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Thread: Ask Awdz

  1. #1

    Default Ask Awdz

    <ooc - Tsargoth asked if I'd be willing to be a "Dear Abby" for questions, and I happily agreed. We started with a couple questions in Marketplace that I answered there, and which I'll post here... and I'll try to answer any in-character questions along this theme in game or pm'd to me with suitable gnomish in-character answers. Not sure how much I can keep up but I'll try! Also, if anyone else wants to post in-character questions/answers here, I'd love to see the alternative advice.>

    Dear Awdz, I accidentally spilled jar of salt into the cookie dough I was making for the festival. I don't want to be wasteful and start over if I can help it. I'm just starting to learn the trade and it took me a very long time to gather everything I need to make this. Is there anything I can do to save this batch of cookies?-- Keabler
    well keabler, you have several options of what to do with your cookie batch.
    --if you want to bake the dough, i'd suggest rinsing the dough with water to get the excess salt out. of course, this means you will have to bake them longer to get all the extra moisture out.
    --you could just cook them as they are, and feed them to hatchlings - they'll eat pretty much anything.
    --or you could add [<!--LI 8432625 11652473>Thick and sticky Liquid<!--/LI>] to the dough, shape figures like gnomes and hatchlings out of the dough, bake them in a kiln and paint them to sell.

    Dear Awdz, I'm attending a formal celebrations for an Elven friend in a few days and I can't decide what to wear. Should I wear the traditional Sslik jungle clothes, should I go with something Elven? I guess I really don't know what's expected. What do you suggest? --Embarrassed Sslik
    well embarrassed, everyone knows the elves love fashion. as long as you have as many matching accessories as exist to whatever out fit you wear, you should impress them well enough. just be sure to wear something, the showier the better. it shows your elven friend you care, to put on the finest.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    Dear Awdz,I want to get my dragon friend a gift for his Ancient Rite of Passage, but I don't have a lot of coin. I also want to make the gift really special and unique. What do you suggest?-- Dragon-loving Biped
    ooh dragon-loving, that has tons of possibilities!
    --you know dragons love hoard, so you can always give them a piece of that and tell them it represents something special - like a sword to represent each of their long, sharp talons, a bell to represent the melody of their life that has now crescendo'ed, a crown since they rule the skies, stuff like that
    --if you really really love them and you're a gifted gnome or a gifted dryad, you can do similarly to what megalania_unity suggested, coat yourself with something tasty, let them eat you and then recall - you can't get much more personal than that
    --or you could gather items to make something for them that they'll never get from anyone else... a fan made of [<!--LI 8432625 11215375>Giant Chicken Tail Feathers<!--/LI>], a blanket you paint with dyes, a strand of [<!--LI 8432625 11086649>Special Spool<!--/LI>] with a [<!--LI 8432625 9777801>Token of Esteem<!--/LI>] on it

    the good news is, since dragons ascending to ancient already have everything they need, you don't have to get them something useful! :-)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    chaos shard near chiconis killing argen

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    um awdz i have a question myself

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    Quote Originally Posted by sparkcal View Post
    um awdz i have a question myself
    ahh, myself, questions are where we start when tinkering something new. some prefer the more philosophical questions, which do not really have a particularly correct answer - the goal with those seems to be to keep babbling on and on, something i'm pretty good at. others prefer more concrete questions, the kind with a very specific answer. yet more involve possibilities for a choice to be made. and then there are the rhetorical questions, which are not meant to be answered at all.

    some questions are asked publically, some are asked privately, and some are never asked at all. what kind of question do you have, myself?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    ((oh man i gotta try this))

    Dear Awdz,
    Have you ever heard of Chocolate Gnomes? Many dragons like to eat them, but certainly I don't being a Helian and all...anyhow do you really think they are gnomes that were dipped in chocolate.... or simply chocolate in the shape of gnomes? I don't think I will ever look at chocolate the same again.

    P.S What is in Klava anyways?

    ((that was fun, hope it wasnt horrible cant wait for Awdz's reply""

  6. #6

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    (I so gotta try this this is gonna be a fun one XD)

    Negadragoon asks:
    Dear Awdz,
    I come from a background of dragons lunus of course, who use gnomes as slaves. My family gnome was more a father figure to me then a slave. He`s also my tinkerer trainer, and mentor. Is it wronge to have a gnome living in my lair? and should I call him father instead of servant? *smirks*

    (Takes Nega a lot of guts to ask that lol! he`s got too much pride XD Hope you have fun with all the "Q`s" )

  7. #7

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    Quote Originally Posted by AguaRush View Post
    ((oh man i gotta try this))

    Dear Awdz,
    Have you ever heard of Chocolate Gnomes? Many dragons like to eat them, but certainly I don't being a Helian and all...anyhow do you really think they are gnomes that were dipped in chocolate.... or simply chocolate in the shape of gnomes? I don't think I will ever look at chocolate the same again.

