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Thread: Regicide

  1. #1

    Default Regicide

    Regicide is a guild on Chaos shard of Istaria. Currently it has exactly 186 active members, has a website, forums, youtube, facebook, and a deviantart group.

    We are recruiting always, so check us out and if you want to join, message AngelofDeathXx, xSita, Radier, or Nightfur a guild invite or more guild information!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Regicide


    If you're looking at the guild announcement thread, then you must either be looking for a new guild; or you're just curious and loyal to the forums. I am not going to sit here and almost plead with people to join Regicide, nor will I try to sit and convince you by using four paragraphs of text on Regicide and why you should join it, but I will do this.

    Regicide is a guild that was initially created by AngelofDeathXx and Cilestia. AngelofDeathXx built it up into what it is to this day. A family orientated guild, that is laid back but still loves to have fun. We focus on making better people in Istaria. People with morals, self respect, and most importantly, respect to others. We're a sanctuary filled with people of all kinds, and we all love that about each other. That we're all special in our own way.

    “My ultimate goal in Istaria is not just to make my experience the best; it is to make the experience glorious for others as well. This goal is blossoming with the growing family of Regicide. Me and my Co-Guild-Masters will go to any lengths necessary to fulfill the needs of our guild members, be they of knowledge or material, and enjoy the chance to help whomever we can. I encourage guildies to offer their help as freely, and to speak of whatever they wish in guild chat; there are no penalties for open speech, and nor are people removed for extended absence from the game. I want to emphasize the fact that I am not only there for my guild as a Guild-Master, but also as a friend they can speak to at -any- given time, no matter the circumstances. Everyone is special in their own way, and that is one thing I cherish about my guildies; I seek to know each member individually, and will do all within my power to make sure that their experience with Regicide is a grand one. Even if you are not a member of Regicide, come visit our guild chat. This guild is a home, a sanctuary, and a refuge for all members of the game, and it shall remain that way forever.

    Thank you to Regicide and to all who support me. I love you, and always will. You've truly made my life shine in the darkest of times."
    - AngelofDeathXx

    Some Quotes on our Guild Website:

    "This is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% gain, and 100% reason to remember the name." - Fort Minor

    "Everybody wanna' win, but nobody wanna' work for it. One Guild. One Family. Forever and always." -Angel

    "Imitation is the highest form of flattery." - Sasha Miller

    "An empty mind fills itself with the thoughts and ideas of others when It cannot think for itself or have the capacity to try to do so." - Radier

    "War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left." - Angel

    "When you want success as bad as you want to breathe if you were drowning, THEN you will be successful." - Angel

    "Everyone is entitled to be stupid, some just abuse the privilege." - Angel

    "We're not here to please the ignorant." - Andy Biersack

    "Pain is weakness leaving the body." - US Military

    "Ignorance is bliss." - Unknown

    F- fiercely loyal to those we love.
    A- accepting each for who and what they are.
    M- matchless in our hopes and dreams for one another.
    I- instilling pride in our hard fought heritage.
    L- learning about our past guides us in the future.
    Y- you love and cherish the people of your heart.

    Guild-Master: AngelofDeathXx
    Co- Guild-Master: Radier, Nightfur, Illiade, Opalsky, Drakonir, Tigershadow, and Levitus
    Master of the Hunt: Saphiiraa and Nightwish
    Recruiting Officers: SilverPaw, Arays, and DragonWolfie
    Guild Advisor: Cyburn Mayton

    Current Active Members: 205 (Some are in School from the months of August - July do to wanting to focus only on their education. Because of this, guildies are not removed who notify the GM's they will be gone for the school year.)

    Check out our Guild sites;

    OR Email AngelofDeathXx and ask her about the guild at [email protected]

    Last edited by AngelofDeathXx; December 25th, 2012 at 03:43 AM.

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