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Thread: Continuing observations of a very old player

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Lovely Arkansas... Against my will!

    Default Continuing observations of a very old player

    This game is big.. but it's not really any bigger than other MMOs out there. But the thing that has daunted several of the people I've convinced to play (on one of my subs even) is the sheer SIZE and DEPTH of the game.

    Granted, most people playing MMOs, really enjoy a deep game. or do they?

    I think one of the things people have mentioned to me right-off-the-bat was the lack of knowing where they were going. My son, for instance, never reads anything. He's a click-a-holic and then he'll get the cliff's notes from the quest log. Not really into lore I guess you could say.

    So when the quest info says.. go east down the hill and find the beetles. He's not going to wait for them to spawn. He runs right by them three times before he realizes where they are. 1. Because he didn't fully read 2. Because he has no patience and 3. Because he's a lot like me.

    Half the time he loses interest because he can't find the things he's supposed to be fighting.

    But that's what people are used to right now. They want their hand-held they want basic info with a big red arrow and a dot on their compass showing them where to go.

    So.. why can't we do that here?

    Some recommendations:
    Add a mappack to the game by default... It doesn't have to give everything, but most everything. Monster locations would be good. That way when the tutorial says OPEN UP YOUR MAP, they go... ahhh! Here is where I go to fight! Then, when they get done killing everything they come back and the person says.. go kill 10 beetles. They go, easy! I know where that is, ON THE MAP.

    Add a channel to their chat window by default. Give them the tools to ask questions right away. It doesn't have to be Marketplace, but it should be something other than Main. In fact, I'd love to see MAIN renamed to "chat out loud" or "local chat" by default so people understand what it is. But having them defaulted to the new player channel or another channel that can be monitored by some saintly-hearted folks that can answer questions would be great. Most games don't even let you chat on the main chat channels in the game until they reach a certain level. We're just asking that they have a forum for questions besides trying to find another newbie on spirit or Skaalkar island.

    Crafting: Make it later in the game. Don't give them options on Spirit island. It's: Go talk to the adventuring trainer. Period. Move the crafting trainer to a different area, maybe right near the portal on their way out or something and have all the items they need RIGHT THERE. a very small field of bronze, a tree or two of cedar, machines, etc. Or, hey just have them do it in NT where there are all the resources they could care to find (this is for bipeds, dragon crafting quests seem easier to follow and better fit the flow of the tutorial IMHO)

    Devs: Continue to log into the game and make yourselves seen. Even if it's only for a few minutes a day. That goes a LONG way toward making people see the connection with the community and the developers. This game is unique and that aspect and we should show that off as much as we can.

    NT: Get rid of the spell vendor and refurbished weapon vendor. Put the refurbished weapons on the PB by default for newbie-level money, make it part of the intro quest to go buy a weapon or armor instead of chocolate gruok tails or whatever. (more to follow on the spells)

    NT: Make the signs readable from a distance.. put them everywhere.. put a sign post with all the various locations in the middle of NT where people can see it pointing to the various directions. AND give them the map pack also. This way there is zero confusion about where to go to find what. I get that question quite a bit from newbies in private chat. Where do I go to find XXXX? Once they've done the quest to go find that person, resource or monster.. unless they marked it on their map, they can't find it again. Should they have to mark it on their map? No. Technically it should auto-populate when they speak to a new NPC or find a new area as the "fog of war" abates and the map is revealed. I know we probably don't have that kind of technology so I'm willing to accept just a map already pre-genned with locations on it.

    Newbies: Give them their spells through their first tier as quest-type rewards so they don't have to learn how to craft them. I.E. have the trainer give them to them as they hit milestones in training like lvl 5, 10, 15. At 20 they should be referred to the spellcrafter trainer to learn how to make their own. Same for dragons. The reason? Many people I've spoken to feel their characters are very weak as far as casters go when they first start the game. Because they only get 1 or 2 spells. If they were given the full gamit for their level (not formulas, just spells) it would make a huge difference in them understanding the game better, knowing that spells can cross-class, and they would be more viable. Plus it would make the game more exciting for those crucial first 15 levels to get them fully hooked.

    Crafting Suggestion: PUT ALL THE TRAINERS TOGETHER. All this going to various cities is taxing.. even when you know where they are. That's another big complaint I hear. The running around to the trainers is crazy, changing gear, changing tools, etc. We can at least mitigate some of it to centrally locate the trainers for each tier. Specifically: Make a Parsinia (or just pick a city) and give them an adventure center. Line them up and give them machines. But put them all together. That has to be one of the most asked questions in MP chat from newbies. WHere is the trainer for XXXXX? Adventuring trainers in one spot, crafting trainers in another spot. One for each level (Beginner, Journeyman, Expert). Now, I realized the cities are populated almost completely by trainers as it is. And doing this may make some of the cities ghost-towns as far as NPCs go. But really.. is it necessary to have them all spread out in a city anyway? If ease of access is what people want, this is definitely one that will score some points.

