing.

    It sounds as if some people have become offended by what I've said here. I'm not sure what it was, exactly, but rest assured; I was not intending to be offensive in any way. I was just stating what I've seen in contrast to other MMO's I've been in.

    As the case is currently, pertaining to the title of this post, it is a consideration of the act of unsuscribing, not a direct action thereof. I'm currently undecided in the situation. I posted this to get multiple opinions, not tick anyone off. And I'm sorry if I managed to do that.

    *Injects a dose of chill into the thread* Easy, now.

    I like what Dragonboy said about the problem, it does rather seem that way... the game is fun, except for some aspects, and looking back at the past of this game, I -have- seen it get better. I just often fall into a period of doubt that the devs are actually doing anything. I'm a retro-ish gamer (I still have a working SNES with multiple games) that was given ADD thanks to Warcraft and other MMOs, and as thus have been enjoying a step back to a game that takes longer to manage. From my point of view, Istaria seems almost to be run by the players more often than the devs, unless the devs are just really good at hiding in the cracks and crannies. They have been attempting to help me with tech issues, as they themselves seem a little bit stumped, and my ticket to them has turned into a long thread of attempted fixes. So I know a few are still around.

    It's just frustrating to play the game, sometimes, with messed up aggro counters and no management of threat at all in combat, which is what led to this post in the first place. I discovered later on that I managed the quest much easier when soloing it.


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