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Thread: Go Figure.......

  1. #1

    Default Go Figure.......

    My hubby and I did the right thing, or so we thought. My parents left me their home when they passed on, and it was pretty much in a blighted stage. So, we took out a loan to update the house inside and some outside. My what a beautiful house /home we have. Charlie was on his vacation days, just so happened to coinside with the fall of wall street. He got a call to come into the office. And thats when they sent him away with walking papers. Now, we figured hey, we can still live here, he can look for a job and meanwhile collect unemployment. Our wonderful dream started turning into a nightmare and its a nightmare I would never ever want to wish on anyone.

    Ok, so, we continued to pay on our house, until we ran out of money. And that we did. We stayed 2 more years in our home, then left. I left first. I couldnt see losing the house, it was just too painful. So I moved up to New Hampshire and hubby and son followed several months later. Before he left though, we filed bankruptcy protection. Which was a good move because now we will not ever have to pay taxes on the house no matter what.

    Life can be so sad. Right? I am almost 60 years old and I am still have having a very hard time dealing with the loss of my parents house and I feel ever moreso, sad.

    We had put central air in. When mom was alive I made sure she was comfortable. But where we live now, we cant live comfortable. Our dinner meals consist mainly of frozen dinners cuz those are the cheapest to eat. We have an air conditioner, but his ss check is lower than what he would have gotten if he waited a year more. But he had to retire early. Henceforth, rigid rules would go in for the air conditoner so I told hubby no, we don't need it. Wow, can I ever lie when the time is right, eh?

    I didn't ask for this. I didnt ask to have the weather just so miserably hot. I didn't plan on our lives going downhill as fast as it did. I guess I can thank wall street for that too. You can take that to the bank, but I don't think it will work.

    I say my prayers and ask that the angels take care of mom and dad. They were and still are, my anchor.

    There are angels out there, and those angels take good care of me, and forever they will.

    I tried to rant. But I couldn't. I wanted to share part of my story. I know, millions and millions of people are losing their homes. Many are sleeping on the banks of rivers not far from where we live. But it doesn't seem to make my issues any lighter than none.

    I am soooo glad I have contact with wonderful folks here in Istaria. It lightens my day, having fun, whether it be getting resources and/or building. Both are my favorite.

    Ok, please dont delete my post. I don't think I crossed any lines here. I just had to talk so I could deal with my feelings in real life.

    Thank you for being there for me and listening!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Aussie Land! (Australia)

    Default Re: Go Figure.......

    I don't know you, but I really do hope that everything will turn out good for you and your husband. *Gives you massive Alphi hugs.* I send my prays out for you both, to keep you safe..
    Last edited by Alphiner; August 5th, 2012 at 12:55 AM. Reason: accidently sent without finishing.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Go Figure.......

    no need to say, that our love and prayers and good thoughts are yours,
    dear sis
    as I said in another thread: Europe is always a step behind US-
    some EU countries survived the Black Banks- desaster a bit better than others:
    While Greece is suffering so badly, Germany managed not to drown completely.

    But if EURO goes down, or inflation increases- we all will share the same fate.
    Flame and me saved money for the time we retire. We never had a house or big cars. Or expensive vacation. We just saved it - so we shall be able to care for ourselves if we are unemployed or retired.
    Now.. best we can hope for is, that we do not loose all-that money becomes dust. Interest rates are about 0 (zero!) already..

    but you are right.. we still can dance dear the dark..
    and sun will be back tomorrow morning
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Go Figure.......

    *heartfelt hug but not too long because it's too darned hot*
    *serves refreshing klava to sustain you, presenting it with a towel and a curtsy*

    wish i could make the weather nicer for you!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Go Figure.......

    All my best wishes to you and your family.
    I wanna be ancient. Why is there no ARoP for Saris?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Go Figure.......

    sorry to hear for your loss Peaches, but goo to hear you`re faith is stronge, and your family is doing ok, family`s the most important part of life.
    I`m sure the Lord will keep you all safe, and things should improve, maybe not over night, but in time
    Best of wishes, and God bless. *huggles*

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