    Portal suggestion: Make all the pads accessible from all the portals. This seems obvious to me, even as a returning beta person. But why do we have portals that only go to certain places in other very certain places? Like Bristugo, for instance, only has certain locations, some T2 (dalimond), some T5. Genevia has whole other locations.. some T2 (scorpion island), Some newbie (beginner islands) when the CITY portals give you access to just about everything? Why not just plunk down two portals just like in the city everywhere there is a portal? Then you won't have to worry about .. gee.. I have to fly here to get to this portal which will take me here, then I have to get into this portal that will take me there. Then I have to find this portal.. I mean for some locations it takes THREE portals to get there. What newbie has that kind of money if they are trying to craft? Which brings me to my next suggestion.

    Portal charges: Get rid of them. All of them. If they have a disk, they have a disk. Why charge them for it? I recommend lvl 40 and below shouldn't get a charge for using portals (based on current crafting level). Can this be abused? Sure. Does it matter? Why would it? The point is, the newbies aren't getting charged money they don't have to try to dip into the finer points of the game and people trying to make the highest level of structures in the game aren't going broke trying to haul materials hundreds of thousands of times. (Literally hundreds of thousands of times) Presuming they want to switch to a sub-40 class every time they travel (which won't happen much).

    Quests: Make each and every quest actually has a quest entry. No more of this "go see Johnny by the bank to continue your quest". You click OK without reading the entire thing, or you maybe have the memory of a goldfish or, more likely, crash. Now you have no idea where Johnny is because it didn't open a quest or update it in your quest log. Make it a quest entry to go find Johnny at the bank. The last serious offender for this quest I can remember is the whole Dralnok's Doom quest line (for example).

    UI: I recommend having a portion of the tutorial that talks about nothing but windows and how to manipulate them. (Or add it to the training NPC mentioned below) I don't know of any other game that has the look and feel of an operating system like this game does. People look at it and all the windows and immediately think.. wow, what in the world? Pop-up windows don't do it. There needs to be a slide-show or some kind of powerpoint presentation "VI presents: Istaria Operating System 101". Explain how to move windows, how to open the various items on the "desktop", what each one is for, etc. I still belive the popups should be in the game, but AFTER the presentation they should make more sense and be more of a refresher. the main thing they need to do (and should be by default IMHO) is have their map open and sized on one side of their screen right away and their inventory open, sized and moved to a side or the top of their screen by default. Of course, the map only being as useful and important if it has the MAPPACK on it. Otherwise they are a dot floating around on a screen with roads and a few topographical features.

    UI: Open all 10 hotkey bars by default. I don't care if they are vertical or horizontal, I doubt the players will either. At first.. But during the "slide presentation" of how to use the istaria operating system 101 (haha) you can SHOW how to drag abilities and spells to the hotkey bar to use them, how to move the bars around and how to set them to vertical/horizontal, etc. And, also handy, is knowing how to switch the hotbar keys by using SHIFT-number key on the primary hotkey bar.

    UI: Can we please give the newbies (and the rest of us) a "clear all hotkey bar keys" option? Even if it's just for the hotkey bar we're right clicking on at that time?

    Tools: Make them zero bulk. This includes disks. Yes.. zero bulk. Heck I'll even take 1 bulk if it's absolutely necessary. This makes sense because the newbies that are trying to learn to craft.. they don't want to have to make 18 trips to gather things they forgot. They should just carry all their tools around with them. Granted, that's going to eat their stacks when they are low level. But at least it won't eat their weight. And even the later players won't have as much of an issue with carrying what they need and it reducing the amount of resources they can gather. Yes, dragon toolclaws too. I know they only carry one. But fair is fair And yes, I've known people that have become frustrated with the game because of going back and forth to get tools, then they forget their crafting gear, then they need their disk, etc etc etc. It's incredibly off-putting to new players to make a game into work.

    Disks: Do they really have to make people that slow? Can we not speed them up, especially for the lower-level disks, so people aren't crawling along? Most people don't take the time to put speed on their crafting gear. Especially considering some of the oddly-high comp requirements for speed techs. Not asking for much, maybe an adjustment of 10 for all tiers and 20 for T4 and below?

    Multi buffing: In several of the games I played before this one. Once you reached a certain level as a certain class and had earned all the buffing abilities, spell buffs, etc that were available to that class you were given access to a multi-buff that would give you all the buffs at once rather than having to cast them all individually. Then all the timers would be overlapping also rather than one buff lasting 15 minutes, one buff lasting 30 minutes, etc. They would all last as long as the shortest buff. Recommend this for dragons especially.. One cast - all buffs. Granted, the actual spell effects would need their keywords to avoid conflicts/stacking with other spells (just like they do now) but it would be so much simpler for all. Especially if it worked for other classes also. Or maybe a working single-button all-buff hotkey tutorial on the Training NPC (below)? Showing the pause times required for each buff, etc.