    P.S What is in Klava anyways?

    ((that was fun, hope it wasnt horrible cant wait for Awdz's reply""
    Mmmm, chocolate gnomes! A wonderful variation on the gingerbread gnomes baking concept. At Gnomekindle there were all kinds of goodies to be had, and I always favor the chocolate kind. They are delicious! They are not just gingerbread gnomes dipped in chocolate, but a special treat all their own.

    I do not think you need worry about eating them as a Helian; I've never seen a dragon take ill from them or anything. If you ever get the chance to have some, I highly recommend enjoying chocolate gnomes.

    And by all means, have some klava to wash it down! I do not know what your favorite wake up beverage is, but mine involves lots of chocolate. Everyone's klava is specific to them, so there are no ingredients that I can say are included in every cup.

    Oh now you've made me all hungry! *scampers off to get a snack*

  8. #8

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkwing_Duck View Post
    (I so gotta try this this is gonna be a fun one XD)

    Negadragoon asks:
    Dear Awdz,
    I come from a background of dragons lunus of course, who use gnomes as slaves. My family gnome was more a father figure to me then a slave. He`s also my tinkerer trainer, and mentor. Is it wronge to have a gnome living in my lair? and should I call him father instead of servant? *smirks*

    (Takes Nega a lot of guts to ask that lol! he`s got too much pride XD Hope you have fun with all the "Q`s" )
    Dear Negadragoon,

    Gnomes love exploring lairs and tinkering with things they find along the way. Definitely if a gnome wishes to live there, it is perfectly fine for you to host him. I do not recommend forcing one to stay, however; gnomes have a way of tinkering their own ways out of any gnome trap.

    As for what to call him? I called me da, "Da," but that was back in Rachival and I do not know if the New Rachival gnomes still use that. I think it would be best if you call him whatever he is pleased to hear you call him. Do you happen to know his name? That usually works well. If you do not know his name by now, are you sure you have had the same gnome all along?

    Please stock your lair with some interesting contraptions as long as you know you have gnome(s) wandering about it. That, or unique hoard items are always fun to find.

  9. #9
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    chaos shard near chiconis killing argen

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    is it normal to have a blight dragon on the blight shard i mean theres selarth for the order shard but is it ok to have one on the blight shard? -confused with doubt

  10. #10

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    Quote Originally Posted by sparkcal View Post
    is it normal to have a blight dragon on the blight shard i mean theres selarth for the order shard but is it ok to have one on the blight shard? -confused with doubt
    There is Blight on all the shards, with plenty of undead Blighted dragons. Any dragon affected/powered by Blight that does not seek to kill Gifted on sight is an extreme aberration compared with everything the imperial scholars have studied. That said, I do not know of anything on the Blight shard preventing it from having the same things that exist on Order or Chaos. Personally, I would be wary of approaching any Blighted dragon until sure of what to expect from it.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    Falkor asks:
    Dear Awdz,
    Ieo am a rare avian dragon, trained, and raised by druid dryads. Where do Ieo find mine heritage? Are there any others like me? Ieo cannot seem to find anything in the Historian`s archives. *frowns*

    (lol a bit ramdom but thought it would be an interesting one )

  12. #12
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    chaos shard near chiconis killing argen

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    (this is basically all my dragons asking this) Why do some guild not work out in the end we mean like one guild dies and we try our best to bring it back to life so why does this happen?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkwing_Duck View Post
    Falkor asks:
    Dear Awdz,
    Ieo am a rare avian dragon, trained, and raised by druid dryads. Where do Ieo find mine heritage? Are there any others like me? Ieo cannot seem to find anything in the Historian`s archives. *frowns*

    (lol a bit ramdom but thought it would be an interesting one )
    Dear *frowns*,

    If Karane the Historian cannot help you, there may be other dragons who can. Give that you are avian (I'll have to ask the scholars what that means, but I assume something related to birds?), perhaps the dragons up in the skies watching all the time might be of help. I suggest you go up each of the great towers in the land and ask them. Even if they can not help you, at least the view is awesome from up there and you can always have fun riding the wind currents down.

    Someday I really need to tinker something that can work for me like your wings work for you...