    Training NPC: Could have all kinds of stuff on this guy. Tutorials on hotkey creation (manually), spell-buff script tutorials, crafting tutorials, building tutorials (this would be awesome), crafting etiquette, various buildings for plots and what they do, Silo ettiquette, how to bind hot keys, how to use your map, how to use the compass.. etc etc etc. We could actually SEND people to this NPC to teach them things they ask about. Each of the "lessons" could be selectable from a list and basically call a slideshow or powerpoint that walks them through the entire process. I know, steep time investment on the frontside, but definitely a worthwhile pursuit that some of the players versed in death-by-powerpoint can help with. Might even mean much less time spent hands-on in spirit island if they have already learned what to do from the training NPC.

    These are just a FEW ideas to make the game a little easier, a little more attractive to the new players and a bit more of a pleasure for the rest of us in that we have peace-of-mind that the game will continue to thrive with new blood joining and staying with us.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Lovely Arkansas... Against my will!

    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    60 reads and no replies. Either nobody can make it past the death-by-block-of-text effect, or they just have no opinion.

    Which is actually a good sign. Thought I'd be dealing with some flame-heat on this one, haha.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    Oh no worries i have plenty to say as always hehe just havent taken the time to... here goes

    "This game is big.. but it's not really any bigger than other MMOs out there. But the thing that has daunted several of the people I've convinced to play (on one of my subs even) is the sheer SIZE and DEPTH of the game.

    Granted, most people playing MMOs, really enjoy a deep game. or do they?

    I think one of the things people have mentioned to me right-off-the-bat was the lack of knowing where they were going. My son, for instance, never reads anything. He's a click-a-holic and then he'll get the cliff's notes from the quest log. Not really into lore I guess you could say.

    So when the quest info says.. go east down the hill and find the beetles. He's not going to wait for them to spawn. He runs right by them three times before he realizes where they are. 1. Because he didn't fully read 2. Because he has no patience and 3. Because he's a lot like me.

    Half the time he loses interest because he can't find the things he's supposed to be fighting.

    But that's what people are used to right now. They want their hand-held they want basic info with a big red arrow and a dot on their compass showing them where to go.

    So.. why can't we do that here?"

    ^My response- no.. just no.. I have played games where they spoon feed you, I don't like it, personally,I don't want istaria to be like that with big arrows pointing you to every place, to me it takes out the need to ask for help and gets rid of the community feel it will only make distance between the veterans and the new players.
    I do think that it would be nice if there were some in game map markers for basic spawns at least on New Trismus.
    I know that some people don't want to read and are "clickers" but Istaria is not a fast paced game, its not ment to be played as 0 to level 100 in a month (least i don't think so) The lore for the quests are written and have meaning why put all that hard work to shame if no one is gonna read it?
    I think its also a great way to teach patience and i guess 'weed' out players who want to put time into it. I guess I am a firm believer you can't learn effectively with out reading. I personally don't like the crowd that is attracted to games that are pointed out by arrows, the basic stereotype of "I want give me now! Demanding players."
    any how enough of that. sorry if i sound harsh that is not my intention its just my opinion.

    Some recommendations:
    Add a mappack to the game by default... It doesn't have to give everything, but most everything. Monster locations would be good. That way when the tutorial says OPEN UP YOUR MAP, they go... ahhh! Here is where I go to fight! Then, when they get done killing everything they come back and the person says.. go kill 10 beetles. They go, easy! I know where that is, ON THE MAP.

    ^ I like this idea. At least for NT a basic lay out of spawns with out having to download a map pack would be nice.

    Add a channel to their chat window by default. Give them the tools to ask questions right away. It doesn't have to be Marketplace, but it should be something other than Main. In fact, I'd love to see MAIN renamed to "chat out loud" or "local chat" by default so people understand what it is. But having them defaulted to the new player channel or another channel that can be monitored by some saintly-hearted folks that can answer questions would be great. Most games don't even let you chat on the main chat channels in the game until they reach a certain level. We're just asking that they have a forum for questions besides trying to find another newbie on spirit or Skaalkar island.

    ^ I like this as well. Idk how difficult it would be to set up. But having a chat linked for All of Chaos or All of order would be really great, since joining chat channels i feel is a challenge for new players.. or just automatically make a channel they are default put into when a new character is created. Don't give them a choice put them in the new player assistance channel and let them leave if they want to.

    Crafting: Make it later in the game. Don't give them options on Spirit island. It's: Go talk to the adventuring trainer. Period. Move the crafting trainer to a different area, maybe right near the portal on their way out or something and have all the items they need RIGHT THERE. a very small field of bronze, a tree or two of cedar, machines, etc. Or, hey just have them do it in NT where there are all the resources they could care to find (this is for bipeds, dragon crafting quests seem easier to follow and better fit the flow of the tutorial IMHO)

    ^ I do not support this idea. Crafting is just as equal a part of the game as adventuring is, istaria already has issues with players not knowing how to craft because they just "skip it" Crafting does not need to be put on a back burner in fact i think the craft system is what keeps a lot of the players around. Crafting is important, its a basic of the game. Most other MMOs these days don't promote it at all. And I guess i think having the trainers "right there" is a bad idea too.. when you are in real life (i know this is a game) but you can't just go find the doctor, dentist, car repair man, clothing store all in one place you have to travel around.. to me putting them all in one place would make istaria just feel.. un realistic and boring.

    Devs: Continue to log into the game and make yourselves seen. Even if it's only for a few minutes a day. That goes a LONG way toward making people see the connection with the community and the developers. This game is unique and that aspect and we should show that off as much as we can.

    ^ support this, dev communication is great.

    NT: Get rid of the spell vendor and refurbished weapon vendor. Put the refurbished weapons on the PB by default for newbie-level money, make it part of the intro quest to go buy a weapon or armor instead of chocolate gruok tails or whatever. (more to follow on the spells)

    ^ agreed with the refurbished vendor, they are pointless. and just a waste of new player money. The spell vendor is okay but doesn't help people understand spell crafting

    NT: Make the signs readable from a distance.. put them everywhere.. put a sign post with all the various locations in the middle of NT where people can see it pointing to the various directions. AND give them the map pack also. This way there is zero confusion about where to go to find what. I get that question quite a bit from newbies in private chat. Where do I go to find XXXX? Once they've done the quest to go find that person, resource or monster.. unless they marked it on their map, they can't find it again. Should they have to mark it on their map? No. Technically it should auto-populate when they speak to a new NPC or find a new area as the "fog of war" abates and the map is revealed. I know we probably don't have that kind of technology so I'm willing to accept just a map already pre-genned with locations on it.

    ^ yes i think more signs would be good, but then again for those who don't like to read would it make a difference? i like to believe so. and i already said how i feel bout the map

    Newbies: Give them their spells through their first tier as quest-type rewards so they don't have to learn how to craft them. I.E. have the trainer give them to them as they hit milestones in training like lvl 5, 10, 15. At 20 they should be referred to the spellcrafter trainer to learn how to make their own. Same for dragons. The reason? Many people I've spoken to feel their characters are very weak as far as casters go when they first start the game. Because they only get 1 or 2 spells. If they were given the full gamit for their level (not formulas, just spells) it would make a huge difference in them understanding the game better, knowing that spells can cross-class, and they would be more viable. Plus it would make the game more exciting for those crucial first 15 levels to get them fully hooked.

    ^ do not support at all, making your own items is all about the game, if you just give give give and don't teach that is what is expected. you have to learn to be self sufficient. maybe just make more clear "pop up tool tips" that these are not the only spells or the only scales in game etc. but i really don't think giving them all their stuff until level 15 to get them hooked if they find out after that they have to make it themselves and then don't have a clue how. then what?

    Crafting Suggestion: PUT ALL THE TRAINERS TOGETHER. All this going to various cities is taxing.. even when you know where they are. That's another big complaint I hear. The running around to the trainers is crazy, changing gear, changing tools, etc. We can at least mitigate some of it to centrally locate the trainers for each tier. Specifically: Make a Parsinia (or just pick a city) and give them an adventure center. Line them up and give them machines. But put them all together. That has to be one of the most asked questions in MP chat from newbies. WHere is the trainer for XXXXX? Adventuring trainers in one spot, crafting trainers in another spot. One for each level (Beginner, Journeyman, Expert). Now, I realized the cities are populated almost completely by trainers as it is. And doing this may make some of the cities ghost-towns as far as NPCs go. But really.. is it necessary to have them all spread out in a city anyway? If ease of access is what people want, this is definitely one that will score some points.

    ^ like i said i think putting all the trainers together and in a line with machines.. just makes the game seem unrealistic and just too easy. i mean come on.. can u imagine how that would look? idk it just doesn't feel right to me.. i like how the trainers are spread out.. i think if there were clearer signs or maybe on the map above where the floating regains are of dralk and chiconis there could be a sign on the map that says "Trainers Isle or Trainers Circle" or something idk, but putting them all together in a row with their machines.. i don't like it. and i really don't think they are spread out that much for dragons they are all pretty much in side town Chico and Dralk. except for jaxinx (can't spell) the trainer in tazoon and the few outside chico and dralk that are crafters. I think clearer signs would clear that up. Or when new players portal into that town have little message that pops up that says "you can find many trainers in this town. keep exploring and looking for quests" for naka i find that many trainers are also in central locations/buildings.

    Portal suggestion: Make all the pads accessible from all the portals. This seems obvious to me, even as a returning beta person. But why do we have portals that only go to certain places in other very certain places? Like Bristugo, for instance, only has certain locations, some T2 (dalimond), some T5. Genevia has whole other locations.. some T2 (scorpion island), Some newbie (beginner islands) when the CITY portals give you access to just about everything? Why not just plunk down two portals just like in the city everywhere there is a portal? Then you won't have to worry about .. gee.. I have to fly here to get to this portal which will take me here, then I have to get into this portal that will take me there. Then I have to find this portal.. I mean for some locations it takes THREE portals to get there. What newbie has that kind of money if they are trying to craft? Which brings me to my next suggestion.

    ^ I think the reason some portals don't go to all places like the one in NT is because its confusing for where new players should go next which is Kion from NT. But i understand where you are coming from.