  14. #14

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    Quote Originally Posted by sparkcal View Post
    (this is basically all my dragons asking this) Why do some guild not work out in the end we mean like one guild dies and we try our best to bring it back to life so why does this happen?
    There are all kinds of guilds and all kinds of reasons for why some work well and others do not last. I like to think of guilds like tinkered devices:
    - Some explode at the first demonstration and are abandoned. These may be guilds where the members do not get along well despite initial introductions seeming okay.
    - Some require very difficult components, and being difficult to maintain, may be left to gather weeds sooner than others. I think of guilds with strict rules (e.g., only satyrs as members) more prone to this.
    - Some are used by only the tinkerer's family, and when the tinkerer goes to the final tinkering grounds, the device can no longer be adequately maintained and is lost. Guilds dependent on 1-2 key members who can no longer stay awake are susceptible to this.
    - Some are smaller parts that are eventually combined with larger parts to make a greater whole. Guilds that combine with other guilds may be like these.
    - Some, like cargo disks, are of popular use and maintained a very long time. Note that not everyone uses the same type of cargo disk, just like not everyone fits well in the same type of guild. Each person holds their own cargo disk/place in the guild. And as I know from trying to keep the New Trismus consigner stocked with disks, there is great turnover in the use of disks, just like there is often lots of turnover in guild memberships. The really useful ones tend to be always in demand.
    -Some get passed on for others to use. These heirlooms are difficult to maintain long term as things tend to get lost and/or damaged over time. I see guilds trying to be revived as this type, where their success takes someone making a real effort to retool the original for use by the latest generation.

    I wish you the best in your dealing with whatever guild(s) you encounter.

  15. #15
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    chaos shard near chiconis killing argen

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    sparkyfire asks: why dont some players come on when others are on?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    Quote Originally Posted by sparkcal View Post
    sparkyfire asks: why dont some players come on when others are on?
    Most likely they got sidetracked by other things they are tinkering. Or maybe they are still recovering from the last explosion when they tested their contraption. Food goes a long way toward helping Gifted recover from injuries; perhaps they are just having a nice meal and not quite ready to reappear.

    On the other hand, maybe it's a terrible Withered Aegis plot to keep Gifted separated and thus take us out more easily. We must band together to wipe out this terrible Blight and free our families, friends and allies! Long live Istaria!!

    *lets out a pathetic gnomish warcry and scampers off to do battle against the enemy*

  17. #17

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    Flamestar asks: Has there ever been a problem with those teleporter gates? Like you go through one and come out underwater or something?

    Rainmist asks: Did dragons REALLY used to eat gnomes?

    Kestrell asks: Got any saris-nip?

    My first venture into Istaria fanfiction: link and my other fanfics: link and artwork: link

  18. #18

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    Quote Originally Posted by flamestar View Post
    Flamestar asks: Has there ever been a problem with those teleporter gates? Like you go through one and come out underwater or something?
    That was really mostly prevalent in the late design and development stages, before the final struts were aligned. And while it is portal science, today's portals have been very well tested. The biggest issue with them is the users - dragons smishing other travelers on landing, or the traveler leaping off the port pad into danger such as a bonfire (though it does feel good before going to hunt on Ice Island).

    In the reverse gear, entropy happens. Occasionally there is an issue with landing slightly below the target and getting stuck in/under the port pad, but usually jumping up (or flying, for dragons) can free you from the problem. I'd be a little wary of porting to a destination over water (Floating Island would be terrible to miss by coming in too low). Dralnok's Doom is also notorious as a gnome trap on entering, but usually once you banish the Blight by recalling and re-entering, you are safe to port the for a goodly while.
    Rainmist asks: Did dragons REALLY used to eat gnomes?
    Yes. I personally have been consumed by a dragon, although its innards were never quite the same after swallowing a Gifted whole. There were many tales and warnings told to me as a young gnome in Rachival, too; some were officially documented as fact by scholars. Mostly it was before the treaties or by young dragons that did not realize what trouble it causes for the dragon community now. Best for dragons to stick with the gingerbread type of gnomes.
    Kestrell asks: Got any saris-nip?
    While I did manage to get some Dragon Nippe early on (and perhaps that was why I was eaten by dragons), it took me quite a while before I found some Saris Nip. Apparently it tastes a bit like shrimp to some Saris; it certainly gets them wired. Anyway, if you see me in Istaria and ask for some, I'll certainly do my best to share it with you!

  19. #19
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    chaos shard near chiconis killing argen

    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    Quote Originally Posted by awdz View Post
    Most likely they got sidetracked by other things they are tinkering. Or maybe they are still recovering from the last explosion when they tested their contraption. Food goes a long way toward helping Gifted recover from injuries; perhaps they are just having a nice meal and not quite ready to reappear.

    On the other hand, maybe it's a terrible Withered Aegis plot to keep Gifted separated and thus take us out more easily. We must band together to wipe out this terrible Blight and free our families, friends and allies! Long live Istaria!!

    *lets out a pathetic gnomish warcry and scampers off to do battle against the enemy*
    long live istaria! *roars strongly*

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Ask Awdz

    midnighty asks: why doesnt everyone just choose to be a dragon i mean why arent there more male dragons around?

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