    Portal charges: Get rid of them. All of them. If they have a disk, they have a disk. Why charge them for it? I recommend lvl 40 and below shouldn't get a charge for using portals (based on current crafting level). Can this be abused? Sure. Does it matter? Why would it? The point is, the newbies aren't getting charged money they don't have to try to dip into the finer points of the game and people trying to make the highest level of structures in the game aren't going broke trying to haul materials hundreds of thousands of times. (Literally hundreds of thousands of times) Presuming they want to switch to a sub-40 class every time they travel (which won't happen much).

    ^ istaria's economy is messed up enough, you will have people having much more coin if they have no where to spend it.. not that 1s is that much for traveling, i don't think they start charging til you are over level 10 so i don't think this is a big deal, i know making silver at first is hard but i don't think portal charges are keeping people from game all mom's pretty much have them (least i know wow does for flight paths)

    Quests: Make each and every quest actually has a quest entry. No more of this "go see Johnny by the bank to continue your quest". You click OK without reading the entire thing, or you maybe have the memory of a goldfish or, more likely, crash. Now you have no idea where Johnny is because it didn't open a quest or update it in your quest log. Make it a quest entry to go find Johnny at the bank. The last serious offender for this quest I can remember is the whole Dralnok's Doom quest line (for example).

    ^ i can understand this one, it would be nice if it said a little reminder like "go back to "name" at "name" to complete your quest.

    UI: I recommend having a portion of the tutorial that talks about nothing but windows and how to manipulate them. (Or add it to the training NPC mentioned below) I don't know of any other game that has the look and feel of an operating system like this game does. People look at it and all the windows and immediately think.. wow, what in the world? Pop-up windows don't do it. There needs to be a slide-show or some kind of powerpoint presentation "VI presents: Istaria Operating System 101". Explain how to move windows, how to open the various items on the "desktop", what each one is for, etc. I still belive the popups should be in the game, but AFTER the presentation they should make more sense and be more of a refresher. the main thing they need to do (and should be by default IMHO) is have their map open and sized on one side of their screen right away and their inventory open, sized and moved to a side or the top of their screen by default. Of course, the map only being as useful and important if it has the MAPPACK on it. Otherwise they are a dot floating around on a screen with roads and a few topographical features.

    ^ this would be nice, but for non reading types would they really read it? but still it would be helpful for those who do care, after all istarias interface is different so some sort of guide would be great!

    UI: Open all 10 hotkey bars by default. I don't care if they are vertical or horizontal, I doubt the players will either. At first.. But during the "slide presentation" of how to use the istaria operating system 101 (haha) you can SHOW how to drag abilities and spells to the hotkey bar to use them, how to move the bars around and how to set them to vertical/horizontal, etc. And, also handy, is knowing how to switch the hotbar keys by using SHIFT-number key on the primary hotkey bar.

    ^ agreed here. and it would be nice if there were more then just 10 i think
    it would be great if they explained how hotkeys work...

    UI: Can we please give the newbies (and the rest of us) a "clear all hotkey bar keys" option? Even if it's just for the hotkey bar we're right clicking on at that time?

    ^ YES. though this option exists out of game to "clear all preferences" or something like that

    Tools: Make them zero bulk. This includes disks. Yes.. zero bulk. Heck I'll even take 1 bulk if it's absolutely necessary. This makes sense because the newbies that are trying to learn to craft.. they don't want to have to make 18 trips to gather things they forgot. They should just carry all their tools around with them. Granted, that's going to eat their stacks when they are low level. But at least it won't eat their weight. And even the later players won't have as much of an issue with carrying what they need and it reducing the amount of resources they can gather. Yes, dragon toolclaws too. I know they only carry one. But fair is fair And yes, I've known people that have become frustrated with the game because of going back and forth to get tools, then they forget their crafting gear, then they need their disk, etc etc etc. It's incredibly off-putting to new players to make a game into work.

    ^ YES. my tools take up SO much room its ridiculous :/ at least just 1 bulk or something actually id prefer 1 bulk because they are still items and have physical properties.

    Disks: Do they really have to make people that slow? Can we not speed them up, especially for the lower-level disks, so people aren't crawling along? Most people don't take the time to put speed on their crafting gear. Especially considering some of the oddly-high comp requirements for speed techs. Not asking for much, maybe an adjustment of 10 for all tiers and 20 for T4 and below?

    ^ i would not be opposed to this, slightly slower would be good, crawling as slow as a slug in a desert... yeah little excessive.

    Multi buffing: In several of the games I played before this one. Once you reached a certain level as a certain class and had earned all the buffing abilities, spell buffs, etc that were available to that class you were given access to a multi-buff that would give you all the buffs at once rather than having to cast them all individually. Then all the timers would be overlapping also rather than one buff lasting 15 minutes, one buff lasting 30 minutes, etc. They would all last as long as the shortest buff. Recommend this for dragons especially.. One cast - all buffs. Granted, the actual spell effects would need their keywords to avoid conflicts/stacking with other spells (just like they do now) but it would be so much simpler for all. Especially if it worked for other classes also. Or maybe a working single-button all-buff hotkey tutorial on the Training NPC (below)? Showing the pause times required for each buff, etc.

    ^ i guess i understand this but i really don't think clicking multiple spells hurts anyone.

    Training NPC: Could have all kinds of stuff on this guy. Tutorials on hotkey creation (manually), spell-buff script tutorials, crafting tutorials, building tutorials (this would be awesome), crafting etiquette, various buildings for plots and what they do, Silo ettiquette, how to bind hot keys, how to use your map, how to use the compass.. etc etc etc. We could actually SEND people to this NPC to teach them things they ask about. Each of the "lessons" could be selectable from a list and basically call a slideshow or powerpoint that walks them through the entire process. I know, steep time investment on the frontside, but definitely a worthwhile pursuit that some of the players versed in death-by-powerpoint can help with. Might even mean much less time spent hands-on in spirit island if they have already learned what to do from the training NPC.

    ^ i agree with this, but it would be great if they were like gigantic or something with a flashing red light above them.. and were located in NT , and both beginning isles.

    These are just a FEW ideas to make the game a little easier, a little more attractive to the new players and a bit more of a pleasure for the rest of us in that we have peace-of-mind that the game will continue to thrive with new blood joining and staying with us.

    ^ thank you for sharing your ideas, i hope i didn't sound rude or tear them apart too much, just wanted to share my opinions

    personally i think a great addition would be to put all your spells/ablilites in ONE place. people get so confused with the knowledge book and character window to find their spells and abilities. It would be great if they were all in one window.

    Any how. Thank you again for your ideas, i hope you don't mind my opinions and ideas. I know you spent a lot of time and thought on this thought you deserved an answer.

    Last edited by AguaRush; June 29th, 2012 at 05:13 AM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    Mensar, first of all :

    Thank you very much for this post, the time and work you put in that.

    I read it all- but did not answer due to insufficiant languge.
    To answer here would cost me hours- which your post deserves. But I did not have the time yet.

    As my friend Aqua and me often share the same opinion, pls allow me to take her answers as my answers too.

    all in all: No more easy buttons , there have been enough in the past.
    I support all measures that make it easier for beginners to warm up with Istaria. Its still too hard in my eyes (until lvl 30- round about).
    And I know that devs and players have to have an eye on the fact, that the game world has changed-if we want new customers- we need measures that make them stay - even though there is so much to learn-on your own.

    Thy Aqua too, for your answers I can associate with
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    I will not answer for all, due to language reason.
    say only - I refuse default mappuck.
    It was very interesting, discover world. and I was proud, when find by myself good resource spot, some monsters, or simply good place.
    and nothing fear in searching. very rare Ive ask someone, "where this or that?"
    (and no - it is not in reason - someone lead me everywhere, but in reason I was solo mostly)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    I would also like to add that I think maybe the only way i would allow arrows to something is if their was an NPC like the Town marshal you could talk to and and he would have options like "where is the gold rage trainer" and he would mark it on your map along with some text instructions(i know WoW has this feature and it helped me a lot. )

    but exact points/arrows to every single monster in game... would as i said i believe take out the need for reading the lore and stories all together, and the devs worked hard on those stories and i really like them

    *hushes and lets others voice their opinions*

  7. #7

    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    Quote Originally Posted by Mensar View Post
    So when the quest info says.. go east down the hill and find the beetles. He's not going to wait for them to spawn. He runs right by them three times before he realizes where they are. 1. Because he didn't fully read 2. Because he has no patience and 3. Because he's a lot like me.

    Half the time he loses interest because he can't find the things he's supposed to be fighting.
    I think someone didn't teach their son to "Stop and smell the roses"

    Just a little drunk dwarven bi-ped wreaking havoc in chaos.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    edit (self- censoring)

    reminds me of an old saying :

    Noone asks- someone answers..
    Last edited by LOVWYRM; June 29th, 2012 at 02:56 PM.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    Quote Originally Posted by Finkledbody View Post
    I think someone didn't teach their son to "Stop and smell the roses"
    No kidding, right? He's just like me in that aspect.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    Aqua, thanks for all the input and I'm on my iPad so my editing ability is somewhat limited but I'm going to try to explain a few things to everyone that you pointed out.

    I agree with not making the game a rush-deal. I think it's perfect in that it took me almost 6 years to get to 100 as a dragon. Granted there were some breaks in there where I moved on to other things because I got distracted. But yes, not trying to make the game a different experience to those that are still here. Just a bit more streamlined and in-line wi the expectations of the typical MMO gamer of today based on several people's input over the last few months.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I would much prefer to take a few jagged pills rather than deal with the game going under because of lack of subscriptions. Not that I've heard that or anything. Just saying the longevity of the game and, partially, the enjoy,ent of the game is new blood.

    You didn't like the idea of moving the crafter to the end. Good point on what you said. I just can't come up with a way they will be able to better streamline the process without better visual aids. Most of the people I've talked to don't know they are on a training island or that there is anything else to the game, much less anyone else in the game... And let's be honest, the tutorial island (spirit island) needs a lot of work. Like... Get rid of the mountain... Why make them run around so much at the beginning without a map? That's frustrating enough to make most people leave right there. So adding the map lack would alleviate the need for some of the other changes. But back to the point: I agree crafting is just as important. It's almost another whole facet of the game.

    The reason I suggested giving their first tier spells is really two-fold: 1. They will only have access to a few of them and will, most likely, not have the formulas to scribe (much less know which ones to use) until they get to Kion anyway. 2. They will not be viable as a single-class caster much less cleric without those spells. Granted, you can have them craft the spells as they get the skill to use them, but I think just providing them for the first tier is an easier way to progress. Especially since currently they have no way to ask for help or find other players without joining marketplace or having hands-on help from a veteran player.

    A game I played once has this really handy feature where new players could "summon" help during their first hour of play. They would type a keyword and a call would go out to veteran players that had been in the game more than xxx number of days/years and they would, for a small compensation, arrive and help the player for their first hour. I see that being very helpful here also.

    You didn't like the idea of moving all the trainers together. It's a rough idea driven by the fact that so many people ask where to go. A map pack would, again, be a very helpful way to fix this without having to re-order the world.

    Having no portal fees would only be for characters under crafting level 40 in their current class. Once they are out there gathering, by the time they get to the point that they are really working hard on something like a lair or plot, they won't stay 40 very long and wouldn't be able to switcfrom/from level 40 crafting classes without doing some serious switching and recalling, etc that wouldn't make it worth the whole 2silver it would cost for a high level adventurer to travel with a full disk... So this is really geared for newbies.

    I agree with you about the spells and abilities. It is confusing for new folks.

    As much as everyone may not like the "easy button" I can promise you, that's what people expect. Silly as it is.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    Last edited by Veruliyam; June 29th, 2012 at 06:25 PM.
    Dragon Scroll; BLIGHT~Anam, Ahleah; CHAOS~Veruliyam, Ceruliyan, Jaguarundi, Spinel, Ssussurrouss, Chon; ORDER~Aucapoma, Susurrus

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM View Post
    Argh! Tear jerker! Thanks Lovwyrm
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  14. #14

    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    The reason I suggested giving their first tier spells is really two-fold: 1. They will only have access to a few of them and will, most likely, not have the formulas to scribe (much less know which ones to use) until they get to Kion anyway.
    They are directed to the Spell Vendor and they are given sufficient coin to purchase spells already on New Trismus.

    Why make them run around so much at the beginning without a map?
    There IS a map.

    Also, NPCs do show up on the map when you are within a certain distance of them. And, players can add their own markers to the map. I don't believe we are able to pre-place markers for players currently.

    Regarding many of your other points, I respectfully disagree that making it easier is always a good thing. We don't want the game to be like WoW or SWTOR or EQ2, it is Istaria. It will never be fully linear and stream-lined when you start like those games because you don't choose (and are stuck with) your class choice up front. Trust me, it would be FAR easier if you did it that way.

    Auto-joining players to a channel has been requested to the Engineering Team for a while now.

    I recommend having a portion of the tutorial that talks about nothing but windows and how to manipulate them.
    Just about every window has a tutorial on its use, its accessed by clicking on the question mark in the upper-right corner. And, the first time you open a window the tutorial on that window appears. And, if you did the initial player tutorial it talked about the question mark and window tutorials.

    Thank you for taking the time, Mensar, to post your thoughts, suggestions and feedback. I am going to review them thoroughly and individually to determine if they are something we may want to pursue. I appreciate your effort! And I appreciate others in the thread for responding politely and with their own feedback.
    Last edited by AmonGwareth; June 29th, 2012 at 06:52 PM.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

    Toot shouted, voice shrill, "In the name of the Pizza Lord! Charge!" (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)

    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    They are directed to the Spell Vendor and they are given sufficient coin to purchase spells already on New Trismus.

    There IS a map.

    Also, NPCs do show up on the map when you are within a certain distance of them. And, players can add their own markers to the map. I don't believe we are able to pre-place markers for players currently.

    Regarding many of your other points, I respectfully disagree that making it easier is always a good thing. We don't want the game to be like WoW or SWTOR or EQ2, it is Istaria. It will never be fully linear and stream-lined when you start like those games because you don't choose (and are stuck with) your class choice up front. Trust me, it would be FAR easier if you did it that way.

    Auto-joining players to a channel has been requested to the Engineering Team for a while now.

    Just about every window has a tutorial on its use, its accessed by clicking on the question mark in the upper-right corner. And, the first time you open a window the tutorial on that window appears. And, if you did the initial player tutorial it talked about the question mark and window tutorials.

    Thank you for taking the time, Mensar, to post your thoughts, suggestions and feedback. I am going to review them thoroughly and individually to determine if they are something we may want to pursue. I appreciate your effort! And I appreciate others in the thread for responding politely and with their own feedback.
    Thanks Amon

    Just thinking about the future of the game and the new folks' input. I, for one, would be happy to give some time and donate some how-to guides for the training NPC. I'm sure just window pictures with arrows and a few short blurbs should be good for most of them.

    As far as the map, having a fully annotated map isn't what I was suggesting (although it would be nice) but at least having one marker per mob set and/or resource area for spirit/Skaalkar and NT would be great. Again, not trying to baby them TOO much.. just enough to get them to see how things work.

    As far as the spells go, they may not realize which spells will work with their current build though.. for instance, gifts, raises, etc. may not be something they know to buy when they are a cleric.

    Also, I'd donate some time for a 'summon' type deal on the weekends where new players join the game and get some help from older players

    I'm sure you'd have a long list of volunteers for that.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    Mens, I
    m realy curios! I
    ve try both - biped and dragon? and realy, there's no absolutely no problems with both of them at least 15 raiting!
    and it is all for foregn language solo only.
    and while you grow throu your 10-15 lvls you go throw tutorial island-NT-and start Kion - more than enougth.

    only problem if you DO NOT read what teachers tells you, but you can same way ignor players help, thus no one can help one, who can do nothing by therself

  17. #17

    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    Quote Originally Posted by Mensar View Post
    As far as the map, having a fully annotated map isn't what I was suggesting (although it would be nice) but at least having one marker per mob set and/or resource area for spirit/Skaalkar and NT would be great. Again, not trying to baby them TOO much.. just enough to get them to see how things work.
    Yes the map doesn`t show things, but this is a good thing. with this the new player learns that he/she has to read the quest info (whether they like it or not) or learn it the hard way.

    If you would add markers on the Spirit/skaalkar and NT map, then they won`t learn for their own future development in the game, as it would be missing in future area's. And that would only delay the new player learning the game dynamics in my view.

    If players want they can alway use mappack, and I often see new players refferred to it if they ask for markers etc.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    Quote Originally Posted by Krinharth View Post
    Mens, I
    m realy curios! I
    ve try both - biped and dragon? and realy, there's no absolutely no problems with both of them at least 15 raiting!
    and it is all for foregn language solo only.
    and while you grow throu your 10-15 lvls you go throw tutorial island-NT-and start Kion - more than enougth.

    only problem if you DO NOT read what teachers tells you, but you can same way ignor players help, thus no one can help one, who can do nothing by therself
    I'm going to take a stab at what I think you said there so you don't think I was ignoring your post.

    I made a new biped when I returned this last time. I didn't have map pack and hadn't created a new biped in probably 6 years. Suffice to say, I was looking at it with new eyes (I recall all of the newbie island being on the side of a hill and going from person to person listening and learning.... Long time ago I guess)

    It was horrible trying to follow the directions like "follow the road to the west" when the road didn't go west but for 10 feet. Or find the beetles in this spot, but you could run past them three times without them spawning. People are expecting the mobs to be spawned already as it is with most newer games. They font know to go to that spot and wait. They continue on, get lost and eventually quit out of frustration or wander around and end up leaving.

    I don't think "weeding out" players that may need additional help is the answer either. We need subs to keep this game alive. Making the learning curve a bit less steep is a plus however you slice it. The only reason to disagree would be because people think the rest of the game is next. And I have no plan to suggest the rest of the game be changed. At least not drastically. But I really think it would benefit from more tutorial, more map info (much more actually), some kind of crafting academy where players that DO need that extra help can review very detailed instructions. Or a training NPC of some kind. And some of the other changes I recommended also.

    So to get back to your post, I believe it needs attention to be easier for newer players. That's my thought and anything easier for new players means less questions for us and more competent players hitting 100 and that's a bonus for everyone.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    Quote Originally Posted by Gimthen View Post
    Yes the map doesn`t show things, but this is a good thing. with this the new player learns that he/she has to read the quest info (whether they like it or not) or learn it the hard way.

    If you would add markers on the Spirit/skaalkar and NT map, then they won`t learn for their own future development in the game, as it would be missing in future area's. And that would only delay the new player learning the game dynamics in my view.

    If players want they can alway use mappack, and I often see new players refferred to it if they ask for markers etc.
    This thread wasn't about them learning the hard way. It's about making it easier. And even though I think map packs should be standard anyway, I'm only saying to give it to them through NT. beyond that, they will have to ask... Well, lots and lots and lots of questions as per the norm.

    No games out there give the player the responsibility to try to find things on their own anymore. The typical MMO format has drastically changed in the last 8 years. Having a circle on the map with an arrow on your compass is basically the standard now. Not having one is considered very off-putting. At least letting them find what they are looking for with a map-search engine is something. Annoying and time consuming, yes. But something.

    I have to say... Had I joined this game today instead of way back in beta, I probably wouldn't stick around. The quest directions remind me of morrowind and daggerfall. Which was the standard in that era. If the game is to survive, it and everyone in it, need to embrace a new set of mechanics at some point.
    Mensarian state of mind: Being without one completely!

  20. #20

    Default Re: Continuing observations of a very old player

    it is impossible to please everyone
    even if give everythingб to chew and even swallow it instead of the player - it can attract someone, but someone and alienate.

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